
Trust and Lesson

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel stared at the CP agent in front of him with a blank gaze.

The Agent noticed that, so he decided to try and hurry Enel a bit more.

"Do you really have the time to be standing ther-" He didn't get to finish the sentence though.

"I thought you guys were smarter than that... You already know Garp is with me... Do you really think Kaido's crew can do much there?"

Enel simply gave the agents a mocking smile.

"Hmph! Even we were able to capture him. Even if he is able to escape, he won't be able to defend the entire island from Kaido's strongest!"

To that, Enel simply burst out laughing.

"Yahahaha!~" The Emperor clutched at his belly and wiped a tear off of his face. The marines had already taken enough time to recover, and they were preparing to attack Enel once more.

"You guys are really looking down on us... Even if Kaido went there himself, he would still be forced to retreat..." Enel flashed a sadistic smile.

'Garp isn't alone on that island... Francisco can likely intimidate Kaido away just by being there. And if it's really just Kaido's subordinates attacking... Well, they aren't much really.'

And so, Enel turned his staff into a long spear, piercing it right through the agent's head.

The high-ranking agent only got to bring his hands up, trying to block the spearpoint as his palms turned black, but the spearpoint parted around his hands and pierced through his head directly.

Enel then killed off a few more of the agents in front of him before being stopped by a large shockwave and a wave of magma, both Akainu and Sengoku acting at the same time.

"Gravito!" Fujitora also acted quickly, suppressing Enel once again as he flew on his block of ice.

Both attacks threatened to crush his body from both sides. Enel simply pointed both of his hands on each side, and released a huge laser from both of them.

Akainu's attack was quickly overwhelmed, but the shockwave of Sengoku's palm managed to send Enel flying.

The Lightning Emperor quickly regained his stability in the air, breathing out as he continued to dodge attacks from all sides.

'I don't know how much more I'll be able to keep this up, but I still have the stamina for now...

I wonder how the situation is up there on Skypea... The World Government now knows its location, which can't be a good thing...

Regardless of that. I trust Garp and Francisco to handle things there.'

And so, the Lightning Emperor continued fighting.

Rewinding time a bit, just before Enel started his fight with the marines, King had managed to reunite with Queen, it wasn't hard, and it didn't take long.

King even managed to carry their entire ship to the sea of clouds, grabbing its mast with his talons. And using his monstrous strength to pull it along.

The ship was from the Treasure Tree Adam, so it held up quite well even when carried like that.

Piercing the sea of clouds wasn't all that hard for him, all it took was a sword slash and he was able to pass through without any issue.

And so, King and Queen prepared to take over the sky islands at the behest of their captain.

They weren't the only people in on that operation though.

Each had a Tobiroppo tagging along, this was so that they would be able to face anything they would come across.

King had Who's Who accompanying him, a 3.3 meter slim and tall man with long pink hair and a pair of horns on his head.

Who's Who wore an unbuttoned leather jacket, leather pants and shoes. All red, as it seemed to be his favourite colour.

He also wore a mask only on the top half of his face, also red. A katana with a pink sheath was on his waist.

And Queen had Sasaki, also extremely tall, standing at 3.2 meters, but he was extremely fat and strangely proportioned.

He had long green hair, a pair of horns, and two long canines jutting out of his mouth even when he kept it close.

He wore a white coat, draping it over his shoulders, black pants and boots. On his belt was a large sword with a strange design.

Both of them were competing for the currently free spot in the All-Stars, the highest rank of the Beast Pirates.

They had adequate strength, and they were both rather excited at the prospect of capturing the sky island.

The first place that fell to them was Heaven's Gate. Who's Who ended up killing to old lady that greeted them without any hesitation.

King didn't really care to stop him, and neither did anybody else.

The Beast Pirates all believed in strength, and not one of them really cared for the safety of regular civilians.

The old lady had barely gotten the time to contact Gan Fall just before her death, leading to the old God of Skypea to hear her death over the Transponder Snail.

Who's Who simply shook the blood off his blade and picked up the transponder snail and started speaking.

"Greetings... Whoever is on the other side of this line, know that the sky islands are to be ruled by the Beast Pirates from now on.

We will advance further into the islands, know that you will die if you try to resist."

Then, the Tobiroppo simply crushed the transponder snail in his palm.

"That's certainly one way to announce our arrival..." Queen said as he looked over at Who's Who with narrowed eyes.

"Some casualties are necessary if we want to instil fear into them quickly." King simply shrugged, and the ships continued sailing forward, onwards to the islands in the sky.

And while they did that, Gan Fall quickly contacted everyone that he could.

Garp and Francisco were both shocked when they were disturbed from their training sessions, the students were happy to get a small break at least.

Gan Fall quickly briefed them on the situation, Garp wasn't bothered all that much, and Francisco simply frowned when hearing that they had killed an old lady randomly.

"Did you already call Enel?" Garp asked as he rubbed his chin a bit.

He was confident in taking on just about anyone. But he was unsure if he could win against Kaido and his crew all by himself.

He also didn't really want to put his trust in Francisco, who was formerly in the same crew as Kaido.

"He didn't pick up. I don't know what is happening on his side..." Gan Fall said as he rubbed his eyebrows in frustration.

"Bah! He's probably sleeping, shoved that staff of his so far up his ass that he can no longer hear us!" Garp scoffed a bit, crossing his arms and looking to the side, looking at Francisco for a bit

The two of them had broken out of prison together, Garp was ok with him back then, because he felt that Francisco had already given up on a life of piracy.

But after getting accepted by Enel, Francisco started training his body once more, bringing it into decent shape quite quickly with a rigorous diet and exercise routine.

At that point, it was clear to Garp that, even after all those decades of torture, the pirate inside Francisco was still alive and well.

This led to Garp not really trusting the old man, as he remembered just how much trouble he and Rocks had given him in the past.

But at that point, with a war knocking on his door, he needed all the help possible.

He needed to make sure that no harm came to the people on sky island, and especially to the people of Foosha Village, who were being hunted down because of him.

And he couldn't do that alone.

'I guess I've no choice but to trust my back to him now...'

"We'll have to gather everyone and prepare for this..." Francisco rubbed his chin as he sat down on the couch.

"I don't think they will react nicely to this... Have some of them at least managed to get stronger during your training?" Gan Fall said, his voice hopeful.

Maybe the old men in front of him weren't their only fighters on the island... They had plenty of soldiers, but Enel had already told him of how dangerous the Grand Line was.

"Some of them are decent enough already... They'll mostly be dealing with grunts, but even regular soldiers will be Zoan Devil Fruit users... So this might be even harder than anticipated." Garp's words made Francisco raise an eyebrow.

"So many devil fruits? Has something happened while I was imprisoned? Did they suddenly start growing on trees or something..."

"... Did you miss the part where Enel told us about Kaido's army and the Smile Fruits? He didn't go in much detail, basically their fruits aren't real." Gan Fall said as he raised an eyebrow at Francisco.

"Oh! I wasn't paying attention to that part of the meeting..." Francisco yawned a bit when speaking, not even bothering to suppress it in any way.

"Senile bastard..." Garp muttered under his breath, looking to the side again and grumbling a bit.

Francisco just gave him a sideways glance. 'You're one to talk...'

After that, Francisco slowly got up from the couch.

"Still... To think they'd just kill a helpless old lady... It seems these barbarians have no respect for the elderly..." Francisco said as he grasped the hilt of his cutlass, his lips curling up a bit.

Garp seemed to get in the same mood as him, also extremely mad that the Foosha Villagers were going to be bothered so soon after settling in.

"Indeed... I guess it's up to us old men to teach them some manners, huh?" Garp cracked his knuckles, as a forced smile also rose to his lips.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Really late upload, it's 1 am for me :))) Didn't get to write much during the day, but I didn't wanna leave the day without an upload.

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