
A wild brute

A week passed by, and today was the day when Iwabe makes his first appearance. That aside, I was currently on my way toward the Academy.

As I was about to burst step, I heard civilians' screams resonating on the bridge above me.

At first, I was about to overlook it. But I activated my Jougan to sneak a peak. 'Despite being hospitalized, She's still feeding Nue'

I saw a dreadful purple chakra diverging from a Chunin-level shinobi, he was constantly trying to get past a black spikey-haired kid.

'Shikadai', I thought, glancing at the boy, struggling to hold him back. Leaving the guy to him, I Body flickered toward the Academy.

'There's nothing to gain from fighting him' It's just a waste of my time, concluding that I hastened my pace toward the Academy. In less than 20 minutes, I arrived at my destination.

Looking at my surroundings, it seems that I'm pretty early today, or maybe they're just late. I arrived at the classroom and took my seat, which is the first bench. I relaxed for half an hour. Slowly, all the others were entering and took their respective seats.






"Alright students that's all for now, I'll see you after lunch break"

Shino stated before walking out of the classroom. The majority of the students immediately left the class in haste, although I felt hungry, I wanted to rest for a bit more, so I stayed behind. Letting Shikadai with Inojin.

I closed my eyes. Waiting for myself to have a nice sleep.


I heard someone clicking their tongue in annoyance, while I knew who it was, I let myself wide open… for him to strike.

And there it was. A kick, right at the back of my head sent me flying across the room.


My back crashed on the wall. While I didn't receive as so much as a scratch… It still stung, to a certain level.

"Cocky bastard! Who do you think you are?Huh?"

I got up and dusted my shoulder, completely ignoring his provocations.

'Looks like I hit a nerve'

After not giving any reply to his words, he lunged toward me with a straight punch. From a glance, I could tell the punch didn't carry the cockiness as the same guy who was throwing in.

Tilting my head to my left, I dodged the punch with as much minimal movement as possible. His expression remained the same.

'A feint, huh?'

Lifting my right arm which was in my pocket, I caught his non-dominant hand without any trouble.


I was slightly surprised by his physical strength. You could say that he was above the threshold of what his peers were capable of... Except me.

"Trying to act tough are ya?"

"Not really"

I responded nonchalantly. He let out a battle cry before breaking free from my grip... cuz I let him. It seems to be that he took my words as provocations. Quite predictable.

I took a step back, narrowly evading the incoming roundabout kick.

"Tch, bastard think he's better jus' cuz he's the Hokage's son"

"...Is it though? I think it's cuz you don't have enough... Resilience"

"Now you've done it! Imma break every bone in your body! Let's see who's stronger then, huh"

Releasing a sigh, I caught his punch which was aimed at my nose. Despite proving I was stronger than him, he was being persistent.

"Stop it you two!"

Shikadai cane out of nowhere and stood between us. As a result, he received the punch which was meant for me. He gasped for air having been struck in the abdomen.

Iwabe stopped. I could see traces of... Concern? Although I didn't know why he was concerned... I at least knew it wasn't for Shikadai. The fact was proved when Iwabe showed irritation and kicked him again.

"Do something Boruto!?"

Some random NPC yelled.

Not now.

Iwabe punched him in the face. Shikadai stumbled back, barely staying conscious. Iwabe threw another punch to his chin. Which didn't move an inch further from its position.

The reason? Myself. I stepped in, catching his hand, which was still midair. Before he could muster out his surprise, Shikadai kicked him right in the stomach.


He muttered. Iwabe choked air. Seems like he coated chakra on that kick of his, must be a little painful. Shikadai stood upright, using my shoulder as a supporter.

'Why exactly did I intervene?'

I thought, suspicious of my own actions.

"He's a brute... Don't you say? Shikadai"


"Yeah... And a wild one to be more specific"

Shikadai sighed, his condition a little worse. He cleared his throat before straightening himself.


"Oh~ That feels so good~"

Bending his back, he cracked his bones and released a moan of satisfaction.

"Fuck! You're gonna pay dearly for that you little shit"

Standing tall, Iwabe cracked his knuckles. Shikadai put his guard up. Having taken a stance, he was ready to go all out.


I put my left hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, puzzled. However, I saw no point in explaining. As the bell rang, Shino arrived in the classroom. Iwabe clicked his tongue in frustration.

"That was close"

I whispered. He wiped his forehead and sighed a breath of relief.

"Yeah... Thanks, or I would've gotten into a big trouble"

He pondered a bit. Shivering from his own thoughts, he left and sat on his respective seat, and began to drink some water.

Glancing toward Iwabe, I ended up getting a glare saying "I'll get you next time"... Something along that line... So tiring.

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