
Not Enough R-


This is what I'm currently feeling. Glancing at the black-haired girl, wearing red spectacles. She was squabbling with me about the most trivial yet crucial aspect of living.


Sarada. As in, Sarada Uchiha. The sole heir of the Uchiha clan was reluctant to give me the sandwich. Which, was personally my favorite. Although I said that "You can have it", She was continuing to converse with me.

"As I was saying, we should compete for the sandwich"

"I said you can have it. Why are so fixed on competing with me?"

I shook my head.

"Bhat abh yau bhakin abho?" [What are you talking about?]

"It's nothing Cho-Cho"

Sarada responded to a chick who was eating in a way that was not humanely possible. Her words weren't much clear due to her taking while eating... Or should I say, Devouring?

That fat chick, Cho-Cho. Gulped all the sandwiches she had in her mouth and burped.

"Ha~ I'm full....partially"

She wiped the extras on her mouth and... Licked it? Wow... So this is here aswell.

"Boruto, Boruto, Boruto. You should accept her offering, are you not a gentleman?"

She brushed her hair to the sideway. Almost made me wanna puke.

"Not really"

I responded, to which. She got angry? I don't understand this concept called women. Uncharted territory.

"Hmph! You should bow down and beg for forgiveness. As we, girls, are far superior to you boys~"

She swagged her hair again. Why does she do that? Does she think she's... Attractive? No, even the gods won't forgive me for making such jokes.

"Could you leave me alone? It's lunch break, and I still haven't eaten anything"

I said.

"I don't care if you eat or not. You are not leaving unless you accept her challenge"

"Cho-Cho, it's fin-"

"No, Sarada. We have to prove that girls are much better than boys today and today itself"

Although Sarada was reconsidering to take back her propoal. The fat chick still kept on being presistent. To the point where I felt her being annoying.

Why am I alone in this stupid situation? I wondered. Having heard enough of her rambling. I body-flickered away from them to the rooftop.

These kids are weird. I should've gotten OG Naruto or Naruto Shippuden to start off instead. Well, not that I can do anything to change it.

While it was easy for me to compete with her now. I decided to make use of this proposal. That is, for the future.

Setting my goal in my mind. I took a seat near the water tank. I looked at clouds and relaxed my eyelids. So peaceful.

"So you were hiding here you coward!"

Ok, now it's starting to get irritating. I opened my eyes only to see Iwabe rushing at me. Sighing, I body flickered away from the incoming blockhead.

I'm wasn't feeling well... My head was aching. I knew my patience would soon run out. Using Chakra only intensified the headache. I refrained from fighting cuz I was afraid of damaging my mentality.

"This should be an appropriate place to rest"

I was inside the storeroom.

To be honest, I... Just want to... Slee-

My consciousness drifted away. Satisfied that I could sleep after 1 week. I let myself wander in the world of dreams.





This is bad for my health. I thought, looking at myself in the mirror. The cause of my sleepless nights can be described in a single word.


Why? I asked myself, I was flabbergasted by my own stupidity. I knew I didn't have the same monstrous reserves as Naruto. Yet, I still tried.

Day and night, I spent every ounce of my time to form the Rasen-Shuriken. Now, I know the answer.

I simply can't achieve it with my current Chakra reserves.

But. I, Boruto Uzumaki, was able to get enlightenment from this absurdity. That is, to create my own personal wind-style Rasengan.

The task won't be small. Considering that it would atleast be of S-Rank, it will inevitably be of higher difficulty.

But today. I was not going to get out of my room. I'll be on my bed and sleep peacefully. I hopped into the bed, the sun still up, but I could care less about that.

I... Carve this peace.






Hinata's soothing voice brought me out of my sleep. Slowly waking up, I noticed the time was almost past midnight.

Was she still waiting for me? And how did her voice reach here when she was downstairs?

Asking myself. I got out of bed, I made my way toward the dining hall. Having reached my destination, I noticed Hinata sitting on the sofa.

"Did you sleep well?"


"I see, wash your hands and have your dinner"

I nodded. Following her orders, I washed my hands and ate the food. Satisfied after stuffing my belly. I went toward my room to sleep.

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