


It's such a nice day today, a lot of people don't appreciate how great the weather is, it's just one of those perfect days, not to hot, not to cold, the suns not overbearing, and there is a lovely breeze, fuck it's a good day today

*mumbled yells* "use protect!!!"


And the sky, it's insanely blue, has it always been this blue? There's no way, the sky cannot be that blue it's impossible, probably some Pokémon bullshit.

*takes blunt hit* tssssshhhh

Goddamn, this is some good shit, hermans game is on point lately, gotta give him a raise, should probably tell him to lay off the greenery himself though he's getting paranoid, he keeps talking about a munna uprising, because they keep eating his food if left alone... fucking hilarious though



Those adorable little floating dream pigs, how can they be so small....and have so much power, little psychic dream pigs....trippy world…

*blunt hit*tsssssshhh

*mumbled yelling* "winner, Gideon storm!"

I don't know what all that fucking noise is about, but it's so rude, on a perfect day like today, who would ruin it like that.

Someone taps on my should

Leo " looks like you won again"

Gideon " won what?"

Leo " the battle?"

Gideon " what battle?"

Leo " what do you mean what battle? The battle your houndoom won, 6 matches in a row….."

I turn around and see a Rhydon on the ground across the field, and my houndoom running up to me like a big goof ball, tongue out the side of his mouth and all….

.....oh fuck I was battling!!, I completely zoned out watching the clouds..... I wasn't even facing the right way.....maybe I should lay off on the greenery a bit too...…nah

Gideon " hey buddy!!"

I grab houndoom in a headlock and wrestle him to the ground and start scratching his chest

Gideon " who's the bestest boy!!!, who!!, who is it!!"

As I wrestle with houndoom while scratching his neck and chest making his leg shake, I think back to the past 3 weeks after stomping Magnus, it was pretty much all I expected it to be.

The day after the beat down I had nobles at my door, lots of them, again demanding to know how to either tame gyarados or evolve Rhydon, with either threats or promises of wealth that led to threats when I said no.

There were a few attacks on ineeta gold in the capital which didn't work out for them, because I left the order for 0 tolerance on that shit, doesn't matter who it is, some nobles went to attack personally, and got stomped out by a few king ranked Pokémon guarding the place, they lived….. killing nobles in broad daylight is still a no no, but non nobles were free game, as the deaths piled up people started to realise it wasn't a great idea to attack the place.

And when they found out violence doesn't seem to work, the resorted to a few different tactics, having their daughters seduce me or having their sons/daughters beating me in a battle with the secrets being wagered…

The noble daughters…..oh those poor noble daughters, thought they were tricky, and their seduction was working until we got into the business….

Turns out a man with near unlimited stamina, sexual or otherwise, with 10 inches of fury to unleash upon those poor helpless maidens, combined with 21st century sexual knowledge and some good feedback from my first run at life was a bit more than they bargained for…

Hours of pushing their cervix into their lungs and generally turning their insides into soup, turns their "please be gentle" to "HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH A BRICK!!".....Nobles girls seem to like it rough….

So that plan backfired on the nobles a bit as its turned from "control him with sex" to "please stop raw doggin our daughters they have to marry someone else"….it resulted in a gaggle of ass every night that walked or more often than not,carried out of my mansion with their legs not seeming to be working.... they even started a fan club….

And once again aura comes in to the save the day, I can choose to "turn off" my potent baby batter, so….. no preggo nobles daughters….. aura is truely a universal tool…

And the "battles" they organise, they send their family's most powerful Pokémon to their scions at the academy and challenge me to a 1v1 for the knowledge, and thought i would just accept? Nah bro, 1000 gold a pop, they tried calling me a coward for not taking the challenge for honour, and it resulted in me again telling them that a fresh bag of dicks should be consumed, post haste.

They eventually accepted, and the majority of the Pokémon were peak elite or king rank, but it didn't matter, dozens of nobles thought they were better than the last, and My coffers continue to fill up, going to have more than enough gold for my new territory…

Even that aura guardians came around to try and sell me their we are the good guys spiel, 3, probably mid 30s dudes came around with "we are not evil" faces and told me how they could keep the balance better if they knew how to tame gyarados and how my gyarados was to wild for me to handle and I should let them handle it.

Well I politely and elegantly told them to go fuck themselves, which resulted in them telling me how they could make my life difficult if I didn't comply, and if I did they would even let me "join" the aura guardians.

These guys have a real evil church vibe, i Can feel their greed and fear washing over me, do they think I can't feel that? They should know I have aura too, I don't know how to hide it after all. The greed I understand but the fear? Maybe my mad dog tactic is taking effect?

Anyways I had a bad feeling after that and took my fish back home and left metagross there as well just in case, and I'm glad I did, "bandits" attacked 5 days later in pretty large numbers….. led by the bandit leader who just so happened to have a champion ranked lucario….. so much mystery on who they would come from!!, well when they were making their way to little town, metagross felt them, and decided a preemptive attack would do well…

He told the fish, who took the news just fantastic, a gyarados default setting is angry, but when someone wants to invade his territory and better still, touching his masters things? Fury isn't potent enough to describe the borderline guardian level pokemons feelings, let's just go with apoplectic with rage…

Metagross teleported the big guy on a cliff overlooking their temporary camp, and they seen him, but it didn't matter... gyarados chose to start the "battle" with the nuclear option, hyper beam straight into the middle...…. It cleared out over a kilometre of the forrest.... And the only survivor was the lucario, who metagross mind raped, and gyarados promptly ate.

Turns out the lucario "knew" what they were up too, they were about to take little town under their "protection" and if I didn't do what they wanted…..well no need to explain….

I knew the guardians were shady but fuck, that's some cold shit, they're just bandits high on life juice, well I decided the death of their little bandit army wasn't enough to portray a mad dog persona, and I knew the aura guardians had a "training ground" in the storm lands, so I sent the crew to take the place out, houndoom, gengar, metagross and even the fish just in case they had more champions.

Which they did, 1 more champion lucario was there, the others could have handled it but the fish was just insurance, well it turned into a big hunt….over 400 people there, plenty of king ranks, and scores of elite ranks, I knew they were hiding their power.....

And that was just 1 area, I need to train some more mons pretty fast I think, my people need a couple more mons too, it was a pretty hectic battle from what I'm told, the crew were never really in danger, but they had a few bumps and bruises, not gyarados though, he had a blast, death and blood is a just Tuesday for him. And when he gets to level small towns with hyper beam, well that just makes his week...

There were no survivors and no witnesses, metagross made sure of that, and they looted the place, a bunch of Pokémon eggs, a few togepi, which is suuuper rare, having 5 togepi eggs is a massive amount, and a random assortment of other Pokémon eggs, all with atleast orange potential , several yellow, a few green, even a blue ,nearly 80,000 gold, which again is an insane amount for just one area and everything that wasn't nailed down, a lot of aura books and shit.

This loss is going to sting, the champions mostly, it would be considered very fast to raise a champion Pokémon in under 100 years, and that's with insane resources and dedicated non stop training...they gon feel the loss of 2.

And that is what the majority of these last 3 weeks have been, been making my mons train a bit harder, and I decided to take a couple more mons soon, not sure which though, going to have a noibat, turtwig and togepi, on top of shuckle, but we will see where that takes us.

Shuckle has just started minor training this morning, like getting used to rollout and what not, nothing strenuous, it's more playing then anything.

As I watch Logan emotionlessly collect my winnings from the devastated noble I'm suddenly interrupted from my thought by Leo, who is basically my sidekick now, he's a decent dude, Kane is at my place more often which is annoying, he comes mostly for the food, he even goes there for lunch while I'm at the academy like it's some sort of restaurant.

Leo " so what now?"

Gideon " well I was going to go home and mess around with shuckle if you wanted to bring your teddiursa to come and train a little? The official battles are going to start heating up soon, and gotta make sure shuckle is good to go...."

Leo " I still can't believe you chose a shuckle to be your partner for the academy…..it's the weakest Pokémon there is…."

Gideon " none of you understand his greatness, we are ganna show everyone...you don't fuck with the shuck….."

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