

So I end up back at my place with Leo behind me, I really didn't need to head into the academy today, I just needed to handle those battles, and collect my winnings.

It's about an hour before lunch, so I decided to get some more training in with shuckle, we only really start proper training this morning, roll out mostly, which was fine, but there is one problem...….. shuckle is too friendly, and refuses to attack anything…. Well refuse is a strong word.

His rollouts would stop just short of the snorlax teddy bear we use for training..... and turns into a mild wrap.... Or as some would call it, a hug

And I know he understands my orders, he just doesn't want to hurt anyone, which would normally be fine, I know hurting and killing are part of this world now, and I'm ok with that, and he's part of the crew now and normally I would be fine with just keeping him around without having to hurt anything, but he's my academy partner, and hurting other mons is part of the deal.

I just don't think my turtle bug was meant to be a fighter, but he will be, as much as I hate to do it, I'll have to get him to show his mean side, even if it means slight emotional manipulation, maybe walk into the forest at home and "get attacked" by some "wild Pokémon" and only shuckle there to "defend" me, that's the plan I have for now, but some more training until then

I call over shuckle, who warbles over to me in glee, dragging the snorlax teddy with him, the teddy bear is only about 4 feet high, and shuckle is now the size of a basketball, I can't wear him around my neck anymore, but he sulks when I don't bring him around with me, he also doesn't like being in his ball much, doesn't hate it, just prefers to be out.

He's way more of a chore than the rest of the Pokémon before him, I'll say that, but it's hard to hate him for it... I notice no one else has problems like this with their Pokémon's personality's, is it because mine are a higher grade talent which turns them into drama queens?

Well what ever doesn't matter, just doing the standard rollout training with shuckle for the moment, using metagross's gravity attack to really pressure him while I pump his muscles full of aura when he takes a break, which takes away fatigue and let's the muscle tissue grow without waiting around to recover.

I squat down to pat shuckle.

Gideon " alright big man, good work out there, I have a few suggestions but that can wait, how's the training feeling? To much or you ready for more?"

He just makes a few shuckle noises, wobbles his arms around and then passes me his snorlax to keep safe as he keeps training rollout.... He seems to have grown fond of it and adopted it..... he is supposed to use rollout on it when he finishes his obstacle course...

He goes back to rollout training around some obstacles with gravity on him, and I turn around to see Leo, with his new partner teddiursa using a mini fury swipes on a rock pillar to sharpen up his little claws.

Leo walks up to me and start talking while looking shuckles way

Leo " still not regretting choosing a shuckle?, they are just bad pokemon, there's no shame on admitting you bit off more than you can chew…"

Gideon " don't you worry about me and shuckle, we're ganna be just fine, he just has to find his inner shuck Norris…..changing the subject….. reckon Kane is ganna show up for

Lunch again today?"

Leo " most likely, he can't eat the food at the palace anymore, and I don't blame him….. and since you won't give up any of your chefs, or even how to cook food so amazing, we both kinda have to come here to eat now..."

Gideon " fair, also….. I got a message from your old man saying he wanted to meet in private fairly soon, what's that about?"

Leo " I'm not sure, but if I had to take a guess…..I would say it's to do with your gyarados and how you tamed one, there is one noble family who "claimed" to be able to tame gyarados, but has no proof, and with gyarados being the biggest threat to coast city's, and sea travel in general I'd say he's after something to help with that problem"

Just as he finishes, shuckle rolls over to me and clonks out, seems to be his limit for today, well that's fine lunch is about ready anyways, so I ask metagross to go back to little town and bring back houndoom and replace him in guarding the place, need a land presence as well, because my fish rushes into the ocean to fight from time to time, don't want to leave them unprotected.

As me and Leo walk inside, Logan comes up to me.

Logan " my lord, his majesty Kane has returned and has brought a guest"

Gideon " a guest, who?"

Logan " he told me he would like to introduce you himself"

Gideon " the guys ganna be joining us for lunch? Ehhhhhh, I don't know about that, I resent having to watch guys foodgasm"

Logan " I did inform him of that my lord, but he said it will be fine"

Gideon " alrighty, let's get this over with I guess"

As me and Leo make our way into the lounge room we see Kane sitting facing toward us and another man with his back to us, silver hair.... Yeah probably the king… Kane hops up to greet me

Kane " Gideon my boy, good to see you!, I was just coming over for lunch when my son caught me and asked if he could tag along to try your chefs culinary wonders that I keep harping on about"

Gideon " your son?...the king?….."

Kane "the one and the same, come let me introduce you"

Kane brings me around to face the king, who by the way hasn't moved or spoken since the beginning, is this some kind of power move?

Kane " let me introduce the king of the sinnoh kingdom, Maximus Sinnoh"

Kane said in a friendly voice, Kane did tell me the king was chill but I should probably respond with proper noble decorum just in case, so I sweep my left leg behind me, while bringing my right hand to my chest in a sight bow.

I did learn a lot of shit over the years, pops made me learn the "proper" way to greet people, I just choose not to most of the time, but there is no reason to antagonise the king for shits and giggles.

Gideon " it's an honour to meet you, your majesty"

Maximus " a pleasure to meet you as well young lord storm, my father and Leo speak highly of you, and if it's all the same, I think we can drop the formalities, I say I was rather curious as to the praises the two have spoken about the food in your kitchens, so I decided to come and see for myself while discussing a few topics over the course of our meal"

Gideon " cool beans your majesty, well, lunch should be ready pretty soon, and Logan would be rustling up an extra plate for you, I'm going to spark a few blunts before, would you like to join me?"

Bellossom comes in with a tray over her head with a small pyramid of joints, truely a blessed child, sets them down on the table in between, and i sit down before I hear a reply, probably rude to sit before the king but he said no formalities, so it should be fine.

I spark up a blunt, and even Kane grabs one and makes himself at home while bell lights it for him, Leo refused and just sat down, the king was lost for a second before he took a blunt and inspecting it and watching me and Kane.... He puts it in his mouth and bellossom approaches and lights it for him before he takes a deep breath.... Rookie mistake…..


Kane just laughs and pats him on the back, and I find it pretty funny that THE king of sinnoh is blazing up at my place waiting for lunch but what ever

Maximus " my word….*cough* what is that, I know I probably should have asked before partaking but my curiosity got the better of me"

Gideon " giggleglow your majesty, a simple highway weed that has been overlooked for ages, but its a fantastic little recreational herb that helps you vibe.... Or makes you paranoid.... Guess we will find out which group you belong in aye??"

The king looked shocked, and Kane just laughed again, even Leo smiled at that, it's not like I'm trying to assassinate him or anything…

But the king powers on with little inhales that get bigger toward the end... looks like he's a viber….

Maximus " it's a lot smoother when you get used to it... i am hungry though, really hungry now that I think about it....I hope lunch is as good as father claims it to be."

His eyes are red and glassy, and keeps mentioning food, got the munchies big time, can't blame him though I got them too, I'm down for some food

Just as we finished up Logan came in and informed us that the food was ready, so we made our way into the dining room, and holy fuck.... A full on feast has been prepared, the chefs went to town on those cookers…..

Me Kane and the king just stared at it for about 30 seconds, in reverence, and the smell, oh god the smell...… nothing could smell better, I'm used to this cooking and it still stuns me, I can't imagine how the king is taking it…..

He looks to be crying he approaches a stack of farfetch'd schnitzel...and grabs one, no refined noble etiquette or anything, just his hand on the schnitzel, and takes a bite


fucking gross... and here comes my servants with some new pants….. well I guess we can wait for him to get changed, and than discuss what he came for…..

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