

[Trinity's POV]

"Dead?" I asked Lady Catherine in front of the mirror where she appeared to speak to me from the Vampire Kingdom.

She nodded and repeated her words. "Yes. I asked the Prince about his family, and he simply answered that they were dead."

I thought as much. "And you didn't expect to believe him, right?"

Lady Catherine looked to the side, and I raised my brow. "Don't tell me that you actually believe him?"

She was quiet for a moment before she answered in a hesitant voice. "My Prince didn't have any reason to lie. And Mille and Millie said that it was the truth."

"My Prince?" I smirked. "Have you gone to like him in the days that you were together is that why your feelings clouded your judgment?" I intended my voice to sound neutral, but it only came out as accusing and sarcastic.

I didn't have the right to feel jealous. Rhazien and I were strangers at this point in time. But I couldn't help it.

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