
Capital City

[Trinity's POV]

"What are you doing?" I asked, hiding my suspicion behind a raised brow. Did he hear my conversation with Lady Catherine?

I was careful, though, and put a barrier to keep our conversation private. But no spell nor potion worked on Michael. One of the many perks of being a holder of the mark.

No abilities nor spells work on anyone who had the mark on his back. It was proof of the past's alliance between humans, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Anyone who had the mark couldn't be affected by compulsion of the vampires, spell and potions of the witches, the Saintess powers except healing and sometimes impedes a werewolf ability to shift.

Michael's face quickly changed from surprised to his usual lopsided grin. "I'm here to wake you up and have breakfast downstairs. But I guess you're an early bird, and my effort had gone to waste."

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