
Ch.32 Dealing with Secrets. Pt.01

We then headed for Lockharts Office and Harry said "Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try and get into the Chambers at least we can tell him what we know."

We then barged into Lockhart's office upstairs and found him frantically packing. and Harry asked "Going somewhere?"

Lockhart was surprised and said "Well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Got to go."

Ron said, "What about my sister?"

Lockhart said "Well... As to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I."

Ron said "You're the Defence against Dark Arts teacher. You can't leave now"

Lockhart was still frantically packing and said "I must say, when I took the job, there was nothing in the job description about..."

I blocked his path and said, "You can't run Lockhart, be the hero you are. The hero from your book"

Lockhart said "I am no hero I never did anything that is written in those books. I am a fraud. I just took credits from other wizards who did all those stuff."

Ron asked, "Is there anything you can do?"

Lockhart said "I'm rather gifted with memory charms. Otherwise, all those wizards would have gone blabbing and I'd never have sold another book." He then moved towards his table to get his wands and when he turned.

I said, "That is very unfortunate but you will still have to accompany us to the chambers."


We then dragged him to the second-floor toilet and moaning myrtle asked "Hello Harry. What do you want?"

Harry said, "We wanted to ask you, how you died?"

Myrtle said "It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle." She sobbed a little and continued "I'd hidden...." I tuned it out I wasn't interested in her sad story but it was because I had heard it before.

She said "I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes... over there by that sink." and she went away and then Harry looked around and said, "This is it, I think this is the entrance to the chamber of secrets."

Ron said, "Say something in Parseltongue."

Harry said "Open." in Parseltongue and the entrance revealed itself.

and I said, "So it's a slide?"

Lockhart said "Excellent work there Harry. Well then, I'll just be... there no need for me to stay" and tried to leave but Ron and I just pushed him back

Ron said, "You first."

Lockhart said, "Now what good will it do?"

I said, "Better you than us."

Lockhart said "Good point" and turned around and was "Sure you don't..." I just kicked him in and all of us heard his scream.

Harry looked at me and I said "What he was stalling?" Ron and Harry then nodded

and Harry asked "You okay Lockhart?"

He said, "It's very filthy down here."

Harry then asked, "Who first?"

I just rolled my eyes and jumped in and after me was Harry and Ron. They found me pointing my wand at Lockhart. Harry then said, "Close your eyes at any sign of moment."

I then lead them all into the chambers and we saw the Basilisk's skin and Lockhart Fainted and Ron said: "Oh, for Merlin's sake this man is useless." Lockhart then suddenly got up and took Ron wand and said "The adventure ends her boys. But Don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl.

How you three tragically lost your minds... at the sight of her mangled body. So... You first Mr Potter. Say goodbye to your memories." He then said "Obliviate!" and a green light knocked him back into a wall and that caused the roof to collapse and divided the four of us.

Ron asked, "Are you both okay?"

Harry walked up to the wall and asked "Are you fine?"

Ron said, "I'm fine."

Lockhart then got up and said "Hello. Who are you?"

Ron was confused and said "Ron Weasley."

He then asked, "And who am I?"

Ron laughed and said "Lockhart's memory charm backfired. He has lost his memories."

Lockhart was acting like a fool and I said: "Damn it Harry we are missing it."

Harry said, "We have more pressing matters than Lockhart's memories."

Lockhart asked, "Do you live here?"

Ron said "No" and banged his head with a rock and he was again unconscious

Ron asked, "What do I do now?"

I said "Sit tight and try to move some rocks. After we come back I will bust a hole. So just take care of Lockhart till then."

We both then headed into the chambers and found the door and Harry said "Open" and the gate slowly opened and then we carefully stepped inside the Chambers. Harry said "Be on your Gaurd."

Then he saw ginny and ran like hell and I said "What happened to stay on your guard?" He then walked up to her and also dropped his wand and I said "Don't drop your wand Harry."

Harry then tried to wake Ginny up and we heard "she won't wake." We turned our heads and we saw a young man he looked good and I thought I will look just as good as him someday. I must really thank him for these genetics.

I was on Gaurd and Harry said "Tom... Tom Riddle. What do you mean she is not?"

I said "Stand back!" Harry was cautious I need to sell everything well so I will do my part and Harry said "He is okay!"

I asked, "What are you?"

He smiled and said, "A Slytherin helping a Griffindor this is quite unusual."

I grunted and said, "What are you?"

He smiled and said, "I am a memory... preserved in a diary for 50 years."

Harry said "Ginny is cold as ice." and I saw him picking up his wand.

I said "Put it back, Tom. I am warning you."

Tom smiled and said "You really are a Slytherin. It's a shame you also will die with them."

Harry asked, "What do you mean and give me my wand back."

Tom laughed and I said "Harry don't you get it he is the one behind the attacks. He is the heir of Slytherin. Aren't you Tom."

Tom laughed and said, "I am liking you by every second."

Harry said "But how you are a memory...." and then their monologue started but unlike last time I was paying attention. Well, at least acting to pay attention.

Tom said "How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical abilities is able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time?"

I just couldn't hold my laugh and Tom said "What is so funny?!"

I said "It's just that you think that Voldy was the greatest wizard of all time. He wasn't even the greatest dark wizard of all time."

Tom was angry then asked "Who do you think was the greatest of all time?"

I said "Well, number one is Merlin, of course, then Dumbledor," Harry said "Obviously" I then continued "Then my great uncle Grindlewald and then Voldy."

Harry was confused and asked "Voldy?"

I explained "Well, you see Harry his name is a taboo" when I said it Tom looked happy for a second but then "So you shouldn't use that name instead you can use Voldy, No nose bastard, Pickle with teeth, and my personal favorite Voldycunt. The last one didn't took much time to think about."

Tom was now fuming and said "Silence I will not allow such insolence."

Harry said "Why do you care about Voldy?" I said "Nice"

Tom yelled and wrote something with the wand "Tom Marvolo Riddle." and then he flicked it and it rearranged into "I am Lord Voldemort."

I then laughed again and then he said "What is it now you imbecile?"

I said "You were so close to greatness. It could have been immortal love rod."

Harry said "I don't get it." Tom was fuming and I was barely containing my laugh.

Tom then said "No way I was going to keep my muggle father's name."

So I asked, "Wait a minute so did your followers know that you were a half-blood wizard or shall I say mudblood." He didn't say anything and I said "Looks like I have my answer."

Fawkes then came with the Hat andTom then said "Enough of this" and said something in Parseltongue which was quite different as to how I addressed the Basilisk then the mouth piece of Salazar opened and Tom said "Let's test the power of Lord Voldemort the Heir of Salazar Slytherin vs the Famed Harry Potter."

I then looked at Harry and said "You take Ginny out I will deal with this."

Harry said, "You will die."

I said, "No I won't." He then reluctantly carried Ginny into the sewers and the Basilisk took its time to get out because it knew I was there it came out and I used a privacy charm around Tom, I and the Basilisk said: "Close your eyes" and Basilisk did so.

Tom was confused and asked "What? How?"

I waved and said "Heir of Slytherin."

He screamed and said "No! that is impossible I am the only Heir."

I said "I am your... you know what let's just end this I need to go. You won't rememberanything anyway." I then looked at the Basilisk and said "You go inside and sleep I will deal with him."

He said "As you wish heir."

Tom said "Come back here you bitch."

I asked, "Hey don't get angry." I then pointed at him and said "Expelliamus" the wand flew into my hands and I took out the Fang that I had and was about to stab the book. and Tom said "How did I even have a child?"

I looked at him and said "Beats me" and stabbed his diary and the memory went away and I shouted "Harry! Harry! come out he is gone everything is good."

He then came out and placed ginny down she was still unconscious and he asked "What? How are you not injured?"

I said, "As I told you I will be fine."

He then asked "What about him?"

I showed him the diary and said "He is gone."

Harry asked, "How?"

I said, "Don't worry about that but first, we need to get out of here."

He then nodded and his arms were shaking so I took Ginny from him and said "Harry you should Lift more."

Harry said "Shut up I don't want to be a muscle head like you."

I said "Hey, I am more than just my body you know." Harry then just rolled his eyes and I just laughed and then we walked up to the Rocks and Ginny woke up and looked at me and I said: "Rise and shine."

She said "What? Where am I?"

Harry said, "We are in the chamber of secrets."

Ginny looked at Harry and said, "Thank you for saving me."

I said, "You know I was there as well right."

Ginny then just smiled and said, "Thank you as well, Jon."

I then put her down and said to Ron "Ron stand back I am about to blow it up!" After a few seconds I pointed at the rocks and said "Bombarda Maxima!" and a huge hole was created. and I asked Harry "How are we supposed to get out though?"

We then heard Fawkes and he then took us up one by one and by the time I was there many Prof. were standing outside and they looked worried but Snape looked pissed.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I would like to clarify that the Mc will not become Harry's pet I have just done it here because of this specific situation. After the second year, Mc will be almost free from Harry's bull.

So you don't have to worry there and I just wanted to say Ron is a so so character and I know that he wouldn't act all level headed in the situation but I am trying to make him into a good charater.

And I received some comments about Mc acting sad when Hermione got petrified. I would just like to say that it didn't matter that she would be unpetrified the fact that she did was the thing that hurt the Mc. And the Mc is a human and he will feel grief even when knowing that his friend will be fine.

I am just trying to make a protagonist that is more Human. He has his own flaws and imperfection but to me, that makes him more of a real person. Yes, he sometimes acts like a neanderthal but that is all part of him.

I would like to say that please don't use any cuss words in the comments because web novel removes them. Use these symbols to complete those words *@#$

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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