
Ch.33 Dealing with Secrets pt.2

When we got out of the Chambers we were greeted by Prof. McGonagall, Prof. Snape and many others. and I said, "Hello, there look we found Ginny."

Harry and Ron said, "Yes, look she is good." Snape was fuming and McGonagall was just disappointed.

I said, "It looks like this is the end boys."

Ron said, "Yeah, looks like it."

Snape said, "Enough of your nonsense do you have any idea as to what you put us through?"

I said, "We are sorry Prof. but time was of the essence."

McGonagall said "If you had found something you should have informed faculty. Going there was extremely irresponsible and reckless."

Harry said, "We went to inform Lockhart but he was busy packing."

Snape asked "What?"

I said "He is a fraud. When we went to him with the information regarding the location of the chambers he tried to flee. So we dragged him with us."

Lockhart asked, "Who are they and where are we?"

Snape asked, "What happened to Lockhart?"

I said, "He tried to use Obliviate on us with Ron's wand and needless to say that backfired on him."

Snape said "This is just too much to handle right now. Madam Pomfrey takes Miss Weasley with you." Madam took Ginny with her and then Snape looked at me, Harry and Ron and said "And You three are coming with me to the Headmaster's office."

I asked, "Is Headmaster back so early?" Harry and Ron looked at Snape with shining eyes.

Snape said, "Yes, Headmaster is back."

We then walked towards the Office and I said to Harry and Ron "Let me do the talking." They nodded.

We were then standing in front of the Headmaster and he said "You three realise that... in the past few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen of school rules."

We nodded and he continued "There is sufficient evidence to have all three of you expelled." We nodded "Therefore, it is only fitting... that you all receive... special awards for the services to the school."

We were confused and said "Thanks, sir."

He then got up and had a letter in his hand and said "Now, Mr Weasley, if you would... have an owl deliver these papers to Azkaban." He then handed the letter to Ron and said "I believe we want our gamekeeper back." Ron then went along.

He then turned around and said, "First I would like to talk to Jon in private for a moment Harry." Harry nodded and then left and then he said "Let's have a seat this might be a long chat." I smiled and sat down.

I then asked, "It looks like it didn't take much time for you to get your seat back."

He smiled and said "That is because of Florian. He helped me quite a bit. But if I remember correctly he also helped Malfoy in getting me out."

I smiled and said, "I hope you don't take it personally."

He laughed and said, "You know I don't."

I then asked, "For how long did you did you know?"

He said, "From the start of the school year."

I then said, "Then you know my reasons as to why I didn't come forward?"

He smiled and said, "Yes, it would have been hard even for me to protect you in that scenario." He then paused and asked, "Can I ask what did you do with the... snake?"

I said "It's sleeping in the chambers for now. I will need your help in moving him out of the castle."

He laughed and said, "I would like nothing more than that."

I smiled and asked, "You remember when I told you last year that I would like to talk about my mother when I am ready?"

He then said, "What do you want to know?"

I asked, "Who is my father?" I asked this question as a test to verify that if he knows that I took the inheritance test or not. If he mentions it I can just say that Florian has it and never really told me about my father and his relatives.

He then without any hesitance said, "Jon that is something that I can't tell you not right now at least."

I was relieved and thought he thinks that I don't know about my father. And quite possibly doesn't know about the test as well. I then asked, "Why?"

He said, "Sometimes learning the truth can cause more pain than relief."

I said, "So you will never tell me who my father is?"

He said, "I will tell you when you are ready."

I then sighed and asked, "Was I conceived normally?"

He said "No, Jon you were an experiment. When the death eaters captured your mother they tortured her to get some information out of her but she didn't give them anything.

Then the death eaters used her for rituals and experimentations. The death eaters were finding ways to make vessels for a special ritual. And you were the successful experiment. But before they could finalize the ritual. Our order came and rescued your mother."

I then asked, "So if you rescued my mother why did you abandon me?"

He then sighed and said "Cause we thought that you were a Squib. So it was decided that it would have been better for you to stay in the muggle world. We believed that you living amongst muggle would have been the best option. But I am sorry for abandoning you."

I then faked being baffled and said, "I don't know what to say anymore."

He then said "Don't fixate about your past, Jon. Think about your future, you have so much to look forward to."

I then smiled and said, "Thank you for that." I then sighed and said "Here take this Fang we can tell that Harry slayed the beast or something and here is the cursed object that was used to control Ginny and I am leaving you with the task to explain everything to Harry. I believe that should wrap up everything nicely?"

He smiled and said "It does. Now as for your award you can ask me of anything."

I smiled and said, "Permission to form a duelling club."

He smiled and said "Done." We both then heard "You can't enter he is in the middle of a talk." "out of my way boy." Dumbledor then said, "Now it looks like I have some more guests to entertain."

Malfoy and Harry came up and Harry said "Sorry sir I tried to stop him but..."

Dumbledore said "No need to apologise Harry."

I said, "Oh look what the cat dragged in."

Malfoy looked at me and said, "It looks like you are here?"

I smiled and said "I study here remember. But the main question is why are you here?"

Malfoy said, "I am here to talk to the Headmaster."

I asked, "Why are you here to complain that your son got a boo-boo while paying Quidditch?" Harry laughed

He then grunted and said, "So I see that You are back?" I just thought 'That was rude I was still talking to you'.

Dumbledor said, "When the governors learned that Mr Weasley's child was taken into the chambers, they saw fit to summon me back."

He said "Ridiculous."

Dumbledor continued "Curiously, several of them... were under the impression that you would curse their family... if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place."

He said, "How dare you!"

Dumbledore said, "My sole concern has been the welfare of the school and its students." He then looked at Harry and said "Has the culprit been identified?"

Dumbledor said "Yes."

He asked, "And?"

Dumbledore said "It was Voldemort... but only this time he choose to act through somebody else by using this." he then showed the diary and Malfoy sort of panicked and then Dumbledore continued and said, "It was fortunate that Harry and Jon here took care of the problem before smoothing terrible happened.

One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school-things... should find their way to innocent hands.

The consequences for the one responsible would be... severe"

He then smiled and said, "Dumbledor, Come Dobby we are leaving!"

He then left with Dobby and the rest happened as it did.


I then just went to my room and slept for the day. I was tired when I woke up from my sleep and saw Ted.

I then asked, "Hey Ted what are you doing here?"

He was angry and asked, "Am I your friend?"

I said, "What kind of question is that obviously, you are my friend."

He then said, "So why you didn't take me to the chambers with you?"

I said, "I wasn't on a picnic man I didn't have time otherwise I would have asked for your help."

He then said "Oh, come on you are lying. Now that Harry is your best friend. You don't need me."

I got up and said, "Don't say stupid stuff you are my best friend always and forever."

Ted said, "Well, I don't know if you are telling the truth or not?"

I said "Come on, Ted I am just hanging with Harry because of Victoria. He is going to be my brother-in-law. I have to be at least on speaking terms with that guy. You are my Brother, man" I opened my arms

Ted then hugged me and said "You are my brother as well" we then let go of each other and he said, "Come we have something special for you in the Common Room."

I asked, "What is it?"

He said, "You'll see." He then also gave me a blindfold and said "We'll put this on as well"

I put it on and we went to the common room and then he sat me down on the chair and said "You can now remove them."

I removed it and saw that Daphne and Victoria were standing next to me and they looked pissed and I said "You betrayed me again?"

He said "I am sorry brother. Olivia asked me to do it."

I said, "You too huh?" He nodded and I said, "before we start might I say that I was not at fault." They still looked pissed and I said "Of course you don't care about that." I sighed and said, "God give me strength" and I ran for it and they didn't catch me. The upside of being more fit than anyone else in your group.


(In Dubleodor's office)

The headmaster was looking at the diary and said "How many are still out there Tom?"

He then placed the diary on his table and said "That boy Jon he is a very valuable asset he has repeatedly shown his capabilities and he has shown where his true motives lie. I can safely say that he is nothing like his father or like his uncle.

I will nurture this boy to be great and who knows he might accomplish something greater than any of us.

I just hope when he knows the truth about his father he still remains the same otherwise it will be a loss for the wizarding world."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I have said it in my previous segment that I had changed the scene with Dumbledor and Mc in first year after the fight with Voldemort. You should read it again if you are a bit confused.

I don't really have much to say except that it was very hard to come up with how Dumbledore knew about Jon without the inheritance test. If there is some inconsistency you can point it out but I had kept the Mc's backstory vague enough to do what I just did. So I don't think you will find anything. But if you do I really want you to forgive me.

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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