*Author note*
So as to reply to your comments about Aegis still being a virgin, in short, Weiss wants to by Aegis first, and Aegis want Weiss to be at least 15 years old as to not hurt her as if she has gotten pregnant even with the advanced medicine there could be a risk.
Remnant, at least MY version of Remant have around 50 more or less humans/faunus, with is pitifully little if you look how advanced they are, so it is for my at least logical that even if someone on Remnant invented condoms or birth control pills, the Councils and Ozpin would bury it as every child was needed for the leaders and something that could make sex without risk would hamper the Remnant population.
(BTW, if it existed pretty sure Raven would take it as not to be a mother, and Yang wouldn't be born xD)
ANd taken Weiss character into account, she wouldn't let Aegis cum outside as she would want to be with him connected on their first time fully.
Still, don't worry, as the time is reaching close to the point where they will finally get together.
about yuri, I will not speak about it as to not provoke those of weaker mind, but in threesomes or moresomes, there would be girl x girl action as Aegis is just one man and cant at the same time fuck all of them xD and what will be happening behind the scenes that I would let it to your imagination. xD
"You are a magician!"
The orange-haired girl exclaimed excitedly as she looked at the bushy black-haired, green-eyed girl with the excitement of child and stars in her turquoise-colored eyes.
Said the boy as he massaged his temples.
"I apologize for my friend, and she can be... energetic."
Said Ren to Harriet as he gave her an apologetic expression.
"No need to apologize! I like her already!"
Harriet said with a sincere smile as she truly felt the girl's excitement as a fresh feeling. After all, Weiss was aloof, Pyrrha was meek, and Neo was... well, Neo...
"See there, Renny she said she likes me!"
Nora said in happiness as she hugged Harriet, who let out a chuckle.
"But you need to tell us how you made them into chickens!"
Nora said as she from afar looked at the commotion as the people looked at two men, one in officer uniform and the other clothed as manager of a restaurant behave as chickens as they chirped at each other and flapped their arms as if they were wings.
"Nuh uh! true magician never tells his secrets."
Harriet said with a wink as Nora pouted.
"Is it your semblance? A mind controlling or hypnotizing?"
Ren asked as he was both impressed and terrified of the answer as both were very dangerous semblances. After all, why fight when you can tell others to die?
"Huh, you are not fun, but to answer you, you can think of it as just part of my semblance."
Harriet said with a pout as Nora looked at Ren as he killed her puppy as he made it clear it was not magic, at least to him.
Still, Harriet looked at the two hypnotized men with a small vicious smirk they deserved it, Harriet, after years of experimenting and training her powers that Aegis said were not semblance bud magic she found out she can make others do what she wants, at least the weak-minded ones.
After all, if she could control Weiss, she wouldn't end up there, alas Weiss mind as others of her family were strong, but Weiss and Aegis their minds were just wrong, and Harriet didn't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole as just looking into their minds made Harriet shiver.
Harriet looked at Nora, who was now singing some song with pity as she even without reading her mind, knew she harbored feelings for the Ren boy, but alas, when she looked at Ren, she found nothing, zero emotions, even if he smiled it was just a fake smile, Harriet didn't know the reason, but she pitied the girl who will never make the boy fall for her poorly masked advancements.
It was not like Harriet wanted to read their minds, but she was still new at this, and it was hard for her to not look into their eyes and don't see what's inside, she still needed to train how to block it as she didn't want to know what's in Weiss and Aegis minds, one time was enough, thank you very much.
Not speaking about the fact that her big bro Aegis found out, she looked into his mind the moment it happened, he just smiled at her and said to train more as to not repeat it, after all, he couldn't always shield her from his mind that was so twisted that it brought Harriet nightmares.
Still, Aegis was her big bro, and she loved him very deeply to care about what is in his mind for monsters.
"So tell me about yourself?"
Harriet said as she led them to coffee as they sit down, and she ordered food and drinks for them.
After all, the ones who will pay for it would be these two hypnotized men who gladly gave her a lien and scroll with smiles on their faces without even knowing what they have done.
"Im Lie Ren, and this is Nora Valkyrie. We travel together."
Ren said with a smile, and Harriet didn't know if it was fake or true as Ren didn't have feelings to fake it, but then he faked what he had felt in the first place, it was a little confusing for Harriet.
"But not tioghtecher-togechter!"
Nora said chirpily, and Ren again smiled without an idea about what Nora thought as he just thought that it is one of hers harmless quirks.
"I see, well im Harriet Schnee! glad to meet you!"
Harriet said with a smile as she watched their expression to morph into surprise as the Schnee name was well known, and after her big bro made sure that they are the sole family with Schnee name with power of money to other families to rename, there was just one Schnee family on Remnant.
"Do you live in the castle?!"
Nora asked in the excitement that threw Harriet out of the loop as she saw that there was no ounce of jealousy in the orange-haired girl's eyes, just pure excitement about something that she called Queen of the castle...
And Ren too was not having any ulterior motives that made Harriet's spirit soar as she had enough encounters with spoiled Atlas brats that wanted nothing more than to be closer to her and through her to her big bro.
After all, Schnee is the most powerful and wealthiest family to meet somebody who didn't care...
It was refreshing...
"I wouldn't call it a castle, but yes, my home is big as a castle."
Harriet said with a smile.
"Truly?! Can I see, can I?!"
Nora said as she hopped on her chair.
"Nora, we just met her don't you think it's too early?"
Ren said with a calm demeanor.
"But Renny!"
Nora pouted at Ren.
"No, no, it's alright, hey, where do you live?"
Harriet said, even if she already knew an answer.
Nora suddenly became silent as Ren answered for both of them.
"We are travelers, so we don't have a fixed home."
Ren said as not to say outright that they are homeless.
"I see. Hey, I already called my big bro. Do you want to go with us to Atlas? Im sure big bro has a lot of work for you! and our mansion is almost empty as more than half of the rooms are unused!"
Harriet said with a smile to the carefree, and most of the time, airheaded Nora nodded her head in excitement.
"Did you hear Renny? We could see castle!"
Nora said to her quiet companion.
"We wouldn't want to impose, after all, we just me we cou-"
Ren said but stopped when he saw Harriet and Nora's expression, one was making it show that he will not take No as an answer, and the other pleaded him in a silent way.
"Alright, we could come to visit."
Ren said with a sigh as he gave up.
"Yuuuuppppiiiiiii! The castle, there we go!"
Nora said with her fist in the air as Harriet suddenly got a strange feeling...
Did she just adopt another stray?
Wait, did she just get another girl into the growing harem?!
Weiss will kill her, even if it was Weiss's idea to get Aegis harem, she said it clear she would be the one choosing.
Harriet just hopes that Weiss will like Nora or she risk getting a pretty beating from the resident ice queen...
A male voice said, and the three boot occupants looked at the source, showing that they are other police officers.
Harriet said with a fake smile as she saw in their eyes the reason for their visit.
"Please come with us to the station. You are suspected of using mind semblance on one officer and one innocent."
The lead officer said as the two officers behind him look carefree even if they silently looked around for threats with their hands on their weapon holsters.
"Awwwww, crap basked."
Harriet said with a sigh.
At least big bro is on the way...
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!