

"I do not care, just make sure she is alright, yes if she wants even her new friends, oh yes, and if even single hair on her head is hurt, I assure you that Mistral will need a new Police head."

Aegis said as he ended his call with the current Mistralian police head gaining a smirk from Neo, a slight smile from Weiss, who tried to look indifferent and miserably failed, and a nervous laugh from Pyrrha.

"Is it alright to speak with them like this?"

Pyrrha nervously asked as even if she wanted her black-haired sister back unhurt, she still was very bad at understanding how high society worked.

"Yes, what big brother did was not something uncommon, if you have money, you have power when it comes to politics."

Weiss said to Pyrrha, who was still unsure.

/What she said :p/

Said Neo as she trained her flexibility in Aegis private room space, not forgetting to give Aegis some good views of her intimate places.

"I wouldn't say it like that Weiss, money isn't everything, but yes, if you have enough money, you can buy anybody, you just need to know their price."

Aegis said to Pyrrha with a gentle smile that gave Pyrrha little blush. Aegis chuckled, Pyrrha was still very easily embarrassed.

"If someone doesn't want money, you can find what they want and then buy it or steal it, and if even that doesn't work? Then you can just buy someone who would replace the previous one."

Aegis said, and Pyrrhas blush paled as she realized what Aegis meant. After all, why buy someone to replace someone if they were still alive and kicking?

"Don't worry, Pyrrha, not every time they need to die, sometimes you just make them resing or back down."

Aegis said from experience as he made some hard to deal with people back down either be blackmail or threat to their lives or lives of their dears...

True, some of the Aegis victims weren't bad people, they were just bad for Aegis' future plans, either too inflexible or too short-sighted to see that the current situation can't be allowed to remain.

"Big brother, in a month, I will be fifteen years old. I wish to start fully helping family business."

Weiss suddenly said, and Aegis stopped for a moment. Aegis knew that Weiss's words meant more meaning than they seemed from the first glance.

One of them was her secret wish that she said to him was that she wants to stay with Aegis alone for an entire night on her birthdays...

"I see, but what about your wish to go to the combat academy when you are seventeen? Will you be able to follow in your training?"

Aegis asked as even if he knew that Weiss was stronger than an average teenager of her age should be, he was still worried.

"It would be alright, after all, you too had taken reins of the family business from the young age of thirteen, and you are still the most powerful man I know."

Weiss said, and she was not lying, she had the best tutors money and favors could buy, she saw many veteran huntsmen's and multiple Ace-ops specialists, yet nobody gave her the same chill to her spine as her big brother, who is completely different when he trains them.

/Icy is right, and you are a monster when it comes to combat./

Neo said with a smirk, but her eyes betrayed her current mood, and Pyrrha was quiet too.

"It seems I was maybe too hard on you when you asked for real-life simulation."

Aegis said as he helplessly smiled at his little sisters, who still were shaken from his actions when he showed them what it meant to be in mortal danger, of course, they were newer in one as Aegis wouldn't ever seriously hurt them, but then again he did beat them up in training spar just to be sure that in future they would survive.

"You know, I always thought that I was strongest in my age group. After all, everyone who I fought was defeated, yet you are just two years older, and the gap is not anything I could ever imagine to overcome even within decades."

Pyrrha said as she looked at Aegis with a helpless smile that changed into a fiery one.

"But, it is better this way, after all, you are the best target I would ever want."

Pyrrha said with a smile that was just too sincerely for Aegis, who stood up and taken Pyrrha into a hug as he started spinning her around.

"Ahahahha, wait! waaaait!"

Pyrrha screamed laughingly.


Weiss tsked. Still, she too was more than ever determined never to become a burden for her big brother, and she too wanted to be strong enough to prove herself to him.

/Hey! I wanna too :D/

Neo said as she jumped on Aegis's back as he was hugging Pyrrha and is spinning with her in a circle.

Weiss just smiled at them as she took a sip from her glass.


Weiss said as she spat out the context of her mouth.

"I will never understand how mother and aunts could like this."

Weiss said as she put the vine glass down.




Two voices and one text said as Weiss looked at a trio of idiots who fallen to bet still laughing like kids...

Huh? Why did she felt like something missing?

Weiss looked at the smiling trio and made a decision.

"Catch me, big brother."

Weiss said as she jumped on Aegis, who quickly readied himself to catch a falling Weiss.


Weiss exclaimed as she fell on her brother's chest.

"Look who joined us."

Aegis said, and Weiss just smiled at him as she pecked his lips.

"Oh, be quiet, mister."

Weiss said as she snuggled her head into Aegis's chest.

"Yes, quiet and still."

Pyrrha said from the right side of Aegis as she used his arm as a pillow.

/Yep, be good pillow :p/

Neo said as she too used Aegis's left arm to sleep.

"Well, we still have some time before arriving."

Aegis said as he watched three girls contentedly asleep on his body parts.

"I love you all."

Aegis said as he closed his eyes contently as he felt the three girl's heartbeats.

/"We love you too :p"/

Heh, these moments were good, Aegis thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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