

On the continent of Anima Grimms, bandits and rogue elements were common, so when some village was erased it didn't raise any fuss.

So it was no surprise that one concrete village exchanged leadership without anybody noticing.

What was strange was the fact that the same village started being visit by trade caravans that would commonly avoid such an unimportant place.

So it was not strange when rumors of supposed sudden wealth were heard.

It started with common rumors of a hidden mine of dust to more bizarre ones of an ancient tomb full of valuable artifacts.

But no matter who or how they looked at it, nobody could find a 'true' reason for its sudden wealth.

As such, it was not uncommon to gain the attention of some questionable parties.

And one of these parties decided to act before someone else could take what is 'theirs'.

"Are they there?"

Asked a person that was hiding in the shadows of trees.

"Not yet, but it wouldn't take them long."

Said another one of three hiding shadows.

"And a target?"

Asked the first one and walked to the moonlight light showing camouflage uniform with SPCS insignia.

"Even if the target wouldn't be present, we will gain her attention."

Said the third person who too vore same clothing.

"Good, it would be a waste if the entire plan fell just because target chickened out."

Said the second one.

"Waste or not, we have our orders, but I wouldn't be too worried. From the intel, the target is both vengeful and cowardly, a strange combination but one we could use."

Said first one and looked at the village that was devoid of life yet voices and lights could be heard from it as decoits worked perfectly.

"Still, we all were debriefed. The targeted have supposed magical powers

spoken in fairy tales, engage it either with superior power or run."

Said the third one, and the other two just nodded in thought as the idea of witnessing Maiden's power that they thought was just a fairy tale not long ago was still a surreal feeling to them.

"Sir! Target with its additions is on the move!"

Said another person who just came.

"Acknowledged, orders still stand, wait until they are inside of a village and then engage, do not kill any females you see."

Said the first one, and the soldier in SPCS uniform nodded as he made his way back to inform his comrades.

"Well, it seems the time to challenge legends came."

Said the second one making the other two groan at his edginess.

"Please don't start with that shit again."

Said third one as he remembered the all suppressed memories from his younger days when he still was huntsmen who give a shit about his image.

"Heh, okay, but seriously if we wish to succeed in this operation, all huntsmen should engage the target when it's found, and others should take the mob."

The second one said with a chuckle.

"So either the woman named Vernal or Raven Branwen herself is suspected to be a target?"

Asked the first one just for clarification.

"Yes, but it would be ideal if we get all females as the boss don't want to risk losing the maiden power just because some of our boys were trigger happy."

The third one said and wanted to continue until he saw something as his wolf ears perked up.

"They are there."

He said, and they watched as a mob of people who could be described just as bandits from theirs attires or manner of moving was any indication.


Someone said, and they watched how they brazenly rushed to the village without even any scouting and checking for any danger.

"They truly are just greedy fuckers, aren't they? To think all that hard work for this."

Said the first one with disdain as he watched how they barged into houses without any idea.

"No matter, there the two supposed targets! Operation is green proceed!"

Said the third one and watched how the village's gates automatically closed, dividing the ones inside from the ones outside who started to panic.

"Show yourself!"

One of the bandits said just for him to fall to the ground with a bullet hole in his head.


Others panicked and started looking around just to witness how some of them falling everywhere lifelessly.

Panic gripped everyone's hearts as they couldn't fight something that wasn't there.


Masked woman with wild black hair said.

"Show then with what they are playing!"

The masked woman said to the smaller woman by her side that had short hair, and like if some performance, she started to raise her hands to the skies.

"We need her alive, not uninjured, fire on nonlethal places."

Someone said in SPCS intercoms, and the snipers who until now were culling the numbers of bandits from kilometers of distance fired bullets to the girl's hands and feet, making her raised hands collapse from the pain as her aura was not able to withstand multiple sniper bullets that impacted her simultaneously.

"Hm? It seems that our target is the leader Raven Branwen."

Said one of SPCS captains that saw that even if the girl who was making it look like if she was controlling the skies collapsed on the ground from pain, the skies didn't much change.


Raven Branwen said as she felt her aura flare in protection as multiple sniper bullets impacted her around the body. The worst thing was she could not see from where they were shooting her as she was hit in various places at the same time.


Raven wanted to say but was not able to continue as she saw something from the corner of her eyes and immediately braced herself as her instincts blared in response.


Said one of SPCS captains that surprised that the woman before him was able to block his Warhammer strike with her fragile-looking blade on such short notice.

"Who are you to attack us?"

Raven asked as she tried to analyze her situation and fish for information.

"Hm? of you don't need to worry who we are, just give up and come with us, and nothing will happen to you."

Said SPCS captain as he lazily leaned his Warhammer on the ground.

"As if I believe you, you don't know with what you are playing, let me and me people go, and you will not die."

Raven said as she watched the man smirk at her making her grith her teeth.

"Oh? But we are perfectly aware Spring maiden. After all, that's the reason why we are even there."

SPCS captain said with a smile as he readied himself into a fighting stance.

"You think you can fight maiden?!"

Raven said as she gave up on pretenses and used her powers.

"Myself? No, but for that, I have back up."

He said, and Raven immediately looked around as she saw ten people in the same uniform the man wore step out of trees lines.

"Give up, Raven Branwen, you can't fight us all, and your people wouldn't help you."

The SPCS captain said, and as if to prove his words correct, Raven saw how another five of her tribe members fallen to the ground with holes in their bodies.

"I will remember this!"

Raven said as she opened the portal and was about to jump into it if not for getting shot into the leg, making her stager.


One of the SPCS captains said, and all eleven captains used the weapon they were specially given for this mission that should be able to put down their target.


Raven cried out in pain as she felt multiple electricity surges impact her.


Raven led oud growl as she collapsed into the portal but not before the SPCS captain with Warhammer caught her and was pulled into a portal with her.

The portal closed after the two making the others look at the result with dumbfounded expressions.


Someone said what everyone thought.


On the other side of the portal, the unconscious woman fell on the ground, followed by an SPCS captain that tagged along.


After while a girl with golden hair said when she saw sleeping Raven and making the SCPS captain look around to see two little girls with blonde middle-aged man and dog.

"Well, bugger."

The SPCS captain said as he felt that this day couldn't go better.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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