
Eredith Flowers

"So, Eredith is alive and on Patch with supposed targets family."

Said one of ten SPCS captains that were left on the battle site.

"Oh great, well, nothing we can do there, so let leave it to higher-ups and clean up this place, I don't know about you, but I had enough of Anima for a long time."

Said one of the female SPCS captains as she brushed the hair out of her face.

"What about prisoners?"

Someone asked.

"Take them, there was a demand from egg-heads about suitable subjects, and these bandits fall into that category just wonderfully."

Said another captain.

"Oh, well, let's take them. Five captains will stay there with their men, and the rest will go with me to their camp for additional subjects, and who knows? Maybe we will play even heroes when we save some of these bandits victims."

Said one of the older captains with a chuckle, with the rest following in chuckling as they looked at the bound bandits with apathy even as they knew that the bandits would live the rest of their lives as guinea pigs.

"Ok, people, we have our orders lets go."

And after a while, five captains with fifty soldiers stayed with hundred bounded bandits and another fifty gone raid the Branwen tribe what was guarded just be a skeleton crew.


Eredith Flowers was not a happy man, not happy at all, as what was supposed to be a grand battle between specialist of SPCS and their men versus a maiden and her bandits was nothing more than easy culling of their numbers with a Maiden that should be strong enough to give them challenge taken by a continuous fire of high caliber sniper rifles.

It seemed that magic could do as much as modern technology.

To even bigger annoyance to the retired huntsman who joined SPCS for money and letter out of a sense of duty as he saw the changes they made in the world was that the woman couldn't just come quietly, no she must taunt them like some third rate villain and try to run with her stupid semblance.

So now Eredith, who is kneeling on the unconscious woman, was looking at two girls that hid behind their dad as they called him, who with his dog looked ready to fight.

And to Eredith, bigger surprises that were welcome but at the same time unwelcome to the current situation was a fucking child version of his long-lost friend who he thought was lost twenty years ago.

Silver eyes with black hair that had red tips.

"Fucking Summer."

Eredith mumbled under his breath as he watched the identical duplicate of his friend's eyes widen in surprise at his words.

"What are you doing to my mother?!"

Said a girl that looked like Raven, just with blonde hair and lavender eyes.

Eredith ignored the teenager in favor of the man who looked ready to fight.

"Sir, I do not care what familial connections you have with me prisoner, but any attempt to free Raven Branwen from my custody would be met with force, and any attempt to attack me would be met by force too."

Eredith said and pointedly looked at the girls making the man's eyes widen at the unsaid threat.

"Who are you, and who do you work for? And for what is Raven taken as prisoner."

The blonde man said with false bravado, and Eredith clicked his tongue as he saw him looking from him to the girls with a worried gaze.

"Im Eredith Flowers, Captain in SPCS forces who is currently on a mission to catch and bring Raven Branwen for an attack on SDC property and multiple attacks on innocents, a Leader of bandit tribe in Anima, and more, but I think that's enough as I can see your eyes, you know she is dangerous."

Eredith said and watched the man as he tried to think. In the meantime, Eredith bound the unconscious woman with handcuffs that were specially made to suppress an aura.

"Hey! let my mother be! I need to speak to her!"

The blonde kid said as she walked close to Eredith to the blondes man's horrors Eredith just pulled off his gun that could be considered a hand cannon be its size and aimed it at the girl's face.

"Not a one step more, or you would be charged under obstruction of justice."

Eredith said, and the blonde man acted in quick motion as he cathed his fear paralyzed daughter and hid her behind himself again.

Eredith noded and aimed his gun to the ground as not to seem a threat.

"Then let's call Vale police. They can take Raven to justice."

The man said as he wanted to pull his scroll but stopped when he saw Eredith gun once again aimed at him.

"No, as I said, Raven Branwen is under SPCS custody, not Vale, so be careful what you would do, or I will charge you for hiding Raven Branwen from justice and the evidence that she opened a portal to you as her first attempt would be enough evidence."

Eredith said, and the blonde winced, and his daughters now looked in worry of their dad being charged as a criminal.

"Y-you can't do this!"

The replica of Summer said, and Eredith steeled his heart as he saws his friend's replica tear-eyed.

"I can, and I will if you try to stop me."

Eredith said and hoped the SPCS is already on the way as he knew that his location is known to them, thanks to the numerous tracking devices that he always had on himself.

"Look, I know the Beacon headmaster, and im sure he would gladly come there if you don't want police, just, just wait for a little while."

Blonde said, and Eredith had almost already exploded at their attempts to help Raven.

"No, I do not know what you think, but a HEADMASTER of the academy, no matter how prestigious the academy, has no rights to meddle into justice matters, so do not bring him into this again."

Eredith said with a deathly tone as he knew what the headmaster was. Every person in SPCS who is above captain or above and gone through multiple tests was privy to a lot of secrets, and one of them was about a fucking soul-hoping parasite that liked to meddle into a lot of matters.

To Eredith, who read through multiple reports, facts, and legends about Ozma, now current Ozpin is nothing more than a man that liked the current status quo.

And that was not sitting well with Eredith.

"H-hey, you called me Summer, d-do y-you know my mom?"

The replica of his long-lost friend asked with difficulty, and the two blondes' eyes widened in surprise as they finally noticed his slip up.

Eredith wanted to curse but just sighted as he saw eyes that he remembered from younger years that always made coved him.

To say Eredith is surprised to find Summers daughter was...

It hurt Eredith as he remembered that in his younger days, he was crushing after the hero-worshiping girl that was always energetic, and the fateful day Eredith was ready to come clean with his feelings, he found out she ran after her dreams to become hero huntsmen.

Without him, or even telling him...

Eredith, at that time, was a weak and meek boy that was always following his crush and friend Summer in her adventures, with a lot of times ended up in him being hurt and Summer sad from guilt.

Maybe that was the reason she ran away and didn't even tell him. Perhaps she was scared of him hurting himself, or perhaps she just didn't value his friendship as he was.

Eredith didn't know and truly didn't even want to know.

But now that he looked at her daughter, it brought a lot of painful memories to Eredith, not speaking about the fact that the man who taken his crush's heart is standing before him...

"Fuuu, yes, yes I did know, Summer, or at least I thought I did."

Eredith said with a chuckle as he sat on Ravens back in a carefree manner to mask his true feelings.

"She was a lot like you now, you know? So innocent, soo naive."

Eredith said as he watched the girl's eyes widen in shock and the two blondes' fists clench, but Eredith didn't care. Eredith tried to buy time for pickup to come, and if he was to speak with the daughter of his crush?

But before Eredith could continue, there was a sound of bullhead outside, and Eredith sighed in relief when he felt his scroll buzz.

"But that is for another time, and it seems my time there is at the end."

There was a knock on the doors.

"Go, open up."

Eredith said to the man who looked at him and doors in hesitation, but after a while, he coved up and opened doors that showed multiple people in SPCS uniforms that were similar to Edith's, just in different colors as he came from a different climate.

"Well, you did take your sweet time."

Eredith said as he sighed in relief.

"Sorry, sir, there were complications."

One of the leading soldiers said as he picked up the unconscious Raven and wanted to take her outside just to be blocked by a blonde girl.

"Where do you taking my mother?!"

She asked and tried to play it cool, but the sight of multiple soldiers with guns made her tremble little.

"To our custody, if you want to speak to her, contact SDC."

Eredith said as he took pity on the stupid but brave girl.

"Farawell, I would say I was glad to meet Summers kid, but I will not lie."

Eredith said and stepped out of the house to bullhead and watched as the blonde man taken out of scroll and called to someone.

But Eredith didn't care. From now on, it is a problem for his higher-ups.

"Fucking Summer."

Eredith mumbled again as he tried to forget the pain in his heart.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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