

"Now Apocalypse, Have you managed to track him down?" Richard asked Queen

[Yes… as you suspected, he is in Egypt though not in Cairo as you initially thought, gathering Coordinates now] Queen responded as Richard rushed back into the Mansion

Arriving inside the mansion, Richard immediately headed for the hanger where the X-men were meant to gather. Flying into the room, Richard was faced with the entire X-men team with the exception of a few people.

"Excellent, everyone is here…. we have a day to rescue Xavier and another to transfer everyone here to a much safer place"

"Why?" Hank asked

"Lets just say that I managed to send them back to their maker"

"Oh… I will get the staff on that soon but about Charles, we don't exactly have a location to go after" Hank said in realization

"This thing can fly, right?" he asked while pointing at the black jet that was parked in the hanger

"Yes but I need a few hours to complete it"

"I'll handle it" Richard said as he floated up to the jet and stood on it

[Schematics uploaded]

With the schematics of the entire jet in mind, Richard immediately got to work as black liquid began to cover the entire jet. Hank who was looking on as the liquid covered his jet couldn't understand how so much liquid was only coming from one person.

It didn't make sense and wasn't playing by the rules of reality but then again they were mutants here who could create things from thin air so it was somewhat understandable. The liquid covered the entire jet as Richard began his modifications and repairs according to the general structure of the jet.

Hanks design was created because he thought that was the highest technology could offer at the moment, Richard on the other hand, had seen way much more so could improve on and add more features to the jet. Naturally he didn't go overboard with the redesigns since the jet wasn't his, he had only added things he thought they would find useful.

"Done…. now if you all are ready, please board the jet and lets go" Richard said as the liquid was being reabsorbed into his body.

"That's a pretty neat ability you have there, boy" Logan said as he slapped his shoulder and boarded the new black bird

"The rest of you, please prepare to move, Apocalypse's attack will only give the government more reasons to attack here so Queen will direct you all on what to do" Richard said as he boarded the plane too

"So where to?" Storm asked

"Queen, the coordinates" Richard requested and immediately the coordinates in question appeared on the dashboard of the blackbird

"Received…. we are heading there now"

With that Scot and Hank piloted the massive vehicle as it began levitating but surprisingly to everyone on board… the vehicle made way less noise than usual. They could barely hear the sounds of the engines as the jet took off.

"This is your doing, isn't it?" Hank asked Richard who was sitting behind him

"Naturally, now onward to greatness!!" he shouted as the jet finally left the hangar and was now in the sky above the school

"I would need a briefing on the new things you added to it" Hank said and Richard nodded as they blasted off into the distance

A few minutes later, they were already in Egyptian airspace and were now under cloak to hide from their air force after all they don't exactly have permission to fly to anywhere they wanted and as they wanted. A few more seconds, they arrived at a small city which had been reduced into nothing but dust and a massive pyramid standing in its center.

"Wow, how arrogant is this guy?" Jean asked

"He was once past ruler of an empire that covered nearly all of Earth… what do you think?" Richard replied as he unbuckled himself from the seat and stood up

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