
Enhancement Blessing

replied as he unbuckled himself from the seat and stood up

In doing so, his armor reappeared on his body again in preparation for combat. Turning to the rest of the team, Richard saw all of them fully kitted up and ready for combat.

[My scanners are detecting a massive electromagnetic field covering the pyramid and it is spreading] Queen announced

"Thanks…. Storm, you're in-charge of bringing down the field that's acting as a shield" Richard commanded as he turned to the only mutant in the jet that could take them manipulate an element tied to the electromagnetic field

"What?" The entire team shouted in shock

"What?… she can manipulate Lightning and cosmic storms.. this should be a small thing to her" Richard asked with furrowed brows

He sincerely believed that the girl should be able to stop the expansion of the Electromagnetic Field and even destroy it after all she was a Weather Goddess. Richard had watched her use her powers multiple times in the past and each time, he was convinced that she was way much more powerful than let on.

"I don't know what you think of me but I don't have that sort of power… my lightning is powerful but it isnt powerful enough to go against Magneto… he is an Omega level mutant" Storm said clearly not understanding his idea

"First, that classification system is flawed as hell… following that classification, I would be Beta-level mutant but I can certainly kill each and every single one of you with as much each as snapping my hands… don't classify an ability that was made to grow" Richard stated

It didn't make sense to him that they classified abilities that could grow stronger if even trained a bit. Magneto was this powerful before he had experience and years to train his ability, Charles also had said amount of time to train as well, Exodus had literal centuries to train.

In simple terms, The system of classification was flawed and seriously needed to be re-evaluated since the only thing, Richard saw it doing is discouraging the mutants from working harder. Storm here was probably worried because she was termed an Alpha-level mutant which was a step below an Omega-level.

"That doesn't make sense" Jean responded

"Doesn't matter, she is opening that field for us to enter" Richard said with a shrug as he climbed out of the jet leaving all of them confused

Richard didn't care about all they said or thought since he knew how powerful Storm should be. She had the ability to manipulate the weather on a cosmic scale which meant that even in the emptiness of space she was a threat to all.

The rest of the X-men followed him because remaining the jet was a simple death wish, if the enemy discovers them then they could take them all out immediately. Any explosion to the jet would result in all of their deaths.

"In my name, I bless you with power beyond all" Richard said with his hands clasped together before he separated them and raised them into the air as a milky white aura light spread out from them

The light continued forward until it covered all the X-men, if he wanted to fight En Sabah Nur's army on equal footing then he needed to enhance the X-men just as En Sabah Nur had enhanced his men using the abilities he gained from transferring his consciousness into Nowlan's body.

The mutant had the ability to boost the performance or just the ability of any mutant in his vicinity by at least 50% of what it used to be. Now En Sabah Nur had this power and mixed with his Self-molecular manipulation, he was a huge threat.

As soon as the light finally died, Richard could see an all new X-men standing before him. Their uniforms had changed and some of them had changed in appearance. Storm's eyes now glowed white and Richard could tell that she wasn't doing it by herself.

Jean had a firey glow around her, Hank grew taller and leaner but his blue fur still remained, Logan remained the same outwardly but Richard knew that something must have definitely changed and then their uniforms had changed into something from some cosplay event. It looked like their uniforms were also enhanced as well

"Shit… that took too much out of me" Richard lamented as he began feeling a bit lightheaded but managed to balance himself quickly and recover the lost energy just as quickly.

"What did you do" Logan asked

"Enhancements to put you on per with Apocalypse's men, now Storm, you have two ways you can put this out, I simple massive lightning bolt or you slowly take it apart like I suggested before"

"If the method was slow then why would you suggest it?"

"Because it will disorient Magneto and Jean can use that chance to knock him out" Richard replied without even skipping a single beat

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