

Bringing my head back up I slowly come out of my trance, my eyelashes flutter as I look at the screen....pitch black.

'Call ended'

I hear footsteps pounding on the stairs, heavy as it seems they are running for their life, my door swings open.

All the noise stops as I hear a ringing in my ear, it's as if the time around me has slowed down, like the movements infront of me are going in slow motion.

Three pairs of arms pull me into an embrace that feels like home, into the warmth that I've grown up with.

'This... this is my home, what's going to happen when I have to leave my home, when I have to leave my only warmth... for once in my life I'm going to feel cold.'

They hold me tighter as I cry, I don't think I have to tell them that I have to leave, because somehow I think they know.

Whispering words of comfort they hold me, they run their fingers through my hair, they rub soft circles on the skin of my hands, they love me.

'I can't.. I can't leave them, it's like leaving my soul in one place. My body moves to somewhere new... but my Soul doesn't follow. I can't leave them and move to Busan.. I just can't leave my only warmth, my only best friends.'

"It's okay... we know, just because you move doesn't mean you're leaving us... remember 'stick with me... stick with us' we're still here, and we're still your best friends."

Whispering this in my ear made the quiet room seem full, it made my troubles go away some how, because at the end of the day they're my home... they're my only happiness.

"We are never going to leave you, always and forever, okay?" His fingers come in contact with my face, gently wiping my tears as the other boys hold me.

Looking into his eyes I smile up at Jay, "I know I just..- I just..-, what if I get picked on? Just like last time" they laugh at this, making my lips turn into a pout.

Jays smile gets bigger,

"I want you to look into their eyes and say 'this dumbass' in the meanest way you can okay Baby bird?...Can you do that for us?"

Laughing as I remember him cussing at the other kids when we were little, they have always had my back, from then till now.

I pull the boys into me harder, whispering back "I can...."


Rubbing at my eyes vigorously I sit up in bed, the light shines through my curtains as my eyes scan the room.

Turning my head sideways A foot comes in contact with my cheek, I glance to the other side as someone's ass is directly on my pillow.

I grin as I bring my hand up, swinging it down fast I slap the persons ass, a loud smacking sound rings throughout the room.

I jump out of bed as the person yells, Heehee sits up in bed, his wide eyes look over at me as he sees me standing by the bathroom door.

His hair sticks up in all different directions, crawling over the other two he brings out one foot and places it onto the floor, and swings the other over Jay.

His foot catches in Jays hoodie as he falls to the floor, jay rolls off the bed as well landing on top of him, jumping up he automatically wakes up.

"Owe what the fuck just happened!" grabbing his elbow he looks at me for an explanation, smiling to myself I let out a laugh,

"I have no idea you just.... fell".

Shrugging his shoulders he opens my bedroom door dashing downstairs, Heehee following after him, a sigh escapes my lips as I walk over to hoonie.

The sweet smell of pancakes floats through the open door and makes its way into the room, placing my hand in Junies hair I gently rub it.

Fingers comb through his soft hair, 'i swear it feels like when you shave your legs and get under silk covers' sighing as I feel how soft his hair is.

Laying on his stomach his head turns over facing me now, slowly as I play with his hair more his eyes open.

"Morning cutie" opening both eyes now his lips curl up, that beautiful smile just barely peaking out, sitting beside his laying figure I carefully watch him.

Smushing his face into the pillows once again his body shakes, arms and legs stretching out as he pops his stiff joints, hand still in his hair combing his soft locks.

His body relaxes as he brings his hand up, grabbing onto my wrist he sits up abruptly, pulling me off the bed he leans over.

Hand still in his hold as he is grabbing it from over his shoulder, "come on let's get some breakfast!" Morning voice making him sound a little funny.

Jumping onto his hunched over figure he grips under my thighs, standing up straight he begins to take up downstairs, we giggle as he jumps down the steps.

Stepping into the kitchen we see the other boys, my sister and mom, slipping off his back we take our seats at the island bar me sitting right beside Jay.

"Good morning you too, took you long enough" jays voice rings out in the kitchen, chuckling I push him in the shoulder, mom places a plate of pancakes and bacon infront of us.

Scrunching up my face I take my fork and push the bacon to the edge of my plate, jays hand automatically stretches out, taking my bacon he  shoves it in his mouth with his hand.

"EWWW that was Soooo disgusting!" I laugh as he turns his face towards me, opening his mouth he comes towards me, "bwat yahjh lub Itttt!" Tickling me in the sides I fall to the other side of my chair.

Junies warm hand comes in contact with my skin, pushing my hip slightly so I don't fall off the side of the chair, giving him a big smile I turn back to jay.

"Quit it you dork!" Ruffling his hair I push his head away from me, we continue to eat our breakfast, all laughing here and there as we eat.

"Did you girls pack yet?"

...My heart stops beating, well not literally but that's what it feels like, in that moment the room turns cold, all the happy laughter ceases.

"Yeah we...-" cutting me off Heehee starts to talk, "we helped her last night, everythings all ready to go ma'am" glancing over to him I catch him looking at me.

Giving him a small smile out of gratitude, 'i know he only did that because my voice sounded shaky', standing up I place my dishes in the sink.

We head upstairs to grab all of my things to put it into the movers truck, taking our time because it's the last of them I'm going to be seeing for a while.

June heads to my sisters room to help her get her stuff down stairs, taking a little longer then needed, 'a little suspicious but that's not my place to say anything'.

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