
6. New School Same Me

A shiver runs down my back, I'm in a cold sweat as my shaky hand is holding tightly onto the knob of the door. The music is soft as I hear it through the door, I can feel the rumble of the bass through the door knob.

Swinging the class room door open I step inside, my skirt swishes from side to side making me feel completely naked as some eyes fall onto me.

The music becomes louder as I watch a group in the middle of dancing, consisting of three boys, all of them fairly handsome.

Bright smiles decorating their faces as the music comes to a stop, my eyes scan the room as i see some students looking at me, all of them have looked away except one.

He's looking at me with a blank face, no emotion at all, 'what the fuck is his problem', turning away from him I look at the teacher.

"Okay! Thank you jake, Sam, and Justin that was great, please take your seats. You all have gotten much better since last time, I don't think I have any corrections this time".

The three boys take a seat on the floor by the other boy who was staring at me, turning towards the class the teacher smiles.

"So we have a new student, umm free time at the moment while I get her settled in okay!" The whole class is now looking at me, I feel uneasy in the clothes that my sister made me wear.

Standing there I watch the teacher head over to a small door on the side of the room, opening it up he steps inside, 'must be his office'.

"What's a CHEERLEADER doing here!? Wow I guess they really do let Anyone in" the comment comes off high pitched and snooty, turning towards the voice I see a very ugly girl.

Sitting next to the boy from earlier and the three boys who were just dancing, "you don't even know her Maybean leave her alone."

My eyes shift over to the boy who said it, he has brown hair and a cute puppy smile, glancing over at me I give him a soft smile.

"No it's true I don't think she belongs here either, HEY TWINKLE TOES! the cheerleading room is on the other side of the school"

His stupid voice rings throughout the class room, it's the boy from earlier with black hair wearing the grey hoodie, a big smirk is spread across his face.

The girl named Maybean beside him starts laughing, rolling my eyes at the high pitched sound, getting irritated I decide to speak up, 'they don't know who the fuck they're talking to'.

"Wow where's your off button?" My voice comes out strong, crossing my arms over my chest the girl stops laughing, "Excus-..." baffled I cut her off, "you're excused".

Her mouth hangs open as she pushes the grey hooded boy next to her, "say something" she hisses this out as I grab my bag that I set on the floor and put it on.

Standing up the boy walks over to me, "you think yo-...." almost right next to me I swing my arm up, opening my hand I put it infront of his face, indicating for him to stop talking to me.

He stops taking as he stares at me, scoffing as I walk past him, opening the door to the teachers office I step inside.



"When I talked to my wife over at '8 4life' she told me that you were going to be automatically transferred to my studio".

Confusing is written all over my face as I continue to stare at my dance teacher, 'what is he going on about?'.

"You seem a bit confused, I'm the dance teacher here at school as well as 'Step in's' dance coach, my wife is Mrs. Gee the coach over at '8 4life' ."

'Ohhhh she never talked about having a husband before.... 'Step in' is the most elite dance studio here in Busan, so me switching over automatically shouldn't have came to a shock to me.

Their motto is 'Step in: to a whole new world of dance', our motto over at 8 4life is 'dancing for us is like oxygen.. we need it to breath'.

"So today is supposed to be our audition day but since I've heard a lot of things about you, you won't be audition at all, we are very excited to have you.

Please come right after school so we can get you settled in quickly."

'I can't wait.....'

My face is shining with excitement as I left the office.


Neon blue sign sits on top of a beautiful black building.

'Step in: To A Whole New World Of Dance', grinning ear to ear as I can already hear the music from within, 'this is gonna be fucking awesome!'

Clutching onto my book bag strings I make my way inside, the door swings open as I step in.

My sneakers screech as I come to a halt, stopping abruptly so that I don't smack right into the back of some kid infront of me.

'That's right he said auditions were today...'

Looking across from me I see a huge mirror wall, infront of the mirror as a long table 4 people sitting at it.

My eyes scan the people the first being the coach aka my teacher Mr. Lim, moving over more I see two more adults both of them very beautiful girls.

Skipping my eyes over them I take in the last one, my breath catches in my throat as I stop breathing, my grip tightens on my book bag as I visibly gulp down my saliva.

Right there right infront of me, the biggest jerk of them all sits at that table, Mr. Grey Hoodie, 'oh in gods name why did it have to be him'.

Looking at a piece of paper infront of him I start to wonder why he is sitting at that table, no conclusion passes in my mind as I watch him, 'my god on top of being a jerk he sure is hella ugly'.

"Okay thank you, Next we have 'Shim y/n'",

His voice is the same rough tone that I heard in the class room, confused as I'm the last one standing.

Making my way over to the other people on the floor I go to sit, his stupid eyes follow me as the rest of the three adults start talking, clearly not paying attention.

My eyes snap over to him as his lips are moving, my eyebrows scrunch up because I wasn't paying him attention at all.

"Uhh yeah I didn't hear jack squat of what you just said so...", he tilts his head to the side, a low scoff passes his lips.

Standing up he makes his way over to me, quickly I get up on my feet, face to face with him now.

"I said, are you 'Shim y/n? You still have to audition", now it's my turn to scoff, crossing my arms I look him dead in the eyes.

"Yeah I am, and no I don't need to audition... I'm already in," a loud laugh comes from him, stepping forward he gets right in my face.

His eyes trail down taking in my school outfit, he starts smirking as my face heats up, 'who the fuck does he think he is?'

"Cheerleaders don't belong here, so why don't you take your little Pom poms and leave the real dancing to the rest of us huh?".

The other kids around the room start "Ooo" ing and whispering things, 'Oh THATS IT!'

Trailing my eyes up I step towards him, leaning in my lips brush his ear, I can hear him take in a shaky breath.

"If you think you're so much better then me than how about you show me, huh tough guy?"

Stepping back I watch him, biting his lip his head quickly snaps in my direction, a wide smirk resting on his face.

"Sweetheart... you don't know what you just walked into, you better be ready because-..."

"I thought our feet were supposed to move... not our mouths" cutting him off I grab my bag and walk towards the bathrooms.

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