
1840 Indian Renaissance

Ma Shao, a high school physics teacher, was reborn in the United States in 1840 and becomes an Apache Indian. She must save her people. All rights to their respective creators I am just a translator who uploads this book. Sorry if there are translation errors in the chapters.

Theshadowreader135 · Otras
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96 Chs

Chapter 69: Clash of Clans

"any solution?"

Fang Lian said, "We can contact the chief of the tribe and try to get him to come forward or even take action. If the chief is willing to attack the Sleeping Bear Clan, we can act as an internal support."

"Will this work? There are so many members of the Sleeping Bear Clan that they can almost unite with the tribe. Moreover, they have defeated the Arapaho people before," someone questioned.

Square Face: "What else can we do? Apart from the tribe taking action, do we have any other chance to fight against the Sleeping Bear Clan? We can't just watch our children become Apaches!"

This sounded quite risky. Although the Comanches in the tent basically all strongly disliked the Sleeping Bear Clan, they still looked at each other in confusion when they heard this.

"What if we fail..." a young man said hesitantly.

The square-faced man glanced at his head with disdain: "Look how scared you are! You still have four feathers, did you pick them up?"

Then he patted his chest and said, "If you fail, it's all my fault!"

"You are worthy of being the big brother!" Several people admired him.

"Then how do you plan to contact the chief? The chief is not close to us, and it will take at least ten days to go back and forth. The Sleeping Bear Clan is obviously wary of the twin wolves. If we want to go out alone for such a long time, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome."

Fang Lian said, "Ma Shao is not in the clan recently. The one in charge is Shi Ya, who is easy to talk to... We can ask him to let us go hunting, just a few of us, and then pretend that I fell into the river and disappeared. I will take this opportunity to go to the south to contact the chieftain."

"If Stone Crow doesn't agree, I'll just sneak out one night! If someone asks about it, Black Horn, just say you suspect I stole your things and ran away."

A few days later.

Republic of Texas.

In a forest in the northwest, Square-Faced Man was riding a brown horse at full speed. The surrounding scenery quickly receded in his eyes, and soon a tent appeared vaguely in front of him.

Seeing these tents, Fang Lian couldn't help but show joy. He pulled the reins, quickened his speed, and soon arrived at the area where the tents were.

There are about a hundred tents here, with three to four hundred people living in them, which is a rare scale compared to most Indian clans. But this is obviously not a clan in the general sense.

In fact, this was the heart of the Comanche Forest Tribe, or Forest Clan.

About a hundred years ago, the first chief of the Twin Wolf Clan left the Forest Clan and established his own clan. Many clans branched out from the Forest Clan and together formed the Forest Tribe.

Fang Lian entered the forest tribe and soon met the chief Owl and explained his purpose.

His description was, of course, exaggerated.

In his tearful story, the Twin Wolf Clan was a perfect victim, and the Sleeping Bear Clan was a group of cunning and insidious guys who instigated the Twin Wolf Clan to conflict with the white people and then took the opportunity to annex them.

This story is 70% true and 30% false. The general course of events is true and logical, but the key points are distorted or confused.

Chief Owl was a white-haired old man in his sixties. He trembled slightly after hearing this and was naturally extremely angry: "The Sleeping Bear Clan forced your children to learn Apache?"

"That's right! They forced all the Comanches to learn the Apache language and writing!" Square Face knelt on the ground and said, "Big Chief, if this continues, in a few years, we may not even be able to speak Comanche!"

"I implore the tribe to attack the Sleeping Bear Clan and rescue the Twin Wolf Clan!"

"Subjugating the Sleeping Bear?" Chief Owl calmed down and thought for a moment, "The Apache Sleeping Bear Clan you are talking about, is it the one under the command of the Son of the Sky?"

Fang's face froze for a moment, then he nodded slightly and said, "Yes..."

The high priest nearby heard this and said, "The record of the Son of the Sky on the plateau is well known. The Arapaho people were defeated wholeheartedly. We can't be his opponent."

Square Face said quickly, "The reason why the Horse Whistle was able to defeat the Arapaho was because the Apaches also gathered their tribes, with more than a thousand people. The Sleeping Bear Clan does not have that many people."

"How many people are there in the Sleeping Bear Clan?" asked Chief Owl.

"three hundred..."

"Three hundred people?" Chief Owl's brows relaxed slightly. Three hundred people were not too many.

"Three hundred warriors," Fang Lian added hesitantly.

Chief Owl was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"Three hundred is the number of warriors." Fang Lian continued with a stiff face, "The population of the Sleeping Bear Clan is about... about 1,500. Oh no, it's 1,400, not counting the Twin Wolf Clan."

"One thousand five hundred people!" Chief Owl took a breath of cold air, "How can one clan have so many people?"

Square Face explained, "After defeating the Arapaho, Ma Shao has been annexing other clans. Last month, two more clans joined."

The high priest said, "1,500 people, 300 warriors, that's still a lot. Unless we gather other tribes and form a Comanche coalition, it will be almost impossible to defeat them."

Fang Lian thought of something and said quickly, "Captain, High Priest, you may not know how rich the Sleeping Bear Clan is. They have at least 5,000 horses. As long as we form an alliance and defeat the Sleeping Bear Clan, we will definitely reap great rewards!"

Many Indian tribes that made a living by hunting, in addition to hunting wild animals, often worked part-time as bandits, plundering everywhere, regardless of whether their opponents were Americans, Mexicans, Texans, or foreign Indians.

Upon hearing the news, Chief Owl showed a hint of excitement on his face.

Fang Lian kept accusing and pleading: "Great Chief, the tribe cannot allow other tribes to annex our clan. If we turn a blind eye to the actions of the Sleeping Bear Clan today, the Utes, Kiowas, Osages... they will all think we are cowards without courage! They will definitely come to annex our clan!"

It can be seen that Chief Owl really wants to take action.

But the harsh reality finally stopped him.

He and the high priest looked at each other, leaned in and whispered a few words, and finally said: "It is not easy to gather the coalition forces, and as you know, the Comanches suffered some setbacks in Texas last year... It is really unwise for us to provoke the Sons of the Sky at this time."

Fang Lian was stunned, with disappointment on his face, but he was still unwilling to give up: "Is the tribe just going to watch the Twin Wolf Clan turn into Apaches?"

"Of course not." Chief Owl said, "We don't have to consider attacking Sleeping Bear for now, but we can communicate with the Apache Plains Tribe."

"Apache Plains Tribe?" Fang Lian looked a little confused.