
Trouble After Trouble

The cheering from the square gradually faded away when the people could no longer see the Emperor's majestic figure. Soon, there were whispers as they were puzzled about what was going on.

A moment ago, the Emperor was still standing straight in front of them. His figure was impeccable and full of nobility.

His Majesty was about to lit on the lantern before he had suddenly disappeared from their eyes.

Someone among the crowd mentioned that something could have happened to the Emperor. Then, another joined in and said that perhaps, the Emperor had suddenly fallen ill.

Once someone had voiced their speculation, the words spread around and the people began to panic.

If something was to happen to their Emperor at this time, then what will happen to their country?

Because of this festivity and the Emperor's suggestion to hold the banquet in the watchtower instead of inside the palace as they usually do, their neighboring countries were watching them.

Although the rulers from the neighboring countries had admired the Emperor's guts to hold the banquet outside the palace, there were a few of them who had wished for the Emperor's demise at the same time.

The situation at the square grew chaotic. Their murmuring grew and turned to shout of concern towards their Emperor.

Meanwhile, Yu Feng was finally aware that she had put herself into a very dangerous situation when she decided to tackle the Emperor down and slapped that stick away from the Emperor's hand.

Yu Feng was thinking…


Actually, Yu Feng was not thinking at all when she decided to pull that stunt. All she knew was that something bad will happen if the Emperor lit up the lantern.

Her impulse decision had brought her trouble. Yu Feng thought that she had a streak of bad luck on this day. It seemed that everywhere she goes, Yu Feng would run into trouble and those troubles had almost cost her life.

What bad luck!

The surroundings around the banquet hall were very quiet, and none dared to make a move.

It was the Third Prince, Qin Zhi Lin who was the first to reacted. "An assassin! Seventh Brother! Quickly kill that person before he does something dangerous."

"Shut up! The Crown Prince roared back at his brother. "Do you want to announce it to the world? Don't forget that many eyes were watching us from every corner. If words got out that the Emperor met an assassin in this tower, what do you think will happen?"

Qin Zhi Chen was about to go out of the crowd to help the Emperor up when he finally saw Yu Feng's face. He was reminded that his brother had kept their identity a secret from the boy and soon, decided that it was not time for him to appear.

Fortunately, the Grand Eunuch had stepped forward to help the Emperor up.

At this time, the ministers and officials began to gather around the Emperor, each voicing out their concern towards him. Their voices, however gradually died down upon meeting the Emperor's penetrating gaze.

He was the Emperor of Lantian! But someone had tackled him, causing him to fall, and rolled on the floor in such an embarrassing state. And this all happened in front of his family and subjects!

This embarrassment soon turned to anger, and the Emperor did not attempt to hide his feelings.

"Was the security you have arranged was so bad that a mere little boy was able to slip inside?" the Emperor roared as he turned to Qin Zhi Hao.

The man tightened his grip around his sword. His head lowered and there was remorse in his eyes.

"General Li Mu was the one who was guarding the entrance, wasn't he?" As the Emperor spoke these words, his suspicion that his own general wanted to kill him sprouted.

The General was his son's maternal uncle. The two of them could work together to harm him. Perhaps, this son had suppressed his ambition for the throne and had finally shown his true color.

"It looks like the General has become very incapable to allow such person to enter this place." The Emperor sneered.

"Your Majesty. Please appease your anger," Qin Zhi Hao spoke again. From the Emperor's gaze, he was able to guess that his life too, was in danger if the Emperor did not contain his wrath. "Before you make a decision, we should investigate everything first."

The Emperor opened his mouth to retort, but at this time, the voices from the square had turned louder and reached the Emperor's ears.

Knowing that his people were worried about him, the Emperor decided to let the matter on hold to calm those who had attended to see him.

"Forget it." The Emperor glanced at Yu Feng and flicked his sleeves. "This event must go on. Detain this boy and bring him to the palace. I am going to interrogate him myself."

Yu Feng swallowed as she met the Emperor's gaze briefly. She watched the official returned to the Emperor's side with a new stick and her heartbeat accelerated, knowing that the Emperor had not given up on lighting on the lantern.

"No!" She shouted quickly. "You cannot light on the lantern or a terrible thing will happen."

"Shut up! Do you think that you haven't cause enough trouble?" Qin Zhi Hao pressed the blade to Yu Feng's neck and a streak of blood appeared on her skin.

It was the first time that Yu Feng had noticed Qin Zhi Hao's presence at the site. She gritted her teeth and decided to forget about her safety for now. Anyway… if she did not stop this event from going on, she would meet her death.

"No. Mister, listen to me." Yu Feng stared at Qin Zhi Hao with pleading eyes. Then, she turned to the Emperor and shouted, "Your Majesty, if you chose to light up that lantern now, all of us will die here!"

Her chest heaved up and down and Yu Feng watched as the Emperor turned his head slowly to her. "Your Majesty, you have to believe me. If you continue to light up that lantern, this place is going to explode and everything around here will be caught in a big fire."

Hearing Yu Feng mentioned an explosion and a big fire, the Emperor paused in his act. He turned around and looked at Yu Feng with his penetrating gaze. "What do you mean?"

Yu Feng clenched her fists as she gathered her courage. "Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, I can show you. I can prove it to you."

How about a few extra chapters if the reviews reached ten? And by review, I did not mean a string of emojis.

Thank you for your support~

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