
Familiar Gaze

Qin Zhi Hao tightened his grip on his sword, but he dared not make another move.

They were enjoying the festivity mood and killing Yu Feng at a place like this would spoil everyone's mood, especially the Emperor. It was not a good idea to spill Yu Feng's blood at a place like this.

His eyes shifted towards the little boy in front of him and saw the way Yu Feng was looking back at him in anger.

Qin Zhi Hao could not understand why would he looked at him with such a gaze. The person who had betrayed him was Yu Feng. What gave her the right to look at him with such gaze?

He quickly looked away to focus on the Emperor and waited for his decision.

The Emperor seemed to be in deep thought after hearing Yu Feng's words.

He could still remember the incident where the lantern's construction site was caught on fire. There was a big explosion and through the investigation, they found that there has been a trace of gunpowder.

Now that Yu Feng had mentioned that the place might blow up if he insisted on lit up the lantern, of course, the Emperor could not shake off the possibility that something like that was going to happen.

His eyes were looking at Yu Feng as he judged whether Yu Feng was telling him the truth.

The little boy in front of him was dressed shabbily. If he was to believe Yu Feng's words, won't the minister think that he was being too paranoid?

At this time, the Grand Eunuch walked over to the Emperor and whispered a few words.

It was known that this eunuch has been working beside the Emperor for years, way before the Emperor was elected as the Crown Prince. They have gone through a lot together and the Emperor would consider the Grand Eunuch's opinion.

Once the Grand Eunuch stepped back, the hostility in His Majesty's eyes quickly disappeared and the way he looked at Yu Feng turned gentler.

Seeing this situation, those who were around them wondered just what was it that the Grand Eunuch had told the Emperor for him to have a change of heart.

"Little boy, do you know what will happen to you if you were found lying?" The Emperor asked as he walked over to Yu Feng with languid steps.

Yu Feng stared back at the Emperor and swallowed. "I know. I will die for the crime of deceiving the Emperor."

For a second, the Emperor was shocked to see Yu Feng's determined gaze. There was a slight fluctuation in the Emperor's gaze as he looked at Yu Feng. At that moment, he could not help but think that there was something familiar behind Yu Feng's gaze. It felt as if… he had seen that pair of eyes before.

Suddenly, the Emperor felt a tug at his heart. The feeling was as if he had been missing something or someone...

His gaze darted at Yu Feng's clothing and the Emperor quickly thought that there was something wrong with his mind that he had tried to link a shabby boy like Yu Feng to Xiao's family.

From the way Yu Feng was dressed, the Emperor quickly guessed that she was an orphan who lived on the street.

"So, you're not stupid." The Emperor chuckled. "Little boy… What's your name?"

Yu Feng opened her mouth to answer, but halted before she answered. "My name is Xiao Feng."

Once the words escaped her mouth, Yu Feng complimented herself for being quick enough to stop herself from saying her real name.

If the Emperor know who she was, wouldn't she die on the spot? After all, before they left the Capital, her father had mentioned that Yu's family was not allowed to set foot in the capital.

"Xiao Feng," the Emperor repeated her name and thought of the Xiao family who was serving the government. However, he could not recall anyone with the same eyes as Yu Feng.

"You said that you have proved. Then, show me," the Emperor said. "If you failed to provide any proof, then you should know what will await you."

Yu Feng heaved a shaky breath, knowing that for now, her life will be spared. She had listened to those two men's conversation in the drainage system and could figure out what she should find to stop the explosion from happening.

Yu Feng could not ignore that there was still the possibility that those men in the drainage system to tell lies. However, now that she was in the watchtower, Yu Feng could not just ignore the possibility that those men were indeed planning a horrible murder.

She would rather take the chance to accept the punishment of lying to the Emperor rather than watching how the city will be destroyed in that big fire.

Anyway, the moment she had stepped inside the watchtower and rolled on the ground with the Emperor, Yu Feng's neck was already under the blade. It was only by taking this chance and find the prove will her life be saved.

Yu Feng shifted to stand up, but then stopped herself when she felt a stinging pain in her neck. Her eyes moved towards the person who was holding his blade at her neck and Yu Feng did not dare to make any move lest she would die on the spot.

"Let her go" The Emperor commanded.

Qin Zhi Hao stared back at the Emperor with a complicated gaze. At this time, he could not believe that the Emperor was willing to trust the boy's words.

The Emperor had only met Yu Feng a few moments ago. Just what did the Grand Eunuch had to tell him to make him change his mind?

Qin Zhi Hao stepped back and retracted his sword. The frown on his face deepened as he tried to figure out what was going on.

He watched as Yu Feng stood up from the ground and patted herself from dust. His eyes narrowed as Qin Zhi Hao watched Yu Feng tore a corner of her clothes to press at the wound on her neck.

It was at this moment that something in his mind clicked and Qin Zhi Hao knew what did the Grand Eunuch had said.

His gaze towards Yu Feng turned complicated, knowing that Yu Feng had no bad intention towards His Majesty.

He had issued a kill order to his men when he thought that Yu Feng had run away. Then, was it all a misunderstanding?

"Go with the little boy and see what is he planning to do," the Emperor spoke to Qin Zhi Hao. "If he's lying, then, you know what to do."

Okay... how about if I increase the weekly update in exchange for your reviews? XD

Thank you for your support~

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