
16th Street of Lament

"Before lament was us.."

iLuluo · Acción
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91 Chs

Sinner of the Crime 3

Aka didn't return into the Primal Base, instead we went straight into the Jade Residence. It's one of the most highest paid house retailers. The privacy security here is also one of a kind. Long ago, he bought one of the very expensive and tranquil house here. Upon arriving the house is lighted up but in dim. It's been a year already since he last visited here however everything was clean and intact. As expected from a high paid residence.

He put down Shabu who happily went to roam around the new unfamiliar house. It was huge and elegant, but it was really quite. Anyway, he was accustomed to the eerie sound of silence and he was always alone. Though he may have few real companions, he prefer to have his own space to breathe in.

Being attached too much at the crowd could choke

He went into the master bed room and didn't opened the light. The dim light coming from the lamp was enough, and who was he to fear the darkness when it's the darkness who turned him into someone. He couldn't careless.

He opened the drawer of an antique night stand table and he grab something underneath, it was a sleeping pills.

Every night is a torture to him. He don't have an insomnia but he can't rest. He doesn't even remember when is the last time he slept well and sometimes he would just stare in emptiness as he waits for the dawn to arrive.

He tried hypnotist but it didn't result to anything.

The pills doesn't also have a better effect but at least, it can put him into a two to three hour sleep.

After taking the pills, he went to change his clothes from the wardrobe where everything is prepared.

When he lay down, he stare at the empty ceiling and just hope that drowsiness would come and visit soon.

He can't felt tiredness nor any other emotions beside getting serious nor annoyed. He can't even understand the word love and it was a foreign word to him. He doesn't even feel lust at all! Even if luscious women would swarm to him, he wouldn't even dare to bathe an eyelid.

All he can fell was the urge of bloodlust

He can't laugh, can't weep, can't get excited, can't become affectionate. He doesn't even know if he was still a human being after losing all entity. He felt so empty inside.

While many thought flock right in, he didn't noticed he fell asleep.

Regal Military Primal Base

The continuous investigation about the culprit behind the burned research facility didn't hither. The information they received from Aka was useful and they're able to trace some of the suspect wellbeing from the said area.

It was accurate that the suspect was a frequenter at the area and probably a resident. The military and the Investigation Sect has been keeping a good eye at the area. The problem is, it was one of the most largest and populated area in the city C. It was problematic to surveillance each of them.

Aside from that, they received a shocking information about the culprit. That person was disguising his self and even that person gender was now unclear.

That person maybe a male nor a female. The suspect is skilled in forging his appearances, but that person resides at that specific area.

Mato's unit was also in charge of this case and they're unsure if they're able to catch the suspect within the given time. Especially now that a mandatory Melee has presumed.