
What did you do?

As much as Li Rong tried to act like she hadn't been affected by the scene she just witnessed, she couldn't pretend for long because the anger and displeasure was all over her face.

If someone had told her about this, she would never have believed it. But she had witnessed it with her own eyes. Wang Yun had really come to their house to pick up her thief of a sister.

They had even been chatting happily while she laughed like she had just won a jackpot.

"Sister Rong.." Jiaying called from the hallway as Rong opened the door to her room.

"Not now Jiaying. I want to be left alone" Rong said as she entered her room and shut the door.

Jiaying only wanted to pacify her anger but she knew her sister well. Whenever Rong was angry, it took heaven and earth to placate her.

Rong looked out her window, deep in thought. She was very sure Vice President Wang Yun did not know Lijuan was a thief. If he knew, he would not have asked her out on a date.

Since he had been out of the country for a while, he probably hadn't heard any rumour about Lijuan. A smirk creeped up her face.

"I guess I do not have to do anything after all. He would find out very soon" She said with an evil smile.


"Did you see that? Did you actually see that? Our Lijuan has won the heart of the Vice President of Wang Motors. This is beautiful!" Mother Mei told her husband excitedly, clapping her hands.

"That is if she doesn't ruin it. She will likely steal something and end up embarrassing the young man and our family." Chairman Mei predicted.

"Why are you always so negative about everything concerning Lijuan? Give the girl a break. She didn't ask to be a thief!" Mother Mei said angrily as she walked away from her husband.

She wasn't going to let him ruin her joy. It wasn't everyday a mother watched her daughter go out on a date, especially when that daughter was someone like Lijuan.


Lijuan quickly heaved a deep sigh of relief when the car drove off. "Phew! That went really well, even better than I expected. Thank you." She said as she looked around the car curiously.

"Don't take your hands off your lap. Don't even think of stealing anything." Yun warned.

Lijuan frowned at him but said nothing.

"What was that stunt you pulled at your house? What did you tell your family?" Yun asked, making her shift in her seat uncomfortably.

"And don't even think of lying to me." Yun warned when he saw her reluctance.

"Erm, I may have suggested to them that you asked me out on a date" Lijuan said with an awkward smile.

"What? Me? You? A date?" Yun asked pointing to her and then himself with an unbelievable laugh.

"What was I to tell them? That I accidentally took your pen and you were coming to my house to pick it up?" Lijuan retorted.

"Besides what's so special about you anyway? You think you're too good for me?" Lijuan asked with an annoyed smirk.

He glanced at her in surprise, for a thief and a liar she was quite bold and proud, he would give her that.

"Hold on, your family really thinks we are out on a date, is that right?" he asked her when something occured to him.

"Yes" She said, looking out the window.

"But you expect me to drop you off by the roadside to catch a cab?" He asked again.

She bobbed her head up and down. "Yes."

"And you're not with your big guard" He pointed out, referring to Jackie as he had already figured out Jackie's job description.

"Obviously. When are you going to get to the point? I'm bored" Lijuan said feigning a yawn.

"I can't just drop you off by the roadside. I'm taking you back home."


"Because if you steal anything it's going to be on me since I was the reason you went out without your guard."

"Hand me my pen. I'll just take you back to the house."

"No" She shook her head at him.

Wang Yun sighed in frustration and used a hand to massage his temple as he wondered what he had gotten himself into.

"You can tell them something came up at work and I had to leave." He added.

"My sisters won't buy that story, besides today is Sunday. Can't I just go with you to wherever you're going to? I won't bother you, Please." Lijuan pleaded.

"I work on Sundays and I'm going to work" Yun said.

"Okay then, I could go with you and maybe learn a thing or two." Lijuan said with a shrug.

"Listen, I don't need company. I could just take you back home and explain to them something came up myself. They should buy my story if they can't buy yours. That's the best I can do for you." Yun offered.

She looked at him with a sad expression and after considering it carefully she said a faint "Okay."

Yun glanced at her without saying a word before reversing the car.

"How did you get out of that Jewelry shop the other day?" He suddenly asked with curiosity.

She looked at him with wide eyes, so he had remembered her after all. She simply shrugged without saying anything.

"Have you considered therapy for.... you know...?" Yun didn't know how to put it so it wouldn't offend her, but he hoped she got what he was implying. He really wasn't one to talk much but he realized he was rather very curious about her condition.

Her face colored in embarrassment at the question. Why was he asking her such questions? It wasn't like they were friends or anything.

"I've had several therapists. It's not just working." She said after a while. Luckily for her they arrived at her house before he could say anything.

"I'll walk you to the door." He said as he got down to open her door.

"You're back so soon? What did you do?" Chairman Mei asked with a disapproving frown the moment Lijuan stepped into the house before he saw Yun behind her.

Yun was a bit surprised when he recognized her father as the Chairman of Mei Corporation. Even though he had been out of the country for a long time, he had seen the man a couple of times at some events before he left the country and still recognized him.

Chairman Mei's reaction kind of amused and annoyed Yun at the same time. She had been right to be scared about her family's reaction, but he wasn't pleased about her father's harshness towards her.

"I didn't do anything, he is..." Lijuan said pointing to Yun.

"Good day sir. My name is—"

"Oh.. I know who you are." Chairman Mei cut in before he could continue. "I hope she didn't do anything wrong?"

"Not at all, sir. Something came up at work and I couldn't just let her return by herself." Yun said pointedly to Chairman Mei.

Jiaying who had hurriedly gone to Rong's room to inform her of Lijuan's return glanced at Rong when she heard what Yun said. She had been hoping that Lijuan had stolen something and had returned her angrily.

'Work on a Sunday?' Rong thought to herself with a smirk as she continued to watch from the side.

"You're sure she didn't cause you any embarrassment?" Chairman Mei asked suspiciously as he looked at Lijuan who stood there with a frown and pursed lips. Too bad her mother wasn't there to stop her father from embarrassing her further.

His persistence on finding out whether his daughter had done anything wrong seemed to also annoy Yun but he didn't let it show.

"Of course not. That's why I'll be coming to take her out for a date within the week. I'll have to make up for missing this one." He said without thinking, making Lijuan glance up at him with a surprised expression.

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused." He apologized before turning to leave. He didn't miss the triumphant smile on Lijuan's face as she walked outside with him.

"Thank you." She whispered. He simply nodded before walking away.

Immediately he drove out of view he parked his car by the roadside and called himself all sorts of colorful names.

Why the hell had he done that? He didn't need any complication or any drama in his life. He really felt like kicking himself. He had taken one look at her sad face and the reaction of her siblings and father and had decided he couldn't just leave her like that.

He suddenly remembered he hadn't collected the pen from her and shut his eyes as he tried to not blow up at himself.

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