
*Love at first click*

"Mei Lijuan, you are so smart." She praised herself with a smile while pointing at the mirror.

She stopped smiling and inched even closer to the mirror to take a good look at herself. "You are so brilliant" She praised herself again when she remembered the looks on her sisters faces when they heard Yun was taking her out for a date within the week.

She suddenly thought about something and opened her little purse to check inside. Once she took out the pen from inside, she began to cackle loudly. He had forgotten to take the pen from her.

"Even better!" She exclaimed. She was going to keep dragging things until her family totally believed they both were an item.

On a second thought, Wang Yun seemed to be a very difficult and boring person. Maybe it was time to look for a substitute because she was sure that once Wang Yun was finally able to retrieve the pen from her, he would not want to have anything to do with her anymore and once that happened, her family would begin to suspect.

She spent the whole day thinking of a plan and by evening, an idea struck her.

She surfed the net for dating sites and saw a whole lot of them that she found it difficult to choose the one to register for.

The plan was to look for someone who could pass for her boyfriend immediately the fake relationship between Yun and herself finally came to an end.

If she had someone else, she could easily say she broke it off with Wang Yun because she liked someone else. She was certain her sisters would not go and ask him.

She thought it was best to search for high–class dating sites with expensive monthly subscriptions, that was common amongst the socialites of City A. That way, she knew only rich people could afford it and she would easily find one.

A lot of time passed before she finally subscribed for one of the sites— "Love at first click"

She saw a lot of profiles but decided to check for the active users instead. She went through a lot of profiles and stopped scrolling when one caught her attention.

"Sexy_Yun?" She read out the username and chuckled. Do guys use silly names like that? She paused for a few seconds as she remembered she knew one 'Yun'. Wang Motors Vice President, Wang Yun. She tried to imagine this was his username and an image formed in her head of Yun wearing a lingerie while giving her a sexy pose.

She laughed loudly until she felt tears dropping from her eyes.

She clicked on the person's profile out of curiosity when her laughter subsided.

She noticed he didn't have a profile picture. She also didn't have one.

She went on to read the person's bio and it said, 'nothing much about me. Just a simple poor and ugly guy with a good sense of humor'

Lijuan chuckled again. "Is your sense of humour going to feed a lady?" She asked aloud before deciding to exit his page.

As she was about to exit the person's page, by mistake she clicked on the 'love icon' then a message came in to show her 'interest' had been sent.

Lijuan's eyes bulged out when she saw the message on her screen. "No.. no.. no.. I didn't send any interest. How can I send my interest to a poor and ugly guy? She whined with a pout as she looked for a way to undo it but she couldn't.

Just then a message popped in showing someone had shown interest in her profile. She clicked on the person's profile and carefully read through it.

The name on the profile was Yanju Adebayo. She wasn't familiar with such a name, it sounded very Nigerian. His profile simply said he was tall, black and handsome... and not to forget, stinkingly rich. Oh... he didn't also have a profile picture. Why was everyone not using their profile pictures in a dating site? She hissed before remembering she was also guilty of it.

She was very suspicious of the profile, who flaunts their wealth in such an arrogant way? He would only attract golddiggers... like herself, she reminded herself with a coy smile. She wasn't necessarily looking for a husband, not yet anyway. But a rich boyfriend would be good enough even if he wasn't Chinese.

Lijuan's eyes widened when a message popped up on her screen "Hello thief!"

What sort of greeting was that? She asked herself as she quickly started typing. "It's rude to call someone a thief, you know?" She asked angrily.

"Uhm, sorry. On your profile, didn't you say your hobby is stealing?" Yanju asked.

Oh! Shoot! She had completely forgotten about her own profile.

She had been messing around and didn't know what she had been thinking when she wrote 'stealing' as her hobby.

"Yea. You're right. Sorry." She typed in embarrassment.

"So you're Nigerian or the name is just for fun?" She asked curiously, trying to change the subject.

"Half Nigerian. Half Chinese. And you're?" He asked.

"I'm Chinese. So are you like really rich or you're just a con artist?" Lijuan asked.

"Are you always this blunt?" Yanju asked before sending a smiling emoji.

"I just want to know whether or not I should waste my time with you. I'm in search of a really rich guy."

"I see. Then consider today your lucky day as you just found one." Yanju said slightly amused. Most ladies he knew usually pretended like they didn't care about a man's money, he was glad this one was quite honest.

"Besides, I do think you are pretty rich yourself since you were able to subscribe to this platform." He sent her another message before she finished reading the former one and before she could read this one, another entered.

"So do you really steal? I don't mind having my heart stolen by you." He said in an attempt to flirt with her.

"Yes I really do steal. Although it's not intentional." She confessed.

"So you're like a Kleptomaniac? Or you just do it for fun?" He asked with interest.

"Unfortunately, it's the former." Lijuan replied, closing her eyes in embarrassment, why was she being so damn honest? She was pretty sure it was because they both didn't know each other, neither had they seen the other's picture.

"I admire your honesty. I'll really love to know more about you." Yanju said.

Lijuan couldn't hold back the smile that crept on her face. He really would love to know her? Despite knowing she was a Kleptomaniac? And he claims he is rich? This was just too good to be true.

"You're really rich right?" She asked again just to be sure that he wasn't playing with her. Nothing would embarrass her more than being fooled by a con artist.

"Have you only been deceived all your life?" Yanju asked before sending a laughing emoji.

"What do you do for a living?" She asked. Still very suspicious.

"I won't tell you about that yet. But trust me when I say I'm wealthy my dear golddigger." He replied.

"I have to run now. I have work to do. Let's chat some other time." He said and went offline immediately.

Lijuan kept staring at her screen long after he had gone off, she had done enough for one day.


"I'm not doing that" Yun said shaking his head.

"But someone already showed interest in your profile, I didn't even use your name nor your picture." Jinhai said excitedly as he turned the laptop so his brother could see the screen.

"Which part of 'I'm not interested' are you finding difficult to understand? If I want a woman I can get one for myself and besides—" Yun suddenly paused when he saw the profile?

"Sexy Yun?" He asked with a scowl.

The look on Yun's face amused Jinhai greatly.

"You're really gay aren't you? I'll just go and tell mother that her son is gay." Jinhai threatened carrying the laptop outside with him.

"I already told you I'm not gay. Quit saying something so disgusting." Yun said with disgust.

"Then prove it. I'm not even asking you to go on a date yet...." Jinhai said letting his words hang.

Yun looked at Jinhai wearily, he knew Jinhai would not give up on his gay talk and neither would he give up on his matchmaking skills unless he played along or atleast pretended to.

"Not that I need to prove anything to you... but what do you want me to do?" He asked. Deciding to play along.

"Just chat with this person and every other person you think you may like. That's all."

"Okay." Yun answered curtly.

"I'm serious. You can start with her now." Jinhia said, turning the laptop to face him again.

"Do you know the amazing thing about her profile? Her hobby is stealing. That's so funny, like who admits to something like that on a matchmaking site?" Jinhai asked with a laugh.

"Really? Let me see." Yun said unable to hide his interest.

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