
Godly Thoughts

Autor: 8rad8
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Hi, I'm Bradley J. Copeland and I want to share with you my spiritual thoughts throughout the day in journal form.

Chapter 1Chapter 1: Introduction

April 2, 2020 11:54am:

Hello, I am Bradley J. Copeland and I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I want to share my life experiences and my daily thoughts on God and spiritual matters that will aid you on this journey we call "life." I appreciate you reading my book and I hope I can enlighten you with what the Lord speaks to me everyday.

Life isn't easy as a Christian, heck it's not easy in general. With of course Covid-19 going around, earthquakes, storms, and rumors of wars; I hope to bring some more light into your world.

The most important fact about God is that He is our loving Heavenly Father and we are His beloved sons and daughters. There is nothing that we can do to separate us from His loving arms. He weeps with you when things aren't going right and He cheers with us when we choose the right.

I haven't always been a member of The Church. In fact I wasn't born into any religion, faith, or creed. I was born into a very broken home in fact. For many years I had struggled to find the one true faith and I have found it.

In May 2010, the 8th to be exact, I was baptized and confirmed a member of Jesus Christ's living and true church. Even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a long journey, but I made it.

Of course my 10th year anniversary is coming up and I can't wait to see what we have in store for General Conference this weekend. For those that are reading my book who aren't members of The Church, General Conference is where we listen to leaders of the church give us wisdom on how to live during these current times of trial. Prophets and Apostles.

Also it is the church's 200th Year Anniversary or bicentennial year of when Jesus Christ's Church was restored to the Earth. We are living in the times of restitution now which was prophesied in Romans in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. It is super exciting!

I know that Jesus is the Living Christ. I know this for I have seen Him and He does love us all the same. Christ died so that we may live, so let us live as though He was worth dying for.

Heavenly Father loves all of His children and He has specifically made me an instrument in His hands for His purposes. So shall you be, as you hearken unto His spirit. Call upon that loving God for love, guidance, and direction.

All is not yet well in Zion. We have a lot of work to do and I am so grateful to be living in these times where we will all see the Savior. In the flesh, just as I have seen Him and have conversed with Him.

The Lord has a great sense of humor and He is eagerly waiting for you to meet Him as well. Face to face. I'm grateful for my Savior and I do rejoice in my Jesus for He has redeemed my soul from hell.

"Much will I give unto you, many trials, so that you may profit from experience." The Lord says.

We need to be anxiously engaged in the Lord's work. Just as the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson has said, "When God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right." Let the spirit be your guide.

For many years I have been guided by His spirit and I have felt it withdraw from me at times. It is a very empty feeling not having His presence in my life. Through His spirit.

Jesus Christ has saved us in so many ways. Think about where you have been and how you are here now. It's amazing.

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