

Well, she is known as the Flash Goddess for a reason, after all, the spirit of his Zanpakutō gently reminded him, I'm all for you improving your skills in the art that she's gained such renown for mastering, but you need to be realistic. You're not going to catch up to her in a short amount of time, and I doubt she's expecting you to either. This will be a marathon, not a sprint.

She was right, but that wouldn't stop Itachi from working up a sweat just the same. Speed was one of the qualities that Squad Two prized so highly, and if Itachi wanted the Captain to see him as more than just a gifted subordinate he figured that refining his Shunpo was as good a place as any to start.

Again, he silently told himself, in three…two…one.

The wind whipped through his hair as he took off, and the training yard became little more than a blur to his eyes as he traversed the course. That was a problem; the ability to discern key details at high speed was crucial when one was out in the field. He still had a long way to go when it came to training his eyesight to keep up with the speed that he was capable of reaching. Shunpo far surpassed the movement speed that most Shinobi were capable of in their Realm of the Living, although Itachi had to wonder how it could compare to the likes of someone like Shisui in his prime or Minato 'Yellow Flash' Namikaze. Perhaps he would find out someday. After all, the Soul Society was a vast place, and just because he had not yet encountered the late Fourth Hokage did not mean that such a meeting would never happen.

His understanding of the physical layout of the heart of the afterlife had grown by leaps and bounds over the past few weeks. The patrols he'd been conducting within the Seireitei built upon the already solid foundation that he had gained through the training runs with Soi-Fon, and Yoruichi had already indicated that she'd be giving him his first crack at the Rukon District soon enough. It was an opportunity that Itachi had been itching for since before joining Squad Two, and he was quite eager to apply his skills outside the Seireitei.

He'd managed to get some time in between his official duties and training sessions to check in with Shisui regarding his unofficial sweeps of the Rukon District in search of signs of the Uchiha Clan. His old comrade had compiled meticulous charts and notes to keep his search organized, but despite his best efforts and the years he'd already spent on the project he hadn't found so much as a trace of the clan. It was through no fault of his own; the sheer mammoth scale of the Soul Society meant that a single-man search was up against monumental odds. Even the addition of Itachi to the sweeps, along with Jiraiya once he got the chance to help out, would barely put a scratch in such an obstacle.

Itachi was undaunted, though. Yes, the task before them was nothing to sneeze at, but it wasn't impossible. They could beat the odds through cooperation and thorough study of their environment. They'd catch a break sooner or later.

Itachi could only hope that it wasn't too late.

If your clan's arrogant enough to think it can pull the same stunt here that it attempted to pull back then, they're in for a rude awakening.

It doesn't mean they won't try. Shisui can't be the only Uchiha in the Soul Society that's regained the Sharingan over the years. The clan's pride in the power of our eyes helped fuel one downfall, and it can easily plant the seeds for another.

Perhaps. Still, they'd have to find each other first. That's no small feat around here, as Shisui can attest.

Don't underestimate the lengths an Uchiha will go to in order to achieve their ambitions.

Her chuckling echoed in his mind. Oh, trust me; that's the last mistake I'll make.

He went through a few more circuits before he decided it was time to take a little break. As he gathered up the mats to put them away, Itachi couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him. Looking around the training yard, he realized that he did indeed have an audience… and a rather unusual one to boot.

Sitting at the edge of the training yard was a black cat. It didn't look too out of the ordinary in and of itself, although its golden eyes did appear a bit brighter than normal. The feline seemed to be focusing specifically on Itachi, but for the life of him he couldn't figure out why.

Finishing his cleanup, Itachi sat down to meditate, keeping one eye on the cat as he did so. The feline walked over towards him before sitting down right in front of him.


Curious, Itachi leaned forward to study the creature in further detail. He couldn't recall any of his fellow members of Squad Two owning a cat, but since he'd only been in the division for a short amount of time it was entirely possible the feline did belong to one of his comrades. Interestingly enough, the cat leaned forward a bit as well, mirroring Itachi's posture as well as it was capable of. He was about to return his focus to meditating when the creature suddenly hopped into his lap. Settling in, the cat then looked up at him expectantly.

Itachi couldn't help but give a small smile at the situation he found himself in. "Looks like cats aren't all that different in the Soul Society from those in the Shinobi World… at least the friendlier ones, anyway."

"Meow!" came the feline's reply as it gave his leg a light smack with its tail.

Regarding the creature for a moment, Itachi determined that it was female. "You're a rather impatient little girl, aren't you? Well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you waiting."

He reached down and began to scratch behind the kitty's ears. In short order, he had the feline purring comfortably in his lap.

Nice to see that I haven't lost my touch.

Oh, this is absolutely precious!

Itachi raised an eyebrow. I didn't think you were the type to be smitten by a cute little cat.

The spirit of his Zanpakutō laughed. Oh, you foolish young man! I almost don't want to spoil it now!

What are you talking about?

Focus on the cat. Really focus. You'll see what I mean.

Itachi couldn't begin to guess what she was playing at, but he decided to humor her. The cat had shifted in his lap so that it was now lying face-up, so Itachi switched to rubbing her belly. The purring increased slightly at that, although Itachi found it a bit odd how the kitty seemed to be constantly adjusting her head so that she'd maintain eye contact with him. Still, there was nothing visually abnormal about the creature.

At that was when it hit him. He was looking only with his eyes, and not with the rest of his senses. The cat was in his lap; he didn't need to look with his eyes to know where it was. Closing his eyes, he instead focused on trying to detect the feline using only the senses for spirit energy that he had developed during his time in the Academy.

And that was when his eyes snapped back open in shock. Sure enough, he'd felt just a hint of spirit energy.

Very familiar spirit energy.

Looking down at the cat, his hand still rubbing her belly on instinct, Itachi's mind struggled to comprehend just what he was actually looking at. "It can't be… Yoruichi?"

The feline winked before it was suddenly engulfed in bright blue-white energy. Itachi was forced to shield his eyes, but even without his sight he was all too aware of the suddenly growing weight of the 'cat' in his lap… as well as rapidly changing texture of what his hand was on, as fur soon became the oh-so soft and smooth skin of a woman's bare belly.

Itachi's face flushed red. Was she really…?

The light faded a few seconds later, and Itachi felt a slender arm drape itself over his shoulder while a hand gently grasped the back of his neck. Cautiously opening his eyes, he saw that it was indeed none other than Squad Two's Captain now sprawled out in his lap.

And she was completely naked.

He didn't think it was possible, but the already-burning heat in his face only further increased. No mirrors were available, but Itachi suspected that if he could see his reflection it would be the deepest humanly possible shade of crimson. Matters weren't helped in the least by playful smile of the woman in his lap.

"Someone's got magic hands," she purred, "Want to take those fingers of yours a little further south? I haven't scratched that particular itch in a long time…"

It was all he could do to keep his gaze focused squarely on Yoruichi's face and not ogle the absolutely stunning figure that was on full display before him. Needless to say, he was very grateful at this particular moment that Jiraiya had gone to Squad Eight rather than Squad Two; if the Legendary Sannin could see him now, Itachi knew that he would never hear the end of it.

"How…" was the only reply that Itachi could muster, and he was amazed that he was capable of saying even that much at the moment.

He felt a slight pressure at the back of his neck as Yoruichi pulled him down, while at the same time she leaned in just enough to whisper in his ear, her warm breath on his skin sending fresh chills racing down his spine. "I'm a girl that's full of surprises, Itachi."

That's putting it mildly…

He was at a complete loss for words, something that his nude superior was quick to take note of. "What's the matter, Itachi? Cat got your tongue?"

Say something… do something… anything…

"I…" he stammered, almost certain that he was going to pass out from just how hot his head felt at the moment, "This is…"

The Captain giggled before licking him on the cheek. "Mmm… If I'd known you'd be this cute when flustered, I would've done this weeks ago!"

"I… I don't understand," he replied, using every ounce of his willpower to focus on her face rather than the rest of her oh-so-generously displayed body, "This transformation… how's it even possible?"

Yoruichi winked. "We all have our gifts, Itachi. This one in particular's quite special, and not one I just share out in the open. If you really want to know, then how about we go somewhere private?"

Itachi nodded, doing all he could to reassert his composure. "All right, but first… please, put some clothes on."

"Aw, what's wrong?" she asked, mischievous light gleaming in her eyes, "Aren't you enjoying the show?"

"That's… not the point," said Itachi, nervously looking around and hoping that no one else was about to enter the training yard, "It's just… you're my Captain, and… I don't think that this is… proper."

Yoruichi laughed. "Now you're starting to sound like Soi-Fon! I thought you'd be a little more relaxed than her. You can't chill out with your Captain on your day off?"

"It's… not that," Itachi muttered, "It's… I…"

What was he supposed to say? An incredibly beautiful woman was naked in his lap, and it was one that he'd finally admitted to himself that he was attracted to little more than a month or so ago. Itachi didn't know if she understood his true feelings, but she had to know the affect she was having on him right now. Was this just one of her games, or did she want something more?

She then stood up, smiling down at him while not even bothering to cover herself. "I'm feeling generous today, so why don't you wait here for a bit? I'll be right back!"

Before Itachi could reply, she vanished into a blur as she Flash Stepped off to what he could only hope were here quarters for some clothes. Looking around the training yard again, Itachi could only sigh in relief that apparently no one else had stumbled upon the two of them during that surprise encounter.

Well, that was entertaining!

Why in the world did she do that?

Because teasing you is the most fun a girl can have in the Soul Society.

Very funny.

She returned a few minutes later, thankfully in her Captain's attire this time. Itachi had mostly been able to regain his composure, although he was still more than a little flustered by what had happened earlier.

Yoruichi smiled as she offered him her hand. "Better?"

Itachi nodded as she pulled him to his feet. "Yes. I mean… well…"

Yoruichi giggled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Still a little hot under the collar? I've been wanting to tease you like that for a while now!"

"Is this… something you do with all of your subordinates?" he asked.

She winked. "Only the cute ones!"

Uncharacteristic embarrassment once again came over him; Yoruichi seemed quite adept at bringing that out in him. "I see… thanks, I think."

"As for how I'm able to do that, why don't you take a walk with me and I'll tell you all about it," she said.

"Is that an order?" asked Itachi.

Yoruichi smiled. "Does it have to be? Can't I just want some time to relax and shoot the breeze with a colleague on a day off?"

Itachi gave her a small smile in return. "In that case… lead on."

He followed her out of the barracks, and they began a leisurely stroll down the streets of the Seireitei. It was late morning, and apart from a few other Soul Reapers going about their daily business it was rather quiet. Occasionally one would glance their way, no doubt wondering what a Captain was doing with such a low-ranking officer like himself, but they didn't linger too long.

"I thought you wanted to discuss your ability in private," said Itachi.

"This is good enough for me," Yoruichi replied, "If anyone starts eavesdropping on us, a Flash Step or two will be all we need to get out of range. If they start following… well, let's just say that I'll be well within my authority to make them wish that they hadn't."

It was hard for Itachi to think of anyone who'd be foolish enough to pursue a Captain, let alone one that would be able to keep pace with the Flash Goddess herself. "Very well, then."

"So, about my little… ability," she began as the wound their way through the Seireitei with no real destination in mind, "What do you think of it?"

"It's fascinating," Itachi replied, "although… when you come out of your transformation…"

"Why did it have to be without a scrap of clothing?" Yoruichi finished for him with a smirk, "Well, isn't that obvious? Cats don't wear clothes!"

"Do collars count?" he asked dryly.

"Ooh, you thinking of buying me one?" she purred, "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing, Itachi!"

Yet again, Itachi felt a rush of heat come to his face, along with the accompanying loss of composure. "I'm… I'm not."

Yoruichi laughed and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Oh, man, you really are too easy to tease! Lighten up a bit, Itachi. I was hoping you'd be a little more fun than Soi-Fon!"

"I'm… not used to this sort of… fun," he said, looking down bashfully.

What's gotten into me?

Oh, this is too much fun!

You're not helping.

I know.

Yoruichi smiled. "Fair enough. I'll ease up on you a bit, all right?"

He nodded. "Thanks. Anyway, how did you learn such a technique? It's not a Shikai release or anything like that, right?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "Nope. Believe it or not, it's actually a little something that only members of the Shihōin Clan are capable of."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yup," said Yoruichi, "and only certain members at that. The talent tends to skip a generation or two. It's a bit fickle that way. I think it's also gender dependent; to my knowledge, only the women of my family have ever manifested this ability."

Itachi's brow furrowed in thought. "Interesting. Has this ability always been something that your clan's had?"

"Not quite," Yoruichi replied, "It does go a way back, though. It originated during the reign of the old kingdom."

Itachi hadn't been expecting that. "Really? Was it tied to the Andunayans?"

"Kind of," said Yoruichi, "You remember how my clan was one of those that the five Andunayan princesses married into during the Conquest? As it turned out, the princess that the Shihōin Clan got was more than just a daughter of a king; she was a powerful spell caster. She brought her expertise into our family, along with a considerable archive. My family spent the subsequent millennia building upon it. We might be better known for producing assassins, scouts and spies, but the Shihōin Clan actually has a less well-known history of turning out some highly skilled spell casters. Their powers were often considered closer to outright sorcery than the modern Kidō that's become prevalent in the Soul Society."

"And your shapeshifting ability came from that… sorcery?" asked Itachi cautiously.

Yoruichi nodded. "Yup. In fact, it was from the greatest caster that was ever born into my clan. Her real name's been lost to history; the records of her that remain refer to her only as the Lady of Midnight."

"That's a rather ominous moniker," said Itachi, his eyes narrowing, "Her real name… was it really lost, or was there something more going on?"

Yoruichi smirked. "That was faster than I expected. You really do have the brains to match those looks of yours!"

"I don't think my looks are relevant to the conversation at hand," Itachi countered, quite eager to get back to main topic, "This 'Lady of Midnight'… there was no mention of her in any of the Academy history lectures. Her scrubbing from the historical record… what led to it?"

Yoruichi sighed. "Long story short? She was incredibly gifted, but she pushed boundaries to their absolute limits… and one day, she pushed too far. There are lines in Kidō that aren't meant to be crossed, and for good reasons in this case. Suffice to say that the treatment she's been given by posterity, while extreme, isn't entirely unwarranted. Anyway, before she crossed the point of no return, she discovered how to use spirit energy as a means for transformation. I don't know if a cat was the only form that she figured out how to use, but it's the only one that's stuck around my bloodline. That ability has typically manifested itself in members of my clan who have higher than normal levels of spirit energy and successfully go on to refine our powers."

"How did you discover that you were one of the members of the clan that could perform it?" asked Itachi.

"Well, for starters, the Lady of Midnight was at least helpful enough to leave behind a scroll in the family archives with instructions on how to recognize those who might have the potential to achieve the transformation," Yoruichi answered, "It also included a series of spirit energy exercises that those who might have the gift could perform to discover if they were truly capable of it or not. Since only certain women in my clan have been able to pull it off, it's become a tradition for every girl in the family to read that scroll after she's deemed sufficiently powerful and skilled enough to potentially pull it off. I'm simply the latest one in my line to pass the test."

Itachi nodded. "I see. How long are you able to maintain the transformation?"

Yoruichi smiled. "As long as I want. The transformation itself requires a certain expenditure of energy, but staying in that form afterwards is a breeze."

"How many people know that you're capable of this?" he asked.

"Well, obviously Kisuke, Tessai, and Kūkaku for starters," she replied, "Soi-Fon knows too, along with a few other Squad Two officers."

"Would Shisui be one of them?" asked Itachi.

"Yup," she answered, "Feel free to tell Visaelya later too if you want."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "You'd trust your two newest officers with a secret like that?"

Yoruichi nodded. "Sure. I've had my eye on you two for more than just your abilities, after all. You're both very bright individuals, and you've got good heads on your shoulders. If I'm going to be counting on you two out in the field, its only right that I let you both in on stuff like this. I've got high hopes for you, and by choosing my division you two have put your trust in me to command you responsibly. I want to be the kind of Captain that returns that sort of trust, especially considering what I'll be asking of you once you start climbing the ranks."

"I appreciate that," said Itachi, "If I tell Visaelya, I'll ask her not to spread the word further. If you're going to trust us with information like this, then the least we can do is honor your confidence. I'm sure she'll feel the same way."

His Captain smiled. "Smart, discrete, and a sense of honor… I do know how to pick 'em!"

Itachi bowed. "I think the two of us owe you that much. Going back to your transformation, can you fight in that form?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "Unless my opponents are mice, I'm afraid its combat utility is minimal. It really shines in an information gathering role. I mean, who takes much notice of a cat wandering around? As long as I suppress my spiritual pressure, I can infiltrate basically anywhere I please."

"Does it impact your senses at all?" asked Itachi.

Yoruichi nodded. "Yup. I get a nice boost in night vision, and when you combine that with the black fur that form is great for nocturnal scouting. My hearing's improved while I'm transformed as well, and of course the whiskers serve the same purpose with me that they do for any cat. All in all, it's a sweet little package."

"I'll take your word for it," said Itachi.

Yoruichi smirked. "I think I've spent enough time in that form that certain characteristics have rubbed off on me."

"Like what?" asked Itachi.

"For starters, I didn't use to be a huge fan of seafood," said Yoruichi, "Now I'm all for it. Also, after a while milk became my favorite drink. I sometimes get the urge to chase after mice, too."

Itachi nodded. "I see. What about balls of yarn?"

Yoruichi giggled. "Well, if you toss one my way, I might start playing with it if I think no one else is looking!"

Itachi gave a small chuckle. "I'll have to remember that."

Yoruichi playfully elbowed him. "Hey now, don't go thinking that you can bribe me with a bunch of rolled up string! I'm a daughter of nobility, after all."

"And the descendant of royalty and sorceresses to boot," said Itachi, "Yours is quite the fascinating lineage."

She gave him a rather thoughtful look. "Maybe… but I bet yours is just as interesting."

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

"I don't know much about your clan," said Yoruichi, "Both you and Shisui have been rather light on the details over the years. Still, based on what I've seen from the two of you, I'm willing to bet that your bloodline's really something special."

"That's… certainly one way to put it," Itachi replied hesitantly.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "You don't exactly sound proud of it."

Itachi shook his head. "It's… complicated. Every family has its paragons and demons, after all."

"Is that part of why you're still not getting a full night's worth of sleep?" she asked pointedly.

His eyes widened just a bit. "How…?"

"I'm not blind, Itachi," said Yoruichi firmly, "The meditations you perform during breaks in your training or after your patrols are for more than just to help you catch your breath. They're to help you recoup energy that you should be regaining through sleep."

Itachi nodded; he wouldn't insult her with a lie. "You have sharp eyes."

"I'm a Captain, remember?" she pointed out, "If I can't pick up on these things, then I don't deserve my position."

And you thought you could still slip it past her.

My mistake.

"Well, no one can accuse you of negligence," said Itachi, "With regards to my lack of sleep… I won't let it impact my duties."

Yoruichi sighed. "I know the Soul Society's nobility has the taboo against prying into the past lives of people who came here from the Realms of the Living, and I want to respect your privacy, but if this keeps up, I'm going to have to step in. Your meditations might be working for you, but how long can you keep this up? You've been operating like this ever since you came to the Soul Society… and if I had to guess, I'd say it's a practice you picked up and refined while you were still alive."

"You're not wrong," Itachi conceded.

She put her hand on his shoulder, and despite her slender frame her grip was quite firm. "So, tell me; how many years has it been since you actually got one full night's worth of sleep?"

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment. "A little over fourteen, I think."

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that hers had widened in shock. "What?"

"As you said, I've had time to adapt," he said, "My system might not be ideal, but it's served me well enough."

Yoruichi emphatically shook her head. "It's going to get you killed. Hell, it already has."

"It wasn't lack of sleep that did me in the first time," he replied, "Besides, that was a death that had been more than earned."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "You know what? That's it; screw the taboo. I don't know what the hell happened, but you've been torturing yourself over it for far too long. That ends on my watch. I'm your Captain, which means your wellbeing is my responsibility. That's a duty I take just as seriously as my obligation to protect the Soul Society."

"My past is mine to deal with," he said defensively.

"Clearly you're doing a poor job of it," Yoruichi shot back, "I let it slide while you were at the Academy because I thought you had a handle on it, but I definitely misjudged the situation. Given what I've learned about you over the past six years, the only reason I can think of for that is that whatever happened was absolutely horrific. Am I wrong?"

Itachi looked down, feeling the full weight of the guilt and shame that he'd carried over the past fourteen years. "No…"

He froze for a moment when her hand moved from his shoulder to his cheek, her firm grip becoming the gentlest caress. "Itachi, look at me."

He did so, and he was struck by what he found. It reminded him of that night during their expedition to the Andunayan barrow where she'd called him out the first time for his persistent lack of sleep. The compassion and sympathy glowing in her golden eyes made her gaze utterly entrancing; a spell that, to his grieving soul, felt as powerful as any genjutsu he could've conjured with the Sharingan at the height of his strength.

"Let me help you," she said softly, her voice sweeter than any music, "Not just as your Captain, but as your friend. You've been holding onto this pain for far too long. It's become a chain that's gradually tightening around you, and it'll eventually strangle you completely. I'm not going to let that happen to you. Your future here is so bright; the shadows of your past don't deserve the chance to choke it off. I want to set you free."

Caught under her charms, the walls that he'd spent the past decade and a half building and maintaining finally began to crack. A casual observer wouldn't notice, but he had no doubt that Yoruichi could spot it in his eyes.

He could only manage a single word in reply. "How?"

She smiled. "Meet me in the barracks' kitchen tonight after the others turn in. We'll start there."


What got into me back there?

It was a question without an easy answer, although she at least had the solitude to ponder it in her office. Kicking back behind her desk, steam wafting up from a cup of tea in front of her, Yoruichi kept replaying the conversation from earlier in her head. It had started off so casual, just a chance for her to have a little fun and tell her favorite new recruit about her special gift, yet somewhere along the way it had become something entirely different.

With the chance to think things over, it had become clear to her that they were going to reach this point sooner or later. She'd been intrigued by Itachi from the moment she'd met him. His talent for combat had been clear enough from the beginning and certainly played a role in her interest, but there was more to it than that.

Itachi was quite skilled when it came to putting on a calm and aloof front, but Yoruichi had never failed to notice that it was precisely that; a front. Try as he might, there were some things he couldn't hide from a sufficiently experienced observer. Since intelligence and scouting comprised a significant portion of Squad Two and the Stealth Force's duties, Yoruichi was quite adept when it came to picking up even minute hints from peoples' mannerisms. Itachi's were more subdued than others, but they were there just the same if someone knew how to look for them. To Yoruichi, they were as clear as daylight.

He was a man that was torn by his past, restlessly trying to reconcile it with the afterlife he now found himself in. Whatever had happened, it was quite apparent that he was mercilessly punishing himself over it. The fact that he had wound up here rather than Hell should've been all that he'd needed to realize that he was not beyond redemption, but clearly the wounds carved upon his psyche went too deep for that.

Yoruichi might've enjoyed playing around with her subordinates, but she was more than capable of recognizing when they needed genuine help. It had taken her far too long to realize that Itachi was at that point. The hints had certainly been there, particularly when her subordinates in the Stealth Force had reported to her about his apparent insomnia during his time at the Academy. She thought that she had addressed that with him during their talk while they were traveling to the Andunayan barrow, but looking back on that with today's evidence in mind it was abundantly clear that she had failed to properly assess the situation and take the appropriate steps. An argument could be made that since he was in the Academy at the time, she wasn't seeing him as often as she was now that he was her direct subordinate and thus didn't have as many chances back then to properly observe him, but Yoruichi still considered herself to have been negligent.

Intervention was required, and Yoruichi was determined to make up for lost time. It was simple enough to argue that she was doing this out of the desire to improve the mental health of a gifted subordinate, but she knew that there was more to it than that. She had been completely serious earlier when she'd said that she wanted to help him as a friend, not just a Captain. Their interactions over the past six years might've been on-and-off given her responsibilities and him being a student at the Academy, but between her saving his life, investing in his recovery and training after the soul fracture, making sure he got the chance to prove himself on field trips, and her personal efforts to recruit him into Squad Two she was more than willing to consider him a friend at this point.

Just a friend, though?

It was an interesting question. She had to admit, there was a lot to like about Itachi. Maybe he could be a bit too serious for his own good, but she'd caught hints of a softer side to him, even bits of humor when the mood seemed to strike him. Despite his natural gifts he still studied and trained diligently, never taking his astounding progress for granted and always pushing himself to move forward. He was incredibly intelligent for a freshly graduated student, and it was clear that the experience from his past life in the Shinobi World definitely had a hand in that. He'd already demonstrated bravery in battle and a willingness to put himself at risk for the sake of others; the very night they'd first met was proof enough of that. He was a very contemplative young man, always observing his surroundings and trying to learn as much as he could about the afterlife he'd found himself in and what it all meant for himself. He'd also shown that he was willing to face hard truths head-on and was more than capable of asking the questions that others might want to leave alone. In short, he was a fascinating individual.

The fact that he was quite handsome was just the icing on the cake.

He's your type, isn't he?

Yoruichi allowed herself a small smile; the spirit of her Zanpakutō certainly knew how to cut to the chase.



Night had fallen, and apart from the occasional Stealth Force sentry making their rounds the Squad Two barracks was as still as stone. It was quite a beautiful evening, with a lovely crescent moon and the sea of stars on full display in the clear sky. On another occasion, Itachi might've stopped to admire the view, perhaps even head up to the rooftops of the barracks to take in its full splendor, but tonight he had a more pressing engagement.

He hadn't been able to get his earlier conversation with Yoruichi out of his head, and as a result the rest of the day seemed to go by so slowly it was almost painful. Itachi wasn't normally one to allow himself to be consumed by anxiety, but the prospect of what might happen tonight had thrown him completely for a loop. On the one hand, part of him had always been tempted to come clean to her about what he had really done in his past life, while the other had steadfastly refused, daunted by fear and shame. He had hoped to be able to spend more time in Squad Two, learning more about his commander as he served her in order to get a better idea as to what her reaction might be when the time for this revelation finally came. Unfortunately, he had dropped his guard during their earlier talk, likely due in no small part to the lingering embarrassment he'd been unable to shake thanks to her bit of teasing with that transformation technique of hers. As a result, he was now walking to a meeting that he knew was not prepared for.

Stopping just outside the kitchen, he took a deep breath in an attempt to keep some measure of composure. Why she'd decided to meet here rather than her office or some other part of the barracks was a mystery to him, but that was a secondary concern at best.

Am I really ready for this?

He'd considered talking to Shisui prior to his appointment with Yoruichi, but his old friend had been on Rukon District patrol duty all day. Itachi had been so wrapped up in his own head that he hadn't even noticed when Squad Two's Tenth Seat had returned, and by the time he realized it Shisui had already turned in for the evening. Itachi was loathe to wake him; given just how vast the Rukon District was, putting in a full day's worth of patrolling out there, even if it was just in a small segment of it, was no easy task. His friend deserved the chance to rest.

What's done is done, the spirit of his Zanpakutō gently chided him, I think we both knew that it was only a matter of time before this moment arrived. It simply came earlier than either of us expected.

What should I do?

Trust the woman who's so graciously reached out her hand to help someone in need. She's shown quite a bit of faith in you thus far. I believe that you'll be pleasantly surprised if you return the gesture. Her desire to aid you is sincere; you know that just as well as I do.

It didn't completely calm his nerves, but it did help Itachi steady himself a bit. Under the circumstances, that was probably the best that he could hope for.

Quietly opening the kitchen door, he quickly slipped inside and closed it behind him. He needn't have bothered with stealth; apart from him, the only occupant was the lady of the hour, so to speak. His Captain stood next to a table that held only a small candle and a cup with wisps of steam curling out of it. As he approached, Itachi saw that within the cup was a light blue-green drink the likes of which he had never seen before.

"What is this?" he asked.

Yoruichi smiled. "An old family recipe. A cup of this will guarantee you a night of dreamless slumber. My mother occasionally made it for me when I was little and had nightmares."

Itachi gave a soft chuckle. "You, having nightmares? I find that a bit hard to believe."

Yoruichi giggled. "Believe it or not, I wasn't always a powerful Soul Reaper. I might've been an energetic and playful little girl, but even I could get scared at night from time to time. Trust me, I'm speaking from firsthand experience when I say that this will give you the first full night of peaceful sleep that you've had in a long time."

Itachi could only look back and forth between the cup and his Captain. "I… I don't know what to say."

"Good, because that'll give me the chance to lay out my terms," she replied, "This is a pretty powerful concoction, so it's not to be taken lightly. It's best used sparingly, and for good reason; it can become addicting if taken multiple nights in a row."

Itachi nodded. "I understand. What are your terms?"

"First, if you drink this, then I'm giving you tomorrow off," said Yoruichi, "The sleep you'll get from this is a deep one, which is another reason why it shouldn't be taken every night; it's easy to blow right past the time you'd normally wake up for your assigned duties. I'd never give you something like this out in the field because if our encampment was attacked at night, you'd sleep right through it, and that'd be a death sentence."

"It could be the same if the Seireitei were attacked tonight," Itachi pointed out.

Yoruichi shrugged. "True, but the odds of that are significantly lower than they are out in the field, which is why I'm willing to chance it. We're about as secure as we can get here. It's not impossible to attack, but it would be exceedingly difficult. Anyway, that's beside the point. You take this, you don't report for duty tomorrow. No training either, especially with your sword; your reflexes will be a bit sluggish for the first part of the day while this passes through your system, and I don't want you hurting yourself. Deal?"

Itachi gave her a small smile. "That term sounds more like you're doing me a favor than anything else. I'm assuming there's more to this deal than that, though."

Yoruichi nodded. "There is. Itachi… do you trust me?"

His reply came without hesitation. "Yes."

She walked around the table and put her hand over his. "Then my second term is this; tomorrow, once you've had a full night's worth of rest, come find me. I'll be taking the day off too, so don't worry about interfering with a mission. I'll take you somewhere private, and this time I don't mean lightly-travelled streets in the Seireitei. It'll just be the two of us, and there will be no chance whatsoever for eavesdroppers to listen in. Once we're there, you tell me everything, and don't hold back. I promise that what you say to me will not go beyond the two of us. Do you accept?"

Itachi took a deep breath before nodding. "Yes. You'll have the truth… all of it. I give you my word."

She smiled before taking the cup in both hands and offering it to him. "Then take this, and accept a long-overdue peaceful slumber."

Itachi accepted it. The concoction was surprisingly sweet, almost fruity, even. It only took a few seconds for him to down the whole thing.

"How long until it takes effect?" he asked.

"Five minutes or so, tops," she answered, "You'd better get moving."

"All right, then," he said, "and… thank you."

She stepped forward, and before he could react, she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "You've earned it."

His face flushed almost as deeply red as it had earlier that day when she'd been naked in his lap. From the gleaming light in her eyes, Itachi had no doubt that she'd noticed.

"Sleep well, Itachi," she said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Not wanting to keel over in one of the hallways, he rushed back to his quarters, barely even bothering with trying to step quietly. By the time he reached his sleeping roll, his eyelids were already beginning to feel quite heavy.

His head hit the pillow, and just a few moments later he was out like a light.

Author's Notes: As I'm sure you noticed, I made some changes to Kūkaku Shiba's backstory, as well as her and her brothers' precise relation to Isshin. I also decided to have some fun with the story behind Yoruichi's ability to transform into a cat since we don't really get a whole lot in the way of details on that in the canon Bleach story.

With most of the chapters going forward, I'll be trying to split them between Itachi and Jiraiya. That being said, the next one's going to solely be devoted to Itachi's conversation with Yoruichi; he's got quite a bit to tell her, after all. The balance will pick back up in the subsequent chapters, and things will move forward from there. To all of you who have been clamoring for Shikais, don't worry; they're coming, I promise!

Hope you liked the chapter! Please review, and see you next time!

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