
Chapter 13: Sins of the Prodigy 1/6

Author's notes: Hello there, it's been a while! Sorry for the wait, this one took a wee bit longer than I had originally expected. Admittedly, Ace Combat Seven: Skies Unknown, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice might've had a role to play here. The title of that second game's a lie; I've died way more than twice, to put it mildly! Anyway, please permit me a few quick words, and then I'll get out of your hair.

As the end of the last chapter indicated, this one is focused on Itachi explaining his backstory to Yoruichi. My dilemma here was the complexity of that story. After all, it's a hell of a lot more than Itachi just saying "I killed my entire clan save for my little brother to prevent a coup and save my brother's life." When dealing with the Uchiha Clan Massacre, there's a ton of historical context and shifting events that lead to that key moment, as any fan of the Naruto series will know. If Itachi was really going to come clean, then that historical context would need to be related to his lovely Captain as well in order to provide a full understanding.

So, I ultimately decided to go all in. He'll tell her everything, but more than just a straight info-dump. This is the events of those past years from Itachi's perspective, with his own thoughts and conclusions. This naturally means that not all of them are right; after all, he didn't know everything that was going on. I also wanted to make Yoruichi an active participant, with her own commentary, thoughts and clarifying questions. After all, this is essentially an interrogation, even if she's trying to be gentle about it. Did I go overboard with all of this? Probably. I'm a slave to detail, and that's a trait that I accepted long ago. Regardless, I made my choice, and when I make my decisions in my writing, I stick with them going forward and see them through to the end. Also, I decided to blend elements of the anime and the Itachi light novel duology when writing this story, taking parts from both as I felt was necessary to make it a bit more cohesive. I won't make claims to perfection, but I did work damn hard on this, and I'd like to think I've earned the right to indulge in a little bit of pride.

All right, enough from me. You've been warned; it's another long one. Really, you shouldn't expect anything less from me at this point.


Chapter 13: Sins of the Prodigy

The next morning…

Slowly but surely, Itachi Uchiha began to wake up. His eyelids still seemed unusually heavy, so it took him a while to finally get them open and adjust to the sunlight that was filtering into his room. He could hear the sounds of clashing blades coming from the training yard, along with snippets of conversations from his comrades going about their business. Judging by the background noise and the current level of light, Itachi was surprised to realize that it was nearly noon.

She wasn't kidding about it being a deep sleep, he thought as he recalled his conversation with Yoruichi from the night before, I definitely would've blown right through any duties I had today. Good thing she gave me the day off.

He sat there for a moment, marveling at the effect that his Captain's concoction had had on him. True to Yoruichi's word, he'd gotten what he'd been denied for so long; a full and uninterrupted night of sleep. Not so much as a glimpse of the hellish memories that had tormented him as nightmares over the past fourteen years had managed to break through, testament to the efficacy of the Shihōin Clan's powerful potion.

He felt incredible. Moving his arms experimentally, he could tell that his reflexes were slower than normal, just as Yoruichi had warned him they'd be, but he also believed her testimony that it would eventually pass. More to the point, his impaired reflexes were more than offset by the sheer sense of rejuvenation that he felt. His spirit energy was flowing through him with renewed vigor, and Itachi realized that his prior lack of healthy sleep had actually adversely affected it before now. It was almost a shame that his Captain had prohibited him from training today; he was itching to see just what he was capable of after a full night's worth of rest.

Another time, he thought, I have no intention of violating my deal with Yoruichi today.

Getting dressed, he stopped at the barracks kitchen for a quick meal before heading outside. It was a gorgeous day in the Soul Society, with a pleasantly cool breeze offsetting the beating sun which had scant few clouds to obstruct it as it climbed higher and higher in the sky. He passed by the training yard as he made his way towards Yoruichi's office, with Visaelya catching sight of him as he did so.

"You're up rather late today, Itachi," she said as she approached, "That's not like you. Are you all right?"

Itachi nodded and gave her a small smile. "Better than I've been in quite some time, actually."

She looked puzzled, but she recovered quickly enough. "Oh… well, I'm glad to hear that. Still, you were late for this morning's patrol. I know the Captain's reasonable, but I don't think she'll be happy to hear that you overslept so severely."

Itachi shook her head. "It won't be a problem. Believe it or not, my sleeping in was actually on her orders."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why's that?"

"There's a personal matter that I'm long overdue in attending to," he answered, "The Captain was generous enough to give me time today to do just that. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't say more than that right now."

Visaelya nodded and smiled. "I understand. Will you be returning to duty tomorrow morning, or will this matter take longer than just today to resolve?"

"I'll be joining you for tomorrow morning's patrol," said Itachi, "I have no intention of letting this matter keep me from my duties any longer than necessary."

"I won't delay you any further, then," she replied, "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning."

"Likewise," said Itachi.

It took him only a few minutes to make his way to the Captain's office. The door opened as he approached, and Soi-Fon came out into the hallway.

She gave him a courteous nod as he stepped forward. "Good morning, Itachi. Lady Yoruichi's expecting you."

"I hope I'm not late," he said.

Soi-Fon shook her head. "Lady Yoruichi didn't set an exact time for your arrival. In fact, she seems quite at ease with your late rising today."

"Well, I did sleep in on her orders," he pointed out.

"I see," said Soi-Fon, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly, "Well, I'm not sure what Lady Yoruichi has in mind for you today, but I still expect you to conduct yourself as a proper officer. She might be going easy on you this morning, but that's no excuse to slack off and disrespect her."

"Believe me," said Itachi, "disrespecting her is the very last thing I would do, especially today."

Soi-Fon looked puzzled for a moment before simply nodding in response. "I'll hold you to that, then."

With that, she brushed past him and went on her way, leaving his path to the Captain's office unobstructed. Yoruichi stood up to greet him as he shut the door behind him.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she said with a smile, "How do you feel, Itachi?"

"It's… difficult to put into words," he said, "I… I haven't slept like that in a long time."

Yoruichi chuckled. "Really knocked you out there, didn't it? I told you it hits hard!"

Itachi nodded. "Yes… you weren't exaggerating its efficacy."

She stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder as she met his gaze. "You look well. I was ready to let you sleep for as long as you needed. One night's not enough to make up for fourteen years, but it looks like you at least got off to a good start."

Itachi gave her a small smile. "I wouldn't have even gotten that if it weren't for you. Thank you, Yoruichi."

"Anytime," she replied, "Of course, now you'll have to make good on our deal. Are you ready for this?"

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment before answering. "Yes."

Yoruichi nodded. "Then come with me. We've got quite a walk ahead of us, and since my family's little potion still needs to finish passing through your system, I know you're not in prime shape for Shunpo."

"I can make Flash Steps just fine," Itachi protested.

Yoruichi shook her head. "Trust me, Itachi; this stuff messes with you in subtler ways than you might think. Even now, your balance is off, and that's pretty important when it comes to Shunpo. I'd hate for you to dislocate something just because you didn't stick the landing."

She smiled as she headed for the door. "Come on, let's get moving. Even without Shunpo, we should still reach our destination with time to spare."

She set a brisk pace, and as they made their way through the streets of the Seireitei Itachi realized that she'd been quite right about the aftereffects her family's concoction. He wasn't even moving at full speed, and yet each step did seem to have a slight wobble to it. His center of gravity was a little bit shaky, and more than once Itachi felt slightly light-headed.

No wonder she prohibited training today, he thought, Zanpakutō exercises in this state would be an accident just waiting to happen.

They kept to the main thoroughfares, weaving their way between groups of Soul Reapers and officials going about their business with little difficulty. The sun crept higher and higher into the sky as they progressed, and Itachi wondered just where they were going today. Yoruichi had given him no clues save that it would be somewhere private, and right now their trajectory was taking them deeper into the heart of the Seireitei.

As the continued their journey, Itachi's gaze was drawn to the mammoth geological formation at the center of the Seireitei. Known as Sōkyoku Hill, it was a massive rocky plateau whose sheer cliffs and outwardly jutting edifice were impossible to miss no matter where one stood in the Seireitei. His patrols had taken him close to it before, and it was difficult to keep from stopping just to marvel at its sheer size and scale. Itachi had seen more than his share of impressive pieces of geography during his career as a Shinobi, but Sōkyoku Hill easily put most of them to shame. Built into the side of the looming cliffs were the gleaming white towers of the Senzaikyū, the Palace of Penitence, were criminals condemned to execution would await their fate.

Yoruichi looked over her shoulder and gave him a knowing smile. "Never fails to impress, does it?"

Itachi nodded. "It's certainly distinctive."

Yoruichi smirked. "Try not to get distracted by the view. Once we get close is when things will get tricky."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"The place we're going is a special little hideaway known only to a few people," said Yoruichi, "You're about to join a very exclusive club."

As they drew closer to Sōkyoku Hill, he noticed how Yoruichi furtively began to study the scattered Soul Reapers going about their business. He knew that look; it was one he'd worn himself plenty of times as a Shinobi. It was the look of someone checking to see if they were being watched.

"This way," she whispered, nodding towards a small side street.

Itachi followed her, and soon they were off the beaten path altogether and heading into the small forested area that made up part of the base of Sōkyoku Hill. They stepped lightly, both checking for sentries from either the Thirteen Court Guard Squads or the Stealth Force as they progressed. Even with his reflexes still somewhat dulled by the sleeping concoction, Itachi's eyes and ears were up to the task, and with Yoruichi as a guide he wasn't too worried about discovery.

Eventually the trees gave way to a wall of dark brown stone; they'd reached the base of Sōkyoku Hill. Other parts of the Seireitei in immediate proximity to the great rock formation included the main offices of Squad One, but this area Itachi knew was kept the way it was to add some natural beauty to the heart of the Soul Society, and even from a distance he'd seen just how beautiful the cherry blossoms were in these parts come spring time. What was much more interesting to him than the nature surrounding the two of them, though, was a portion of the great cliff that now stood before him. At first glance, it didn't appear different from the rest of the rocky edifice, but Itachi could detect a very faint impression, along with the tiniest hint of spirit energy coming from one small section in particular.

He watched as Yoruichi stepped forward and placed a hand on that small section of rock. Itachi felt a momentary spike in the Captain's spirit energy, and the portion of the cliff she was touching briefly glowed white as a result. The light faded quickly, and then there was a low rumbling as a section of the cliff began to slide to the right, revealing a cave. Peering inside, Itachi saw more white glows begin to appear in the darkness, and as the illumination grew he realized that the sources were crystals mounted on the walls, each imbued with a small amount of spirit energy.

Yoruichi motioned for Itachi to follow her. "Come on in. You're going to love this!"

With nothing better to do, Itachi fell in behind her as she led him through the cave. They'd only travelled a handful of meters when the cave suddenly opened up into a massive cavern that, thanks to many more of those strange illuminating crystals coming to life, quickly became so well-lit that they might as well have been standing outside under the midday sun.

This place is huge, he thought as he took it all in, It must take up a significant portion of Sōkyoku Hill's interior…

Yoruichi grinned. "Impressive, isn't it?"

Itachi nodded absently, still taking it all in. The cavern was massive in scope, with space enough for at least several hundred people. Much of it was flat open rocky surface, but there were areas where the terrain became more varied with mounds, crevasses, and much more besides. He even caught sight of what appeared to be a hot spring off in the distance.

"What is this place?" he asked.

"A secret training ground," Yoruichi answered, "Kisuke built this place a long time ago. The two of us played here when we were younger. It was the perfect place to hone our skills away from prying eyes, and it still is today."

"You achieved your Bankai here, didn't you?" said Itachi as he looked around.

Yoruichi nodded. "Yup. Just because I became an active duty Soul Reaper didn't mean that I stopped using this place. You can cut loose in here without having to worry about collateral damage, which makes it excellent for developing powerful combat techniques. If I'd done my Bankai training back at the Squad Two barracks… well, let's just say that we would've needed to build new barracks."

"Who all knows about this place?" asked Itachi.

"Apart from Kisuke and I, just Tessai and Kūkaku," Yoruichi replied, "and now you, of course."

"An exclusive club indeed, then," Itachi quipped.

"I know that you're good friends with Shisui and Visaelya," said Yoruichi, "At this point, I honestly don't mind if you let them in on the secret, but I'd still rather keep word of this place from travelling too far. It's nice to have somewhere private to retreat to when you need a bit of space."

Itachi nodded. "I can understand that. Given all that you've done for me… I'll only tell them if it's necessary. You promised to respect my privacy, so the least I can do is return the favor."

Yoruichi gave him a warm smile. "I appreciate that. You're a good guy, Itachi."

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment. "You might change your mind by the time we're done here today."

He felt her hand fall gently on his shoulder, and when his eyes opened, he was greeted by her golden eyes and the sincerity of her gaze. "I don't believe that."

Time seemed to come to standstill for a moment as he stood there, once again feeling enchanted by the look in her eyes. What he was about to tell her today was a crime that had haunted him for fourteen years and had rightfully led to him being reviled in the Shinobi World. Even with his true motives for his actions taken into account, that did not change the fact that his deeds that fateful night were absolutely horrific.

And yet…

…if there was anyone else in the Soul Society apart from Jiraiya who could possibly accept what he had done and why he had done it…

… it just might be the woman standing before him now.

There's only one way to find out.

"In that case," he said, "we should sit down. This is going to take a while."


Yoruichi watched as Itachi closed his eyes again for a few seconds, clearly trying to put his thoughts in order. That didn't surprise her; if it was bad enough to have given him a sever case of insomnia over the past fourteen years, then trying to sort through it all in a single day would be no easy task.

When he opened his eyes again, he sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to stall, I promise. It's just… well, it's hard to figure out where to start. There's a lot of historical context that you need to know in order to fully understand what happened… what I did."

Yoruichi smiled, hoping to encourage him. "Hey, it's all right. We've got plenty of time. I'm in no rush."

Itachi nodded. "Thank you. I… I suppose it'd be best to go back to the roots of it all. How much do you know about the Shinobi World?"

"Less than I should," she admitted, "Beyond what I've learned from Shisui over the years, not a whole lot, and it wasn't hard for me to tell that he was holding back too. I didn't press him because I wanted to respect his privacy, plus there was that whole taboo about inquiring into past lives that I mentioned to you before."

"Our parts in this affair were linked," said Itachi, "I'm not surprised that he didn't want to talk about it."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "Still, I can't help but notice that, between the two of you, you're the only one who seems to be losing sleep over whatever it was that happened back then."

"There's a good reason for that," Itachi replied, "Speaking of Shisui… part of what I'm going to tell you involves information that he originally requested that I keep hidden... even from you. Please understand that he meant no disrespect; he simply wanted to be cautious. The past was an effective teacher."

Yoruichi nodded. "I can understand that, and normally I wouldn't want you to breach a confidence like that. Still, if it involves what's been keeping you up at night these past fourteen years, I'm going to need to hear it."

"Of course," said Itachi, "but, please… it can't spread further."

Yoruichi put her hand on his shoulder again. "Remember what I told you last night? What you say here won't go beyond me or this place. I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it."

He gave her a small smile. "I appreciate that."

He took one last moment to gather his thoughts before starting in earnest. "Has Shisui told you anything regarding the countries and Hidden Villages that dominate the Shinobi World?"

"Just some general information," Yoruichi replied, "I did a little bit of independent studying too. Basically, the Hidden Villages supply the Shinobi that are employed by the countries of your world, right?"

Itachi nodded. "That's correct. A country's standing in the world is in part determined by the strength of its affiliated Hidden Village. Shisui, Jiraiya and I were all from the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and by extension the Land of Fire. However, the formation of larger countries and the Hidden Villages as a whole was actually a relatively recent development. For a far longer period of time, the world was split into many smaller countries, and the large Hidden Villages didn't exist at all. These countries were constantly fighting each other for land, power, and wealth, so the era was known as the Warring States Period."

"A bit lacking in originality," Yoruichi pointed out, "It's hardly the first Realm of the Living to use that term for a piece of its history."

"True," said Itachi, "although in the Shinobi World's defense, I'm pretty sure they're completely unaware of the existence of any other Realms of the Living. Anyway, back then Shinobi were divided into disparate clans, and the warring countries would hire these clans to fight against their rivals. The clans sold their services to the highest bidder, and just as the countries themselves vied for dominance in the military and political arena, so to did the Shinobi clans. Amidst the constant bloodshed, two clans rose above all the others to become the most prominent and powerful of their time."

Yoruichi smiled. "Let me guess; the Uchiha Clan was one of them."

"That's correct," Itachi answered, "Martial prowess came naturally to our clan. Of course, when biology gives you an unfair advantage over others, that shouldn't really come as a surprise."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Biology? You look human to me. What am I missing here?"

Itachi sighed. "It's what Shisui had wanted me to keep hidden. Members of the Uchiha Clan possess what's known in the Shinobi World as a Kekkei Genkai; a bloodline trait. Several clans throughout the Shinobi World have their own Kekkei Genkai, allowing them to stand out from rival clans and become greater threats on the battlefield. Ours was one of the most famous in that Realm of the Living; an ocular Kekkei Genkai known as the Sharingan."

Yoruichi leaned forward, peering into the onyx gems that were Itachi's eyes. "Well, you've got yourself some lovely eyes, but apart from that they don't look all that special."

She had the satisfaction of seeing the hint of a blush flash briefly across his face. "Thanks… I think."

Yoruichi giggled. "All right, I'll stop teasing you! So, what makes your clan's eyes so famous?"

"The Sharingan," Itachi replied, "It manifests itself as crimson irises with the pupils orbited by black tomoe, with a maximum amount of three in each eye. When a member of the Uchiha Clan experiences a powerful emotional condition, typically linked to someone precious to them, their brain releases chakra that stimulates the optic nerves. This is how the Sharingan first appears. It typically starts with a single tomoe orbiting the pupil of each eye, with the three that I mentioned earlier being reached after the user's Sharingan has fully matured."

Yoruichi smiled. "Picturing it in my mind, it sounds kind of pretty. So, you used to have eyes like that back when you were alive?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes, although I should clarify; even after it's manifested, the Sharingan is not constantly active. The wielder can choose when to activate it, so when it's not in use the wielder's eyes take on their normal appearance."

She saw him look down for a moment, and when he met her gaze again it was hard to miss the guilt in his expression. "This is how Shisui's been able to hide his Sharingan since he reawakened it after death. He hasn't used it openly, instead waiting for moments in missions where you or other members of Squad Two have not been present."

Yoruichi's eyes widened slightly as she processed the implications. "So, you both lost the Sharingan when you died… but you're able to get it back. How come Shisui's regained it, but not you?"

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "You're not concerned that Shisui's been hiding his Sharingan from you?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about it at all, but he's proven himself loyal to Squad Two since he joined. Besides, I take it his motives are linked in no small part to what we're going to be talking about today. Am I wrong?"

Itachi shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Then I'll be learning his real motives as our conversation goes along," said Yoruichi, "So, back to my original question; why's Shisui the only one out of the two of you to have gotten his Sharingan back since coming to the Soul Society?"

"From what he's told me," Itachi replied, "it seems that the regaining of the Sharingan was tied to two factors; his growth as a Soul Reaper and outside emotional stimulus. Do you remember the joint operation we had with Squad Ten two years ago?"

Yoruichi smiled. "Hard to forget it. For students, you, Jiraiya and Visaelya all acquitted yourselves remarkably well."

"Thank you," said Itachi, "Had you not allowed Shisui to pursue those Hollows up to the surface, though, things could've taken a turn for the worst."

"Good thing I made the right call, then," said Yoruichi, "So, what's that old mission got to do with the Sharingan?"

"After the fighting died down and Rija took Visaelya to the Squad Four detachment for medical treatment, Shisui showed me his Sharingan," Itachi answered, "He said that he'd regained it the same day he unlocked his Shikai and believed the two were linked. From what he told me, emotional stimulus also played a key role; a comrade was in danger, and the desire to save them provided the necessary key to unlocking the power required to rescue them."

Yoruichi nodded. "I see. I think I remember the incident he told you about. The Soul Reaper he saved was a fellow Squad Two officer, and they praised his actions in their mission report. They mentioned his Shikai, but nothing about Shisui's eyes."

"That doesn't surprise me," said Itachi, "When an Uchiha unlocks the Sharingan, it's impossible for them to miss the sudden surge in chakra that accompanies it. Shisui didn't go into the details, but I'm willing to bet that his spirit energy behaved in a similar manner. He probably recognized this cue and made sure that the officer he was saving couldn't see his eyes. Given the nature of his Shikai, I believe that alone likely served as a sufficient distraction to any potential witnesses."

Yoruichi smirked. "You're probably right. I've seen his Shikai in action, so I can understand why other Soul Reapers would focus on that rather than his eyes. So, you think that the reason you haven't unlocked your Sharingan yet is that it's tied to you achieving Shikai?"

Itachi nodded. "That and the required emotional stimulus, yes. Ever since the spirit of my Zanpakutō awakened, I've been trying to learn her name, but it still eludes me. I visit her in my inner world every day, but apart from continuing to sharpen my swordsmanship through our sparring matches I don't seem to be making much headway."

Yoruichi could sense his self-doubt a mile away and wanted to nip it in the bud. "There's no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving Shikai. You're doing everything right in my book. Shikai takes time, even for gifted Soul Reapers. If yours is tied to you unlocking your Sharingan, then I'm willing to bet that you've got a better chance at this point of achieving it while you're out in the field. After all, that's the best place to find that sharp emotional stimulus that's required to bring out those special eyes of yours."

He seemed to regain a small measure of surety at her words. "You may be right…"

She gave him a gentle nudge with her elbow. "May be right? Hey, I'm your Captain; give me a little more credit than that!"

She was relieved to see a small smile appear on his face in response to her ribbing. "Of course. My apologies."

Yoruichi shrugged. "Don't worry about it. So, what makes the Sharingan so special? What's it capable of?"

Itachi chuckled. "Well, there's quite the laundry list when it comes to its powers. I suppose the best way to start is to break it down the aspects of the Sharingan into two broad subcategories. The first would be the Eye of Insight, and the second would be the Eye of Hypnotism."

"Ooh, intriguing!" she said with a grin, "Tell me more."

Itachi nodded. "The Eye of Insight can be thought of as a general enhancement in vision, although there's more to it than that. It allows the wielder to see chakra and gives it certain colors, which allow the user to recognize unique composition and sources. It can also view that chakra through some obstructions, although by no means all of them. There's another ocular Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan of the Hyūga Clan, that does a better job at this than the Sharingan."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "Chakra's the energy that you and Shisui used in the Shinobi World, but in the Soul Society that's been replaced by spirit energy. Does the Sharingan's ability to view chakra also allow it to perceive and analyze spirit energy?"

"Based on what I've heard from Shisui, it does," Itachi answered.

"Interesting..." Yoruichi murmured as she mulled it over, "That'd actually make it pretty useful in combat against other Soul Reapers. You'd be able to perceive the fluctuations in their spirit energy, particularly when they're about to release their Zanpakutō or utilize Kidō. As for Hollows, I imagine it'd give you a heads up for when the stronger ones are prepping to fire off a Cero."

"You're right about that," said Itachi, "Those aren't the only benefits of the Eye of Insight, though. It also grants the wielder enormous clarity of perception, which can be put to a variety of uses. This is particularly powerful in combat, as the user can read even the slightest muscle tension in their opponents and use that to anticipate their moves. Lip-reading and being able to mimic the movements of others are also common uses, and they make the Sharingan an invaluable tool for reconnaissance and espionage. They are also part of why the Sharingan is also known in the Shinobi World as the Copycat Eye, because this enhanced perception allows us to comprehend and then copy the ninja arts of our adversaries. We also retain knowledge of their techniques and can add them to our own arsenal."

Yoruichi whistled. "Copying your opponent's moves and making them your own? That sounds like it'd be very handy in a tight spot."

"There are limitations," Itachi pointed out, "A Sharingan wielder can copy a wide variety of techniques, but it cannot do so with regards to abilities that are the specific product of another Kekkei Genkai since these are powers based as much in the user's bloodline as they are in skill. Also, a Sharingan user's body needs to be able to perform the techniques that they observe, and this requires training. For example, if I had my Sharingan unlocked I could use it to analyze your techniques in Zanjutsu and Hakuda, but I'd be unable to match your level of proficiency and speed without first working to improve my own physical conditioning and abilities."

Yoruichi nodded. "In other words, even if your eyes perceive the techniques, that knowledge can't be translated into the ability to perform them to their fullest extent yourself if your body can't keep up."

"Well spoken," said Itachi.

Yoruichi rubbed her chin in thought. "If you were to reawaken your Sharingan, would you be able to copy a Soul Reaper's Zanpakutō?"

Itachi shook his head. "I highly doubt it. From what I understand, a Zanpakutō is intrinsically linked to the wielder's soul. In a way, that kind of connection could be considered similar to a Kekkei Genkai in that it's not simply a learned technique, but a part of the wielder's physical and spiritual being. I could probably perceive the nature of their Zanpakutō and gain a better understanding of any unique powers it possesses, but being able to copy them would likely be beyond my reach. Shisui's probably already come to a similar conclusion."

"I see," said Yoruichi, "Still, overall it sounds like this Eye of Insight will be incredibly useful for you once you unlock your Sharingan. I can already think of quite a few ways you could apply it in your duties as a member of Squad Two."

Itachi nodded. "Yes, and that's not even factoring in the Eye of Hypnotism."

Yoruichi smiled. "I almost forgot about that. So, what can that baby do?"

"Have you ever heard of genjutsu?" asked Itachi.

Yoruichi's brow furrowed. "I think I came across that term once or twice when I was browsing the records on your Realm of the Living. It involves illusionary techniques, right?"

"Correct," Itachi replied, "The Sharingan greatly enhances a Shinobi's ability to perform genjutsu, to the point that illusions crafted by skilled practitioners can be some of the most subtle and convincing in the whole of the Shinobi World. Eye contact is the primary way in which a Sharingan user begins casting genjutsu through the Eye of Hypnotism. Once the target is ensnared, they can be compelled to act through suggestion, and an experienced practitioner can carry this out without their opponent even being aware of it. In extreme cases, this influence can get rather close to outright mind-control."

Yoruichi couldn't stop a chill from running down her spine. "That's… rather creepy."

Itachi sighed. "I know. It's a power that can very easily be abused… even by those who may seek to use it with noble intentions. I… wasn't above doing so."

He looked down for a moment, shame clear in his eyes. "I won't blame you if you have doubts about my… integrity. I've certainly earned such suspicion."

Yoruichi reached over and cupped his chin in her hand, making sure to force his gaze up so that it met hers. "If I was afraid of you using this power on me, would I be looking you in the eye right now?"

"You know I don't have the Sharingan right now," Itachi countered, "Meeting my gaze is safe for the time being."

Yoruichi smiled. "And it'll be safe when you get it back. Itachi, if you're going to trust me with everything that you're telling me today, I think the least that I owe you is the benefit of the doubt."

His eyes widened ever so slightly. "Yoruichi…"

"I have faith in you, Itachi," she said, "In the six years I've known you so far, you've validated that faith. I like to think of myself as a good judge of character, so I'm willing to gamble that even after you get these special eyes of yours back, I'll be able to trust you with them."

"Besides," she continued with a wink before releasing her grip on his chin, "I bet that you'll look damn good with them!"

She had the satisfaction of seeing his face briefly flush red. "I'll… let you be the judge of that."

He cleared his throat, apparently eager to regain some semblance of control over the conversation. "You should know that the Eye of Hypnotism isn't flawless. A Sharingan wielder has to be able to maintain their focus in order for it to work. They're particularly vulnerable if they attempt to ensnare multiple foes. The greater the number of targets, the more divided the wielder's attention becomes, which means that the enemy has a better chance of escape the genjutsu."

Yoruichi nodded. "In other words, it's most effective in one-on-one encounters."

"Yes," he replied, "Also, a sufficiently disciplined mind can be capable of recognizing when its caught in an illusion. From there, the victim can begin to reassert control and eventually break the spell. That's why subtlety is so important for someone using the Eye of Hypnotism; the key is to have the illusion blend so seamlessly with reality that it becomes impossible for the target to distinguish where one ends and the other begins. Ideally, they'd never even recognize that they've been ensnared at all."

Yoruichi smirked. "So, you could make them see all sorts of twisted and scary things, but it's much more practical to keep the illusions as realistic as possible. Man, it's too bad you weren't in the Soul Society back when Kisuke and I were kids; we would've had a ball with using your powers for pranks!"

She was pleased to see a small smile grace his features; it was good to know that she could help lighten the mood even when he was dredging up shadows that had haunted him for far too long. "I imagine so. It… would've been fun."

Yoruichi chuckled. "Well, maybe we can dust that idea off when you get the Sharingan back."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "You seem pretty confident that I'll regain it. It's hardly guaranteed."

Yoruichi shook her head. "Oh, please. You said it's linked to you gaining your Shikai, right? At the rate you're going, that's probably not too far off. You'll get it back. Call it a hunch."

Itachi nodded. "Well, when I do, you'll be the first to know. I think I owe you at least that much."

"We can worry about that later," said Yoruichi, "So, does that about wrap up the Eye of Hypnotism?"

"Not quite," Itachi replied, "There's one more aspect of it. This isn't really classified as an actual ability, but a skilled user of the Sharingan can actually make it appear to their opponents like they can see the future."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Really? How do you pull that off?"

"It's actually something of a combination of traits of the Eye of Insight and the Eye of Hypnotism," said Itachi, "Basically, we observe all aspects of our foes; the slightest movements, their mannerisms, speech patterns, and even their thoughts if we can successfully ensnare them in genjutsu. After that we're able to suggest actions, like the hand signs needed for certain ninjutsu, and the enemy will begin performing them. The trick is to suggest an action that we've already seen and copied, so that we end up performing the technique faster than the opponent. This illusion of future-sight on our part can confuse and demoralize opponents, making them much easier to defeat."

Yoruichi grinned. "You Uchiha fight dirty, don't you? No wonder you and Shisui are such a perfect fit for Squad Two!"

Itachi gave a slight smirk. "I suppose these traits would make us a poor fit for divisions that focus more on honorable direct combat. It's not that we're incapable of fighting in such a manner, but our training as Shinobi emphasized using any means necessary to achieve victory. Honor has no place there."

"Squad Eleven's going to hate you when you get your Sharingan back," said Yoruichi, "I hope you don't mind if I use that to get under their skin; it's fun to mess with the brutes' heads from time to time."

"As long as you don't ask me to do anything that will inflict permanent harm," said Itachi, "They're still our allies, after all."

Yoruichi shrugged. "Fair enough."

Itachi nodded. "With such powers at our disposal, it was difficult for most of the other clans to match us in combat during the Warring States Period. There was one that could challenge us, though; the Senju Clan."

"Did they have special eyes too?" asked Yoruichi.

Itachi shook his head. "No. Rather, they were renowned for their balanced skills in all aspects of the Shinobi arts. The Sharingan gave the Uchiha Clan incredible abilities to draw upon, but with it came two major flaws; arrogance and overreliance. Our pride in our ocular prowess led to us underestimating other clans while at the same time, ironically and metaphorically, narrowing our field of vision."

"When all you have is a hammer, all other problems start to resemble nails," said Yoruichi, "Sound about right?"

"Quite so," Itachi replied, "While the clan produced astounding individual fighters, as a whole the Uchiha became less versatile. The Senju were able to exploit this and reached a level of parity with the Uchiha. Once it became known that there was a Shinobi faction out there capable of rivaling us, a pattern began to emerge in the conflicts of that era; one side in a particular regional war would hire the Uchiha Clan, while their opponents would hire the Senju Clan. Clashes between Uchiha and Senju became commonplace, and as a result bitter grudges and fierce hatred built up between the clans as the Warring States Period dragged on."

Yoruichi could see where this was going. "They got caught in the cycle of revenge, didn't they?"

Itachi sighed. "Yes. An Uchiha would kill a Senju, a Senju an Uchiha… on and on it went. It appeared that the two clans would be locked in a state of eternal warfare, but a twist of fate planted the seeds for reconciliation."

Yoruichi leaned forward. "Really? What was it?"

"Well, according to historical texts, a Senju and an Uchiha met without knowing that they were from rival clans," Itachi answered, "In the Warring States Period, it was common for people to withhold their family names when they met strangers out of fear of meeting an enemy and sparking a fight. The respective Senju and Uchiha from this incident were children at the time; apparently, they played at the same river. Their names were Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, and eventually they would become the most powerful Shinobi of their respective clans. In time they learned each other's identities, and inevitably they would clash in open battle."

Yoruichi closed her eyes for a moment, imagining the tragic encounters that must've taken place. "Talk about a rough break."

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Itachi nod. "Yes… and yet without it, what happened next would not have been possible. Due to their incredible skill and strength, both Hashirama and Madara wound up the leaders of the Senju and Uchiha Clans. After a final clash, the Senju immerged victorious, yet what happened next was not an orgy of bloodletting that an outside observer might've expected. Hashirama, against all odds, managed to convince Madara to accept a truce. From that truce came what would've been considered impossible to the Shinobi of that era; not just peace between the Senju and Uchiha Clans, but an alliance, no less."

Yoruichi whistled. "Forging an alliance with his clan's most bitter enemies? This Hashirama must've been quite a guy."

Itachi nodded. "That he was. Of course, it's unlikely he would've been able to accomplish such a feat without having a powerful connection with the opposing leader. His childhood friendship with Madara wound up being the key to peace. Had it been another Uchiha leading the clan, one that Hashirama did not have that past bond with, and the alliance likely would not have been possible."

"Good point," Yoruichi conceded, "So, what happened next?"

"The two clans formed a pact," Itachi answered, "They entered into an arrangement with the Land of Fire, allowing them to establish a central Shinobi village within its borders. In time, it would become known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves, the hometown of Shisui, Jiraiya and myself. In exchange for support from the ruling Daimyō, including financial backing, the Shinobi of the Leaf Village would protect the Land of Fire from external threats. The Shinobi would also help keep the peace within the realm, while at the same time selling their services to both domestic and foreign clients provided those contracts did not harm the interests of the Land of Fire."

"In other words, they settled down and coordinated their mercenary activities in service to a new homeland," said Yoruichi, "Sound about right?"

"An apt a way as any to put it," Itachi admitted, "This had great repercussions, though. With the Senju and the Uchiha now united under a single banner, no single clan in the Shinobi World would be able to challenge them. Local clans already living within the Land of Fire either flocked to the Leaf Village to pledge fealty and join this new great power or scattered across the world. Other nations realized that the Land of Fire had become a military powerhouse by playing host to the two strongest clans, and the only way to catch up would be to replicate what they had done. In short, the founding of the Leaf Village forced rival powers to create their own Shinobi villages, bringing together many clans under unity banners and entering into similar pacts. This marked the end of the Warring States Period and the beginning of the modern Shinobi World."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "And within the Land of Fire, the Senju and the Uchiha would dominate Shinobi affairs. They could set both foreign and domestic policy thanks to their power. That had to have led to some friction, both inside the village and otherwise."

"From what I understand, there likely was some wariness on the part of the Daimyō's retainers," said Itachi, "Still, the newfound order and stability was enough to win them over. The village made it a point to not interfere too aggressively into the affairs of the Daimyō, and in return the Daimyō allowed the village to act more or less as an autonomous entity. The real tensions would be within the village; after all, generations of bitter hatred can't just be buried overnight."

Yoruichi nodded. "The Senju and Uchiha would've had to achieve a new balance of power to ensure that the village wouldn't become consumed by civil war. Even if the Senju had become strong enough to defeat the Uchiha in the final years of the Warring States Period, any new conflict would've devastated both clans and left them wide open to attack from the outside. How did they keep new brushfires from flaring within their own community?"

Itachi sighed. "The old rivalries might've been reduced, but eliminating them entirely was a tall order. In hindsight, it may well have been impossible. There were dustups right from the start, particularly when it came to the selection of the Leaf Village's First Hokage."

"That'd be the overall leader, right?" asked Yoruichi.

"Correct," Itachi answered, "Naturally, the two top candidates for the position were Hashirama and Madara. The villagers ultimately decided on Hashirama, and Madara did not take this well. From what I've read of that era, it seems that Madara interpreted Hashirama's rise to the position of Hokage as a step towards establishing Senju supremacy over the Uchiha. He feared the diminishment of the Uchiha and attempted to rally the clan in opposition. His supporters were few and far between, though. By this time, the majority of the Uchiha Clan were weary of conflict and wanted to give the fragile peace a chance to become something firmer. As a result, the Uchiha Clan largely backed Hashirama in the Hokage selection."

Yoruichi grimaced; it wasn't hard to see where this was going. "So Madara lost the support of his own clan, eh? I'm going to go out on a limb and say he didn't react too well to that. Am I on target?"

Itachi nodded. "Bullseye. The history texts regarding that era claim it was fear of Senju dominance that led Madara to challenge Hashirama later on, but I've often wondered if wounded pride played a role in his decision as well. Regardless of the reasons, Madara faced off with Hashirama without any support from the Uchiha Clan, and the devastation their clash wrought upon their chosen battlefield altered the very landscape itself; the ravine that was formed from the engagement was subsequently known as the Valley of the End. Hashirama emerged victorious, and Madara was believed to have been slain."

Yoruichi leaned forward slightly. "Believed to have been slain? Wouldn't Hashirama know for sure if he'd killed Madara?"

"The official account was that he did kill Madara," Itachi replied, "At the time of my death, that was still the version most of the world believed. However, certain events had led me to question the official version. I'll come back to that in a little while. With Madara's supposed passing, the most powerful opponent to Hashirama taking on the title of First Hokage was removed. Perhaps a few members of the Uchiha Clan or other families might've grumbled a bit, but for the most part the decision was broadly accepted. For his part, Hashirama did not hold Madara's actions against the Uchiha Clan as a whole and pressed forward with growing the village and making sure it would remain a home to the Senju and Uchiha Clans, along with any others who wished to join in the newfound prosperity. However, there were those that did not forget the clash between Hashirama and Madara, and from them seeds were planted that would later bear bitter fruits."

"Any figures in particular I need to be aware of?" Yoruichi asked.

"One more than others," Itachi answered, "For all his gifts in the Shinobi arts, Hashirama Senju was in the end still mortal. Although he was indispensable to the founding of the Village Hidden in the Leaves and the ending of the Warring States Period, ultimately the peace he worked so hard to establish wouldn't be permanent. Although the prior era of constant warfare was a thing of the past, new conflicts did still emerge, and he eventually met his end in battle. The title of Hokage then passed to Tobirama Senju, Hashirama's younger brother."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Did Tobirama become Hokage simply because he was Hashirama's brother, or was there actual merit to go along with the pedigree?"

Itachi's brow furrowed as he considered her question. "From what I understand, Hashirama personally directed that the title of Hokage be passed down to Tobirama upon his death. I think both bloodline and ability played a role in his ascension. While not as prominent as Hashirama, Tobirama was a powerful Shinobi in his own right. In fact, he was strong enough to mortally wound Madara's younger brother, Izuna Uchiha, during one of the many wars that the rival clans had participated in prior to their alliance. He also proved himself to be quite capable when it came to matters of leadership. You could consider him to be the pragmatist to Hashirama's idealist. I believe that Hashirama picked Tobirama partially because he was his brother, but also because he had confidence in his abilities and temperament. Of course, that's simply my own speculation."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "How did the Uchiha take his ascension?"

"It was a mixed reception," said Itachi, "Tobirama might've gone along with his older brother in the establishment of the Hidden Leaf Village, but he remained wary of the Uchiha Clan. There was more to it than simply old clan rivalries, though; Tobirama's ideals and governing philosophy clashed considerably with how the Uchiha Clan's viewed itself in the past."

Yoruichi was curious. "How so?"

"Remember what I told you earlier about the Uchiha Clan's pride?" Itachi asked.

Yoruichi nodded. "Yup. How does it play into this?"

"It's a common thread throughout this tale," Itachi replied, "In this particular instance, their fixation on the desires of the clan stood in stark contrast to Tobirama's emphasis on the well-being of the village as a whole. This resulted in him making decisions that were unpopular with the Uchiha, and to some it gave the appearance of him being prejudiced against them. It may have been the desire to counterbalance some of this animosity that led Tobirama to found the Leaf Village Military Police Force and place it under the charge of the Uchiha Clan, giving them the responsibility of enforcing law and order. His stated reason for doing so was to provide a gesture of trust and good faith from the Senju Clan to the Uchiha, reconciling with them and giving them a place of honor and prestige within the village."

Yoruichi sensed an opening and did not hesitate to pounce. "Did the Uchiha Clan believe him? Do you think he was sincere regarding his motives?"

Itachi sighed. "It's difficult to say. Thanks to my abilities when I was alive, I was given access to the Uchiha Clan's archives, so I was able to review accounts of multiple clan members who were alive during that time period. On the one hand, the selection of the Uchiha Clan to head up the Military Police Force made sense as a practical matter. The Sharingan's quite useful at countering the abilities of other Shinobi, so who better than the Uchiha to police a Shinobi village? The power of the organization was considerable, although they did not have the authority to arrest members of the Anbu Black Ops without a warrant as they reported directly to the Hokage."

"Anbu Black Ops?" she repeated, not even trying to hide her puzzlement.

"Think of them as an analogue to the Stealth Force," said Itachi, "The Executive Militia would probably be the closest equivalent your organization has to them."

Yoruichi nodded. "Got it."

"Anyway, the Military Police Force's prominence in village affairs was substantial," Itachi continued, "However, while they enforced the laws, they did not have the power to make them. That authority was held by the Hokage."

Yoruichi clasped her hands, her mind taking that train of though to its logical conclusion. "And the Hokage that founded the Military Police Force was a Senju. In practical terms, the Uchiha were becoming subservient to the Senju, just as Madara had feared."

"That's right," Itachi replied, "Several members of the clan believed that Tobirama's real motives for creating the Military Police Force and having it made up primarily of the Uchiha was a means for the Second Hokage to control the clan while at the same time keeping them out of the actual governance of the village, reducing them to merely being enforcers. Publicly, Tobirama countered that his intentions were to harness the powerful emotions of the Uchiha Clan and channel them in a productive direction while at the same time allowing the village to benefit from the legendary dedication members of the clan were known to possess. How many Uchiha believed him is something I cannot say for sure. As for your second question… based on my studies of that era, I believe it was it was something of a mixed bag. On the one hand, the Second Hokage did invest considerable resources into setting up the Military Police Force, and since he had fought so many battles against the Uchiha Clan in the past he understood better than most just how effective their abilities would be in keeping order within the Leaf Village. However, it's certainly possible that lingering suspicions on his part meant that he did see this as a way to control and potentially isolate the Uchiha Clan should they begin to drift back towards their old hostility regarding the Senju."

"Meanwhile, any member of the Uchiha Clan could draw their own conclusions," Yoruichi murmured, "Accept their prominence in the Military Police Force for what it was at face value, or look at shadows and allow suspicion to take root."

Itachi nodded. "Exactly. Matters probably weren't helped by the Second Hokage's personality. From what I understand, he wasn't as charismatic and open as his older brother. Instead, he was very composed and stern, which probably meant that he came across as harsh to those who were already predisposed towards distrusting him. He was a powerful Shinobi and capable administrator, dedicated to the security and long-term prosperity of the Leaf Village, but this meant that sacrifice was required of both individual Shinobi and clans to contribute to the strength of the greater whole. For the Uchiha, who'd been almost single-minded in the elevation of the individual and the clan since the Warring States Period, Tobirama's ideology would be difficult to accept… and it'd be all too easy for them to see it as an insult to what they believed to be their greatness."

"A prideful clan who deemed their status was under threat by another clan that had once been their mortal enemies and was now essentially being governed by them," said Yoruichi grimly, "There's no way that would end well."

"The future's not written in stone," Itachi reminded her, "Some Uchiha might've felt hostile towards the arrangement they found themselves in, but others wanted to move forward and help keep the peace. The seeds for what followed may have already been planted, but their fruition was not preordained, and there were chances to alter the flow of history for the better."

Yoruichi shook her head. "Sure, but if all this had a happy ending then it wouldn't have kept you from getting a single decent night's worth of sleep over the past fourteen years."

Itachi sighed. "You're right. The peace held for quite some time, but eventually it began to unravel. Looking back, I think the march down the road to ruin and tragedy truly started on the last night of the Fourth Hokage's reign."

"What happened?" asked Yoruichi.

Rather than answer the question directly, Itachi riposted with one of his own. "In your studies regarding the Shinobi World, have you ever come across references to beings known as Tailed Beasts?"

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