
266. More business.

The next morning me and Jon check up on the operation and our new prisoners who were caught last night. Most of them happened to be curious locals however there where a few nefarious people who wanted to make a quick buck.

the locals where mind wiped to make it seem like nothing was wrong and everything just looked like a proper mining set up.

The crooks however were fished for information and dealt with as usual. The only other guest we had was a big black panther who became a guest of the kingdom as I sorely lack big cats.

After that small business was done we took a look at the operation. it was running perfectly fine there was a massive crater hidden behind the wall. inside was the mining cube with random vacuum tubes and water nozzles flying around sucking up mud, dust, dirt and rocks.

At the top of the crater was the sorting machine which would take the different extracted metals, melt them down, and be sorted by the little worker drones into different crates.

Honestly there's something nice about newly forged shiny metal bars being stacked into crates didn't matter if it was iron, copper, or gold.

There were other random minerals and such that were gathered. Like quartz or random gemstones. most of these will be sold in bulk to the system shop as its just easier. However once I start getting diamonds and such those will probably sold off for much more money than the system shop.

Now your all probably asking why I don't just buy the material from the shop and resale it for profit. The answer is. Are you retarded? of course I'm going to do some of that too.

How much money would people pay for some of the world's biggest diamonds, sapphires, and rubies? To the system those are just rocks. some are more expensive as they are used for building materials in future tech but all in all I'd make a massive profit.

You know what else is great for profit? Old wines, lost art, and relics of the past. The thing is I have to study up more on the world I'm in and get the right type of things as I can't be bringing out stuff from artists that might not exist or things that might have already been found.

As for the mining operation it works in two different ways. one I get actual excuses to be able to sell some of those materials. Two I get basically free materials I can use later on for other stuff I might make. Three I get money. Just because we have magical gold making stones doesn't mean we stop trying to make money. It's like you win the lottery and you just stop doing shit because your rich.

Nah nah nah boys. most of the money goes into kingdom improvement such as buying extinct species of animals. new plants and such for medical research. new tech for the doctors. new ecosystems.

imagine having to hook up entirely new systems of communication and technology for your people everything from Internet to television. it's gunna cost a fortune. but we can't have our people living in the stone age. some of my citizens use carrier pigeons to chat.

So the first step is to take over africa.

For this I have the khaos brigade. I have sat down some willing members and we hashed up some plans to get rid of and replace local warlord. Of course there are some people behind them in the dark just egging them on like random devils or politicians.

We are going after high priority targets who keep the best areas to themselves. Most of them will be imperiused to do my bidding which will be set up my mining operations. The smaller ones will be killed off and the people freed as I just do a hostile take over.

The other part of the plan is feed the people and give them proper medical care and water. got to admit this place is pretty crap right now.

But we know how this goes. Win the people win the country. With my mining operations going I'll use that excuse to set up free water stations and medical facilities. All the money coming from my profits. but it doesn't cost that much water purification stations are pretty cheap to buy from dead world's or places that have been taken over from radiation.

With the plans set up the operations where lightning fast with almost no one the wiser. couple politicians die from diseases or old age. a few warlords dissappear in rebellions. some devil families hear I'm taking over and quickly withdrawal their forces. The most trouble I'm met with are random yokai who live here and actual warlords. However I can be very persuasive.

Over the next few months my new industry skyrockets. Steel Mining co. our popularity is further boosted by finding the world's largest diamond. Which properly sold for over a billion at auction being double the size as the last largest diamond. We were selling off diamonds until the point of almost collapse. Prices were crazy. With this excuse we were able to launch Steel Historical co. And started selling off lost art that had been 'Recovered' from sites the gremory family owned. We had faberge eggs, lost van gogh paintings manuscripts from ancient egypt I'd even gotten ahold of a real life tyrannosaurus skeleton however that was put in my house for decoration.

Next we moved on to Steel Ship Recovery. I bought a island and refurbished that bitch. Set it up as its own territory. it had state of the art security and was known as the world's most valuable island just from the belongings on it. We hosted auctions and had museums set up with some of the finest art pieces and diamonds. As a bonus I had said if you can steal from me and get away with it anything you got was free. it was great publicity.

The new ship recovery gave me a nice excuse to start bringing up underwater treasure with new tech the world had never seen. This was all a cover for underwater mining operations and a heist of epic scales.

I had stolen the titanic. well not me personally as I'm not going down that far open deep sea water and pitch blackness is fucking terrifying. I've played enough games to know what happens if you go that deep.

Now your all wondering what I'm going to do with a massive busted ocean liner. I fixed that puppy up and gave it a full rework making it look brand new before stuffing it into my gate of babylon. Then I headed to my next location. The arena.

"Hey Emmet it's been a while since we've sparred up for another match?" I Ask the burly vampire who loves fighting. He had never gotten over his loss the first time against the problem solver.

"Sure but your not allowed to use that giant golden ball on me that's cheating." he said puffing up his chest and flexing.

"Of course man I would never do that." I give my trustworthy smile as he runs off to the other side of the arena. Which is now deathly silent looking on in curiosity.

The fight begins like usual lighting fast moves with the Crack of flesh Emmet hasn't been slouching at all in his training and is giving me a nice run for my money during the time I was growing up with the Gremory's he was training with teacher or running the dungeon.

Fists fly, his teeth snap and snarl as he tries to get a hold on me. There's sickening crunches from rib breaking blows and I get lucky and swipe his feet grabbing him by the arms for a judo throw across the arena. He lands perfectly on his feet and turns towards me only to be met by a giant ocean ship blaring it's horn full stop with a madly cackling me staring at him from the captains deck.

*BWOOOOONG* "Are you feeling it now Mr,Krabbs!" I cackle madly as the Titanic smashes into the poor unprepared vampire. The liner cuts a swath across the arena floor and the arena is filled with the crunching of steel and glass and the shouts of unfair from a buried vampire.

All in all it was a good day. The titanic will take a while to repair itself in the gate. but it was worth it.

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