
267. this is madness.

The finances are going great. I have multiple operations going including the 10 or so hidden underwater mining operations.

I've become one of the youngest billionaires in the world. I'm host too all different types of people at formal parties from God's to new rising stars. But I haven't forgotten some of the problems that might come along in the future. one which made itself clear during a nice dinner party I was hosting.

I was chatting along with Odin who had come over to hang out he was a pretty cool old guy but a complete pervert.

"You must be swamped with paperwork with how well your companies are doing. Even some of the higher ups like us god are impressed with how fast you rose up." said the eye patch wearing god.

"Yeah that's the bane of all good things paperwork. with how much the government tries to cheat me out of my money I even had to set up my own nation and they still try to screw me over." I sighed rubbing my forehead at the nightmare that is politics. Everyone trying to claim something. oh you found the treasure on our continent we should get a share or oh that belonged to my great great grandfather's uncles cousin before he died and it should go to me.

Odin nods his head sagely before guzzling down some special brews I had prepared. "I have the perfect solution!" he shouted banging his hands on the table.

I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Rossweisse from now on your going to be Ryans new secretary." he says towards to tall silver hair beauty beside him who freezes.

"Don't worry she can't get a boyfriend and has nothing but time on her hands. That and she constantly scolds me whenever I try to pick women up." he leans over loudly whispering to me.

Me and rossweisse both facepalm.

I was about to respond when the whole area explodes into flames and magic attacks started flying my direction only to be blocked by a magical shield.

"Ah party crashers this late into the event? not fashionable at all." I stand up looking at the newcomers flying in the air.

There were a bunch of random people but the most glaring of them was a tall white haired man and another black haired one who looked fancy both wearing arrogant looks on their faces.

"Loki what are you doing here?" Shouts Odin.

"I recognize you as one of the old members of the Satan faction. Crueserey Asmodeus was it? I thought I got most of them already." I say looking at the dark haired man next to him.

People are still being summoned in along with gigantic wolves. I take it these are remnants of the old Satan faction I had missed when I grabbed the rest of the Khaos brigade.

I wonder why they are here though. my question was quickly answered though.

"You have been dubbed a danger to the old Satan faction and are going to be put down as a show of power towards all those filthy new devils." cackled the old Satan leader.

loki just babbled on about some Ragnarok I didn't really pay them much attention.

I clap my hands together and smile. "Perfect this gives me a chance to test out my new peerage members." I say with a laugh.

out of the kingdom pop two figures. The first one is a small blonde haired girl with blood red eyes and an evil smirk. The second one is a tall figure with gray skin and black crow like wings and black spiky hair.

"Meet Jane my personal guard and Ryuk he was just bored." I politely introduce the two.

"Yo Ryan these opponents seem a bit out of our league." rasped out Ryuk looking at the towering wolves with God killing fangs.

"Ah those won't be your opponents, you get to deal with with the floating shit around them." I wave towards the cannon fodder. "Also Jane be a dear and handle that loud mouth." I point towards the cocky devil.

"my pleasure." She purred out before screams started to fill the air from the man. Jane was getting bored in the kingdom so I offered to let her join my peerage which she happily agreed to.

A grisly looking scythe appears in front of ryuk before he vanishes into the shadows with an evil cackle. Soon it's a bloody rain of limbs from an over eager reaper and a sadistic vampire who loves to cause pain.

"Gir!" I shout and listen for the pitter patter of squeeky footsteps.

Soon in front of me is my little dog with a mouth and pockets stuffed with bacon at full salute.

"Mommy Luna has been complaining about lack of puppies in the kingdom and I've just found some please fetch them for me." I point towards the massive wolves.

Gir loves Luna she always shares her pudding with him and gives him headpats.

his eyes clack into the sinister glowing red. "Affirmitive." Giant ropes start to shoot put from his palms with a nasty crackling noise as lightning arcs over them with a *biribiri* noise.

I had given him some safe capture methods in a few upgrades. a couple millions volts should be fine. "It's okay you can be a little harsh with them they were bad puppies." I say nonchalantly as gatling guns start sliding into place and his feet lock onto the ground to prevent sliding.

"Nice dog." I hear Odin mumble. Rossweisse just has her jaw slack as grenades, poison smoke bombs, lasers, and tank piercing bullets fire out from the little half knee high green dog.

loki looks like he's going to interfere but sadly that's put to a stop by my iron hand grabbing his face and smashing him firmly into the ground.

"I think we should have a little chat. I wasn't quite listening when you were spouting off bullshit. could you kindly repeat it?" I ask kindly still holding his face. All I get is mumble wumble and scratching to try to take my hand off.

"Yeah that's what I thought I heard. something about world destruction for killing your father?" I nod my head as if understanding.

A cold chill goes down his spine.

"You see I've seen a lot of things in my life most of them are about doting father's who think that it would be perfectly fine to just imprison people like you and someday they would learn their lesson." I smile a dark smile as he starts to struggle more.

"I'm glad you also see you wouldn't change if that happened to you loki. Therefore I'm going to give you a punishment I think will put you on the right path." I say with a now benevolent smile as behind me the view of my personal hell springs up with the newly filled souls of the old Satan faction burning in agony.

"I'm sending you on a vacation to the Bahamas!" I say in excitement ignoring the muffled screams coming from him in terror. "That's what I've named this place, beautiful isn't it?" terror is all I get in response.

"But before that you have some cool stuff I want don't worry it will be a secret between just the two of us." my other hand grabs towards his chest tearing out a green crystal I quickly absorb. [Divinity acquired... ] the system starts ringing out notifications.

"Shhhh" I hold up a finger to my lips and make a hushing noise towards him before chucking him in the blazing inferno.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh" he screams out flailing his arms to try to stop himself. The portal closes around him with a pop.

I wipe my hands off on my jeans and make my way over to my other guest. He's still screaming from Jane's ability to inflict pain. I kick him in the jaw silencing him with a dull Crack and watch his teeth roll across the floor.

"I must give you my thanks as it would have taken me quite a while to round up all those stragglers." I say wiping my shoe off on his robe.

He just spits out blood and teeth gasping for air looking at me in horror. if it was sirzechs he would have been given a chance to plead and talk. I don't hold that option.

"As a reward I'll let to experience my new hell." I open up a world of water. "This is my place called water funeral. For as long as you exist you shall be under the water and you'll suffer through drowning however every so often you'll be given a sweet breath of life giving air not enough to satiate you my goodness no. Just enough to tease." I say feeling Jane shiver behind me either in excitement or fear or a mixture of both I don't know.

"But before we do that let's take away what you were most proud of." I put my hand on his chest and rip out his devil bloodline leaving him a regular human.

he gurgle out an angered cry before I throw him into the water world with a splash where he's quickly chained right near the surface where his lips barely breach but it slowly rises and he doesn't get the first breath.

"Wow that's going to be angers rough start." I say with a cackle.

now for my last guests.

I make my way over to giant mountains of charred bleeding flesh who are randomly being eletrocuted.

I grab the chain and whip them towards a portal heading into the kingdom. being dragged along is gir shouting in absolute glee. "Tell your momma she can fix them up with the system." I shout after him closing the portal.

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