
15 Again: High School Sweethearts

I woke up crying in my childhood bedroom that I shared with my younger sister and step-sister. I was still confused about the crazy dream I had. In my dream I was dying of cancer at the age of 40! Only to find out later that it wasn't a dream! I had been reborn! Time to use my future knowledge to change my life and those I care about! This is going to be great! The only problem is I'm 15 and live with my abusive step father and my mother is always too busy working 2 jobs to notice. Will I be able to change fate? Can I save my sister? Can I change the future? Let's find out! God gave me a second chance for a reason and I plan to make the most of it! Warning: Contains child abuse, attempted suicide and other possible triggers, but it will have a happy ending, so don’t worry!

Blue_Shell · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Forming the Band

Jasmine went to school the next day and met up with Thomas. They walked around the outdoor hallway and talked about forming a band. Thomas had asked Allen and Fernando about joining a band with him and Jasmine and possibly her sister. Allen played bass guitar and Fernando was a drummer.

Allen was excited about it, but Fernando was a little hesitant. He was busy with football and band practice. He also didn't know Jasmine and had heard some stories about her crazy mood swings. He didn't want to be her next victim!

She used to stab people with needles go fun! She was a little crazy and Thomas was obsessed with her. He already knew that Thomas would take her side no matter what. He didn't want to risk their friendship over a crazy girlfriend.

He just told Thomas that he was busy and that they could hang out some other time. Thomas didn't mind. He was so oblivious and didn't even notice his friend was uncomfortable around his girlfriend. Whenever Thomas was around Jasmine all his attention was on her!

His friends all knew it and accepted his behavior. He was such a nice guy with a fun personality. They all just let him be happy. Jasmine asked Thomas, "When can we get together with the guys to practice? I asked my mom, and she was ok with it if there is an adult around. I think you made a good impression on her last time."

Jasmine knew her mom would soon love Thomas even more than her! Her mom didn't trust men easily because of her past, but once she trusted someone, she would do anything for that person. She was a great friend and mother.

Thomas responded, "Allen is excited! He is available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and weekends. His mom will be there. She is a single mother and works 2 jobs, but she is off on Tuesday and Thursday. We can go to my house or yours on the weekends. My parents are off on the weekends."

Jasmine knew James would take his equipment back as soon as he could, once he figured out Delilah was serious about getting divorced. He was still holding out hope and taking his anger management classes. He had called Delilah a few times and asked her to meet him for lunch or dinner. He was trying to date her again and show her how much he had changed.

What he didn't understand was that he still needed to treat the kids better. She loved her kids more than anything, and anyone who was not good to her kids was not good enough for her.

Jasmine thought about it and asked, "Can I borrow your cell phone? I'll call my mom and ask if we can practice tonight. It's Tuesday and she is working, so maybe we can go to Allen's place?" He responded, "Sure! I'll text Allen and ask him to ask his mom if it's ok."

He sent a quick text message to Allen and then handed the cell phone to Jasmine. It was a Samsung flip phone. She remembers those before the iPhone became popular. His family used to all have Samsung devices and phones.

She took the phone and thanked him. Then she dialed her mom's work number. She knew it from memory. Her mom didn't have a cell phone either, but she answered the phone at work.

She answered the phone in her professional office voice, "Hello, CATK, Delilah speaking. How may I help you?" Jasmine answered her question, "Mom, it's me. I borrowed Thomas's phone to call you." Delilah instantly switched to her worried mother's voice when she heard her oldest daughter's voice on the phone.

She asked, "Jasmine, is everything ok?" Jasmine responded, "Everything is ok. I just wanted to ask if I could go to my friend's house after school. Thomas and his friend Allen want to form a band together. Allen's mom will be there. She's a single mom too, and she also works two jobs. She's off Tuesday and Thursday."

Delilah felt relieved that nothing was wrong. She instantly felt a connection to this other single mother. She could understand her struggle having to work two jobs and raise a kid all by herself. She told Jasmine, "It's fine with me if his mom is ok with it. I can pick up your brother after school, so you don't have to."

Just then Allen texted back and said his mom was ok with them going to his house after school. Jasmine informed her mom, "Allen just texted and said his mom is fine with us going over after school. I'll get a ride with Thomas."

Delilah was a little worried about her daughter riding around with a young man, she told Jasmine, "Give the phone to Thomas. I want to ask him some questions first." Jasmine nodded and gave the phone to Thomas.

He was about to close the flip phone and Jasmine replied, "Wait, my mom wants to ask you some questions first." Thomas looked nervous, but Jasmine gave him a reassuring smile.

He brought the phone to his ear slowly and asked, "Yes Mam?" Delilah appreciated his manner and asked, "Hello Thomas. How long have you been driving? Are you a good driver?" He responded, "I've been driving for over a year now and got my license in December. I was the best in my class. The teacher even said I was the best at parallel parking."

Delilah felt reassured and told him, "That's good. Take care of my daughter and make sure to bring her home by 9. It's a school night and I don't want her out too late!" He nodded and then realized she couldn't see him through the phone.

He replied, "Yes mam. I will take good care of her and bring her home on time. I will even get us some food for dinner. Don't worry." Delilah thanked him and he handed the phone back to Jasmine. Delilah told her, "Make sure you get your homework done." Jasmine responded, "I will! I love you, mom!"

Delilah responded, "I love you too. Have a good day, bye." They made kissing noises through the phone and Jasmine hung up. She handed the phone back to Thomas and they started to head towards class.

Thomas was excited! It would be the first time he drove Jasmine anywhere and he was excited to show off his good driving skills. He also was happy they were forming a band. He was a little sad that Fernando wasn't going to join them today, but maybe next time. For now, they could use an automatic drum beat.

They got to Jasmine's class, and she hugged him and took her books from him. He stood there to make sure she went into her class and called out to her, "See you later." Jasmine responded, "Bye, see you later." They waved at each other, and Thomas left to go to his class hurriedly.

He was always late, and his teacher got mad at him. He didn't care, but there was no need to be later than necessary. The rest of the day went by as usual. They were both excited to meet up after class. Thomas waited for Jasmine after her last class. He knew her schedule.

There was no football practice today. They practiced before lunch every day and Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Fridays and Saturdays were usually game nights. Tuesday and Thursday would be perfect band practice nights.

He had sent a text message to Allen that he would meet him at his house. Allen usually rode the bus. He was already on his way there. Thomas's truck was small and didn't have a back seat. It would have been awkward if all three of them squeezed in.

He walked with Jasmine to his truck in the parking lot. There was a row of trucks that belonged to the football players. We called it truck row. Even though Thomas's truck was the smallest, it was still a truck. If anyone tried to park there and didn't have a truck or wasn't part of the team that car would be moved out of the spot by the players.

They all worked out regularly and 4 of them could lift a car and walk it out of the spot together! Thomas arrived at the truck first, and he opened the door for Jasmine like a gentleman. She smiled at him and said, "Thank you.  I know you are trying to be a gentleman, but it doesn't work in this hot weather. It's better to get in and start the A.C. first." She laughed and Thomas agreed with her. He could still open other doors for her.

They drove to Allen's place and Jasmine was singing along to the radio music. Thomas loved her voice and could listen to it all day!

Allen and his mom lived in a two-bedroom apartment. Thomas had been to his house many times before and he knew Allen's mom. She was a nice Black woman from Louisiana who treated him as her other son.