
15 Again: High School Sweethearts

I woke up crying in my childhood bedroom that I shared with my younger sister and step-sister. I was still confused about the crazy dream I had. In my dream I was dying of cancer at the age of 40! Only to find out later that it wasn't a dream! I had been reborn! Time to use my future knowledge to change my life and those I care about! This is going to be great! The only problem is I'm 15 and live with my abusive step father and my mother is always too busy working 2 jobs to notice. Will I be able to change fate? Can I save my sister? Can I change the future? Let's find out! God gave me a second chance for a reason and I plan to make the most of it! Warning: Contains child abuse, attempted suicide and other possible triggers, but it will have a happy ending, so don’t worry!

Blue_Shell · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Ex Husband

My mom called her ex-mother-in-law's house and asked, "Is my son with you?" William answered the phone and said, "He's here playing catch with his old man. Why don't you come over and we can have a family dinner together." She was furious that William had kidnapped her son and was using him to get to her. She was furious that the school let him pick up her son. She said, "Stay there. I will pick up my daughters and come get my son." She hung up the phone angrily and told her boss she was leaving for the day. He knew something was going on, so he just said, "OK, do you need anything from me?" She said, "No thank you. I just have to deal with my ex-husband."

Bob felt sorry for Delilah, she was such a good woman who had horrible taste in men. Now she was dealing with an ex-husband and a soon-to-be ex-husband. He let her leave a little early. She was one of his best employees and did the work of 2 people for the price of one. He valued her a lot even if he didn't pay her what she was worth. He was a greedy man. He had a couple of luxury sports cars, a boat, and a nice 2 story house. His wife didn't have to work and spent her days shopping and getting herself pampered. He could afford to pay his employees more, but he didn't want to. He would offer her emotional support and anything else if it didn't cost him anything.

Amber was already getting off the bus in front of Delilah's work, so she waved her over. She said, "Get in the car, we have to go get your brother and sister." Amber could tell something was wrong from her mother's worried tone and expression. She got in the car and buckled up. Her mom was driving fast as they headed to the elementary school. Amber kept quiet so she wouldn't distract her mom. When they got to the school Jasmine met them out front. Amber asked Jasmine, "What's going on? Where is Christopher?"

Delilah went inside to yell at whoever let her ex-husband take her son away. She was furious. Unfortunately, the administration office was closed and only the after-school recess instructor was there. She had no idea what was going on, so Delilah could only come back tomorrow during school hours. Jasmine told Amber what happened, and she widened her eyes in shock but kept quiet. She didn't want to upset her mom any more than she already was. She was secretly excited to see her father. She was only 3 years old when her parents divorced and didn't remember what kind of dad he was. She had built up an imaginary dad in her mind. One that loved her but was unable to be with them.

Jasmine was old enough to remember her father's bad behavior when she was little. She saw how it affected her mother and she didn't like it. She used to want him to come back when she was little but grew out of it. She realized it was better for him to stay away if he wasn't willing to change his habits. He was too far gone and didn't want to change. It would only be a bad influence on Christopher if her father was around him at this young impressionable age. Christopher already looked like their father. She didn't want him to pick up his bad habits as well. She wanted a better future for her siblings.

Delilah went back to the car with her daughters and drove to her ex-in-law's house. She was not looking forward to seeing them again. They were nice but took her ex-husband's side and bad-mouthed her in front of her kids. She didn't want her kids to be around people like that. She wanted a better life for her kids. It wasn't wrong to keep her kids away from toxic family members. Being related doesn't give someone the right to be toxic. They disagreed and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Delilah got to her ex-in-law's house in 30 minutes and sent Jasmine inside first. She didn't want to see her ex-husband twice on the same day. Jasmine was mature enough to know what was going on. Jasmine went into her grandparents' house without knocking like she owned the place. She was family after all! Her grandfather was sitting at the kitchen table with his frosty mug of root beer and his oxygen tank. He looked surprised to see Jasmine and at first thought, he was looking at Delilah. He said, "Hey, daughter, how ya been?" Jasmine said, "Hi Grandpa, it's me, Jasmine." He opened his eyes wide in shock! His granddaughter looked just like his ex-daughter-in-law!

Jasmine went up to him and hugged him. He was a sweet old man and her grandfather. She loved them even if they were on the wrong side. She asked, "Is Christopher here?" He said, "Yeah, he's playing catch with yo daddy out back." He pointed towards the large backyard. Jasmine nodded and went towards the back door. Her grandmother had left to go to work at her night job. She was an accountant and was the only one supporting the family. She still had to work to help take care of her other grandkids. Her grandfather was retired and on disability.

Jasmine went outside and saw a nice scene of her father and brother playing catch. She knew it was all an act. Her father was good at manipulating people to get what he wanted. Right now, he was using his emotional blackmail against her mother. She went up to them and greeted him with an accusing face. Her brother ran up to her excitedly and said, "Sis, look! Dad's back!" Jasmine looked at her brother's excited face which was sweaty from playing outside. She felt bad for him. He just wanted to have a dad to play with him. He was too young and innocent to understand what was going on.

William put on his fake smile and came up to Jasmine. He couldn't believe how much she looked like her mom! She even had the same eyes that looked at him and saw through his lies! He was a little wary of her but tried to pull the same act. He hugged his daughter and said, "Wow, you've grown! You look just like your mom!" Jasmine said, "I know, I'm 15 now." He faked a sad smile and said, "I missed my babies growing up. I wish your mom would change her mind and take me back. I miss y'all so much." Jasmine said sarcastically, "I'm sure you did. That's why we got all those phone calls and letters." He looked guilty and said, "I just stayed away to not upset your mom's new husband. Now that they are separated, I hope she will take me back." Jasmine laughed and said, "Don't bet on it!"

She told Christopher, "Mom's in the front to take us home. Get your stuff and let's go." Christopher wanted to stay with his dad longer, but Jasmine's stern expression made him listen to her. He went and hugged his dad and said, "I had fun playing with you today. I hope we can do it again soon!" William smiled and said, "Me too buddy!" He knew that this kid was his ticket to get closer to Delilah. She loved her kids more than anything in the world.

Jasmine took Christopher back inside and they hugged their grandpa and said goodbye. William followed them to the front yard to see Delilah. When Amber saw her dad, she lit up and yelled, "Daddy!" He went up to the car and hugged Amber. Delilah ignored him. She didn't want to fight in front of her kids. The younger 2 were still too young to understand what was going on and she didn't want to look like the bad parent who was keeping them away from their dad. He was trying to use the kids to pressure her into taking him back and if she got upset it would cause the kids to pressure her more.

Jasmine let Christopher and Amber say goodbye to their father and when they were all in the car Delilah drove away without saying anything. William had a determined look in his eyes. He would get her back if it was the last thing he did! He knew her weaknesses and how to use them. Little did he know that Delilah was stronger than before and more independent. She would fight for her kids and never allow him to take her kids away again! The next day she went to the elementary school and made sure they knew the court order. She was the only one allowed to pick up her son except for her daughters. If it happened again, she would raise hell! Mamma bears are scary when it comes to their cubs!