
Xiao Ni become a burrito

While it was not easy for Wang Kai to find the culprit, It wasn't easy for Xiao Ni to stay alive in the Guan manor.

"Wah! Mommy helpppp!" She screams from the top for her lung. Guan Xian, that petty brother of her currently wrapping her with a blanket like a burrito and tie a rope around so she can't move. Guan Xian covers Xiao Ni's mouth with his hand.

"Dare you to go marry him, I'll break your leg!" Guan Xian felt irritated that Xiao Ni just forgives Wang Kai like that. How infatuating!

The day and night hearing Xiao Ni cry was still vivid on his mind. The eye bag in Guan Xian's face was still visible, but this girl just goes and marries the guy who makes her cry. Just like that!

Xiao Ni felt wronged and throw a puppy look at her brother. "Brother...." she pleaded with a pitiful look.

Guan Xian throws his face, didn't dare to look at the little devil. He felt like all his blood rushes through his veins to his brain. He wants to explode and burn everyone surround him!

"You..." still furious he pointed at Xiao Ni before he rants. "Xiao Ni, how could you forgive him just like that? Even go as far as marrying him."

Xiao Ni pouted, then steal a glance at her father sitting on the corner of her room. "Don't look at me." Father Guan scoff and look at the empty wall beside him.

"Mommmm." Xiao Ni resort for the last help she could get. Her mother is the only happy party, she's going to marry the ideal type of his son-in-law. Mother Guan laughed. "Only at a time like this you go to your mom isn't it?"

Xiao Ni smiles at her mom before she felt her mommy pinch her ears. "Wah! my ears! father help me, mom is going to rip my ears apart!" Xiao Ni called her hero father.

"Who told you to make so much trouble in one day, not only ruining your reputation, you drag Wang Kai's too." Mother Guan felt uneasy because she was with mother Wang when the news about Xiao Ni rejecting Wang Kai posted.

Not to mention the next news, and the next news and the newest is Xiao Ni come to the hotel with Xavier.

Being soft-hearted and Daugther's doting machine he was, father Guan comes to the rescue and pull his wife's hand from Xiao Ni's ear. "Serve him right, did you forgot what just he did to our daughter? Xiao Ni only gives him the same medicine, what are you scolding her for?"

Xiao Ni pouted and nod her head at father's Guan words, jumping to her father's side. Father Guan look at Xiao Ni and said, "Say! why you suddenly want to marry? aren't you in love with that Xavier man?"

Xiao Ni widens her eyes and frantically shakes her head. "Father! How can I?!?!?! There is no way I fall in love with brother Xavier!" Father Guan's face was sour, grumpily ask her.

"Then why you keep hanging out with him? You don't like him then don't give him hope." He was scolding her at his mouth but inside his heart, father Guan was deeply relieved now. Thank god he didn't have to be in law with his wife's ex.

Xiao Ni wrinkled her forehead. "I'm just hanging out and want to visit!" she also regrets it alright. Guan Xian clicked his tongue before scoff. "Perks of Being a Gemini, she just blindly teasing the wolf surround her and not knowing how dangerous it was."

Xiao Ni bites her lips and glare hatefully at Guan Xian. "That is your job as my brother!" Xiao Ni felt wronged. This whole family is attacking her alone, she felt so intimidated.

"Hua! forgive me, everyone...." she cried out loud at the end, flung her burritos body to the bed as she rolls over and over again. Mother Guan starts to get dizzy as she watches her keep rolling on the bed.

"Stop Stop Stop!" she hit Xiao Ni but to prevent her roll again. Xiao Ni and refuse to stop rolling. Father Guan looks at his impossible daughter and sighs. "Look at you acting like five years old, and you say you want to get married?"

"Exactly! If my wife acts like her I will die before 30!" Guan Xian chimed, sitting on the edge of the bed, frustrated. Xiao Ni puffed her cheeks and stop rolling at everybody's complaining.

"Look at you complaining now, who spoils her the most?" Mother Guan attacking father Guan at the right moment. Leaving her husband speechless. She looks at Xiao Ni messy hair than hit her butt once again.

"Tell mother honestly, did you really want to marry Wang Kai?" although she was happy, mother Guan didn't want to force Xiao Ni if she didn't want to. Her flash and bold, the spitting images of her, how can she bear to look her upset?

Xiao Ni looks at her mother and wiggles to her mother's side. Father Guan nods his head helplessly. Guan Xian, on the other hand, keeps giving her his back as he said. "If you do this only to help the company, the forget about it. Even if we go bankrupt, I won't sell you to marry if you don't want to."

Xiao Ni was deeply touched by her family, she didn't know when do her tears start to fall again. She looks at her father, mother and brother one by one, feeling the warmth from them.

The more they dote and spoiled her, the more guilty she gets. Look at them protecting her with all their strength, how could she does nothing and let them clean up her mess?

Xiao Ni takes a deep breath before she shows them her best smile. "I want to get married because I felt that I've found the person I always searching for. Moreover, it's always been my dream to marry brother Wang." She stopped and look at Guan Xian who has turned around.

"I'm happy." she smiles blissfully, staring at her family one by one. Guan Xian felt his anger has despite slowly as he saw the happiness in her eyes. Alas, he approaches her and wipes away her tears. "Why would you cry if you are a happy, silly girl."

Mother and father Guan hug each other as they see their child's interaction. However father Guan still frowning at the thought of Xiao Ni move away from the house. "I can't believe she rather chooses that brat over me."

Mother Guan took the grumpy father Guan away. Scolding him all the way to their bedroom. Guan Xian too still has to deal with the damages Xiao Ni made for the company and walk away with her phone.

Leaving Xiao Ni as the burritos alone on her bed, still securely tied. "Hello? somebody open the rope!"

"Nobody wants to help me?" she wiggles inside the burrito wrap. "WAH! HELP ME!"


The condition of Wang Kai's family was not as complicated as Xiao Ni. Everybody in the house was cheering for Wang Kai, throwing a little party without Wang Kai.

Little Xu Kun sat in the dining room with a little hat on her head. "Grandmother, uncle is not here, why should we celebrate?"

Mother Wang happily hugs little Xu Kun before she said. "This is a celebration for grandma, finally grandma wishes come true."

Father Wang shakes his head and looks at his father who now grinning too. "Father, why you look so happy, aren't you refuse to bless them before?"

Aw, a little shady can't shake the old man. Grandfather Wang scoff and said, "My grandson is getting married, why shouldn't I be happy?"

Mother Wang ignore them and clap her own hand. "Ah, now my Wang Kai's marriage is settled, I can focus on Wang Ru's." her face is cheerful as she gives some lobster on Xu Kun's plate.

Wang Ru is dumbfounded as he shyly refuses. "Aunty, I already have Xu Kun, I don't want to get marry."

Father Wang look at Wang Ru disapprove. "It's not your fault you can fall for that woman's trick, even Wang Kai almost fall for her. How can you not marry just because of that woman."

Little Xu Kun lowers his head as he knew they were talking about his mother. His little action didn't escape mother Wang's and grandfather Wang's eyes. Throwing a glare at father Wang, mother Wang said, "You quick eat, then help Wang Kai to find the culprit!"

Father Wang zipped his lips after receiving his wife's threat. Wang Ru lowers his head to eat his soup before he informed, "Actually he might have found the culprit."

Mother Wang tilted her head while grandfather Wang and father Wang raised his eyebrow at the same time.

"That's good." only mother Wang happily commented as they enjoy their dinner.


Xavier's hotel room

01.00 AM

Cold iron touch Xavier's temple as a man with a big black leather jacket forces him to bend in front of Wang Kai. All of them keep their voice low afraid to wake up the little innocent girl in the bed.

She was deep in her dream, not aware that she might lose her father with one finger. Xavier looks at Wang Kai calmly and chuckles.

Wang Kai frown and played around with her gun. "How do you know?" Xavier asks with a smirk on his handsome face.

Wang Kai glances at the corner of Xavier's room and smiled. "Xiao Ni might be not bothered about your second identities, But I do." How can you rest assure letting your girl hanging out with Europe gangster King?

"You've me checked?" Xavier raised his both eyebrow and smiles. Wang Kai admits it directly, he has nothing to hide. "Yeah, I know you are trouble from the start."

"Am I trouble because of my feeling for Xiao Ni or because of my identities?" he asked without fears even though he can already saw the door of death in front of him.

"Both, either way, I must catch her today." Wang Kai shrugs his shoulder and stares at his watch. Xavier takes a peek at his watch too before he throws another question at Wang Kai.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Xavier's hand and knee start to get numb for bending too long. Wang Kai didn't answer but keep counting time.

second by second, before he finally looks at the door and smirks. In a split of blink, the door was flung open revealing a girl in a trench coat.

"Welcome." Wang Kai said with his flat tone, his eyes were as cold as ice as he stood up.

Wang Kai's man quickly paralyzed the people LiLy's bought and locked Lily with handcuffs in five minutes. LiLy looks at the man she bought before she looks at Wang Kai.

"Outstanding," she simply commented. She has no interest in looking at Xavier with the gun on his head but went to search for her little daughter.

Her little angel still having her beautiful dream, so she didn't act much at Wang Kai's action. She never lay her eyes at Xavier instead look at Wang Kai calmly.

"I'm sorry to bother you, just get with it quickly."

Wang Kai raised his eyebrow and shake his head. "I don't want to get entangled with your business. I just need you to clarify everything before 07.00 and write me the names of everybody entangled."

LiLy surprised that Wang Kai didn't want her life, just as she has thought. Such a simple request for everything she has done to Xiao Ni. Without a fuss, she nods her head and spills everything to Wang Kai.

Wang Kai has everything recorded, signaling his man to let go of everybody. The fake culprit too. Xavier stood up and massage his hand slightly, "I told you, you don't have to take me hostage, she didn't care about me again."

Wang Kai flatly looks at Xavier than look at Lily. He pursed his thin lips. 'Whatever happens between two of you, don't ever involve Xiao Ni again."

It was a warning, as well as a threat to both of them. Wang Kai turns at LiLy who has a look down expression on her face. "You don't have to worry about Xiao Ni, she will never set her eyes at your husband. Her taste... is a high standard."

PA Han who walk beside Wang Kai look at Xavier and LiLy once again before he commented. "Woman jealousy is scarier than man!"

Wang Kai nod his head, before he left Han Li a dog food again. "Do you think Xiao Ni will do this far if she got jealous?... might be horrific than this..." he answer his own question and walk away.

Wang Kai leaves a pair of ex-husband and wife speechless.

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