
Mom, you'll let Xiao Ni get married before me?

Wang Kai didn't sleep after his 'meeting' with those Italian couple. However, thinking what he could have in the future after finishing these problem, not slightly tiredness shown on his handsome face.

Seating beside Wang Kai, Han Li is busy arranging the task Wang Kai give him. Frowning as he look at the last name appear on the list, Han Li decided to talk to his boss once again.

"Boss, how should we deal with Miss Song Qian?" Han Li didn't know what exactly she did, but the promising project leader of Wang Fashion surely won't has a good ending after this.

Wang Kai indifferently look outside the car, he has a glimpse of memories of Song Qian. Mostly because of Song Yun, those two sister has bring enough problems for him.

Han Li thought Wang Kai didn't bear to let such a talented personil go from Wang Corppration. He was remind Wang Kai about the problem Song sister has bring to him when he heard Wang Kai's ruthless decision.

"No name on the list will end up with good ending. Why you bother to think about a mere project leader." Wang Kai rest reassurly thinking he had complete his mission tonight.

Jan Like pursed his lips, alas he didn't need to think about anything because he is the boss. He is the one who need to think about everything, his reputation, the company reputation, alibies, lies, scheme. he is the one who need to plan everything in details.

hah. serving the tiger is indeed dangerous.

Wang Kai look at the name on the list, thinking the most effective way to torture them. Should he deal himself or give it to Xiao Ni, let her vent her anger.

Afterall, she is the most disadvantage party in this whole chaos.

But their main focus for right now is their wedding. There is no way he gonna let their wedding postponed again. This chance, he won't let it go so easily again.

What he don't know is that his future wife fall asleep in her burrito wrap.


Before 07.00 in the morning, exactly at 06.45 Wang Kai has ready with his fitted suit and documents on his hand.

Grandfather Guan has his grumpy face, walking down the stair hand in hand with grandmother Guan. "Old man, looks like you stand no chance. Look at my handsome grandson-in-law, he look exactly like my son Lin Yi."

Grandmother Guan was so excited that she subconsiouscly hit grandfather Guan shoulder a few times. Grandfather Guan humped, annoyed but proceed to sit on the arm chair.

Wang Kai come with the whole Wang family, all of them has a bright face. Mother Gian has seat beside mother Wang, started to discuss about their gown for Wang Kai-Xiao No wedding day.

"Mom, you'll let Xiao Ni get married before me? where is my dignity as older brother." Guan Xian complained, looking unhappy.

Mother Guan glance at her oldest son and scoffed. "That is not my fault, who told you to wonder around playing with woman instead of finding a wife. Now your future wife rejected you because of your reputation you want to make you little sister wait for you."

Guan Xian face folded a few times hearing mother Guan's answer. Blame him, all right, balme him for everything. "Mom, Xiao Ni is only 22 how could you give away my sister just like that."

Guan Xian won't give up his opinion. With the support from father and grandfather, he fear no one. Not even when Wang Kai's biological mother is sitting next to his lovely Guan Qian Si.

"Heh! I'm not selling my daugther away, instead she bring me another son. Moreover she bring such an outstanding son for me." Mother Guan grins then talk to mother Wang again.

"Finally our dream came true!" they excitedly hug each other.

Gian Xian clicked his tongue and look away. Wang Kai has begun to give the document he bring to grandfather Guan. "Grandfather, this is the list of the person involved and their contribution."

Grandfather Guan took the folder indifferently and passed it to father Guan. "Alright, however I'm still unhappy with how you treated my daugther these past few month. You've hurted my daugther in the past, how could you guarantee you won't do it again?" father Guan put down the folder and fold his hand.

Han Li seat beside Wang Kai, swallow his own saliva. No wonder boss said no simple man can marry Xiao Ni. Look at this layered protector Xiao Ni had.

First they have to go through Guan Xiao who had a bit sister complex. Then the almighty father Guan before finally they have to face Grandfather Guan, pair of terrifing godzilla.

It's not even easy for someone like Wang Kai who basically grow up in their hand.

Wang Kai smile polietly and put another document on the table. "I could swear on my life that It's never my intention to hurt Xiao Ni. I also don't know when did I fell for her because we've know each other for such a long time." Wang Kai paused, his eyes suddenly turn soft and emitting warmth.

Wang Kai look at father Guan and grandfather Guan alternately before he continued. "I've learned my lesson, I waisted so much time with her because of misunderstanding. I didn't want to miss any second again. I'm well awared that my past decision has hurted her and I don't deserve her love anymore, forget about marriage, I don't even deserve a second chance." Wang Kai said with so much calmness, for the first time mother Wang realized how her son has grow up.

Females were naturally more emotional than male. Guan Xian clicked his tongue out of annoyed once again when he saw her mother stared to cry silently.

Mother Wang eyes glazed when Wang Kai look sad as he mention that he didn't deserve a second chance.

"I've turn very grateful that Xiao Ni still accept my proposal after these mess." Wang Kai said with a hidden soft smile at the end.

Father Guan look at Wang Kai before he raised his palmed, asking Wang Kai so stop talking. "I know what you wanted to say, but it didn't answer my question."

Wang Kai's seriousness and sincerity, he has recieved well. However, he can't hold into empty words. Grandfather Guan nod his head firmly.

however, no one on the Wang family get offended in the proceed. Not even grandfather Wang who even slighly guilty for making it harder for Wang Kai.

"Old man, you know everything that happen is not solely Wang Kai's fault. I played a big role on it." grandfather Wang open his mouth to helo Wang Kai a bit.

Grandfather Guan glance at him before look at Wang Kai once again. There we go the real test for Wang Kai. His eyes sharply look at Wang Kai waiting for his answer.

Wang Kai is calm, with a perfect posture he give them an answer that satisfies every party. "Grandfather, everything won't happen if I can protect Xiao Ni well. Grandfather, uncle, aunty, Guan Xian, today I came to proposed Xiao Ni infront of family. As my good intention as well as my guarantee, here is my promised."

With that, Han Li reveal a piece of paper from the working bag and put in on the coffee table.


The undersigned below:

Name : Wang Kai, MBM

Place and date of birth : Imperial City, 27 July 1995

Address : Evergreen Mt, no 01. 11101, Imperial City, C Nation.

Hereby declare for certain that every properties in every form it may takes under I, Wang Kai named will equally means under Ms.Guan Xiao Ni's name. This statement I made with real and I am willing to accept any action taken if later proved my promise is not really true.

Imperial City, 14 January 2020

"..." Guan Xian raised both of his eyebrow. Such a big move, he dare to give Xiao Ni every property under his name. As a brother, should he be happy for Xiao Ni or not?

However Wang Kai know, merely money, Guan Family wouldn't need more. Father Wang smiled feeling proud of his son for the man he become today. Although his action is slightly crazy, father Wang didn't complained.

No one spoke on the living room as every one waiting for father and grandfather Guan's response. A scream broke the perfect silence on the house.

"Wah! what is everybody doing here?" A live size sushi jumped all the way to the stairs. Her hair is a mess, there still a visible drool in the corner of her lips.

Mother Guan look at her daugther and quicjly fetch her, didn't forgot to hit her bottom on her way. "Lazy girl, still dare to show your face in this state!"

Although it might impossible, but if mother Guan look at her daugther then look at Wang Kai, she afraid he might retreated after watching how messy Xiao Ni is.

The other party has ready to give his everything for her, but she didn't even get ready before showing her face to everybody. "Mom, why did you hit my butt?" Xiao Ni frown as she watch her mother drag her back to her room.

Mother Guan let a heavy sigh and keep dragging Xiao Ni to her room. "Daugther, can you at least have hide your deficiency?"

Mother Guan trully hopeless with Xiao Ni.

Xiao Ni innocently blink her eyes as her mother busy throwing her to the bathroom. "Mom! what are you doing?"

Xiao Ni just awake when her mother open a cold water shower and drench her all over. She cover her body with her hand then look at her mother with a Terrfied expression.

"Quickly get ready, your father has accept Wang Kai's proposal!" her mother said excitedly.

Xiao Ni was dumbfounded, then she slowly remember yesterday matter. At the memories of agreeing to Wang Kai's marriage proposal, Xiao Ni can't control the blush on her cheeck.

However, she is too shy to show it in front of her mom. Wearing a fake annoyed face she drove her mom outside. "Alright, alright let me take a bath first."

Mother Guan has gone to choose Xiao Ni's outfits when Xiao Ni finish her quick bath. On her bed, there is a modern white shirt and high waisted black skirt. Classic but elegant. No wonder it's Gaun Qian Si's choice.

When she walk down the stairs, she felt every eyes were on her. Wearing her usual questioning look, she stare at Wang Kai to find the answer.

However, she could not stand the way he watch her so Intensely. He look at her like she just have made his dream came true.

Xiao Ni, hiding her nervousness and avoiding his eyes. Searching for her brother at the end. Guan Xian look somber and helpless at the moment.

He walk to approach Xiao Ni then gently pull her into his embrace. "Xiao Ni, are you sure you want to marry Wang Kai?" he once again asked.

although he will never be happy that her little sister marry his bestfriend, but he prioritized her Happinees. He would agree on everything that make her happy.

Xiao Ni stare at her brother's eyes, before a smile rose on her pretty lips. She didn't answer but patted at his brother's sturdy back two times.

her expression said it all, she willingly want to marry him.

Wang Kai eyes filled with tenderness as he felt the big ice inside his heart slowly melted. Everyone on the family heart slowly felt with warmth and happiness once again.

Xiao Ni rest her head on her brother's wide chest. "I will be happy." she Wishper. Then when she look up, she cheerfully walk beside her grandfather.

"Grandpa, the matter is resolved? who dare to tricked me? give me the name, I will make sure they got what they wanted!"

first of all, I once again travel. that is why I can't update because I don't bring my laptop. T.T I'm sorry for everyone who waiting for updates.

Now I'm writting through my phone with messy grammer :')

I hope all of you can bear with it. bye, i love you all

Snatcreators' thoughts
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