
Country Businuess Part 1 and Bad Blood

"So.. let me get this straight, that dead guy over there.." Max pointed at the body of the dead guy that lured Lex here. "..that dead fool stole from you all and you want the Luthor's to pay for it. But you can not get a hold of Lionel."

"That is correct." Colonel Rumaan Harjavti said. He had a devious smile on his face. 'This brat is really foolish to come without guards. We should be able to get the Teleporter he has as well.'

"Come up with better lies. To say you are part of an Alliance with my country and that of Khandaq is funny." Max smile was anything but kind. The soldiers in the room felt a deadly chill down their backs. As well as a deathly chill around their necks. "One chance to correct this and come clean. I had a little dictator who believes they are in control. I will have to speak with Teth-Adam about the fools he keeps around himself."

"How dare you insult me!"

"Sumaan Harjavti your brother and Noor Harjavti your sister, no your daughter from that daliance you had when you were way to young can both lead the country. Your sister daughter is younger but hey, not to bad of a problem. I mean, I am from American. The amount nations we play with is a very disgusting level. We are quite good at it though. Do not make me go that route." Max moved over to the desk running his hands on the surface. "So what is it going to be? Come clean or be replaced?"

"Guards, arrest these brat!" The soldiers did not move as they were to afraid. Max moved behind the dictator and grabbed him by the head. "Let go you.."

*Crack!* Max smashed the man's head through the desk. Shattering his face and lodging several splinters and a pen in his eye socket. With a flick, the former leader's head cracked against the wall behind.

"Ughh!" He slipped out cold barely moving. The soldiers pointed the guns at Max. Not a one fired though.

"Holyshit Max!" Lex said. He couldnt believe Max just did that. Then again, people tend to had their guard down against certain things. "Umm can you guys not shoot him?!"

"They will not. Because they know I will kill them." Max said coldly. He sat in the seat and addressed them. "Alright Lex, pay attention. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. This for a country like this is the right way. Most other countries, do not do this. Unless you have the bank roll to get away with it."

"Yeah... I never plan on doing something like this. I value my life to much." Lex said sheepishly. Inwardly, the thought of doing something like this did not bother him. His father Lionel had been tough on him since the divorce. Quite a few times he found his dad in his parlor sobbing that if he was not so weak, they would never had threatened his family. 'I do not want a new stepmom.'

"You would be suprised." Max said. "I never thought I would have to do this. I mean, I open talks after they declared themselves our allies, and look what happened, a dictator kidnapped you and tried to extort us. They new we are friends. Terrible stupid plan."

"Sir.. what do you want us to do?" The soldier asked. He was the next highest ranking in the room. The others to scared to make a move. Despite having guns pointed at Max still. "Are you taking over..."

"No. Go and summon Sumaan Harjavti, and Noor Harjavti. One of the two will have to take control or.." Max stopped seeing the looks on the soldier's faces. "Do you all have some one else in mind?" They nodded and went to get the person after Max allowed it.

"What are you doing now?" Lex asked. Max was digging in the draws lookign things over. "It is kind of rude Max."

"It is rude to threaten as well, but yah know, it is whatever." Max kept looking, finding a few things he wished he didn't. He passed them to Lex. "Read what they have and think things through again."

"Radioactive isotopes. How did they get these?" Lex asked looking it all over. He flipped the page at a list of weird metals as well as some pictures of multicolored rocks. "What are these rocks?"

"Meteor rocks. Cause all kinds of issues in people. Also unlocks the metagene in a person naturally or unnaturally." Alex found a box with a few pieces inside. One of each color but the perwinkle one. "Well good haul there. This place is about to pop off country wise if certain find this out. I suggest you keep it to yourself if you value the lives of the people here."

"But th isotopes.." Lex didn't care about the rocks. Which max thought was funny.

"Taking them of course. I am not leaving a country like this with that. Gonna... sell to our own country or, maybe just store them myself. Damn alien invasions in the future will bring all sortsd of trouble." Max found a lock drawer. With a punch, he broke it open. Tearing through the steel lining. "Oops, it will be fine."

"Oh come on Max, there is no such thing as a..l..i.." Lex stopped talking when he saw the soldiers return. They were not the reason for the stammering, the woman in front was. The woman wore an outfit that was very reminiscent of a bee. Her hair went upward in a way that defied gravity and help from product. "She.. is really.. pretty."

Zazzala the alien that looked very human and had various abilities. Max just blinked at her and looked at the two children behind her. One was the girl he saw in the news that day. The young metahuman, who takes over her home country Queen Bee. The other child was her sister Beatrix.

Max's eye shined as he received the information. This scenario was a combination of several adaptations of Queen Bee. The actual Alien Zazzala seemed to have come to earth a long time ago and bred with a human to produce offspring. Max could tell the one was defintely an awakened metahuman but no the younger one.

A quick shine of his eye revealed the older sister would grow up to be the Queen Bee from Young Justice. But it dissolved since Max was involved now. The future of the country now hanged in the balacnce of what he decides next.

"I thought he was as strong as you and could resist." Zazzala said. "I am not trying to take over, I swear. My planet of Korll is completely gone. I am just here to live my life. Harjavti found me years ago and tried to use me to help him take over the world. But I was to injured."

"So procured him the isotopes and had his children?" Max asked trying to understand things. He snapped his finger freeing Lex from her hold. "Survival?"

"Yes." Zazzala said. "My daughters were to expand if I failed. I did not want my race to disappear into darkness. Even if they would not be pure members, they have the blood of a queen in them."

"I see." Max moved over and notice she had only small traces of immortality in her. "The elixer of immortality.." She shook her head no. "You consumed only a drop I take it then."

"Yes. Harjavti found me consuming it one day. Thinking I was using it to commit suicide, he wrestled it from my grip. The vial broke and wasted. I manage a drop to help heal my wounds. A small trace exists in my daughters. Giving them healthy bodies. As well as making them more human than alien."

"Can you produce the honey still?" Max asked still looking her over. She nodded slightly embarrassed. 'She is nowhere near like the personality from the comics. That is for sure.'

"I can, I am with child currently, so it will be easy to. If I keep doing so, I can switch to a more producing cycle." Zazzala said. "Harvati did not like it at all though. Said it was gross."

"Hmm read this and tell me what you think." Max reached into his jacket pulling out a contract. looking at the soldiers, he couldn't help but wonder why they were so loyal to her. They were not under any mind control. "How did you get their loyalty?"

"My honey helped save their lives. And the lives of several of the people. Able to sustain them for weeks. Made it easy for people to live during a drought or famine." She read everything over and signed. Passing it back to Max. Besides it being a contract, it was also an official declaration of the countries aligning. "I look forward to work with you in the future."

*Chck!* Max slapped a bracelet on her. Her alien looked disappeared in seconds.

"A metagene blocker for when you are in public. No reason for you not to walk among your populace. Since Harjvaiti set you up with an id and all, things are much easier." Max looked at the soldiers who couldn't help but stare. The woman was already attractive. Now more human, made things easier for them to move in the open. "Lex, I think you should stay here and talk with the new Queen of Bialya. I am sure you have a lot to ask. Two of you soldiers, come with me."

"Umm yeah yeah sure." Lex fumbled with his words. Max walked away with the two soldiers. 'I wonder what he is up to now?'


Clean Up-


The siblings of Harjvati needed to be taken care of. With the contract signed, Max now knew a lot more about the conditions of Bialya. They were still guilty of terrible things. As well as causing civil unrest, the sister caused a toxic spill from breaking into Zazzala's ship.

Max moved into the villa that Noor owned. She used it for a revolutionary front. All just to over through the government for she can take control. Max slipped in behind her and grabbed her by the neck.

"May the Goddess Gaia, take you into her embrace. Bialya will know peace like no other in the future." Max whispered to the frightened woman.

*Crack!* Her neck snapped in an instant. A wave of his hand and he made a message from her brother-father. Condemning her fake revolution and outing her attempt to control the country.

Diligence and Wrath circulating. Max left the place and moved to the next one. He found a few spies on the way and had the soldiers shoot them dead. They were happy to do so.

Before reaching the brother, Max came across someone that had to be killed at all cost. Maxwell Lord IV. A man duped by a super computer to make a peacekeeping system to take over the World. From the looks of his gear, he already made contact with it.

*Pow!* Max removed the pistols he had in his jacket. The shot hit the man in the leg puncturing through his gear. It was tough and would ward off a regular bullet.

"Shit! What the hell man!?" Max yelled. He jumped back trying to hide in a house. "Who the hell are you!?"

"Maxwell Lord IV, you are housing a creature that has designs on consuming Earth. Surrender it now if you wish to live." Max said coldly. His eyes shined as he pointed both guns at Max's location. He was not complying. "You have chosen self termination. Goodbye."

*Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!* Each shot hit Maxwell. The energy in the bullets locked the biomechanical creature in a seal.

*Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!* Max continued to fire until every trace of the creature's wavelength disappeared.

*Tck!* A dark red grenade went out from Max's sleeve.

*Vrrrrrm!* The grenade detonated creating a collapsing field. The house and Maxwell disappeared all togethor now. Only thing left was a little globe. Max went picked it up and stored it in his pocket. It was slipped into his inventory.

"Come on, we have another stop to make." Max said calmly. The soldiers nodded following along. 'Find any residue of this creature.' Max sent the message to the nearest demons that were nearby. Which happened to be in Africa. They made haste to his location to start checking. 'People just have to touch alien tech due to curiosity.'


Queen Consolidation-


"Dad!" Oliver entered his father's office in a rush. Excited to get underway for the summer. Inside the office, His mother Moira and his father Robert looked to have been arguing. "What is going on?"

"Nothing to concern yourself with." Robert said as neutral as possible. "Just bad business is all. You ready to go or what?" Oliver nodded. He moved up and gave his mother a kiss goodbye. "Then let's go."

"Later mom!" Oliver said as his father and he left.

"It was just a mistake." Moira mumbled. She confronted Robert about one of his trips, like the one he and Oliver were taking now. "You did not have to get back at me like this." As she agonized at her mistake, her daughter Thea came in.

"Mom, everything ok?" Thea asked. She was coming to ask for some money, but seeing her mom so distraught, she didn't ask that. "Maybe we should go out since they guys are going out?" Moira nodded a little. "Alright, I will get ready."

"I will be along shortly." Moira checked the desk and came across the paperwork she was looking for. With a toss, she threw them into the fireplace. 'I can never tell you that Robert is not your father. And that my indiscretion is the reason for it. You and Oliver both will think the worst of me if you knew your father was going to leave me for another woman after finding out.'

She removed a letter from her purse. It was written in another language she didn't understand but written out in english by a translator on the bottom. A woman named Shado and her husband Robert had a child togethor. Robert knew nothing of the child but the woman felt it was time they met.

'I will not let them ruin my family.' Moira picked up her phone and made a difficult call. "Yeah it's me, I need a favor."


"I understand. But I am due a few tasks still." Moira said quietly. "No, Oliver is not available. Not yet. but a few years we will see. My daughters is off limits. I have some better for you. Someone that should help you straightn your old problems out."

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