
Max's True Colors Part 1 A deeper training for some

A summer party was happening and Max was getting dragged to it. Which was fine since he knew Lex was getting dragged to it as well. And a few people he knew from out of town. Like Lena visiting her aunt and wanting to visit her brother on the side.

Max was currently doing a pick up of a few people. More normal things that kept things in perspective from all the harsher dealings.

"What are your attentions with my daughter?" Mr.Quinzel asked. Mr.Quinzel was a very kind man from what was acquired information wise. If not for Gotham, he would most likely amount to something good. Well, he did release some good vibes naturally. Very pure ones.

"To be her friend. What did you think it was?" Max asked looking over from his book. Seeing the man say nothing else, he went back to reading. "I am just trying to help her achieve what she wants. That is what friends do."

"Hmm, you are something." Mr. Quinzel just observed Max quietly for a moment. "Very straight forward. No inclination of lying either. So I will ask this now. Are you attracted to my daughter?"


"Do you wish to date her?"


"Why not? From what I understand you are single." The prodding of a father. But not subtle. Mr.Quinzel was having some trouble about certain things. 'Why does he not go to another school?'

"I am. But I have hang-ups so.. yeah... no. Will kinda started seeing someone, I think. We just... talk in weird ways is all." Max turned the page and found the book was a little odd. A few of the letters had changed into something else. 'Oh my. Why did this person choose now to mess with me? No matter.'

*Ting!* Max tapped his phone. It sent a message to interdimensional creatures to not bother him. As well as stay away from the vicinity.

"Maxmillion, you are to young to have hang ups." Mr.Quinzell had a smile on his face. He thought Max to be putting on an act. So he wanted to humor him. "If you have hang-ups, I am happy to listen to them."

"Very well doc." Still slightly dazed, Max put his book away. "The person I loved is no longer here. I can not talk to her or see her anymore. Besides in a few.. videos. My memories have slowly gone away over time. From her voice to the touch of her skin, I do not feel it anymore. I started dating another woman and she .. decided to call a break to deal with family more."

Looking into his eyes, Mr.Quinzell realized he had erred a little. He could see tears form in Max's eyes but they were wiped away quickly.

"As a man who lost his wife, I believe you can relate a little. I do not pursue any serious relationship lightly because of this. It is an insult to my partner." Max popped his neck and gave it a rub. He felt off still. "But I suppose I should give up. The memories are almost gone. So it must be a sign."

Seeing the pained smile, Mr.Quinzell just forced a smile in return.

"We are ready!" Harleen, Pamela, and Selina came down. "What is with the atmosphere? It seems so ick."

"Just a talk is all." Max gave Mr.Quinzell a handshake and went to the car. "Time to go."

"By daddy!" Harleen gave her dad a kiss on the cheek. The others settled for a wave.

"Be safe.." Mr.Quinzell had no idea what to think. "This young may spiral if he is not careful. But his company is doing well at least. And so is the city."


-The party-


Max was outside talking with Lex, Ollie, and Bruce. The party inside was nice but not the scene for most of them. Bruce and Ollie eventually went inside after their dates grabbed them.

Lex decided to wait a little longer before finding his date. But he waited to long. Looking inside, she was spotted talking to Harvey Dent.

"Haa, great. Lost her to him. Damn Cassanova."

"Pft so what. You were not in love with her. It does not matter." Max said trying to cheer him up. "We are young and meant to go through fails before we meet a good one or one that fits us. Now if this was a college or she stayed in your house for a few years, then that would be a problem."

"Yeah. Maybe Ollie was right.."

"Pfft hell no. Do not become a booze head." Max scoffed. Changing the subject, Max focused on the things that were really bothering him. Lex defintely needed a place to vent. "Go ahead and spill. What the hell is eating you."

"The meteor rocks, aliens, my dad, my sister, and you!" Lex said looking at him seriously. "I do not get it man, you told me to do the right thing and encouraged me to read those comics books. Which do not get me wrong, I love them all."

"The problem then?"

"I feel like you are keeping things from me." Max nodded. "Can you tell me what they are?" Max nodded again. "But it comes at cost. A very dangerous one." Lex remained quiet for a bit. "My dad.. said you are dangerous. He warned me that becoming friends with you would be a game-changer."

"I can see that." Max smirked leaning over the railing. A few demons passed a few messages about someone lurking around Mr.Quinzell. 'Just watch and protect him is all. If you can, have to follow in the shadows who are watching him.'

"Lena, may have a crush on you. She sent me emails daily about you." Lex grinned a little. "I do not discourage her in anyway." His eyes became a little pensive. "My stepmom became sick. They think it might be hereditary. Lena.. might have it. It was the real reason they got a divorce."

"I heard a rumor about that." Max gave him a sad look. "Just say the word, and I will help you Lex." He waited as Lex gripped the railing tight. "Pride also gets the better of most of us. But it loses out to fear in the end."

"I want your help. Please save the only mother I can remember." Lex grip dented the railing. "I do not want my sister to experience that kind of lost like I have."

"It will be done Lex. Do not worry." Max passed a card over to him. "This is a facility that has a wave to save her. They are legitimate and you do not have to worry about the price."

"Thank you. But why are you always so nice to me?"

"Because I believe in you. I think you can create amazing things." Max gave him a shove with his elbow. "Plus, you have a really great comic book collection."


-Later in the night-


"Max!" Pamela cried. Max and Lex turned towards her. "Come quick, its Harley!" Max and Lex followed after her.

Harleen was on the ground convulsing. White foam coming from her mouth. A seizure caused by something possibly. Max thought about it and knew she was not prone to them.

"Pamela, give her some water. If she spits it up, give it to her again." Max looked at Selina who had a member of the Falcone family cornered against a wall. "Well... I take it he is the culprit."

"Yeah, he slipped Harley a few of these." In her hand was a baggie with some pills inside. "He says they are party favors!"

"Hmm." Max grabbed it and looked it over. "Right. Selina help get Harleen in the car. I will talk to our classmate here."

"But.." She paused feeling the energy coming from Max. "..no you are right." Selina gave a glare at Falcone before helping with Harleen.

"Like I told the skank.." He pointed at Selina. "I thought she could handle a few." Selina almost turned to back hand him. But her anger was so high she would have killed him. The reason why Max told her to move.

"How many is a few?" Max asked walking up to him. Falcone shrugged. "I see." Max grabbed his hand and broke the first three fingers. "A couple is at least three. No.. that is not right. It has to at least be four."

*Crack!* Max broke the fourth finger in multiple places.

"Mmffppff!" Falcone tried to scream but couldnt. Max had his mouth covered.

"I am going to remove my hand from your mouth. When I do, you tell me how many you gave her. If I do not like the answer, I am going for full limbs. Ok?" Max let him go and asked again. "How many?"

"Fuck you!"

"Oh, dear. See, I do not like men though. But thanks for the offer." Max grabbed his throat and shoulder. "This will feel great. I promise."

*Cracck!* It echoed in the entire room. Over the music, and over the voices. Several party goers started to puke. Seeing that Falcone was getting ready to faint, Max had to make sure that it did not happen.

*Smack!* He gave the boy a backhand.

"None of that now. Tell me how many." Max demanded. A lot of the students were actually terrified from his tone. Bruce didnt know what to say as he watched from upstairs. A red head girl was next to him. Way to young to be at a party like this. He hadn't seen Max this angry in a long time. "I am losing my little patience little mobster boy."

"He gave her 6." A girl said. She was covered in heavy make up. Max could see pass her makeup. They hid bruises. And looked at her sleeves showed a few track marks. "It is how he finds his.. late night dates."

"I see. What is good for the gander is good for the goose." Max grabbed 7 and put them inside Falcone's mouth. Holding him down, he grabbed a bottle of vodka and forced it down. "Drink up Falcone."

"Gglll glllrk!" Falcone tried to cough it up but couldnt. "Stop!"

"No." Max said deeply. "I bet their are tons of people who told you the same thing. You definitely didnt stop. The same as your daddy. The same as others."

"He will die at this rate!" Olliver said. His stomach was starting to turn at how brutal Max was acting. He saw a few things at times, at parties he snuck into. But to see it from someone his own age was scary. "You are going to far!"

"So. Do not pretend you care." Max said over his shoulder. He got up and kicked Falcone across the face. The man-boy was out cold. "If you did, I am pretty sure your date wouldn't be so lit herself. Or you for that matter."

"That is not the same!" Olliver yelled. He felt his legs buckle when Max stared at him. Feeling ashamed from getting scared, Olliver puffed his chest up. It was a bad move.

*Tap!* John gave him a chop on the back of the neck. He caught him to keep Olliver from falling down.

"I will take him to the car." John walked off.

"Urp!" Harleen threw up to the side. A few of the pills came up. But only three. And they were mostly dissolved. "What happened to the music?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Hush and drink this water." Selina said. Her voice soft as she looked her over.

"Time to go." Pamela helped her up and walked to the door. They stopped behind John and Olliver. "What is the.." her voice trailed off looking at the goons. "Shit."

"Go ahead and go." Max said. "They will not stop you. Not if they want their boss's kid to keep breathing." Max had his foot on the boy's neck. "A slight push and he is dead. Bet you two die before I see a court date?"

"You would kill him.. in front of all of us?" Bruce asked.

"Yup. Then kill those two if I feel like it. I do things when I am angry. And I am very angry." Max smiled like a devil. "So what do you say fellas, wanna try me?"

"Just let us get him out of here." Thug 1 said. Max let him get the boy, Thug 2 had his hand on a pistol just in case.

"Enjoy your party." Max said leaving. "Oh, make sure you drink the green drinks in the kitchen. They will help with the hangovers and any drugs you have in your system." Max walked off following behind the others. 'Watch yourself Big Harvey. In case anyone comes back.'

'No problem.' Big Harvey transmitted back as he continued to party. 'With so many possible targets here, I figured he wouldn't make a fuss. Glad he lets me party so much.'




The group went to a doctor that Max trusted. Everyone was checked out if they wanted it. Harleen was not given a choice as she fussed through her drugged stupor. After she was given an injection and settled down, she was loaded up. A few of the others received a blood test just in case. Even Max. To help sell things.

Afterward, they returned to the penthouse a few hours later.

"Max you.. threatened to kill someone." Bruce stated. Everyone turned to look at Max. Harleen sat up. She was back to normal and didnt know what to think really. "What if they tell the cops?"

"It would be interesting if they do. But not a big deal. Evidence and test results will help. With someone to help testify, things will not go their way."

"Someone, to testify?"

"He means me. The name is Regina Mercedes Mooney. Former sex slave to the young Falcone." The young girl from before said holding a key. Surprising a few of them. She handed it to Max with a small thanks. "Thanks for giving me a place to escape to."

"Pfttt!" Harvey spat his water out. It landed on the back of Lex. Much to the latter's disgust. Mercy laughed from the side. "Sorry, Lex."

"Yeah, I bet."

"Regina, is not a sex slave anymore. Or she might be. She has not given me an answer." Max gave a shrug.

"Max you are not keeping a sex slave!" Selina said.

"Why not? It is all the new rage." Max smiled. Harvey chuckled along with Oliver. "It is all the rage in criminal circles and monarchy. Both sound fun right about now." His voice sounded slightly off.

Selina walked up and grabbed him by the head. She placed her head against his. Max was burning up.

"You have a fever! Max do we need to get you to the hospital?"

"No. It is passing soon." Max gave her a smile. "I love your eyes. You all have such beautiful.. eyes." His eyes rolled over as he fell to his knees. "Is that bath ready?" Veins under his clothes throbbing in rebellion.

"Yup." Claire said. She came out of the bathroom ready to inform him. She dragged him with Selina and tossed him in. Clothes still on. "Cool off hot head!" Oh the irony was not lost on a few of them.

*Tsssh!* The water hissed from Max's body heat.

"Just wow.." Lex had followed them. "What is going on with Max's body? That is not normal."

"Side effect of the accident when he was younger. His body heats up to dangerous levels. But it is getting less and less frequent." Claire said. It was not a lie since it was a part of Max's reincarnation. Which was very hot. "He will be fine in another year or so. Keep it quiet."

"Hmm, that is one way of putting it." Nyssa said. "You kiddies go to bed. This is more of an adult thing."

"I am not leaving you with him!" Selina argued. "I have no idea why you are here and I do not care. But I refuse to leave him with you. You should head back to your room."

"Such a bad kitty. But no matter." Nyssa walked away and gave Lex a wink. "Friends with even a Luthor. Max is trying to really save the World."

"Save the World?" Lex mumbled. Before he received an answer, Max came to.

"Ughh that was not pleasant." Max mumbled. He gave himself a quick dunk before standing up.

"Yowza!" Harleen squealed. She was staring at Max's body. "How do I get that for myself?"

"Ask for it, I mean find some one your own age." Morgana said with a shrug. She threw a towel at Max. "Everybody out, for he can get dress." She gave Max a once over and could see why Circe had trouble. "Maybe you all should go to sleep for now."


-Max's Den-


After a little clean up and a bit of fuss was over people parted to a few rooms.

"So good." Max murmured drinking some cranberry juice. Across from him, were Selina, Claire, and Nyssa. The door opened. Harleen and Pamela walked in. "Hmm, what is it?"

"Just wanted to say thanks." Harleen said.

"That is what friends are for. Well, my friends anyway." Max looked at the glass and was upset it was almost empty. Placing it down he stood up and turned to them. "You must have more to say."

"Yes. I want you to train us. Like you train Claire and Selina." Pamela said. "It was not until the goons, were there that I felt threatened really. I need to be able to defend myself better."

"A harder self-defense course can take care of that." Max stated.

"No! Real combat Max! You were not afraid at all. Those guys had guns and that did not bother you!" Pamela yelled. "We have been around you long enough. Some things are hard to explain and you are even harder to explain."

"Maybe I am crazy!" Max teased. His mind going at sporadic rate. 'It will be awhile before it settles.'

"I am seriois." Pamela moved to him. "Grr, as one scientist to another, tell me. If you were shot, what would have happened?"

"Nothing." Max smiled and turned up to her. "I would not have been hit. Especially not in the state I was in. Call it what you will. Adrenaline, Hyper state, but they could not shoot me fast enough. Or draw fast enough for that matter."

"And if it hit?" Harleen asked.

"Barely pierce my skin. A trained body.. extremely trained body can do that." Max looked at her.

"Tch! Max, I need to know. You are an intellectual, but also a brute. What is your plan for the future?" Pamela searched his eyes and felt her cheeks redden. Max's pheromones and his body heat washed over her. "Do not get me wrong. This is for my livelihood."

"I know Pamela. You are ok." Max gave her a nod.

"You wanted me to go to college for Microbiology as well. Marine biology was already pushing it. But if you are going to fund the entire thing, so be it." She passed over the contract Max gave her a few months ago. During the chess match. "My greatest wish is to save Earth. I will get in bed with the devil to do so."

"Your wish is my command." Max smiled and made the contract disappear.

"Always with the magic tricks." Pamela looked around and saw another chair in the corner by a plant she never saw before. A book on top drew her interest. Mesmerized she walked over to it. "I am gonna read that book, Max." She picked it up as the knowledge started to enter her.

"Go fo it." Max said. He turned to Nyssa who stared a hole in his back. "You look intrigued Nyssa."

"Yes. Why not take a few concubines and sow your oats? Make a dynasty out of it. You are long lived enough to do so."

"Ummm no." Max gave a lopsided smile. "I am who I am. I will take close friends and companions, however, nothing romantic can happen. It would damage my power.. Did the whole lot of partner thing.. can not remember it at this time. Which I am grateful for."

"Hmm then switch to other aspects already." Selina grumbled. "I need a partner in crime." She sulked. Max flicked her on the head. "Oww! What was that for?"

"I rather you did not do that. Especially under my tutelage." Max said serious. "I understand it is tempting, that is why I do not always chastise your bolder actions. But you must understand.. you can die still if you are not careful. The "you" that exists can be killed by your desires."

"Then what should I do then!?"

"Live your life normally and carefully for now." Max could see he was not getting through to her. "Fine. We will go and... do something not smart."

"Max, I need the strength for my sister and mother. I want to be as strong as you. That way they are safe." Selina said in a slight sulk.

*Ding!* A mirror appeared in front of them.

"Go through there to get the training. A more brutal one at that." Max placed a time lock spell on them and watched as they left. "Do not piss the Queen off." Harleen just stared at him. She fainted after the weird night she had. She would not remember anything after coming from the doctor.

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