
V2: Chapter 10: - Apocalypse Reborn [GameLit 4X] [Fantasy] [Strategy]

If there's any advantage to being in the Academy, other than it being a place where you spend money and waste time like any other college, it's the fact that you can easily make connections. I wouldn't know from my past life, I went to rinky-dink college in the middle of nowhere so I wouldn't get swamped by debt, but in this life I was definitely rich.

Therefore, I could easily rub elbows with other rich people and do rich people things.

Laugh at the poor people.

Talk about taxes being too high and who to buy out to lower it.

And, of course, influence geopolitics in ways that will results in tens of thousands living or dying.

You know, rich people things.

Anyway, I was rushing over to the future leader of the Undead when I came to a simple realization.

I was getting a lot of attention, a crowd was gathering to follow me and my small party naturally through the halls, and the fact that my guards and Champions made us stick out that much more. Therefore, since rumor and hearsay travelled faster than light, when I reached my target's section of the dorm… instead of a small, private conversation we were obviously going to have a public debate.


Having to talk to someone and convince them was hard enough without an audience.

"Greetings, Lady Adil! I've come by to talk to you about a terrible rumor I'd heard!" I started off as strong as I could. Everyone with an ear to the ground knew the truth. The declaration of war and issuance of terms went out weeks ago. According to Khanrow, Riegert had barely been able to succeed in convincing the Orcs to stay still, instead of marching out. Now, our troops were heading over to the Undead's lands while I did my best to make them not necessary. "I believe it was something about the honorable Guardians doing something unseemly, such as declaring war on the Conquerors, who have done no wrong!"

I needed to ham it up for the public, but I couldn't help but feel it was too easy. Not the crowd listening to my every word, but the hamming it up part. All these years pretending to be capable was giving me a real ego. I'll need to be careful, so that I don't get killed off mid-speech or something.

Anyway, Celica came forward in full armor and flanked by her own guards. I had to admit, nearly two dozen Vampires in silver armor and red capes shoulder-to-shoulder made for a great scene. Definitely wallpaper material, but their uniformity and formation just helped me out. The more formal and composed they looked, the more rag-tag and desperate we did, even if we were more than equal in terms of firepower.

"It is no rumor, King of Wisdom." Celira? It wasn't Celery. Ceria, maybe? The more she spoke, the more I realized that I'd forgotten her first name. I knew that she was the heiress of House Adil, though! Give me a break, I'm not management material. I play video games and like to be left alone with jobs in dark spaces where no one bothers me. "Your people are not the only ones who should hold such power over the continent. Through the conflict we have proposed, the either Conquerors or the Guardians will be able to contend against you."

"What need is there for anyone to contend against me, though? Have I not used the might of the Citadel solely to bring peace and prosperity to my lands and my people? Have I not only sought the happiness of my people, but also done my utmost to prevent the unhappiness of others?" I played up being distressed by the whole ordeal. Compared to being perpetually afraid, shedding crocodile tears was easy enough. Did it feel shameful to pretend to cry? Yeah, but a few tears was a cheap price to pay to prevent a war. "Come now, won't you tell me your true goals? I'm sure that by working together, we can achieve anything without the use of violence. Those times are behind us now. We can all prosper and work together while letting old grudges fade."

That was a lie. This whole game was set up so that peace wasn't an option and that even the most stalwart of allies would backstab you in the end. Everyone involved in the conflict is so traumatized by the past that they can't compromise anymore. Every single faction's intention was to see the future that they planned out through, and they had no intention of letting old grudges die out without some sort of repayment, if not outright destruction of their enemies.

But, still, I could pretend that peace was still possible, especially with the recent revelation.

Before Celelelia could speak, I addressed the crowd by speaking at her.

"The truth has been made evident, as well. The Ancients were felled by forces beyond them, and I have gathered evidence that they remain by sending scouts to the farthest corners of the continent." I looked over my shoulder, but Ayah was already ready. Dressed like a servant and with a covered cart, she'd followed slowly behind the rest of my retinue with guards. At my statement, she unveiled the four pieces of evidence. "The foes of the Ancients still exist. The Terrors of the Abyss's fresh scales can still be found on the coast. The Masters of the Skies' poisons are still fresh. The Living Metal still grows, and finally the Exiled wait to exact their revenge. The fall of the Ancients was a mystery for the ages, but now the truth is apparent: they fell to hold back four foes that still exist to this day… and those foes are what have constrained us all to this one continent for as long as any can remember."

Murmurs abounded the crowd, while Celeriac (that's totally not right) reeled back.

I seized the opportunity and utilized the momentum.

"Please, Lady Adil, please consider the threats that abound beyond the known lands. Though we have reclaimed the Citadels, they still once fell, and the foes of the Ancients will surely wish to see us destroyed too." I was tempted to get on my knees and beg, but I couldn't. As effective that move would be, I had to keep in mind that I was technically the head of a state. It sucked to not just use an ace-in-the-hole, but I couldn't afford to tarnish my reputation, since it was the only thing keeping me from being replaced. "Stay your armies, grow strong, and discover the secrets of the Ancients alongside the rest of the continent. What harm can there be in seeking prosperity, in staying our hand instead of enacting violence, and bringing each other up instead of down?"

In a logical world, Perfect Cell (I wish) would accept my heartfelt plea, everyone would back down, and no one would have to get hurt.

But this wasn't a logical world.

"Your words hold a fragment of truth, but you lie by omission, King of Wisdom. Should nothing be done, then you alone will stand supreme over the whole continent and rule over us all. No matter how prosperous the peace that comes, you will enjoy twofold the gifts it gives for your two Citadels and regions." Yeah, that's about the reasoning I expected. If the player's Citadel number is greater than 1, alliance and/or ceasefire equals value zero. The line of code was translated pretty well into realpolitik in the mind of an immortal Vampire and I hated the fact that I couldn't fault it. Hell, it was hard to keep the game in mind when someone real was adhering to its logic. "The war between the Conquerors and the Guardians will take place. One of us will rise to challenge your budding hegemon. This continent is not yours yet… and it will never belong to those who brought low our venerated Ancestors."

Now, you might be asking: why bother with the speech and the presentation of evidence, if I knew that it was going to fail?

Why not just declare war?

It's simple, really.

Casus belli.

If we declared war without this scene, then our aims and goals could've been misinterpreted, either accidentally or on purpose. However, with our entrapment with the Orcs for the ceasefire, our attempt to negotiate with the Undead, and the presentation of evidence of a greater threat… then, it was more difficult for people to twist the narrative in their favor.

Instead, we twist the narrative in our favor.

My people are valiant, noble, and considerate individuals who want peace and to build-up against the fight against the Ancient's foes. Not only have we given people food and gold to stop fighting, but we've also chosen to speak to both sides to stop, before electing to use violence. Also, we have evidence regarding a threat that we should all unite against, and we have no intention of using our advantage against anyone else besides them.

Meanwhile, Adil's people look like warmongers. They claim that they're trying to rival 'my' hegemony, but they're doing it despite having no rightful claim on Orc lands, with the knowledge that there are greater threats on the horizon, and, finally, they've bluntly refused to back down when perfectly good reasons were presented.

The narrative was set, that my people were in the right and that they were in the wrong, in a neutral setting filled with representatives of every budding power on the continent.

Or, so I hoped, because a 'casus belli' option hadn't popped up in the dialogue box for me to click and confirm things.

Anyway, without further ado, I nodded and resolved to finish the act symbolically.

I took my glove and threw it onto the floor.

That silenced the crowd around us and, despite being dead, made Lady Adil take a sharp breath.

"Then, Lady Adil, you leave me no choice. I declare you and your people a threat to the safety and wellbeing of not only my own people, but all who would wish to prepare against the Ancient's foes." I worded that very carefully so that I didn't sound like I was laying claim to all of the continent. If you're listening, my future enemies, I'm just inviting you all to a temporary alliance against a greater enemy. I'm not saying that I own your asses, even though I'll definitely manage your territories way better. "It is only by the laws of the Academy that I do not strike down and capture you and your retinue. But know this: I told my armies to begin marching to your lands thirty days ago."

I intended for that to be the clincher, but I didn't expect the result.

Rather than an outburst, or silence, Lady Adil actually stumbled back and fell onto her ass.


"You… you knew that I would refuse?"

It felt wrong to say nothing after that. The opportunity was right there for me to increase my reputation and drive home just how serious the situation was. Sure, it was going to be at her expense, but when fortune provides… you need to take advantage of it.

I nodded and spoke.

"We will be destroying your ability to wage war against the Conquerors. The civilians will be spared, but they will be all sent to your capital and their homes and workshops razed. Half of your farmland will be burnt and any merchant seeking passage in your lands will be intercepted." The plan was to cripple them and not actually lay siege to their Citadel. I had every reason to believe that having three Citadels was still a bad idea. Not only that, but I couldn't ally with the Undead and have their bonuses and support, if they were destroyed. This was going to be a smash and grab. "Your armies will be brought low, and all you will be able to do is rebuild desperately to keep your holdings and resist those at your border. Fret not, however, the Conquerors will not move against you."

Again, I was ready to leave it at that, but Cecile spoke up again.

"And, how do you know that? Why would the Conquerors stay their hand?"

Again, it was a good opportunity.

"Because I would move, and they know I'm not foolish enough to fight them honorably."

Aaannnddd… exit stage left.

The crowd dispersed quickly and left us alone, but some lingered to watch Lady Adil get helped up by her guards. Someone could put a twist on things and make me out to be some tyrant, or even someone who laid claim to the continent, but I thought I did as well as I could. Anyone who actually saw things could verify the truth and the right people were going to hear it.

They'll hear that I'm acting on behalf of my country's future, that I'm not willing to back down when certain lines were crossed, and that I intended to use my superior economy to put down trouble. Undoubtedly, some people will try to start trouble in my territories by instigating uprisings of villages, empowering bandits, or hiring mercenaries, while my army was away.

But I already planned for that.

"Ayah, contact the disciples of the Smiling Tyrant. Tell them I want a festival for our people all across my lands."

"A wise choice, my king." Ayah demurred and I knew that the deed was done. I'd let the cult grow into its full potential as a district in my capital for a single reason. They cost a lot for their meagre happiness bonus, but the power they provided when given enough coin and allowed to advance up district tiers was immense. In essence, the 'Smiling Tyrant Festival' was a huge security boost and happiness boost for 4 turns, or an entire year, with a cooldown of 8. That cooldown went down with every district level increase by 2. At max level (3) it was a 4 turn cooldown, meaning perpetual security and happiness boost, as long as you had the money. Which, of course, I planned on having. "It will be done."

Wars decreased happiness, everyone will be interested in fomenting rebellion and crime while my soldiers were away, so the Smiling Tyrant Festival was necessary. They'll keep the populace happy even with victory not involving conquest or loot, and more importantly, make sure that my territories weren't infiltrated and filled with bandits.

With that order, all I had to do now was sit and wait through my classes.

My armies are right on the border and by the time they get to the first village, Rita and Ilych would be there to support Riegert.

Three Champions against one, since the Undead had their second Champion training here with me, and they weren't going to risk her.

The fight, like all the best fights, was already over.