
41 - 45

Chapter 41: The Anticipated Meeting Original by Bro Got a Gun, Translated by James, Bloodfalcon

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Cao Army Main Camp. Although they had experienced a ridiculous tearful scene just a moment ago, their focus have completely shifted toward a competitive state.

Although three thousand Ferocious Cavalry were annihilated in the recent battle, there still existed two thousand reserves in Xu Du. To restore the three thousand that was lost was just a matter of time. And now, the main focus of everyone was on who would be the next commander of the Ferocious Cavalry.

The Ferocious Cavalry needed a new commander. What is the Ferocious Cavalry, you ask? It's the elite amongst the elites, the trump card amongst the trump cards! He who shall become the next commander of the Ferocious Cavalry was equate to becoming Old Cao's most trusted aide.

"Mende, regarding the Ferocious Cavalry!" Cao Ren spoke first. Cao Ren could be considered as the most senior amongst all the generals in the Cao army. He was one of those commanding officers who watches over others and thus should not have competed with the other generals. However, the commander of the Ferocious Cavalry was too alluring a position. To possess five thousand Ferocious Cavalry soldiers was equate as possessing an army of fifty thousand. When assistance from the infantries was added, even if the opposing army was a hundred thousand strong, Cao Ren was still confident enough to face them.

"Zixiao, why must you be so?! You're already the commander of the army, why must you still fight over this commander of the Ferocious Cavalry with us?!" The only one who can speak like that to Cao Ren was the few from the Xiahou clan who have blood relations with Cao Cao. Being relatives, they were not hindered one bit in speaking out their mind.

[TL: Cao Ren's courtesy name is Zixiao]

"Why do you spoke so, Yuanrang? Do you want also want to compete with me for this position?!" The one who spoke the loudest earlier was Xiahou Yuanrang. Although Xiahou Yuanrang was a valiant general, he also possesses the integrity of a valiant general – being a brute. Perhaps he didn't want to bother using his brain; he had gone wherever he wanted using only his brute force. Thus, he was able to casually ask Cao Ren this question.

[TL: remember, Yuanrang is Xiahou Dun's courtesy name.]

"No, that's not my intent. What I meant was that you are already commander, so you should let other people to do the merit. Although I, Xiahou Dun, am not inferior to Zihe, I am not capable of commanding the cavalry, therefore I recommend Gongming for this position!" Said Xiahou Dun casually again.

[TL: Gongming is Xu Huang's courtesy name.]

"Hm?!"Cao Cao gaze grew more profound. This Xiahou Dun, when can he talk so elegantly?,He even said that he's not capable of commanding the cavalry and even recommended Xu Huang. Cao Cao cast his gaze behind Xiahou Dun to the youngsters of the Xiahou clan; amongst them was Xiahou De.

In the Siege of Xiapi, he was captured by Lu Bu. In Battle of Kaiyang, he was rescued as Lu Bu didn't have time to bother looking after him. And now, he was whispering something to his uncle's ear.

"Xiahou De? That's Miaocai's nephew!" As if he thought of something, Cao Cao started nodding to himself. He was praising Xiahou De. Xu Huang, Xu Gongming was Miaocai's subordinate; Xiahou Dun never leaves Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Yuan was the commander of the a cavalry unit, the long ranged raid troops, he would not go and become the commander the Ferocious Cavalry. Thus, the Ferocious Cavalry shall be under Xu Huang's command name but when Xiahou Dun wanted to use them, Xu Huang won't be able to refuse!

[TL: since this chapter have so many courtesy names…. In case you forgot… Miaocai is Xiahou Yuan's courtesy name.]

"My lord, me!?" Xu Huang said with a very complicated expression. Xu Huang wanted to comply his master's order but the unit he is going to command was the Ferocious Cavalry, elite of elites. Although Xu Huang knew of the methods to commanding the cavalry, he had never commanded a trump card before. Although he had once commanded the Western Liang Cavalry under Yang Feng, they could not compare to the Ferocious Cavalry. Thinking of that and seeing the expressions of all the generals around him, Xu Huang wanted to reject the offer. He knew that he was one of the newest general to the Cao army, if he were to be at odds with these old generals, then it'll be very hard for him to be in the Cao army.

"In my opinion, General Xu Huang has the ability!" Another general voiced his opinion. This was Yu Jin. For a lack of better option, Yu Jin had to come out to help Xu Huang. He stood next to Xiahou Dun and had his thigh pinched by Xiahou Dun. Even now, his thigh was still very much in pain from the pinch. It was obvious that Xiahou Dun wanted him to come out and talk for Xu Huang.

"This general thinks it's still better for General Cao Ren to be the commander of Ferocious Cavalry!" Although the Xiahou clan had their most promising nephew Xiahou Ba, the Cao clan also had a lot of youngsters too. Amongst them was Cao Ren's eldest son, Cao Tai. This year Cao Tai only 20 years old but he was already an excellent general. This argument is for Ferocious Cavalry position, how can Cao Tai do not want that position? If Cao Ren got that position, would not that position will be inherited by Cao Tai someday?

"This general thinks!..."

"This official believes!..."

One by one, the civil officials and generals all began to expressed their own opinion, causing Cao Cao a major headache. It's not good regardless of who he gives the position to. If he were to give it to Cao Ren, then the Xiahou brothers would have something to say! If given to the Xiahou brothers, Cao Ren certainly won't stay quiet! Furthermore, Cao Chun was not just Cao Cao's , he was also Cao Ren's younger brother.

"Ferocious Cavalry!" Being generals themselves, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei was naturally also very tempted by the position of the commander of the Ferocious Cavalry. Alas, they are not Cao Generals. If they were, they will certainly join this argument.

When will elder brother have a trump card like the Ferocious Cavalry? Thought Guan Yu while looking at Liu Bei with a bit of pity and regret and a lot of resolution.

Liu Bei was very sensitive to a person glare and he immediately noticed Guan Yu's gaze. However, he only noticed the pity and regret and not the resolution that followed.

Although Liu Bei's external expression did not change, he frowned in his heart. Second brother, Guan Yu!!

"Enough" Shouted Old Cao as he banged his fist on the table. He was unable to bear listening to the argument any longer. "With our enemy in front of us, with Xiapi still in danger, yet the only thing in your minds were who to lead the Ferocious Cavalry! Do you still see me as your lord or not?! Ah?!" Old Cao was angry.

"This general dared not!"

"Thy servants dared not!" Said in a hard to come by unity.

"Humph!"Old Cao groan coldly "What don't you dared?! This Ferocious Cavalry, you can all forget about it! Forget about it! Other than Zihe, who amongst you all have the capability on par with him? Ferocious Cavalry in Zihe's command is THE Ferocious Cavalry, when in the hands of any of you; it shall become the Sheep Cavalry!"

Under Old Cao's anger, nobody dare to speak. Old Cao's personal charm was that when he's in a good mood, anything you say would please him. However, you must certainly not think that his tolerance toward you was the same as taking shameless advantage of him. For instance Mi Heng and Xu You, one was killed by Old Cao borrowing someone else's blade and the other was directly killed by Xu Chu.

[TL: If you wanna know more about Mi Heng… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mi_Heng or Xu You https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_You_(Han_dynasty)]

"Compared to Chun, none could restore! I alone shall oversee!" Old Cao opened his mouth. What Old Cao meant "Talent like Cao Chun unable to obtain again and no one can compare with him!, I will personally take command of Ferocious Cavalry, so don't raise this issue again".

Who dared to not be satisfied and fight over the position when Old Cao is the commander of the Ferocious Cavalry?!

"Disperse!" They are to march toward Xiapi tomorrow. As they cannot move tonight, they had to make up the distance tomorrow.

Next morning, the first order Old Cao gave after waking up was "Zihe, take your three thousand Ferocious Cavalry as the vanguard and head to Xiapi immediately!" Immediately after saying those words, Cao Cao face grew very bleak. Zihe had passed away. The three thousand Ferocious Cavalry are also gone.

Fortunately Guo Jia entered his tent at this moment "Milord, are you worrying about General Zihe and Ferocious Cavalry?!"

"Fengxiao, you really know me!" Said Cao Cao in frustrating manner. Cao Chun's death make him very uncomfortable, the loss of Ferocious Cavalry makes him much more miserable. How the hell his trump card lost to Bing Province Heavy Cavalry? Are they really that much of terror? Cavalry king?

"Milord, milord, general Zihe and the soldiers of the Ferocious Cavalry did not die in vain!" Said Guo Jia. If anyone else said that statement, Old Cao will immediately show his killing intention. But fortunately, the one who spoke that statement was Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao. If he was changed to other person, then he will be cut down by Cao's sword.

"Speak!" Cao Cao's mood was not very good so he cannot tolerate Guo Jia very much.

Guo Jia smiled faintly; Cao Cao's mood didn't bother him. If Old Cao had been in a good mood at this time, then he'll have totally lost his human nature.

"Milord, please look at this!" Guo Jia's hand showed two pieces of metal linked together. In the middle of the two pieces of metal, there was something that seemed to be for sitting.

"What is this?!" Cao Cao received it from Guo Jia's hand. First he had a doubt about this tool, but right now he had no doubt at all, instead he held his breath in awe.

"This is?" Said Old Cao disbelieved as he pointed at the thing.

"It's precisely what you think it is! Men, bring a horse over!" Guo Jia placed the metal tool onto the horse. The two metal plates were on either sides of the horse and the seat like thing was placed onto the back of the horse.

"Milord, please try!" Said Guo Jia while smiling.

"Good!" Without being unreasonable, Cao Cao immediately stepped onto the metal tool and onto the horse. In the main camp, Cao Cao was riding his horse around shouting. "Marvelous tool! Marvelous tool!" Cao Cao released his two hands and stepped on the metal plates with his feet. Usually, one must use a single hand to hold onto the war horse's rein if one doesn't want to fall off from the horse. However, Old Cao was currently able to stand up without falling! If he were to hold a bow and arrow, won't that make him a natural born cavalry?

One must know that in order to learn to completely ride a horse, one need at least half a year's time or even a whole year. And in this year, one could only learn how to ride a horse and it was impossible to learn how to ride a horse and shooting from the said horse at the same time. And now, this tool had completely solved this problem.

"It was only with this marvelous tool that the Lu Bu army was able to completely annihilate General Cao Chun's Ferocious Cavalry!" Actually, Guo Jia did not realize this at first either. However, it was noticed by him when the whole Lu Bu army started shooting atoptheir horses. Although the Bing Province Wolf Cavalry was elite, the Lu Bu army's cavalry this time was not only composed only of the Bing Province Wolf Cavalry soldiers. Amongst them were the soldiers of the Formation Breaker and the Xu Province soldiers. Guo Jia believes that the Bing Province Wolf Cavalry soldiers were capable of shooting atop their horses but what about those solders of the Formation Breaker? Those Xu Province soldiers?

Only through returning to the battlefield did Guo Jia discover this secret from the remains of the dead horses.

"With this marvelous tool, my lord will be able to create a Ferocious Cavalry numbering five thousand, ten thousand or even more!" Guo Jia's gaze grew deeper. Lu Fengxian, we shall have a contest of cavalries in our next meeting!

Chapter 42: Prince of Shu

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

TL: this is due to past titles. Wang is usually used for prince not king, only since Ming Dynasty, Wang is king.

Liu Mang swore that he would never bring so many things to transmit at the same time ever again. 5000 warhorses, 5000 armors including spears and great shields were too much for the teleportation CD. Now the CD started ringing alarm. The cooling time for the machine was lengthened from one day to one month. Near the Teleportation CD, a limit bar was created. It told Liu Mang that if he exceeded the limit one more time, he would be regarded as disturbance towards the space and time continuum. It would mean that he would not be able to return ever again. It also refused the transmission of fire weapons. Once a fire weapon was detected by the machine, he would lose his life.

This time, being in coma was the penalty he had to pay.

Feeling blurry and dizzy, Liu Mang finally opened his eyes.

"You woke up!" There was a sweet and pleasant surprised sounding voice as he opened his eyes. That voice belonged to a person with beautiful eyebrows and a delicate face. This must be a goddess from heaven.

"What a goddess!"Liu Mang muttered to himself slowly, but suddenly he realized something. Something was not right, this girl was.. "My fierce wife?!" Liu Mang called out Miss Lu's nickname.

"Fierce wife?!" Lu Lingqi instantly got angry. "What the hell did you just say?!"

"No, nothing!"Liu Mang was not a fool. While looking at Lu Lingqi's exhausted face, he knew that he was cared by her. Hence, it was not appropriate to talk ill of her.

"Humph, tactful of you!" Lu Lingqi must have heard Liu Mang mentioning "Fierce wife", but she was not bothered by it. Sooner or later she would marry him, therefore Lu Lingqi let Liu Mang off the hook this time.

"Am I really that fierce?" Miss Lu thought about it while walking to inform Lu Bu about Liu Mang's awakening.

Liu Mang did not fully understand a girl's thoughts, but one thing he knew. He could no longer continue to upset Miss Lu. After all, she had taken care of him for such a long time.

While Liu Mang was thinking about it, the tent curtain was opened by a large general in shining armor. It was general Lu Bu wearing gold cloth followed by several people behind him.

Lu Bu entered the tent but did not speak and looked Liu Mang straight in the eyes.

Was something wrong with me? Was there something on my body? Liu Mang looked at him and did not understand why he did not talk. When Liu Mang saw Chen Gong gestures, he finally understood that Lu Bu wanted Liu Mang to call him.

"General Lu? Boss Lu? Marquis of Wen?!" All these calls failed to impress Lu Bu.

Liu Mang finally bit the bullet and shouted "Father-in-law!"

Behind Lu Bu, a bunch of the scholars and generals wanted to burst out laughing, but suppressed it so hard that their face became red.

Ha, ha, just laugh at me. Liu Mang stopped caring.

"Hanyang, did you recovered?!" Lu Bu finally opened his mouth after hearing Liu Mang addressing him.

"Much better now!" Besides feeling a bit hungry, Liu Mang did not have other complaints.

"Why were you so frail?!" Lu Bu asked puzzled. On that day in Kaiyang, after that golden light appeared with 5000 warhorses and equipments, Liu Mang fainted on the ground. Were not for the soldiers who found Liu Mang in time, he would have been trampled to death by the warhorses.

"Why was I so frail?!" Liu Mang wanted to say that it was entirely his fault. However, he remembered that Boss Lu gave him all these gold bars which in the modern world were worth millions. So Liu Mang quietly explained. "The heaven has its own rules. If you want to descend you must pay the price. This time, I brought too many things that can cause turmoil in the world of mortals, therefore I was punished by heaven!" Liu Mang tried to explain the system as simple as possible to Lu Bu so that he could understand.

"Punished by heaven?!" Lu Bu seemed finally to understand something. "In the future let this general protects you!"

"Eh!" Protect me? I need your protection? If I didn't fear for Boss Lu's life, would I be like this? Return to the modern world would be much better for me. There was peace and development, in this era there was only war, hunger and death.

"Many thanks father-in-law!"Liu Mang could only helplessly thank him.

"Ah!" Lu Bu accepted with pleasure. "Come and look who this is!" Lu Bu said while opened up for a young man from behind.

So young? So familiar? That voice.

"Fuck, it is Chen Deng!"Liu Mang immediately got up and searched for something.

"What are you searching?!"Lu Bu asked seriously. Normally someone would not forget oneself just by seeing someone.

"I am looking for a sword!" answered Liu Mang without turning back his head. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Mang held only a personal grudge against one and a half person! Old Cao was accounted as the half, since Old Cao attacked him only because he was beside Lu Bu at that time and it could be said that was an unexpected misfortune.

And Chen Deng was the other person he hated.

Chen Deng wanted to take his life while traveling on the way to Langye. "It was only because I was wearing the Aries gold cloth. You even assembled your big army to take my life." Liu Mang thought.

Liu Mang must kill this bastard.

"That's enough!"Lu Bu shouted in anger. The shout immediately stopped Liu Mang from going mad.For Liu Mang, Lu Bu was like a strict father. He could control Liu Mang just with a few words.

"Haha!"Chen Deng gave off a wry smile. Lu Bu did not have any sons but only a daughter. Currently Liu Mang was Lu Bu's future successor who was gonna lead Lu Bu's army. But now this successor hated him to the guts.

"Deng, is paying his respects to the Prince!" Chen Deng bowed down to Liu Mang.

As the situation indicated, Chen Deng probably had already surrendered to Lu Bu and could now be considered as Boss Lu's subordinate. Chen Deng's father got killed by Cao Cao, therefore the Chen family and Old Cao were now sworn enemies. Right now there was no one except Yuan Shao of Hebei who could rival Old Cao under the heaven. Chen Deng cannot come up with any warlord who dared to offend Cao Cao.

Yi Province and Jing Province both were only interested in defending themselves and had no ambitions to broaden their territory. In Xiliang, Ma Teng, Han Sui and those other feudal warlords in Zhili Provinces acted like dead people. They would be sooner or later conquered by Cao Cao. As for Yuan Shao, he got power and money to rival Old Cao. However, if Chen Deng went there, he probably would not receive a good position as Yuan Shao had too many advisers. Yuan Shao himself did not even how many advisers he had right now.

The only remaining force was Lu Bu. Although the Lu Bu army's force was small, as long as their fierce tiger Commander Lu Bu was alive, they could still make a comeback.

Cao Cao had stolen Xu Province from Lu Bu and according to Lu Bu's personality how could he not fight back. Therefore Chen Deng came to Lu Bu without any hesitations.

"Ah, hello!" They were already brother-in-arms, that's why Liu Mang could not go too far, right? Wait a moment. Why did they call me Prince? Liu Mang thought. Normally, people inside the Lu Bu army called him Sir or Lord, but never called him Prince. Usually someone who could be called Prince had to have such a titlel bestowed onto him.

"Cao Mengde had bestowed you the seal and title of Prince of Shu! The General of the southern expedition!" responded Lu Bu while seen Liu Mang's confusion.

"Prince of Shu?! General of the southern expedition?"Liu Mang could not comprehend Old Cao's thinking. Why would someone bestow the title of prince to his enemy?

Liu Mang was trying hard to understand Old Cao's intention. Chen Gong saw the idiotic expression of helplessness on Liu Mang's face and started laughing. "Hanyang, Cao Cao recognized you as the emperor's younger brother and gave you the title of Prince of Shu. He was not intended to flatter you, but he wanted to kill you using borrowed knife."

"Murders with a borrowed knife?!"Liu Mang was not a fool and he started to understand what Chen Gong just said. Liu Mang got scared and cold sweat started to roll down his back. "Prince of Shu?" This was royal title. Lu Bu's title was only Marquis of Wen. The General of the southern expedition was supposed to govern both Yi and Jing Provinces. Such a title waS even above Lu Bu's title General Who Pacifies East. This could have Liu Mang killed easily. Fortunately, his boss was Lu Bu. If it were someone else who was suspicious, they would think it as a threat to have a subordinate whose title was even higher than thos eof themselves. He would then certainly be killed or imprisoned.

"Rest at ease, I am not Cao Mengde!"Lu Bu looked at Liu Mang who was sweating bullets and gave a laugh. Everyone knew that Mengde was overly suspicious to everything. "

"Cao Cao' scheme was a good one, but unfortunately he had to throw out a lot of money after his fallen soldiers right now!" Gong also laughed. It was not true that Lu Bu would not suspect anyone, but at least he treated his family well. Actually the reason why Lu Bu could be caught by Song Xian was that he had too much faith in them.

Now Liu Mang was Lu Bu's son-in-law and everything that Lu Bu owned would be inherited by Liu Mang. There was no point in being suspicious.

Having a Prince title could be a big advantage for the Lu Bu army. A righteous cause must always be grasped in one's hand.

"What is our next destination?!"Liu Mang asked Lu Bu and other people.

"Go to Shouchun!" Lu Bu replied "Conquer Runa and threaten Xu Chang!" According to the news Lu Bu obtained, Yuan Shao had already moved his troops to Guandu. Hebei probably had mostly been pacified and Cao Cao had also conquered Xu Province. It could be said that Cao Cao secured his rear. This two tigers would fight to the death soon, that was why Lu Bu was determined to occupy Runan and eventually control Yu Province.

"Occupy Runan?!"Liu Mang did not know the location of Runan, but he knew that historically there was someone stupid enough to threaten Cao Cao in Runan. At the end he was killed by Old Cao. What was that stupid person's name? Liu Mang thought about it. Right, that stupid person was called Liu Pi.

"You all had the same thoughts?!" inquired Liu Mang looking at both advisers.

"Ah!"Chen Deng was eager to get his revenge and therefore conquering Runan to threaten Xu Du was exactly what he wanted.

Chen Gong just smiled and did not say anything.

"No matter what, we cannot go to Runan!" Liu Mang finally calmed down and gave his response.

Chapter 43: To Or Not To Runan?

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

This chapter is sponsored by Suood K. of UAE

"What do you mean?!" Lu Bu frowned. To go to Shouchun and conquer Runan was the stratagem that Lu Bu and Chen Deng had came up with. The two were even zestfully discussing about how to develop the county into one that could threaten Old Cao's XuDu after conquering it. Who would have imagined that they would be immediately shut down by someone before they could even implement their plans.

[TL: Runan is a county in Yu Province (presently, it is located in Zhumadian, Henan Province)]

[TL: Shouchun is a county in Yu Province, (presently it is known as Shou County and located in Anhui Province.)]

[TL: Parts of both the Anhui Province and Henan Provinces belonged to the ancient Yu Province.]

[TL: XuDu is Cao Cao's capital.]

"That's right, Prince! Traitor Cao was soon to be engaged with Yuan Shao in a great battle in Guandu. If we were to not take Runan now and threaten Cao Cao's XuDu, then we will no longer have an opportunity to do so! When two tigers fight, one will certainly get injured. When that time comes, it shall be the time for our lord to take raise his flag again!" Chen Deng's idea was indeed very alluring. Had Liu Mang not knew of that moron called Liu Pi or something then he would certainly joined Chen Deng's boat toward Shouchun, conquer Runan and finally set out for XuDu to threaten Old Cao's rear.

[TL: rear in this aspect refers to the supply line. Nope, not the butt.]

[TL: Battle of Guandu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Guandu

If they were lucky, they might even be able to capture XuDu and obtain the emperor. At that time, with the emperor in hand, they

But they can't. That Liu Pi was located at Runan. Did you say Liu Pi wasn't Lu Bu and doesn't possess the bravery and fierceness that Lu Bu have and that's why he was defeated in Runan? Oh please! He was defeated even though Yuan Shao sent the three peach brothers to help him. Although the three peach brothers can't rival Lu Bu, they were still able to fight against him.

At last, the three peach brothers ended up fleeing to Jing Province and Liu Pi ended up dying in Runan.

Seeing Lu Bu's expression, Liu Mang knew that he must find a way to persuade Lu Bu otherwise this Boss Lu of his would not change his decision. He knew that he can't just go and tell Lu Bu that there's an idiot who thought of the same thing that he's planning to do - to attack Cao Cao's XuDu from Runan - and ended up getting killed by Old Cao!

Right when Liu Mang didn't know what to do, he saw that there was a man standing behind Lu Bu smiling. It was Chen Gong. Immediately he found his way out. "Old Man Chen Gong knows!" As Liu Mang was well acquainted with Chen Gong, he called Chen Gong as Old Man.

"Watch your manner of speech." Lu Bu criticized Liu Mang and then turned around to ask Chen Gong. "Gongtai?!"

Right when Chen Gong wanted to decline speaking, Liu Mang spoke before him. "Military Advisor Chen, if you didn't have a plan in mind, how could you possibly smile this happily?!" With those words, Liu Mang had blocked Chen Gong's way out.

"Eh!" As Chen Gong was smiling the whole time, Liu Mang knew there was something in his mind. After all, if everyone was to be pondering and thinking over the way to solve a problem and you're the only person standing there smiling, then there's only two possibilities. One, you're a fool. And two, you already have a stratagem planned out. It was obvious that Chen Gong wasn't a fool, leaving with only the single possibility - Chen Gong had already thought of a stratagem.

"Gongtai, if you have words, please speak!" Lu Bu had also understood. Chen Gong certainly have something in mind. Otherwise, he would not be standing there smiling at Liu Mang the whole time. Having worked with Chen Gong all these years, Lu Bu knew of Chen Gong's personality well.

"My Lord!" Chen Gong gave a wry smile while shaking his head. He originally wanted to see how Liu Mang, Liu Hanyang, would convince his lord. However now, Liu Mang had passed the ball to him instead.

Chen Gong wasn't as direct as Liu Mang. He knew that regardless of what happened, Lu Bu is still a warlord. Although he have only remnant soldiers and scattered generals as his army now, his dignity was still incomparable. Should you directly question his way of thinking, then it's to not respect him. In that case, even if his thinking was proven wrong, he might still be stubborn about it and refuse to accept being wrong.

"My lord, do you know why Cao Mende attacked our Xu Province?!" Chen Gong instead asked a question back at Lu Bu.

"Why Cao Mende attacked our Xu Province?!" Lu Bu thought for a moment and then looked at Chen Deng causing Chen Deng to be very embarrassed. One of the major reason why Old Cao wanted to conquer Xu Province was because of the offer the Chen family gave him. However, Lu Bu didn't say it clearly. Instead, he said. "Xu Province had a lot of foodstuffs!"

"Haha!" Chen Gong laughed.

Chen Deng took over Chen Gong's question. "It's better for Deng to continue. It was because Deng's old father sent Traitor Cao a secret letter. In the letter, it laid down my lord and Liu Bei's personal complaints and also the map of the defense layout of Xu Province!" Chen Deng decided to laid everything out in the open. Even though Lu Bu was trying to save him face, the generals under Lu Bu would still have lingering fears as he had once rebelled against Lu Bu. In that case, he figured he might as well just expose everything and admit his mistake.

After hearing Chen Deng's speech, Liu Mang learned why Lu Bu would lose Xu Province so quickly. He had an army of seventy thousand, even if he was to be a pig, he would still be able to last half a year against Cao Cao. Who would've expected that each and every move of his were monitored by Old Cao - where he plans to transfer his soldiers, where he goes, the amount of provisions he had, all of them were known to Old Cao.

Chen Deng's selling out of his master was very skillfully done.

Even though Lu Bu had already forgotten this thing, he still gave Chen Deng a couple more glances when Chen Deng exposed everything.

"Haha. Yuanlong, that is not true at all!" Chen Gong deliberately paused mid speech so that Chen Deng would speak the words in his heart. Some words are better spoken than kept within.

If Chen Deng didn't speak the cause, then perhaps Lu Bu might be afraid of putting him in important positions. After all, he had betrayed Lu Bu once. Who knows if he would betray Lu Bu a second time. Likewise, Chen Deng would also be uneasy. He would begin to guess what Lu Bu would be thinking, whether Lu Bu would try to settle the score with him. If the ruler and his minister were to be at odds, it would make the situation to be very bad.

"Teacher Gongtai, is there anything you can teach this Deng?!" Chen Deng wasn't a fool. How could he not know what Chen Gong wanted to do after hearing Chen Gong's speech? After letting the words that he kept within his heart out through his mouth, he does indeed felt a lot more comfortable. He had shown his lord Lu Bu that he, Chen Deng, had betrayed him but had also turned over a new leaf and was willing to accept any punishment.

"For me to teach you is out of the question, it's just a single opinion of mine! Even if there wasn't the Chen family working from within, there would still be another Li family or Wu family. Even if there wasn't any of these influential families, Cao Mende would still not abandon his conquest of Xu Province!" Said Chen Gong while shaking his head. "My lord had said that Xu Province's earth is great for growing crops, however my lord, you ought to remember that Xu Province was the location of four battles! Other bordering Cao Mende's Yan Province, it also borders the Qing, Yang and Yu Provinces. The Yuan Tan of Qing Province, the Yuan Shu of Yang Province, do you perhaps think they didn't have interest in the Xu Province? Cao Mende obtaining Xu Province will only cause him a greater distraction!" Analyzed Chen Gong.

"Distraction? Since it was the location of four battles, why did Cao Mende still insist on taking over Xu Province?!" Liu Mang was completely ignorant of the military affairs.

"This was precisely because it was the location of four battles that Cao Mende had to take it!" Chen Gong directly got to the point. "Guandu! Yuan Shao of Hebei and Cao Cao of the Central Planes, the battle between these two are bound to determine a winner. The winner of the two shall conspire to conquer all eight provinces and obtain the whole world. As for the loser, his family will be destroyed and killed. Neither Yuan Shao nor Cao Cao could afford to lose.

"Cao Cao had obtained the emperor. Yuan Shao, on the other hand, had pacified the rear. A steady rear allows for a steady flow of supply of provisions to the Yuan Shao army soldiers. However, Cao Cao did not have such a rear. To the north was Zhili with Guo Si. To the south was Yuan Shu. My lord, although Guo Si occupied Changan, he is but an autumn grasshopper soon to overlive his life. As for Yuan Shu, he had declared himself the emperor and thus lost all his allies and was uttered isolated. Thus, the only place left was my lord's Xu Province."

"My lord, you are a fierce tiger!" Said Chen Gong as if sighing. "Cao Mende had already suffered the deficit in not having a rear to provide provisions for his troops! He would not allow for a second time!"

The first time that Chen Gong speak of was Old Cao's first expedition against Xu Province. At that time, the Xu Province was still under Tao Qian's rule. Old Cao had past one obstacle over another and almost reached and killed Tao Qian. It was Lu Bu. Lu Bu had entered via Puyang and attacked Old Cao's Yan Province and conquered more than ten cities and almost causing Cao Cao to be finished.

As they say, once bitten, twice shy. One would not allow another to sleep soundly in one's own bed. This Xu Province was the gate of the Yan Province. If there were to be a battle in Guandu and Lu Bu were to attack Yan Province again, then Old Cao would really be finished.

If he were to be attacked on both sides, he would be unable to resist. Thus, using the opportunity given by Yuan Shao pacifying Hebei, Cao Cao decided to pacify Lu Bu at the same time. Only through killing this fierce tiger could Cao Cao's mind be set to rest in the major battle against Yuan Shao in Guandu.

"Regarded as an obstacle!" Liu Mang finally understood. It was not the prosperity of the Xu Province that attracted Old Cao. It was the Boss Lu of Xu Province that attracted Old Cao.

Old Cao's original idea was to subdue Boss Lu and then battle it out with Yuan Shao with Boss Lu in his camp. Alas, an arrow from Old Man Chen Gong almost shot him in the dick causing him to be furious and began attacking Boss Lu. This was how this they ended up in this tragic situation.

"Gongtai, you meant?!" Lu Bu seemed to have understood something.

"This Runan was the second Xu Province. Cao Mende would not allow anyone to threaten his rear before a decisive battle. Thus, he would certainly gather up his troops to cleanse the rear first!" Immediately, Chen Gong pointed out why trying to conquer Runan was a bad idea.

Hearing Chen Gong's speech, Lu Bu was also surprised into a cold sweat. Should he really conquer Runan only to have Cao Cao besiege the city again, Lu Bu does not believe he could have the luck to escape a third time.

Chen Deng also turned pale with fright. He was muddled by hatred, he had only thought of the current situation and not what would happen in the future.

"Then where shall we go now?!" Asked Lu Bu. They were already enroute to Shouchun. The route toward the north was already blocked. All they could do now was to go toward the south.

"Toward Jiangxia to Xinye!" Chen Gong pointed to the map.

[TL: I figured a map would be useful. http://www.threekingdoms.com/map2.htm Jiangxia is by Lake Dongting. Xinye is above Han River]

"No, we shall still go to Runan!" Liu Mang retorted again.

"Hmm?!" Chen Gong eyes narrowed. It was Liu Mang who said not to go to Runan. And now, it was Liu Mang again who said to go to Runan. What exactly does he wanted?

Lu Bu and Chen Tend was also very confused.

"The route to Xinye through Jiangxia is a very long distance. Additional, we have to take the river. Does everyone in the army know how to swim?!" Liu Mang was very scared when he said those words. He fears that Lu Bu would say that everyone in his army knew how to swim. In that case, he'll be fucked. Liu Mang gets seasick. He is afraid of boats and ships. He only decided to oppose after seeing the map and noticing that they would have to go through the river.

"Swim?!" Lu Bu frowned. Both the Bing Province Soldiers and the Xu Province Soldiers were from the north. Not many of them knew how to swim.

"Should we go through Jiangxia, it would be great if Huang Zu were to allow us to pass. However, if he doesn't, then once we reached the surface of the river, then we shall become sitting ducks!" Said Liu Mang firmly. He was very very afraid of water. This was because when he was a kid, he almost died drowning.

[TL: Huang Zu is an administrator of Jing Province, Jiangxia is one of his commandery.]

Lu Bu looked toward Chen Gong.

Chen Gong thought for a bit and then said. "Hanyang have a valid argument!" Liu Mang was titled the General of the Southern Expedition who was supposed to govern the Jing and Yu Provinces. According to reasons, Liu Biao of Jing Province would still be Liu Mang's subordinate. However, how would these feudal warlords possibly be willing to give up the power in their hands?! Once Liu Biao have the intent to kill, he really could exterminate the whole Lu Bu army atop the river.

[TL: Liu Biao is the boss of Huang Zu and owns the Jing Province. However, Huang Zu is in control of Jiangxia. Pretty much like how Lu Bu was controlling Xu Province but Langye was given autonomy control to Zang Ba.]

"However Runan!" Chen Gong hesitated.

"Rest assured!" Ling Mang composed himself and said. "Although we cannot occupy Runan, I still have a way!"

Chapter 44: Building An Army (1) Original by Bro Got a Gun, Translated by James

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Kaiyang to Xiapi was over five hundred li, from Xiapi to Shouchun was another five hundred li, if they were to pass through Runan, that's another thousand and five hundred li. Although the Lu Bu army was mostly cavalries, their horses would still get exhausted from the distance. Furthermore,it was difficult for the carriages carrying Lu Bu's family to expedite their speed.

Chen Deng had removed everything of worth from Guangling, everything else that cannot be moved like houses and lands were turned into foodstuffs, golds and war supplies. Thus, in addition to the four thousand war horses Liu Mang brought over, Chen Deng had also brought with him two thousand war horses to the Lu Bu army. As for the soldiers, Chen Deng have brought with him all those that are loyal to the Chen family that didn't have their own families or was willing to abandon their families to repay the kindness of the Chen family - over twenty thousand soldiers.

After Lu Bu took out the the old, sick or disabled, there's still fifteen thousand strong and healthy men.

Lu Bu turned the five thousand old, sick or disabled into supply troops and transferred two thousand strong and robust soldiers that knew how to ride horses from the fifteen thousand healthy soldiers to the Bing Province Wolf Cavalry that was left with less than a thousand strong after the battle of Xu Province. The only reason they were able to best the Cao troops and display their might on horses in the battle of Kaiyang was because of the soldiers from the Formation Breaker and the Xu Province soldiers. Only with those troops did the leadership from the Bing Province Wolf Cavalry managed to bring out the strength of the cavalry.

There were five thousand robust individuals amongst the fifteen thousand strong and healthy men, two thousand of them was taken to become cavalries, of the remaining three thousand, two thousand men were taken by Gao Shun to become new soldiers of the Formation Breaker. His Formation Breaker was badly damaged and even nearly annihilated from the previous battles; it needed to be reestablished and replenish the lost soldiers. As for why the originally eight hundred strong Formation Breaker needed two thousand soldiers, that's because Liu Mang brought back with him five thousand large shields, enough to allow Gao Shun to produce five thousand Formation Breaker troops. Had it not been for the lack of heavy armors, then Gao Shun might've really asked for five thousand new troops.

"What? You're giving me a thousand robust men to construct a new battalion?!" Liu Mang had just woken up and was still a bit muddle minded, however, Chen Gong have already came bringing with him the orders from Lu Bu.

"What's with that?!" Liu Mang didn't come to this world in order to become a general, had it not been for the existence of Lu Bu and his transfer cd, Liu Mang perhaps would've already left this world. While Liu Mang had brought to Lu Bu countless war-horses and armors, that was all for Boss Lu to fight in the frontline with. He planned to only follow Lu Bu and live comfortably from behind the frontline. In the situation that it would help, he'll use his knowledge of the two thousand year old history of the Three Kingdoms to help Lu Bu. And if he can't then so be it, he'll just stick around and go with the flow.

And now, Boss Lu wanted me to construct a battalion and join the frontline? What the heck is with this? With my fighting strength of five, how could I possibly do anything other than being killed right away?

"You're pushing me to do something way beyond my ability!" Said Liu Mang powerlessly. It wasn't as if the Lu Bu army didn't have generals; aren't Gao Shun and Zhang Liao generals?

"Generals Gao Shun and Zhang Liao needed to reconstruct their respective troops, they are currently busy!" Said Chen Gong smiling.

"Then what about Chen Deng?!" Liu Mang remembered that even though Chen Deng was just a scholar, his marital strength was no weaker than a second rated general, he could be considered as a scholar-general.

"Oh, Yuanlong? He is busy commanding the remaining ten thousand soldiers!" Chen Gong continued to answer Liu Mang.

"Don't he also have two familial generals?!" Liu Mang remembered that amongst the soldiers and horses that Chen Deng brought over, there was two familial generals.

"That's right, one of the two familial generals were commanding five thousand spearmen and the other five thousand shielded blade soldiers!" explained Chen Gong.

"You really want me to command them?! Can't you find someone else?!" complained Liu Mang.

"This was my lord's intention, if you want to decline then please speak with him yourself!" Said Chen Gong, holding back his laughter.

"Talk with Boss Lu myself?!" Had it been a day ago, Liu Mang was daring enough to do such a thing. However now, he wants to flee whenever he sees Lu Bu. Why? That's because Boss Lu have started to taken the role of the father-in-law more and more. Whenever Liu Mang met him, he would lecture him on everything from how to command soldiers to how to act with one's family and then to everything else. It was as if Lu Bu was trying to teach Liu Mang everything that he know.

"In that case, I shall take my leave! Your thousand troops are located in the main barracks."

"Don't… don't! Old man Chen Gong!" Before Liu Mang was able to respond, Chen Gong had already left.

"Fuck!" Liu Mang doesn't even have the strength to curse anymore, he have to immediately rush to the thousand troops located in the main barracks. Lu Bu had already given the orders, if he were not to go to the main barracks, he shall be punished according to the martial law.

Only through taking an immense amount of effort did Liu Mang managed to put the Aries Gold Cloth on. One cannot go to the main barracks wearing regular outfit, even scholars must wear their side sword when going to the main barracks. Failure to do so signify a lack of respect toward the soldiers and once the hearts of the soldiers were swayed, then there would be immense consequences.

"These are my soldiers?!" When Liu Mang arrived at the main barracks, he started to mumble to himself. It wasn't as if he had never led soldiers before. Back in the Battle of Xiapi, he had led three hundred soldiers to rescue Lu Bu. However, that was an emergency situation and the amount of soldiers were also small, thus Liu Mang was able to lead them. However, what currently stood in front of him was a thousand soldiers. Heh!

The only thing Liu Mang could do was chuckle. That was because standing in front of him was a thousand heads staring at him.

"Your Highness, you have arrived!" Liu Mang saw someone that he know, wasn't this person who is holding his fist out in respect toward me Cheng Yu? Chengg Yu have survived both the Battle of Xiapi and the Battle of kaiyang and was thus dispatched by Lu Bu to become Liu Mang's assistant.

"Good! Very good!" Liu Mang didn't know how to speak. Standing behind Cheng Yu was eighty five individuals. Liu Mang was familiar with all of them, they were the survivors of the troops that he led in Xiapi. Standing in front of him was a thousand pairs of eyes. Their stares had caused Liu Mang to be completely flustered. The only thing Liu Mang thought of was to imitate the ways the boss in TV shows address their underlings.

"Your highness is overpraising us!" Liu Mang was the successor of Lu Bu, the young master of the Lu Bu army. Thus, being praised by Liu Mang had caused Cheng Yu to be very happy. Without mentioning anything else, just by Liu Mang's title of the Prince of Shu had caused all these soldiers to greatly revere him.

Liu Mang took a deep breath. What stood before him was a thousand pairs of eyes and also a thousand lives. Liu Mang had thought that because he had experienced a couple large battles, his heart would've grew cold. However, upon seeing those simple and honest eyes, he had once again grew softhearted.

The soldiers that Chen Deng have brought with him were likely former peasants, farmers, and other common people. They did not seek much, all they sought was an acknowledged place in the warring era, a place where they would not starve, a place where they could live.

The incompetence of a general would cause the death of the whole army! These thousand soldiers have now all become his subordinates, he is now responsible for all their futures, all their lives.

After taking the another slow and deep breath, Liu Mang said. "Soldiers, perhaps you know me, perhaps you don't, however I must tell you all today: I, Liu Mang, from today henceforth, am your general! I will be bringing you all to the battlefield! Perhaps the smiles that you saw today will be forever gone! Perhaps in a single battle, the arms or legs that have been with your all your life would suddenly disappear! However, what I want to tell you all was that I, Liu Mang, am unable to promise that you will survive in the battlefield, but I could tell you clearly: As long as you're alive, I will never forsake you! Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!"

"Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!?" Standing at a side, Cheng Yu was dumbstruck. He was a Prince, he was the Prince of Shu, he was the successor of Lu Bu, he actually shouted 'together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor'? One must know that what stood in front of him was a group of common soldiers, they were only a group of ordinary people.

"Shit!" Liu Mang also became aware of the mistakes in his words, 'together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor', only two things could cause someone to say that. One, during the time one swore brotherhood and two, during the time of a rebellion. If you want someone to risk their lives for you, then you would have to say those words, otherwise, who would bother risking their lives for you? However, how many actually shared the riches and honor that they obtained? It was possible to die together, however sharing riches and honor was hard to accomplish.

Neither Liu Mang nor Cheng Yu was able to anticipate that once Liu Mang said those words, the soldiers were immediately stirred up. They were shouting loudly: "We pledge our lives to follow the general till death! We pledge our lives to follow the general till death!" How many generals was able to say 'together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor'? In a general's eye, the soldiers might just be capitals to promote their positions or capitals to show their strength.

Let wrong be wrong! Liu Mang steadied himself and shouted. "Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor! Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!"

"Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor! Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!" Perhaps Liu Mang's speech had influenced these soldiers, they also started shouting after Liu Mang.

Their voice was heard throughout the main barracks.

Lu Bu was looking at the map in the main tent. As the commander of the army, he naturally had to be certain of the routes. Suddenly, he heard the shouts that could even shake the heavens. Immediately, he called for some soldiers to inquire them about what happened.

"Hanyang?!" Soon, Lu Bu found out the source of the noise. With his eyes flickering, Lu Bu mumbled. "Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!?" Oh Hanyang, exactly how big was your ambition?

All the other generals had also heard the noise. Each and every one of them had a complicated expression. No one knew what they were thinking.

The army of the Great Han actually shouted the slogan of rebels.

Chapter 45: Building an Army (2)

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Liu Mang did not expect that a few words from him would take over these 1085 people's heart.

He had never led a battalion consisting of over one thousand of people before. Leader of a squad consisting five people is called five-man squad leader, leader of a section consisting ten people is called section leader, leader of a platoon consisting fifty people is called platoon leader, leader of a squadron consisting one hundred people is called 100-man commander, leader of a company of a consisting two hundred people is called 200-man commander. And finally, the leader of a battalion consisting one thousand people is called a 1000-man commander, which in this case was Liu Mang while Cheng Yu became his lieutenant and second-in-command.

After sending 85 veterans from his army to be section leaders, he kept Cheng beside him. Since Boss Lu's intention was to name Cheng Yu as his Lieutenant, therefore no one else was allowed to get this position. Cheng Yu would take command of the whole camp at Liu Mang's absence.

Liu Mang had already decided on the name of the camp. What is the strongest army in the 21st century? It was the army from urban management. Who were the strongest soldiers? They were the member of urban management.

Therefore Liu Mang had named his army urban management. The force of three thousand soldiers of urban management is powerful enough to dominate the world!

Liu Mang had waited till before everyone was in position before giving the order. Everyone thought that he was going to lead everybody to practice martial arts, but surprisingly, Liu Mang was leading people to bask in the sun.

Martial arts? If Liu Mang was able to conduct martial arts, then pigs would be able to climb trees. It was unwise to reveal his shortcomings as his battle force was so weak. Even Cheng Yu was only a lower second-rate military officer.

The only thing that Liu Mang could do now was to rectify the army. The first step in a military training is to practice the standing pose.

"Han Yang has already led his army standing for the most of the day?!" Lu Bu looked bewildered after listening to the report from the soldiers. What kind of general would make his army stand for such a long time? Not to mention that the sun is hanging high in the sky, can standing improve the battle force of the army? Lu Bu felt a headache. He began to wonder if he had made a mistake by giving Liu Mang an army.

"How about Cheng Yu? Hasn't he stopped him?!" Lu Bu asked. He was not familiar with the Cheng Yu until he made a name for himself in the battle of Kaiyang. If not to help Liu Mang to build his army, by now Cheng Yu would have joined Gao Shun's army or Zhang Liao's Bing Province Wolf Calvary. Lu Bu even had a thought of promoting Cheng Yu to be his private guard.

"No, Lieutenant Cheng is also standing!" The common soldier replied.

"What?!" Although Lu Bu frown his eyebrows, he did not stop them right away, but waved his hands to dismiss the soldier." Standing? With a pose?"

Exactly, the entire army was standing under the scorching sunshine. Every soldier was getting numb legs and sweat-soaked back. However, not even a single one among the 1805 soldiers made a complaint, because their commander, Liu Mang, was standing in the middle of the yard as well.

"Right, your feet should be closer to each other. And there should be an angel of 60°formed starting from your toes! What? You don't know what 60° is?!" Liu Mang sighed. In his previous life, the bottom bar to be a soldier was a graduation certificate from high school. But now? He was afraid that the kids in kindergartens would know more than they did.

"When you put two fists between your feet, you will have a 60°!"Liu Mang did not expect that they could be precise, but at least it should be roughly right.

"Yes that's good! Look at Lieutenant Cheng!" Liu Mang saw Cheng Yu as a real born soldier. He was able to acquire the essence of soldier's pose after he was taught only one time! His pose was serious but not obdurate.

"Standing straight, hold your stomach, throws out the chest, upper body upright, lean slightly forward, shoulders straight and slightly backward. Relax your arms, fingers close together bend naturally, head looking forward, neck is straight, mouth closed and eyes towards me."Liu Mang felt like teaching children about correct postures.

"Is everybody exhausted?!" Liu Mang asked with a smile. To tell the truth, Liu Mang was the person who felt tired. Fuck. He never expected that imitating the military training as an instructor would be so exhausting.

"Yes!" The soldier beside Cheng Yu almost spit out the word but got a kick from Cheng Yu in behind. So he immediately changed to say:"General, we are not tired!"

Holy shit, Cheng Yu, is you doing it on purpose? Liu Mang thought after seeing his little trick. How can I order to take a rest if you say you are not tired? Did you intend to make me drop dead?

In fact, Liu Mang misunderstood Cheng Yu. No matter who the general was, the last thing he would want was to hear the cry of exhaustion from his soldiers. They saw soldiers as a tool in war. How were they able to achieve their goals without polishing their tools?

Nonetheless, Liu Mang's thinking was different. His mind was too modern. Better said, he had never seen how a real army conducted their training. In his simple view, the general should take the training with his men, or how could he win their loyalty?

"I can see that you are all tired!" Liu Mang said while acted shamelessly. His weak constitution could not hold on for any longer.

"Everyone sit down. Section leaders and platoon leaders go fetch water following squadron leaders and company leaders." Before the training started, Liu Mang had ordered the army cooks to boil some hot water. The water from the river was clear but there had to be some microorganism inside. It was not worth it if the water would cause diarrhea.

When the water was boiled, it would be much safer to drink.

Liu Mang took a big gulp after receiving the boiled water from Cheng Yu. The standing training was too exhausting in such hot weather. Besides, he needed to readjust their poses individually. Even then, they still could not do it in the right way. Liu Mang had to resist his temper, remain patient to teach them over and over again.

Cheng Yu could tell that Liu Mang was exhausted by now, since he was correcting the poses from everyone individually. If it were the general that Cheng Yu served before, he would have already whipped at the faulty soldier. When one whip was not enough, then one more whip would be applied. He would have the soldier beheaded if he still did it wrong for the third time.

After drinking up the water, Liu Mang sensed another problem. What could be the next move? These soldiers were looking at him, which made him feel so uneasy.

"Ehm, Ehm! Can you sing?!" Liu Mang suddenly got a nice idea. During military trainings, when the instructors were having a break, they either told the recruits to do something useless or to sing.

"Sing?!" Cheng Yu was dumbfounded. Was this price making a joke? This was a military training, why start singing? Only scholars would sing when they had a discussion to test each other.

"Exactly, singing!" Watching them, Liu Mang knew that most people could not sing. Who were these soldiers? Before becoming soldiers they were mostly villagers, to be more precise, children of peasants. They did not even know how to write or read, so how could they possibly know how to sing.

"Cheng Yu, what about you?!" From the whole bunch, Cheng Yu was the only one who had some education.

"I can!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"Really?!" Liu Mang was somewhat pleasantly surprised that Cheng Yu could actually sing.

"I only know a song that my mother taught me!" Cheng Yu eyes suddenly became a bit depressed. Liu Mang knew that he just reminded Cheng Yu about a sad event. Oh old Cao, nobody cared if you attack Xuzhou! If you wanted to take revenge on Old man Tao Qian, then do so. Why did you have to massacre the whole city?

Liu Mang patted Cheng Yu's shoulder to both encourage and comfort him. "Sing, Sing before all your brothers!"

"General, I…!" Cheng Yu wanted to reject, but was immediately stopped by Liu Mang.

"If your mother was still alive, she would want you to have a happy life! Sing in front of all your brothers. Did we not swear to live or die together, share riches and honor together? Your mother is our mothers! Sing!" finishing his sentence, Liu Mang faced towards the soldiers and said "Soldier, let's make your Lieutenant sing us a song, alright?!"


"Lieutenant, please sing! We are all from Xuzhou and we brothers will always support you!"

"Do you see!" Liu Mang shouted out in encouragement.

"I…!" Cheng Yu was still a bit hesitant.

Liu Mang angrily pushed Cheng Yu "Cheng Yu, are you a man or a pussy. The brothers asked you to sing because they think highly of you. Don't insult us when everyone is giving you face!"

"General, I…!" Cheng Yu's face reddened "I am a man, not a pussy!"

"Good, then you sing! If you don't sing then you are a pussy"

"If you want me to sing, then I sing!" Cheng Yu fiercely stood up.

"Everybody, give an applause!" Liu Mang took the lead and clapped his hands, while the soldiers followed and created a commotion. When did they have the pleasure to listen to someone singing? Those who could sing were basically nobles and scholars. They were children of peasants who could barely fill their belly, let along sing?

Let's share the plate for breast! The king's raised forces to the line. Let's make our lances shine. Your foe is mine. Are you not battle-drest?

Let's share the coat and vest! The king's raised forces to the line. The king's raised forces to the line. Your job is mine. Are you not battle-drest?

Let's share the kilt and the rest! The king's raised forces to the line. Let's make our armor shine, And march, your hand in mine. Are you not battle-drest?

"Country dispatched their troops to war, we repair the weapons, I and you are facing the common foe."


Patting his hands, Liu Mang tried to encourage Cheng Yu. Even though Cheng Yu was a tall and strong guy, he was feeling serious embarrassed, while singing. But wasn't singing used to express your feelings? Let out your emotions and enjoy the music.

Cheng Yu included his entire memory of his mother into the song.

This song was created in the Qin dynasty, reflected the solidarity between common soldiers. Resisting together mentally against their powerful foe. The entire song was divided into three verses and used the tone language of common soldiers. It sang about the eve of the last battle, the common soldiers gather together to repair and maintain their weapons. During this period, some soldier started worrying about their uniforms.

His brothers showed their companionship and encourage him: "Let's share the coat and vest!"

Let's share the plate for breast!" This song also encouraged the companions to act righteous: "Country dispatched their troops to war, we repair the weapons, I and you are facing the common foe." From his song, one could not only see the friendship between common soldiers, but also see them in the time of national needs and act willingly and patriotically sacrifice themselves. The sentences in this song are in short, passionate tone, which vividly displayed the scene of common Qin soldiers' common hatred while joining the army.

Just by seeing Cheng Yu's mother teaching him this song, one could guest that she was not a regular peasant housewife.

Liu Mang saw the corner of Cheng Yu's eyes tearing up. It was not easy for men to shear tear. When facing Cao Pi in that desperate situation while prepare to fight to death, Cheng Yu did not cry. Today while singing this song, Cheng Yu started to tear up.

"Cheng Yu come here!" Liu Mang patted this young man. Cheng Yu was still young and only 18 years old. If he was born in the modern era, he would still be a kid who just left high school and war preparing to go to university. It would mean that a good time ahead of him. However in this era of war, could you imagine that this young man had already killed one hundred men?

"Cheng Yu look! There are 1000 brothers in front of you! Your mother is gone, but you have so many brothers. While your mother is gone, if she knew that you are unhappy, if she knew that you live in sadness, tell me do you think she would rest well?!" Liu Mang was also a person while little experience in this world, but right now he had to take care of a young man who was even younger than him.

"General!" Cheng Yu wiped his tears from the corner of his eyes.

"You eyes need to look forward. In front of you is a bright light, in front of you is your destiny so rush bravely forward. At your back are 1000 brothers!" Declared Liu Mang and his face suddenly became cold.


"Here!" Hearing Liu Mang shouting out a military order, Cheng Yu stood firm. "I have an important task for you! I order you to teach your 1000 brothers-in-arm about the song your mother taught you! Do you understand?!"


"Then go" Liu Mang said with a smile. While looking Cheng Yu surrounded by the 1000 troops, Liu Mang turned his back on them. Tears could be seeing in the corner of his eyes, because Cheng Yu's song had reminded him of his mother.