
16 - 20

Chapter 16: Look Your Sister

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

"Haha, Haha!" Lu Bu was very pleased. This was the first time ever since Xiapi's defeat did he laugh so happily.

It's good as long as Boss Lu's happy! Liu Mang was also relieved. He touched his pockets, there's still those five thousand bucks from selling that gown. Liu Mang was tempted! A single gown was worth twenty thousand, what about the rest?! For example, some paintings?! Some historical antiques?!

Although Liu Mang was not an economics major, he still knows that antiques are some valuable stuff! There's another valuable thing in the Three Kingdoms - gold! If he followed Boss Lu, conquered some land and obtained a position, he could get all the gold he wanted!

Just as Liu Mang was still in his delusions, Lu Bu's face changed, he all of all sudden got serious again.

"Brother Liu Mang!" shouted Lu Bu as he looked at Liu Mang seriously.

"Yes!" hearing Lu Bu's shout, Liu Mang quickly wipe away his saliva and responded.

"You have brought the provisions back in a timely manner and have even brought me the weapon and armor bestowed by the Great Emperor. According to principle, I ought to greatly reciprocate you!" Lu Bu placed the trident aside and sat in the center of the tent. On his sides were his wives, each more stunning than the last.

"No need to greatly reciprocate me, just give me some hundred eighty gold!" Liu Mang was totally blunt.

"Hundred eighty gold?!" Chen Gong, with a wry smile, shook his head. Had it been in the ordinary times, back when Lu Bu still had the Xu Province, then Liu Mang's request was certainly reasonable. Perhaps, Lu Bu would even award him more than that. Alas, they are currently fleeing! Who would bring gold when they flee?! Only Lu Bu's three wives would even have things like jewelry or so!

"However!" Lu Bu added an however to his words, causing Liu Mang's heart to suddenly jump. He had a bad premonition.

"Brother Liu Mang, it's fine for you to return back from the Heaven. However, instead of my tent, Chen Gong's tent, or even Gao Shun or Zhang Liao's tent, you appeared in my daughter's tent. Say, how shall we deal with this?!" said Lu Bu with a golden flash in his eyes.

"Father, you!" Originally, Liu Mang's appearance in her tent was only known to Lu Bu, Chen Gong and a few others. However, with what Lu Bu just said, everyone now knows! This caused Miss Lu's face to immediately redden.

"Misunderstanding! This is definitely a misunderstanding!" Liu Mang was at a loss. How many fucking days have he been here? For he to be misunderstood so many times!

[TL: He's been here for 2 days now! Hmm…. he was mistaken for a Cao spy, then a Lu Bu general, then Cao general, then…. way too fucking many!]

"Misunderstanding?!" With a pondering expression, Lu Bu looked at Liu Mang. Seeing Lu Bu's expression, Chen Gong mind had a sudden turn and stepped forward to speak.

"How could it be a misunderstanding?!" said Chen Gong righteously. "A woman ought to be pure, ought to remain chaste, your one misunderstanding have seen all of our Miss's body! Say, how would our Lu Bu army's Miss be able to go out in the future?! How would she be able to get married off in the future?! "

"It really was a misunderstanding! That transfer… no… the Great Emperor set the location for me to appear in the heavenly realm to be that Aries Gold Cloth! For the Gold Cloth to be taken by Miss Lu, I really didn't know that!" Liu Mang have tried his best to explain. However, it was obvious that Boss Lu wasn't pleased with his explanation, he even saw that Boss Lu once again grabbed the trident.

Is he going to kill me?! Liu Mang subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said "If she can't be married off, then just marry her to me!" Once these words came out of his mouth, Liu Mang knew he fucked up. Not mentioning that Miss Lu, being Boss Lu's daughter, is of high status; her appearance was devastating beautiful, capable of causing the downfall of a city or state! In today's society, she's certainly an authentic BaiFuMei how would she possibly fancy a DiaoSi like himself?!

[TL: Bai Fu Mei, literally means white, rich, pretty. Standards for a top quality beauty in china.

Diaosi, mentioned before a couple times. DiaoSi is a chinese slang meaning that the guy is of mediocre appearance, humble family, no car, no house and no connection. Basically a loser. Oh yeah, didn't mention before but DiaoSi literally means penis thread/hair]

"Who would marry a lecher like you!" Lu Lingqi was enraged. What a evening she had. After practicing martial arts, she planned to take off her armor and rest. However, who would've expected that there appeared out of thin air this lecher in front of her. Not only did he saw her naked body, he also held her to stop her screaming and even touched… touched! Lu Lingqi's face was completely red! It was unclear rather it's because of her anger of her embarrassment.

And now, he even dared to openly demand for I to be married to him! Did he really think that no one would want me?! Father will certainly not agree to that!

Like Liu Mang, Lu Lingqi too believed that Lu Bu would never agree to that. Liu Mang even wanted to run away. However, in this wilderness, where would he run to?! The transfer CD is still there!

"Good! Once said, even four horses cannot unsay it! " Ferociously slapping his chair, Lu Bu stood up. "Your marriage is thus set! When we meet up with Zang Ba, Zang Xuangao, you two shall be married!"

"What?! Father!" Lu Lingqi called.

"Nani?!" Liu Mang too did not expect that. He was looking at Boss Lu with eyes of bewilderment.

[TL: yep, he went and said nani, japanese for what.]

"Father, I do not want to marry this lecher!" Lu Lingqi shouted hurriedly.

Liu Mang originally also wanted to turn down the marriage. However, hearing Lu Lingqi's words, he was instead incited. "Who is going to marry a violent woman like you!" The marks of getting beaten up by Lu Lingqi was still there!

"Who did you call violent woman?!" With her canines showing and eyes shining, Lu Lingqi shouted back at Liu Mang.

"You you you you it's you!" said Liu Mang hiding behind Gao Shun.

"Lecher, you want to die?!" This little tigress Lu Lingqi was enraged. She rolled up her sleeves exposing her spotlessly white and jade-like arm and was about to engage Liu Mang.

"Help! A tigress is trying to kill someone!" Liu Mang and Lu Lingqi started a game of chase around Gao Shun, exposing him to an awkward situation. If he don't stand there, then little Teacher Liu Mang would be caught and beaten up by the Miss. With his frail body, who knows if he could even shoulder the beating. And if Gao Shun doesn't move and continue to be a wooden stalk standing there for the two, it's an unpleasant feeling.

"Nonsense! Are you two done?!" A furious Lu Bu shouted at the two abruptly.

The two immediately stopped. There's still a big tiger on the stage!

"Congratulations my lord on obtaining such an ideal son in law!" Chen Gong was the first to respond. He had the same idea as Lu Bu. Regarding that Heavenly Man Liu Mang's means of doing things, he was completely awestruck; and if what he says was the truth, then whoever shall obtain him shall receive the world! Divine weapon! Outstanding able individual! And to be able to obtain provisions for thousands out of thin air! Although Liu Mang said that he was under the orders of the Great Emperor to pass the world to the Lu clan, no one knew what he was thinking!

Thus, the main importance right now is to tie Liu Mang to this Lu Bu army's war chariot! Currently Lu Bu have neither city nor treasure, the only thing he could give was his precious daughter.

To obtain Lu Bu's daughter was the equivalent of obtaining half of the Lu Bu army.

"Boss Lu, please don't!" It wasn't that Liu Mang didn't want to obtain a beautiful wife. After all, according to the twenty some year old bachelor Liu Mang 'having a woman be his girlfriend was already godsend!'

But being pretty was one thing, can't your martial prowess not be so strong?! Having already beaten up once, Liu Mang does not want to be beaten his whole life!

"Are you trying not to be responsible?!" Regarding other issues, Lu Bu was willing to concede. However, this was something he would not concede. A pair of tiger eyes glaring at Liu Mang caused him to swallow the words he wanted to say.

"Father, I do not want to marry him!" Lu Lingqi's words brought immense joy to Liu Mang. It's good to not marry me, please! I beg you dear great aunt, don't marry me please!

"The order of your parents, the words of your matchmaker, where comes your say in this matter?!" To reprimand Liu Mang, perhaps Lu Bu might still take consideration but to reprimand his own daughter, it was completely normal for him to do.

"Mother?! Second and Third Mothers?!" Being unable to persuade her father, Lu Lingqi moved onto Lu Bu's three wives.

"Husband, this…?" said Lady Ren. She was Diao Chan, history's number one beauty. She was the most loved by Lu Bu. Toward Lu Lingqi, she loved her no less than Lu Bu.

"This matter is non negotiable!" Lu Bu loved Diao Chan deeply. He would even discard everything for her. However, currently, he refuse to listen to her.

Lady Yan was the first wife, she's also Lu Lingqi's mother. She too could not bear her daughter being married off. Once married, her daughter will become someone else's wife, someone else's daughter in law. How would she possibly be willing to do that?! However, seeing that her husband was so firm, Lady Yan knew that her persuasions would account to nothing.

"Lingqi, your father was also thinking of your good! Don't act willfully and make a scene!"

"Humph!" Watching both her father and mother act like this, Lu Lingqi knew that she cannot escape from marrying this lecher. In a fury, she disregarded everyone present and ran toward her tent.

Liu Mang have made up his mind. After all, he have already rescued Lu Bu, have already been extremely benevolent to Boss Lu. For the sake of the future, for the sake of his life, Liu Mang decided to leave after the transfer CD finishes cooling down.

He could go find little authority Sun or big old Yuan Shao. If he sells some modern armor or so to them, certainly they will treat him like a honored guest!

"Reporting!" A messenger ran in. "Reporting to the lord, we have discovered enemy troops twenty li ahead!"

"Discovered enemy troops?!" Lu Bu frowned. "Cao Cao was certainly fast to arrive!"

"Not Cao Cao!" Chen Gong shook his head. The Cao army was blocked at the gates of Xiapi. Wei Xu and Song Xian should have blocked them in for at least half a day. With half a day's time, it was enough for the Lu Bu army to gain enough distance from the Cao army.

"These troops should have been sent from Guangling!" Chen Gong guessed correctly.

"Guangling?!" Lu Bu's eyes became filled with murderous intent. "Chen Deng of Guangling!!" The Chen Deng father and son have harmed Lu Bu greatly! For the interests of their Chen family, they sold out Lu Bu just like that! Although Wei Xu and Song Xian also betrayed him, he could still forgive them since they were his brothers. But that Chen family falls in a completely different category!

"Obey my orders, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao! Come with me, we shall meet Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong!"

"Yes!" Gao Shun and Zhang Liao both went back to the barracks to pick the troops to meet the enemy with Lu Bu with.

Liu Mang originally planned to slip away in times of chaos but was instead caught by Boss Lu. "Come worthy son in law Liu Mang, let's go have a look at this divine weapon being used for the first time in my hands!"

"Fuck, look your sister!"

[TL: Look your sister is the same as the English equivalent of 'look my ass'. Hope that solves the mystery.]

Chapter 17: Got Sold

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

In front of Liu Mang and over the vast plains was the countless Cao troops with their spears sticking out, their bright armor dazzling in the wind and their war horses neighing, ready to engage!

Although Liu Mang have came to this era, he yet to experience the actual assembly of a large army. And now, with the view in front of him, Liu Mang was totally frightened. Back in Xiapi, the majority of the Cao troops was besieging the gates and only few managed to get in the city and fight against Liu Mang and his troops. Later, although Yu Jin and Xiahou Dun's armies arrived, Liu Mang managed to convert their targets to Wei Xu and Song Xian! Thus, he have never once seen the assembly of a large army!

Liu Bu and the rest of them, on the other hand, was acting much more normal. Covered in the golden Poseidon Scale, Lu Bu was glittering under the sun's ray. Holding the trident in his hand, he appeared even more impressive. Although he wasn't riding the Red Hare, his mount was still impressive looking horse.

"I suspect there must be at least ten thousand enemies in front of us!" Liu Mang was speechless. In his school, five thousand people could cover the whole sports field. With this many people, they certainly covered more than a single sports field!

"Fifteen thousand or so!" Lu Bu briefly stated the amount of men Chen Deng have.

"Fifteen thousand?!" Liu Mang began to think that this Lu Bu was crazy. He had only some two thousand troops! And now, he was planning to use these two thousand troops to fight against fifteen thousand! Was that not a sign of an idiot?!

Even if all of your subordinates were elites, you can't fight one against ten! Hell, did you think that they were all Chen Zhen's and Ip Man's?!

[TL; google them if you don't know who they are.]

"Hehe!" Lu Bu did not respond to Liu Mang. He chuckled and rode his horse forward.

"All army! In formation!" Gao Shun raised his hands and waved it down.

"Arrange formation! Arrange formation!" The seven hundred some Formation Breakers quickly arranged themselves into formations. Although Liu Mang knew neither of the arts of war or the arts of formations, he could tell that the Formation Breakers have arranged themselves like a huge turtle! Countless shields have arranged into a strong defensive line. Within this defensive line, gleaming in the sunlight was blades.

If the fifteen thousand people on the opposite side instill fear into one's mind, then the current Formation Breaker, the seven hundred people in perfect formation like a single person, was like a giant!

On the other side, the enemies in red too stopped moving. They began to separate into different groups.

From that large army comes a group of men riding horses.

Leading was a scholarly man, on his sides was a couple armored generals.

"Master, in the front is the Lu Bu army!" A general spoke to the scholar in white.

"Oh?!" said the scholar indifferently. He began to run his eyes over the Lu Bu army, Zhang Liao's Bing Province Soldiers, Gao Shun's Formation Breaker and that person in the golden armor.

Isn't that person in the golden armor Lu Bu?!

"Word of mouth had it that within horses, Red Hare, with men, Lu Bu. Now that I saw, he's nothing extraordinary!" A general on the side spoke up. "The Lu Bu army currently have but a few thousand people! Seeing our large army, instead of taking shelter, he dated to engage us head on. What arrogance! Master, this general asks to be the vanguard! I shall fetch that insignificant Lu Bu's head!"

Chen Deng too was confused. What exactly was this Lu Bu thinking?! Having once worked for Lu Bu, he knew of the prowess of the Formation Breaker and the Bing Province Soldiers.

The Formation Breaker was said to be the king of infantries! Although the Formation Breaker numbered but eight hundred, they could rival five thousand!

The Bing Province Soldiers were the Bing Province Armored Calvary. Although they no longer have their horses, they were still soldiers who have been through hundreds of battles!

However, even with these, they cannot possibly win against fifteen thousand! Not to mention, from Prime Minister Cao, it was learned that Lu Bu's army lacked provisions. According to calculations, he should have ran out of food for a day now!

Perhaps there is a trap?! Chen Deng's overly suspicious personality caused him to be unable to see through the Lu Bu on the other side.

"Let's go! We shall try the Marquis of Wen!" Being unable to see through Lu Bu's mindset, Chen Deng could only try him out!

"Heeyah!" Chen Deng and his men began riding toward Lu Bu.

"Lu Bu, Marquis of Wen, show yourself! Chen Deng of Guangling have came to see you!" Shouted Chen Deng personally.

"Haha haha! What sort of thing is this Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong? He is but a man who turns his back on his master and abandons his loyalty!" With a bold laugher, Lu Bu came forth riding his horse.

"You dared insult my master!" A general was about to rush forward to engage Lu Bu but was stopped by Chen Deng. To fight against Lu Bu alone is a death wish! Although Lu Bu have neither the Red Hare nor his Sky Piercer, he was still someone that a second rated general could not compare to!

"The Marquis of Wen seemed to be in good health!" Said Chen Deng, holding his fist.

"Thanks to your Chen family's blessing, I'm still alive!" The trident in Lu Bu's hands started to buzz, showing its master's killing intent.

"Hehe, it's good to be alive, good to be alive!" Chen Deng laughed. "Oh Marquis of Wen, a few days back, Xu Province was still yours and you had seventy thousand men. How come are only left with this few men now?!" laughed Chen Deng.

"Humph! Why I'm left with this few men, how would you, Chen Deng, not know?! If you didn't, then you won't have appeared in front of me now!" said Lu Bu with a snort.

"Marquis of Wen oh Marquis, my father and I did it for your sake too!" Chen Deng had an expression like he was thinking for your sake. "Prime Minister Cao was sent on imperial orders to rule over the world. Marquis of Wen, as an official of Han, you ought to lay down your military power and enter the imperial court as an official. When the moment comes, your position would thus ascend a couple ranks and bring splendor shines on your family's door! To give the Xu Province to Prime Minister Cao is to give the Xu Province to the Emperor!"

"For my sake? Haha. What a great way to do things for my sake! No wonder your Chen family of Guangling could take root in Xu Province for all these years! Fifteen thousand troops! What a large number!" Lu Bu began to held a bit of admiration for the Chen family. They were already here when Tao Qian was still in power. Tao Qian have forgotten about them. Then when Liu Bei and finally he controlled Xu Province, they were still there as the lord of Guangling! Not only were they not harmed at all, they even grew larger!

Fifteen thousand troops was even comparable to a warlord's!

"What a pity!" Lu Bu continued. "What a pity that your old father, Chen Gui, cannot live till this date!"

Hearing that Lu Bu mentioned his father, Chen Deng frowned. "Marquis of Wen, as the saying goes, one shall not strike the face when beating someone up, one shall not bring forth one's relative in an argument! Marquis of Wen, wasn't your speech just now lacking etiquette?!"

"Hahahaha! I understand, I understand!" Lu Bu looked at Chen Deng with a mocking smile. It was exactly as Gongtai said, this Chen Deng still didn't know of that incident. "I suspect you still didn't know! No wonder, no wonder!"

"Didn't know?!" Chen Deng already suspected that Lu Bu had a trap set up. Now, hearing Lu Bu's words, he grew even more suspicious.

"When did the Marquis of Wen started talking in riddles and rhymes. This isn't like the Marquis of Wen's style!" said Chen Deng.

"Sigh! Oh Chen Deng, why bother?! For your Prime Minister Cao to not tell you, he must certainly have his reasons! Say, as an outsider, how could I intrude upon your business?!"

Cao Cao was hiding something from me? Chen Deng glanced at the Formation Breaker and the Bing Province Army. Didn't Cao Cao said the Lu Bu army ran out of provisions and have staved for a day?! However, no matter how you look at them, they looked to be completely healthy, without any signs of starvation! "Marquis of Wen, if you have something to say then say it!"

If there was something that Chen Deng was unable to let go of then it would be his Chen family's growth and his father Chen Gui.

"Oh righteous emperor! I, Lu Bu, is inferior! Oh how inferior!" Who says Lu Bu doesn't know how to scheme? He just never bothered to!

"Stray dog, it goes without saying that you are inferior to my master! What is there to lament about?!" One of Chen Deng's general already didn't like Lu Bu for he disdained Lu Bu for being called the number one general under heaven.

"Yuanlong, make sure to close your family's cage properly so that your dogs won't randomly bite people!" Had it not been for the fact that Lu Bu wanted to see the Chen Deng's expression after finding out what happened to his father, he would've already killed that man instead of saying this!

"Step down!" Chen Deng was eager to know the information regarding his father. "Sorry to show such a disgraceful scene to the Marquis of Wen! Perhaps the Marquis could inform this Chen Deng of the news of his father?!" Chen Yuanlong wasn't dumb, the only thing that Cao Cao could try to hide from him would be information regarding his father!

"Well then, seeing Yuanlong's sincerity, I guess I shall tackle the difficult job of informing you the news! Chen Gui, your father, have already passed away!" Seeing Chen Deng's marvelous expression, Lu Bu wanted to laugh but had to held his laughter back!

"Impossible! Impossible!" Chen Deng eyes were wide open, his expression showing a refusal to accept the news. "Lu Bu, Deng have treated you with courtesy. Why must you deceive Deng?!" asked Chen Deng.

"What, did you, Chen Yuanlong, see this Lu Bu as the kind of person who speaks of false words?!" Lu Bu's expression also grew colder.

"Not only did your father passed away, he died at the hands of your devoted Prime Minister Cao!" declared Lu Bu word by word.

"You're lying! Lies!" Chen Deng was no longer calm and collected. Although Chen Gui might have died, he can't possibly die at the hands of Cao Cao! Chen Gui dying will not benefit Cao Cao one bit! Cao Cao cannot be that stupid!

"Believe what you want!" Lu Bu didn't want to bother explaining. "All you have to do is go ask Cao Aman what your father said before he died and everything will make sense!"

"Humph! Regarding this, I will certainly ask the Prime Minister. However, Marquis of Wen is best to return with me to meet the Prime Minister too!" Chen Deng have made up his mind. He was determined to make Lu Bu stay. Lu Bu was too big of a threat. Just by himself, he have caused Chen Deng to have be unable to sleep properly at night. On top of that, there's his army! Thus Chen Deng was not going to let Lu Bu walk away alive!

"What, you wanted to make me stay?! Then come!" Lu Bu sneered.

"If that's the case, then I shall meet you on the battlefield!" CHen Deng also didn't expect Lu Bu to surrender just like that. He was about to return to his army after saying those words.

"To stand in front of I, Lu Bu, did you think that you can come and go as you please?!" Said Lu Bu coldly. "It's better for you to remain here!" With a clap of his legs, the large horse Lu Bu was on rushed out like the wind.

"You dare!" The generals by Chen Gong's side cannot bear it any longer. In their view, they considered Lu Bu to be simply a handsome exterior with a hollow inside. To dare rush forward alone!

"Lu Bu, prepare to leave your head! Remember that the person who killed you is Guangling…" One of Chen Deng's general, before he was even able to say his name, already had his head launched into the sky.

"I don't need your name! There's too many people that died under my hands, I cannot remember all these names!" Blood flowed down along the trident's tip. The trident have finally tasted blood.

"Sha!" Two more generals rushed forward. Within a bout, both of them was dismounted by Lu Bu.

Chen Deng brought with him a total of five generals. Now, there's only two left. The two generals looked at each other and yelled. "Master, quickly, run away! We shall stop him!"

Right after saying those words, two mode headless corpses dropped to the ground. All of Chen Deng's five generals were killed.

"Humph!" However, in just this little amount of delay, Chen Deng managed to run back into his army.

"Lu Bu, no matter how strong you are, you are but a single man! Against a whole army, your are but a speck of dust! I advise you to surrender, otherwise you will just throw away your subordinate's lives!" Chen Deng have entered into the army, safe from Lu Bu.

"Is that so? Then come and try it out!" Lu Bu slashed his halberd across. Under the sunshine, he looked as like a god on earth!

"Good! Since you wanted to die, I shall help you accomplish it! Transmit my orders to have the whole army attack!" Although Chen Deng was a scholar, the scholars during the Three Kingdoms Periods are not one bit bad on the battlefield!

"Master's orders! Whole army, attack!"

"Master's orders! Whole army, attack!" The orders was transmitted from one messenger to another. Soon, the large Chen army began to move.

With fifteen thousand people, even if they each spit on you, it's enough to drown you. Not to mention this uniform motion, the whole earth began to shake and dust began flying all over.

You don't say, Chen Deng actually really does know his military affair! Pikemen to the front, shielded blade soldiers protecting the flanks, and two thousand archers shooting from the middle of the army.

A sky full of arrows came flying toward the Lu Bu army.

"Attention Bing Province soldiers, all troops pull back!" Zhang Liao wasn't stupid. His current Bing Province Armored Cavalry current lacked war horses. Thus, they could only be used as infantries. Without large shields like those of the Formation Breaker's, it was absolutely impossible for infantries to survive a rain of arrow.

As expected of the elites, the Bing Province soldiers moved out of range of the Chen army's bows.

"Change formation!" Gao Shun did not retreat in the face of all these arrows. Instead, he gave an order and the seven hundred Formation Breaker immediately held their shields up creating a wall of shield blocking the arrows.

"High shoot!" Seeing that the wall of shields have blocked his arrows, Chen Deng decisively ordered for the high shoot.

One must not estimate the Chen army. Being able to occupy Guangling for so long, they naturally have the ability.

The two thousand lifted their bows and started shooting toward the sky. The arrows flew to their peak height and then started falling down. With the help of gravity, the arrows became even more powerful.

"Black Tortoise Formation!" With a order from Gao Shun, the seven hundred Formation Breaker tilted their shields one by one. Like a turtle, they withdrew into the formation of shields.

"Doing dong dong!" With the addition of gravity, the arrows grew a lot stronger. Even though the Formation Breaker had the protection of their large shields, there were still some arrows that managed to shoot through the chinks of the shield and into the formation.

"Pop!" The arrowheads shot through the shields and directly into one's arms and body. Soon, blood was flowing. Although suffering from intolerable pain, these Formation Breaker soldiers were still dead silent and had their eyes focused on the enemies outside!

"Pikemen, attack!" Chen Deng saw that archers had no effect and decided for a direct attack.

"Sha!" There was a total of eight thousand pikemen. For eight thousand to fight against seven hundred, as long as they're not all idiots they are certain to win! When one is up against something that is about as powerful as oneself, he would give his all. However, when one is up against something that is weaker than oneself, something that is extremely weak, he will start to loosen up.

For seven hundred men, even if you're the elite amongst the elite, the king of soldiers, it amounts to nothing. For ten against one, even if you can block them, they are able to pile up and crush you to death!

The enemy was getting closer. The distant way cries sounded as if just next to one's ears. However, the Formation Breaker was nonmoving and terribly quiet. Without Gao Shun's commands, none of these Formation Breaker soldier was going to move. Even if a blade was coming at them!

Hundred steps, ninety steps, eighty steps, seventy steps, fifty steps, thirty steps, twenty steps, ten steps.

The soldiers of the Formation Breaker could even see the enemy's expressions and demeanors. Those with good eyes were even able see the facial hair on the enemy soldiers.

"Did those guys got scared stupid?!" The leading general of the Chen army watched the Formation Breaker and laughed. He laughed very happily. It is of no wonder, against nearly twenty times the troops, being scared was normal!

However, worry not! It's just a single slash, a single slash and everything will be over!

Soon, this general will be unable to laugh.

As Gao Shun watched the ever approaching enemies, he actually closed his eyes.

"Gao Shun went crazy?!" Liu Mang was dumbfounded. He was standing next to Gao Shun! If these eight thousand pikemen charge over, how would he still be able to live?!

Did you got paralyzed?! Liu mang wanted to run away only to find out that he cannot run away as he is currently within the formation of shields.

"Boss Gao, Handsome Gao! Gao Gao! Fuck! Gao my ass! Send some orders!" Could it be that they are to stand there motionless for people to attack them?!

"Sha!" The first Chen soldier who came over had eyes full of smiles. These enemies were really scared silly. His blade was already enroute to someone's body. In a couple seconds, there'll be some blood spraying out and then outstanding military service!

With outstanding military service, he could enjoy the splendors of the rewards!

"Die! Die!" Every single Chen soldier's face exposed a sinister expression.

Suddenly, Gao Shun opened his eyes. "Open formation!"

The Formation Breaker that was originally like a tortoise shell suddenly opened a gap. Like a giant black tortoise opening its mouth, the vanguard pikemen were swallowed into the formation.

A hundred, two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand, two thousand!

The giant black tortoise have swallowed a total of two thousand people!

"Close formation!" Gao Shun gave orders again. The gap that was open was once again closed.

"Kill them!" said Gao Shun without a hint of emotion.

"What?!" The general who was swallowed by the black tortoise was dumbfounded. The gap have closed. Their two thousand men was enclosed within the circular formation. Blocked by shields on all sides, their escape route was completely blocked.

"Seven hundred men swallowing two thousand?! Boss Gao, what appetite you have. Careful not to choke yourself!" Liu Mang was roasting from the side.

Gao Shun gave Liu Mang a white eye, without absolute confidence, he wouldn't do such a thing!

The general who led the two thousand men inside the formation tried to force his way out to no avail. He bit his teeth and said "Brothers! The Lu Bu army wanted to swallow us! A mere seven hundred men wanted to swallow two thousand of us! What great appetite! He is seeking for self destruction! Brothers, follow me and kill the enemies!" They were going to risk their all because if they don't then they really might die here.

"Ah?" Chen Deng too found out what the Formation Breaker have done. "What appetite. Since you want to swallow my soldiers, I'll send you more to swallow! Transmit my orders, have the right flank shielded blade troops engage the enemy!"

Eight thousand pikemen, Gao Shun could still resist them. After all, the shielded soldiers are the nemesis of pikemen. However, when encountered with similar type shielded soldiers, it'll be difficult then. For the opposing side too have shields and could also form formations to directly clash upon Gao Shun's Formation Breaker. Once the Formation Breaker have been broken up, then they're as good as dead!

"Turn!" Gao Shun gave orders again.

The whole Formation started moving. Like a top, the rotate around. Each rotation faster than the last and with each rotation came foul wind and bloody rain.

Ever since Chen Deng's shielded blade soldiers appeared, the Formation Breaker began to suffer casualties. With every clash there would be soldiers of Formation Breaker vomiting blood. This was caused from the impact injuring the internal organs. Whenever someone left the formation, someone else will replace him, maintaining the rotation of the formation.

With pikemen on the inside and shielded blade soldiers on the outside, the Formation Breaker was about to reach their limits!

One by one, the soldiers of the Formation Breaker fall. One by one, the fallen soldiers were replaced by new soldiers only to fall again.

Soon, over two hundred men was lost within the formation.

"Humph! And here I thought you had such wondrous appetite! Seems like you can't swallow all of them after all! If you can't swallow them, then spit up what you have swallowed!" Chen Deng sneered. "The left flank shielded blade soldiers, join the fray and send them to hell!"

The right wind shielded blade soldiers also moved. The Formation Breaker, in the end, cannot take on all the enemies. Liu Mang cried. Fuck! In the end, I still cannot escape from death! Boss Lu, you fraud! I sent you food, weapon and armor and in the end you just have to fuck with me like so!

"Sha!" Gao Shun also joined the fray. There wasn't enough people to rotate!

Seven hundred against eight thousand plus the shielded blade soldiers. That's thirteen thousand! Brother, did you think you're some kind of god?!

"Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian, just wait for me to kill you!" Chen Deng's eyes were glittering. He saw the golden armored man within the Formation Breaker and suddenly got frightened. "That's right! Lu Bu! Lu Bu! Fighting up till now was only the Formation Breaker's Gao Shun. Where's Lu Bu and Zhang Liao?! That golden armored man inside the Formation Breaker did not move at all. This isn't Lu Bu's style!

"Haha, Chen Deng, were you looking for this Lu Bu? Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian is here! Chen Deng, prepare to die!" From Chen Deng's flanks suddenly appeared a group of troops. Wasn't this Lu Bu leading them?!

So, actually, as it turns out that the Formation Breaker swallowing two thousand pikemen wasn't because they were arrogant and conceited. Rather, it was a performance for Chen Deng. Their goal was for Chen Deng to believe that victory was within his grasp, for him to continue sending out troops! First it was the right flank shielded blade soldiers. Then it was the left flank shielded blade soldiers. Now, both of his flanks were unprotected. All he have left was the archers in the middle of the army. Although they numbered two thousand, they cannot stand up to Lu Bu and the Bing Province Soldiers that he's leading. Not to mention there's Zhang Liao there too!

Chapter 18: I, Lu Bu, Never Regret

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

"Sha!" With a slash, Liu Mang killed the enemy in front of him. Blood sprayed all over his face. Had it been before, he would've been afraid of the blood. But now, he didn't have the time to think about the blood!

"Gao Shun, I hate you!" Had it not been that Gao Shun was too greedy and decided to swallow two thousand pikemen, how could the formation possibly be destroyed so easily?!

Now without killing the two thousand pikemen, they were instead getting killed first! Fortunately, he was wearing the Aries Gold Cloth. Else, he'd already be dead!

Gao Shun did not speak. Instead, he pointed toward the distant slope.

"What do you mean?!" Before Liu Mang could understand what Gao Shun meant, he suddenly heard a voice. "Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian is here! Chen Deng, prepare to die!"

"Fuck!" Liu Mang finally understood everything. He understood why Boss Lu wanted him to wear the Aries Gold Cloth and stay with the Formation Breaker. All of this was to make him into a bait to attract Chen Deng's attention!

What a fucking boss! A fucking father in law! Liu Mang was fuming with rage between gritted teeth.

"Break through the archers! Kill Chen Deng!" Zhang Liao rushed forward after giving off a command.

"Sha!" Although the Bing Province Soldiers no longer have their mounts, they are not at all inferior to other troops. Not to mention, there's also Lu Bu leading the attack.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Chen Deng's army was left with only archers. Although bows and arrows are strong in long range, they're nothing in close range!

Blood splattered everywhere. Flesh and Bones were scattered all over. Everywhere Lu Bu's army went, everyone was killed, not a single survivor! Some archers, having been scared witless, decided to desert and flee.

"Hold out against them! Don't withdraw!" Chen Deng withdrew his side sword and killed a retreating archer. "All army, fight to the death and wait for our troops to return! Anyone who dared retreat will be like this man!" Chen Deng's malevolent expression managed to scared a lot of his soldiers. These men, biting their teeth, took out their sidearm, their short swords, and began to engage the enemies.

Archers was already weak against infantries to begin with. And now across from them wasn't just some regular infantries but rather the dismounted Bing Province Heavy Cavalries. Thus, wherever they go, it was a massacre!

"Mother!" Someone collapsed. This sort of massacre wasn't something that an average person could stand up against!

Although Chen Deng's troops have followed the Chen family for a long time, they have never came across this kind of massacring God that is Lu Bu!

"Sha!" Chen Deng once again killed another deserting archer. He wanted them to stop Lu Bu for a moment, just a single moment! The commander of the shielded blade soldiers and the pikemen have already noticed the problem and was already rushing back to aid them!

However, these archers was really scared witless! Lu Bu was like a massacring God from hell! Chen Deng's killing of deserters not only did not made the soldiers stand up to Lu Bu, it instead evoked their rebellious hearts!

Rushing forward is death! Not going is also death! Fuck it, let's revolt!

"Sha!" One by one, archers with bloodshot eyes rose in rebellion.

"What are you people trying to do?!" Chen Deng roared "Is this a mutiny?! Have you forgotten your families?! Have your forgotten who you are?!" Majority of these soldiers were the Chen family's private soldiers, many of whom are settled in Guangling with their families.

Thus, there was still some who have calmed down, not daring to attack Chen Deng.

However, Chen Deng was still fucked! Like the bloody wind, Lu Bu arrived in front of Chen Deng. With a single Ji strike he knocked away Chen Deng's side sword. "Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong, has been captured by me. Surrender immediately!"

Like a thunderclap, Lu Bu's voice resounded through the battlefield.

"Master, master have been captured?" There are soldiers who could not believe that their master have been captured. However, as they looked toward their main army, they noticed that their banner has fallen.

"Defeated! We have been defeated!" With their master captured, how could these private soldiers possibly have the will to continue fighting on?!

"We, we surrender!" Shouted the commander of the shielded blade soldiers. With an agonized expression, he dropped his blade and shield. Just when they were about to annihilate the Formation Breaker, who would've expected it to end like this.

"To seize the traitors, first seize the the king!" This was the strategy that Chen Gong gave Lu Bu. First use Chen Deng's father's death to set chaos in his mind. Then use the Formation Breaker to defend against the enemies. Due to Lu Bu wearing a golden armor, from afar, he looked not much different from Liu Mang's golden armor. Thus, he was to become the bait and be placed within the Formation Breaker!

Hence, all of Chen Deng's attention will be focused toward the Formation Breaker!

Gao Shun deliberately showed flaws to let Chen Deng think that he was close to destroying the Formation Breaker, to let Chen Deng develop a misconception. With this misconception, Chen Deng's troops brought to annihilation by the Lu Bu soldiers from the two flanks!

From the outset he was already sold? Now, Liu Mang was really afraid of these strategists! No wonder these individuals were able to grasp the whole world! No wonder that Cao Cao was willing to kill Chen Gong even if he was to become infamy because of that!

An strategist that have you in their mind will certainly cause you to be unable to rest or eat in peace!

Liu Mang did not knew that in Xiapi, there's already an strategist that had him in his mind. This person was not to be inferior to the Old Man Chen in any aspect! This man was the sly genius Guo Jia!


Cleaning the battlefield, counting the casualties!

The Formation Breaker was pretty much crippled from the engagement! From the seven hundred that it once had, the survivor amounted less than two hundred. Gao Shun did not say anything. However, from from bleak expression, Liu Mang saw pain, sorrow and even dried up tears in the corner of his eyes. This was from a man who even if he was to be killed, he will not frown!

Liu Mang's heart tightened. He also knew that these fallen Formation Breaker soldiers, many of them died protecting him, blocking the incoming blades and spears with their bodies! However, he knows neither their names nor does he remember their appearance!

Liu Mang took a deep breath. He decided that the next time he comes over, he'll make sure to equip the Formation Breaker with the best armor! This was the only thing he could do!

From the Bing Province Heavy Cavalry, there was also some fifty casualties! They were, after all, not infantry.

Lu Bu's two thousand strong army was left in a wretched state. All that was left was some thousand three hundred people! Majority of them wounded!

Fortunately, after capturing Chen Deng, the Chen army surrendered, allowing them to recuperate.

There was still over five thousand pikemen, over four thousand shielded blade soldiers and a thousand or so archers! The Formation Breaker stood against fifteen thousand enemies. Casualties numbered over five hundred. However, for the opponent, their casualties was five thousand! One against ten, worthy to be called the king of the infantries!

"Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong! Do you have any words to say?!" said Lu Bu as he looked at the Chen Deng who was tied up and kneeling on the ground.

"Humph, slave with three surnames, do with me as you wishes!" Chen Deng did not have the awareness of a captive at all. He remained unyielding.

"Slave of three surnames?!" Lu Bu hated two things the most! One is betrayal and the other is this title! Ever since being called he was called such by Zhang Fei in Hulao Pass, Lu Bu have forever been stuck with this title!

"Chen Deng, did you think that I dared not kill you?!" Lu Bu's expression was full of murderous intent.

"Haha, so what if you I am to be killed! Even if you killed this Chen Yuanlong, you, Lu Bu, will still not be able to escape! Prime Minister Cao's army was just behind me. Cao Chun of the Ferocious Cavalry was already sternly waiting! Did you think that you have won just because you have defeated I, Chen Deng?! These hours that you were stopped by me was more than enough for the Ferocious Cavalry to arrive!" Chen Deng sneered.

"Hahahaha!" Lu Bu really hated being threatened. In his anger, he was about to kill Chen Deng. However, Chen Gong who was on the side opened his mouth and said "Although slaves of three surnames was indeed unpleasant to hear, it's still better than being loyal to one's father's killer!"

"Who is loyal to one's father's killer? Chen Gong! Neither you or Lu Bu are good men! Lu Bu have said that my father was killed by Prime Minister Cao and now you go on to say that I am loyal to my father's killer! What a joke! Did you think that I, Chen Deng, was a three year old kid?! Did you expect that I will fall for your stratagem of sowing dissention?!" Chen Deng knew that being captured by Lu Bu was the same as death, thus he decided to curse away.

"Facts speak louder than words!" Chen Gong shook his head, turned around to face Lu Bu and held his fist toward him. "My lord, Gong request that my lord set Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong free!"

"What?!" Liu Mang was shocked greatly.

"Military advisor, you cannot!" Gao Shun was the first to not agree for a lot of the soldiers of the Formation Breaker died in the hands of Chen Deng's troops.

"Chen Gong, stop pretending to be kind! Did you think that by doing such I will be grateful towards you?!" Chen Deng ridiculed. "Kill me! Kill me quickly!"

Lu Bu closed his eyes. He thought for a moment before opening his eyes again. He said. "Release Chen Yuanlong!"

"My lord?!" Gao Shun was anxious! If he does not take revenge for his brothers, he will forever be restless and be unable to face those who survived!

"Not only will I release you, I'll return to you three thousand soldiers including your two generals!" Lu Bu was very generous. Those three thousand soldiers were all people who have families in Guangling. Should he forcely take them away, they will certainly not be willing to fight for him. Thus, he decided to just throw them back to Chen Yuanlong!

"What is it that you want?!" Chen Deng knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

"I do not want anything!" Lu Bu said toward Chen Deng. "I just want you to go and see for yourself Cao Cao's nature. In the event that you can see through him, then I hope that you will come back and swear loyalty and devotion to me!"

"Swear loyalty to you? Impossible!" Chen Deng refused without any hint of hesitation.

"Don't reject so fast! I know you will!" Lu Bu refused Chen Deng to refute and untied his ropes. "Your three thousand troops are located at where my garrisons are originally set up at! You can go! Hopefully next time we meet you would've come around!" From losing Xiapi, Lu Bu understood a truth. He understood that to fight for hegemony in this world, one requires talent. He currently have only a single Chen Gong, if a Chen Deng joins his ranks, he will be like a tiger that has grown wings!

"You will certainly regret this!" said Chen Deng.

"A lot of people have once told me that before and it was never I, Lu Bu, who ended up regretting!" Lu Bu gave an order and his troops began to march toward Langye.

Chapter 19: Father

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

"Heeyah! Heeyah!" On Xu Province, a giant black dragon was zigzagging around. With extreme speed, the dragon was rapidly passing through mountain ridges.

The whole earth trembled!

At the head of the dragon, a general wearing commander armor suddenly waved his hand and the whole dragon suddenly came to a stop.

This huge dragon was the Ferocious Cavalry, the most elite of the Cao army calvaries. The Ferocious Cavalry numbered only three thousand, each of them an elite before joining the Ferocious Cavalry! Even when attacking Lu Bu, old Cao have brought only fifteen hundred Ferocious Cavalry riders with him.

The remaining fifteen hundred was left in Yan Province. Only with them there could Cao Cao have a peace of mind!

"There's something ahead!" Cao Chun, as the commander of the Ferocious Cavalry, had set his awareness to the maximum allowing him to sense when to engage the enemies, where they have ambush and what are the weakness of the enemies!

Thus, although he cannot see what has happened in the front of him, Cao Chun still stopped the Ferocious Cavalry!

Xu Province was known as the granary of the world due to its suitability for growing food. Also due to its suitability was an abundance of weeds and woods.

For cavalries, their biggest nemesis are the weeds and woods! Once cavalries enter a location full of weeds and woods, the ambushers only need to set fire to both their front and back and, hehe, those cavalries would be met with a tragic end!

There's people in the forest ahead. The birds are suspending in the sky, refusing to set. With the wind blowing by, this whole forest seemed eerie.

"Send in a group of men to scout the area!" Cao Chun was Cao Cao's younger cousin, thus, it could be said that he too inherited the heart of suspicion like Cao Cao!

However, to be careful in the battlefield is a good thing!

A group of soldiers quickly separated themselves from the main cavalries and started advancing toward the forest.

Soon, someone came back.

"What's the situation inside?!" Seeing this subordinate of his coming back so soon, Cao Chun frowned. Did they not carefully explore the forest?!

"Reporting to the general, there is indeed something inside!" The soldier as he rode his horse back.

"Oh?!" He found people so fast.

"However?!" The soldier said awkwardly "they're not enemies! Instead, instead, they're our army!"

"Our army?!" Cao Chun was confused. The lord have only sent my fifteen hundred Ferocious Cavalry soldiers to chase after Lu Bu, how could there possibly be friendly forces here?!

"It's the Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong, of Guangling!" a young military officer came over to Cao Chun and said.

"Chen Yuanlong?!" Having conquered Xiapi, Cao Cao still did not have enough time to award his subordinates for their merits. Thus, Chen Deng is currently without an official position.

"Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong?" From Guangling to Langye was certainly closer than chasing from Xiapi! And ahead was Lu Bu's route to Langye! Perhaps Chen Yuanlong have captured Lu Bu?!

As Cao Chun was pondering, Chen Deng have brought his subordinates, the three thousand wounded remnants, and appeared in front of Cao Chun.

"General Cao Chun!" Chen Deng held his fist for a greeting.

"For Mister Chen Deng to appear here, perhaps you have already met the Lu Bu army?!" Seeing the wounded soldiers without any hint of morale, Cao Chun knew that they must've met Lu Bu!

Hearing Cao Chun's inquiry, Chen Deng's face reddened. An army fifteen thousand strong against two thousand remnants. The result? Complete annihilation! Had Lu Bu not set him free, then he likely could not have escaped death!

"Deng, Deng knew only of the papers and was useless in actual battle, Lu Bu, that man servant, have escaped from our enclosure!"

"Ah?!" The Chen family of Guangling was both prestigious and powerful with over ten thousand personal soldiers! For Chen Deng to come out this time, he couldn't have brought with him fewer than ten thousand men!

For an army of over ten thousand to lose, perhaps there was more Lu Bu remnants than expected?!

"Mister Chen, may I ask how many soldiers the Lu Bu remnants have?!" Cao Chun never fight a battle without preparation. He would never engage his enemies before he could figure them out!

"This!" Chen Deng doesn't know what to say. He couldn't possibly tell Cao Chun that Lu Bu originally only had two thousand soldiers but he later gave Lu Bu another seven thousand soldiers making the total amount to be nearly ten thousand!

Should he say that, then Chen Deng would be forever known to be incompetent!

Although Chen Deng wasn't skilled in the arts of lying, he still erased the part of him giving Lu Bu seven thousand soldiers. "In the battle against Lu Bu, Deng have lost! Lu Bu was also left with less than ten thousand soldiers, all infantry!" Chen Deng lied like a master. Lu Bu was 'also' left with...

One cannot find a hint of fault in Chen Deng's speech. It was true that Lu Bu currently have less than ten thousand soldiers! Chen Deng losing was also the truth! Although more than half of Lu Bu's ten thousand was given by Chen Deng but if you don't ask, why would he tell you that?! Like this, Chen Deng showed that he fought a fierce battle against someone much better than himself!

"With less than ten thousand? And all infantry?!" A flash crossed Cao Chun's eyes. In the era of melee weapons, the cavalry is the nemesis of the infantry!

A thousand cavalries could fight against ten thousand infantries! Hell, they could even wipe out the ten thousand infantries!

Although it was rumored that the best infantry, the Formation Breaker, was amongst the Lu Bu remnants, one must not forget that the Ferocious Cavalry are not originary cavalry either. They're heavy cavalry! With their impact, any infantry, Formation Breaker or not, would be crushed to powder! Their armor was also not something that's cheap! Three thousand Ferocious Cavalry soldiers was as expensive as fifty thousand regular Cao soldiers!

It was precisely because of how expensive those armor are that the whole Cao army only had three thousand cavalry!

"Mister Chen Deng, how long has it been since the Lu Bu army left?!" asked Cao Chun.

"It have already been half a day!" replied Chen Deng. From the battlefield to the forest was a few hour long travel.

"Good. In that case, we shall proceed! Mister Chen Deng, we shall meet again in Xiapi!" Cao Chun kick his horse and was about leave. An army that have just been in a battle, an army that is full of hungry infantries, in the eyes of Cao Chun, it's free merits!

In the plains of Xu Province, with a single charge from the cavalries, the infantries will be meeting their end!

"Please wait!" Chen Deng suddenly stopped Cao Chun and asked. "Did general Cao came from Xiapi?!"

"That's right!" Cao Chun was sent from Xiapi by Cao Cao.

"In that case, Deng wanted to ask if general Cao knowst of news of my old father!" With a face full of expectancy, Chen Deng was looking at Cao Chun hoping to attain news of his father from him.

"Eh?!" Cao Chun was suddenly brought to a standstill by Chen Deng. How must be respond?! Lu Bu in his breakthrough decided to attack the White Gate Tower. He almost killed Cao Cao and many generals and scholars died in the scene and Chen Deng's father was one of the casualties!

"Mister Chen, Chun came in a hurry. I have been chasing after Lu Bu right after my lord gave the command. Thus, I do not know of news regarding the elder Mister Chen! Please forgive me!" Cao Chun could only beat around the bush, Chen Deng could see it for himself after he arrive in Xiapi!

"Is that so?!" Chen Deng's heart sank deeper. His Chen family of Guangling could be regarded as displaying the most accomplishment in helping Cao Cao obtain the Xu Province. Thus, Cao Cao will certainly not neglect them and his father will certainly be on the sides of Cao Cao.

In such a prominent position, for Cao Chun to say that he didn't know!

Remembering Lu Bu's words, Chen Deng had a bad feeling! Repressing his anger, Chen Deng forced a smile. "Then Deng will wait for General Cao's triumphant return!"

"In that case, farewell!" Under the leadership of Cao Chun, the Ferocious Cavalry gradually disappeared.

Chen Deng had a sullen face. His heart completely gloomy.

"Master, where are we to go now? Are we to return to Guangling?!" Chen Deng's remaining generals asked.

"Guangling?!" Chen Deng sneered. "No, we are not going to Guangling. We will be going to Xiapi!"

"Going to Xiapi?!" The generals were confused. They are currently remnants, wounded and without morale. For what reasons would they be going to Xiapi now?! Shouldn't they go back home and recover first?!

"Right, Xiapi will be our destination! Do you men not want to see the old master?!" replied Chen Deng.

"We do! We do!" The generals knew that Chen Deng was in a bad mood and decided not to ask. The three thousand strong troops started marching toward Xiapi.

"Father oh father, please be safe and sound!" Biting his lips and clenching his fist. Chen Deng's nails pierced through his hands. However, he does not notice it.

Chapter 20: Wise Lord?

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

The Langye region. Although located in the Xu Province, it has never obeyed it. When Tao Qian was still the governor of the Xu Province he ignored Langye completely. When Liu Bei became the governor of Xu Province, he acted like requested for allegiance of Langye but was unable to actually do anything to it.

When it became Lu Bu's turn, the situation changed a bit. Boss Lu was extremely stubborn and mighty confident of his own prowess. The chieftain of the Langye bandits, Zang Ba, too was a individual like that! Thus, when two extremely stubborn and proud people met, conflict naturally broke out and Boss Lu beat Zang Ba to subordination!

For majority of the people, they would rather reasons with their mouth than fight with their fists. However, Boss Lu was different! He would rather use his fists than bother arguing with you!

Thus, under Lu Bu's rule, Zang Ba sworn his allegiance to him and served as one of Lu Bu's familial generals, guarding Langye for Lu Bu and becoming one of the eight superior generals of Lu Bu!

Lu Bu's army was marching on the main roads. Right ahead was the Langye region. As they marched forward, more and more ordinary people of Langye started fleeing toward the Mount Tai.

The results of war was shown clearly here. Cao Cao's massacre of Xu Province have really scared these ordinary people witless!

"Mother! Mother!" A little child seemed to have been separated from his mother by the crowd of fleeing people. He looked all over searching for his mother!

Tears were about to fall from his eyes!

"Good, good. Let this uncle help you find your mother!" Liu Mang had received a warhorse from Lu Bu. Although he did not know how to use it in battle, he was still able to ride a horse. Seeing the child, he quickly dismounted from the horse, passed it to Cheng Yu and picked up the child.

"War! Sigh! Those who are harmed the most is always the ordinary people!" Liu Mang sighed deeply.

"Sire! We still have to arrive at Langye as soon as possible! We can't possibly be able to help this child find his mother!" The whole Xu Province was in turmoil. Refugees come and go. Trying to find the child's mother from all this was even harder than trying to find a needle in the haystack!

The scouts have already noticed the approaching Cao army. All cavalries. On top of that, they're the heavily armored Ferocious Cavalries! Currently, what the Lu Bu army had to do is to enter the city and avoid the approaching cavalries. Otherwise, they will certainly be annihilated should they encounter the cavalries on the plains!

The Formation Breaker was already crippled! The Bing Province Cavalries without their mounts was simply unable to do anything! Finally, there's the newly surrendered Chen family soldiers. As they have just surrendered, they cannot possibly help at all when the enemy attacks, instead, it is likely that they will be the first to create chaos!

"But this child!" In the turmoil and chaos of war with refugees everywhere, a child who could not even find his mother would either starve to death or be eaten by others! This was an era of cannibalism!

[TL: Cannot tell if Liu Mang meant cannibalism figuratively or actual cannibalism. Well, chances are it's both.]

"There's nothing to but about! If we do not speed up our march, we cannot possible escape from the cavalries!" Cheng Yu was a veteran of hundred wars, he was totally aware how powerful the cavalries are on the plains!

"No! We can't do this! This is a life! If we abandon him, I'll be forever disturbed!" Liu Mang shook his head. He came from the modern era, an era of peace. He wasn't someone who lived in troubled times who no longer held feelings for human lives! Right when Liu Mang rejected Cheng Yu's suggestion, a voice of disdain came from his side.

"Soft hearted like a woman! Humph!" A female replica of Lu Bu came by on her horse. Wasn't this Liu Mang's fiancee Miss Lu, Lu Lingqi?! After Boss Lu received the Poseidon Scale, he gave his flowery patterned battle robe to his precious daughter. Lu Bu was about was about six foot tall. Miss Lu wasn't short either, she's about five foot nine inches!

"Soft hearted like a woman!?" Having called that by Miss Lu, Liu Mang immediately got angry. He pointed at her and shouted "Heck do you know! This is life! Life! They are all the children of Han! Just because of a small group of people for their own interests decided to set the world to chaos! They had it their ways, but what about the regular folks?! Families separated and unable to obtain food! What are the casualties from the actual battles?! Compare them with the casualties caused by all these destruction of homes!"

"Miss Lu you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth! You had both good food, warm clothes and a roof over your head! What about them?! If it wasn't for the war! If it wasn't for all those conspirators! If it wasn't for those warlords! Then let me tell you, all of them, all these refugees, they should all be in their home instead of fleeing right now! They would be in their warm homes enjoying a happy life! Alas, how many people have neither homes nor families?! How many people know where they are to go?!" Liu Mang almost roared.

Surrounding him were either people fleeing for their lives or the soldiers who came from poor families!

They heard Liu Mang's speech and all lowered their heads with bleak expressions. Liu Mang's speech have caused them to think of themselves! The atmosphere got heavier! Their eyesights directed at Miss Lu also began to have ill intent!

Cheng Yu too was silent! He thought of his old mother. Had the world not be in chaos, had Cao Cao not attacked Xu Province then he would've been by his mother's side and cultivating the fields. Then he would've saved up some money and get a wife and had a happy life together with his family!

But now?! Gone! Everything was gone! His mother was dead! His house was ruined! In order to not starve to death, in order to avenge his mother he joined the Lu Bu army! Now, it had already been several years!

"You, you!" Miss Lu only wanted to ridicule Liu Mang. Who would've expect that Liu Mang would have such a huge response to her words?! Now, the eyes of the surrounding people looking at her changed too! In actuality, her personality wasn't bad! However, with Liu Mang's speech, she had now turned into a rich spoiled princess that knows neither the pain nor sufferings of common folks!

"Humph!" In her anger, Miss Lu pulled her horse, gave a humph and left with an ugly expression on her face!

"Sire… Miss Lu she…?!" whispered Cheng Yu.

"Leave her! She can do whatever she wishes to do!" Liu Mang held the child. He wanted to find the child's mother but with the ocean of people, where would he find the child's mother?!

"Sigh!" Liu Mang looked at the coming and going refugees, his heart extremely bitter "say, Cheng Yu, why is it so difficult to have peaceful times?!"

"This lowly Cheng Yu doesn't know!" Cheng Yu too did not understand. All he knew was that as long as he follows Lu Bu, as long as he follows the Liu Mang, then he could obtain his revenge!

Liu Mang shook his head. He can't help but deeply sigh with sorrow. "Flourish, people suffer! Perish, people suffer!" After saying that, he took the child and left. It was true that he had no time and cannot waste any time here. Thus, he decided to take the little guy with him and figure things out after settling down!

[TL: Liu Mang is quoting the poem 'Meditation on the Past at Tong Pass' by Zhang Yanghao 1270-1329 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Yanghao]

Liu Mang's silhouette gradually disappeared with the army. Suddenly on where he previous stood appeared a youth. Although this youth's clothes were very dirty from fleeing, it did not stop the radiance in the youth's eyes.

He muttered to himself. "Flourish, people suffer? Perish, people suffer?!" With a deep and profound gaze he looked at the leaving Lu Bu army. "Who is this man? Besides Chen Gong, there's such an individual in the Lu Bu army?!"

"Teacher, teacher!" The youth's train of thought was interrupted by a book servant boy looking person. "Teacher, teacher, where are we headed to this time?!"

"Let's go back!" said the youth shaking his head.

"Go back?!" The book servant boy was puzzled. For the teacher to come out this time, other than visiting the former residence, was to find the so called Wise Lord!

"Is teacher really going to return to Xiangyang?! Is the teacher not going to look for the Wise Lord?!" The book servant boy knew that his teacher was a man of great talent!

"Not going to look anymore!" said the youth, laughing.

"Oh!" The book servant boy nodded as if he understood but not understand. In this chaos, the servant boy really didn't want to come out. Now that they're going back, he was actually pretty happy!

Is he the Wise Lord?! The youth's thoughts was once again ignited.

He then started laughing. "Stop stop stop! Better return and discuss with Shiyuan and them first!"

[TL: Shiyuan is Pang Tong's Courtesy name.]

A book servant boy and a young teacher started traveling toward the direction of Jing Province!