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Chapter 1

Surviving in Prison (1)

He looked in the mirror in the bathroom.

Short black hair.

Overall, a handsome appearance with a sharp edge in a cool atmosphere.

"Is this me?"

He turned on the water to wash his face, and he even slapped his cheeks several tgimes. The reflection in the mirror did not change.

Instead, his cheeks turned red from the constant slapping.

How did this happen?

There is only one thing that comes to his mind. He made a character while watching the message that the Bern Continental Game was ending its service.

He doesn't remember anything after that.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a huge ship on the open sea. Because of seasickness, he hurried to the bathroom.


The boat rocked with the sound of breaking the waves. He held on to the toilet and vomited for quite a long time due to motion sickness rising again.


By the time there is nothing more to spit out.

As the waves calmed down, he could barely come to his senses. He caught his breath and looked into the mirror.

The uniform he is wearing.

Something felt familiar. He thought about it while clutching his messy head, and something flashed out of his mouth.

"Burning Hell…"


The uniforms worn by the prison guards at Burning Hell Dungeon, the site of the final patch for the Bern Continental Game, were exactly the same as he is wearing.

A badge on the left chest.


This is the name of the character he created. He'd been active under that name for a long time, so he can't forget it even if he try to forget it.

He sat down on the toilet lid.


He guess, the wish of wanting to play the game.

To the extent that he dreams of becoming a character inside the game.


"Did you pay a reservation inside! Come out quickly."

"Ah.. sorry"

He poured water and opened the door.

A man in the same uniform as him was holding onto his stomach, so he quickly came out.


-OMG! It was almost nice.

He was dumbfounded by such a realistic reaction. Can dreams be so vivid? He shook his head and came out onto the deck.

A ship crossing the blue sea.

Scenery that he only saw in the game.

Seeing that the salty smell of the sea and the chilly wind felt real, he wondered if this was a real dream.

"You don't have to worry too much about it."

If it's a dream, he'll wake up.

He went downstairs and went back to his original room. Other prison guards in the same uniform were gathering and talking.

"Ahh.. Didn't he look really cute?"

"Have you tried talking to him?"

He turned his head to follow the gaze of the two women.

The black haired woman was smiling as she chatted with the other women around her.

She turneed out to be really cute.

But strangely familiar. He feel like he'd seen her somewhere. He turned his gaze to the name tag on her chest.



It came out without his knowledge.

And then Seria's eyes met.


Seria made half moon eyes with a mischievous smile, then turned her head again.

He gulped watching it.

In an episode of Burning Hell, there are three people called the main NPCs. One of them was named Seria and looked just like her.

More than the pleasure of a familiar character.

His first thought was that something was wrong.

He looked around.

Then, among the three main NPCs, He saw the faces of two other people. Everyone looked younger than in the game he played.

Burning Hell, which was updated in the Bern Continental Game, where the three came out as veteran prison guards with experience.

"After one month… Am I a real prison guard?"

"I heard that you rolled a lot during your last training."

"He have to grit his teeth and endure."

'Last training?'

If so, it meant that everyone gathered here, including the trip, were trainess.


The time when the three main NPCs were new recruits was a story five years ago from the main story.

The explanation ends in just a few lines.

No matter how immersed he was in the game, he couldn't have such a vivid dream with those few lines of explanation.

Isn't this a dream… then?

Is this all real?

Then why did this happen.

It feels like something is rattling in his head.

Meanwhile, someone came and shouted.

"Everybody gather! Pack your things and come out!"

All the guards inside obeyed the order. He followed them as if possessed by something. When he came up on the deck again, he saw an island.

Barbed wire and blue membrane

A huge building built inside.

The Burning Hell Dungeon, the main location of the game.

It seemed to say no in his head, but the various sensations felt in his head were telling him that this was real.

"65 Trainess"

Along with the words of the instructor, his hair turned white.

-Imperial year 104, the ship carrying the 65th trainees sank. The survivors were 3 new prison officers and 1 instructor.

-The world's 7th largest criminal organization, Magnes, is behind it. With the advent of a new organization, the 'Darkness Seven', it was judged that they were doing this to show off their presence.

It is one of the hidden information that can be obtained by clearing the Warden's Hidden Quest.

If this is real.

If it's really fucking real.

He might die today.

"Welcome to Hell."

It was scary before the instructor's words, as if to sentence death, were over.


The ship exploded in flames with a huge explosion.

* * *

He don't really have any regrets about his previous life. However, the current situation was not very pleasant.

No. Rather angry.

He's so frustrated that he don't even know why this happened to him. What's even more upsetting is that he can't even figure out why.


What makes him more and more livid.

"The ship is sinking!"

"Don't push! Don't push me, you bastards!"



Why did he open his eyes at this moment, when the ship collapsed due to the attack of the criminal organization?

"Everyone stay calm!"

A middle-aged man urged the new guards, but his beating heart never calmed down.



Explosions heard again.

Along with it, black smoke billowed out, giving off an acrid smell.


"Kek kek!"

Coughing sounds all around.

"H-help me!"


As the screams of those in panic spread, their hair turned white even more.

His hands and feet trembled.

His breath was blocked, and he felt the shadow of death approaching right in front of him. If he stay still like this, he will surely die.

Really die.

The moment the thought entered his mind.


"Calm down."

Along with the hot feeling on his cheek, a cold voice rang in his ears.

"Huh uh uh uh!""

He took a deep breath.

His blurry vision cleared and he saw the face of a middle-aged man.

A calmer expression than anyone else.

Seeing that, a word popped into his mind that had been dyed white.

[Copy (EX)]

The only skill the character possessed by him has. A tremendous power that copies any ability at the same level.

He looked at the middle-aged man and used his skill.

Then the opponent's information window appeared.

[Rohan Havir]

Power: B

Agility: B

Stamina: B

Mana: C

Luck: C

Talent: B

-Possessed Skills: Cold Heart (A), Swordsmanship (B), Education (B), Leadership (A), Bahar Breathing (B), Bahar Swordsmanship (B) ...

Skills listed in a row.

What cought his eye the most was the cold heart written on the first line. He need that to get through the current situation.

[Copy the Cold Heart (A)]

[Cold Heart (A)[

-No matter what situation comes, you can get rid of anxiety and tension and keep your emotions calm.

-There is no hesitation in action.

-No mana consumption

-Passive Skill

White light spread from the letters and was absorbed into his whole body.


As he exhaled, all anxiety and tension disappeared. As if it had never happened, everything calmed down.

"Have you come to your senses?"

"Thank you"

"Put on your life jacket and wait."

Rohan handed over his life jacket and moved towards the explosion.

He looked behind him and checked his surroundings.

Although the black smoke and screams of panicked people are still spreading. His heart no longer pounded or his hair turning white.

The Skill Cold Heart Effect.

It was beyond imagination.


Then he heard something cracking.

"What are you talking about!"

"Isn't the ship really sinking?"

"It's a ship made by magic engineers with great care, so it won't be sunk easily."

"The instructor told me to stay still, so he guess I can live here?"

That's not wrong.

It's because the ship he's on right now was designed and built by magic engineers by putting their brains together.


There are always exceptions.


"The prisoners are released!"

Suddenly a commotion arose.

Those in zebra-patterned prison uniforms climbed onto the deck.

"Hahaha! Free!

"Kill them all!"

This ship is primarily used for transporting criminals. The explosion shattered the bars, and the criminals were also released.

"Someone stop the criminals from escaping"

A red-haired woman in uniform rose from her seat. Two people stood up after him.

"Can I kill you?"

A man with a cold look.

"Hehe.. It's gonna be fun."

A short-haired woman smiling with a creepy smile.

They are faces so familiar that he cannot forget them. Three main NPCs who will be active in the Burning Hell Story in the future.

The worst jockey.

The three survivors of Magnes.

If the original story of the game goes, everyone except those three die.


He exhaled slowly.

It's complicated in his head, but he got rid of it as much as possible and remembered only the important things right now.

He don't know why he possessed this body.

He had no intention of dying like this.

So let's find a way to survive.


He cleared his thoughts at the sound of screaming and looked straight ahead. A red haired woman was stabbing the prisoner's shoulder with a sword.

"W-what are you!"

"These new chicks!"

Prisoners rushed this way.

The two who stood up after her drew their weapons and moved toward the prisoner.

"Ayy! I don't like staying still."

"I am also participating."

"It's easy to clean up those guys."

Following that, the rest of the trainees also participated in the fight against the prisoners. Although he is not an official prison guard, the fact that he has come to the final test of the Burning Hell Prison Guard.

It was that they were a bunch of guys.

However, even those who were caught in the explosion did not survive. He, who is worse than them, must find a way to survive.

"Status Window."

[Status Window]

Name: Redin

Occupation: Trainee

Power: F

Agility: F

Stamina: F

Mana: F

Luck: F

Talent: F

Possessed Skills: Copy (EX), Cold Heart (A)

It's so shabby when looked at.

His condition right now was the worst of the worst.

His physical condition was a little lower than that of a normal adult, and his skills to cover it were far from lacking.

"If only he had free time."

There are fraudulent skills that come to mind. There are so many that it's hard to know what to copy.

But it's not something he can get right now.

"If he had to write anyway…"

It is best to acquire the best skills in the current situation.

There is just one thing that comes to mind.

A story written at the very end of the Chief's journal.

-The day the Magnes incident happened. I couldn't find a single body. Perhaps one of the criminals has escaped.

Survivors not recorded in formal reports.

He later appeared in the Burning Hell Story as a member of the most powerful criminal organization, the Darkness Seven.

Immortal Bahad

One of the skills he had saved him and made him rise to that position.

He have to take care of that.

Page 2

Chapter 2

Surviving in Prison (2)

The scene where prison guards in uniforms and those criminals in zebra patterned uniforms are fighting can be seen in different parts of the boat.


"Kill them all!"

"You bastards, help me!"

Blue light flashed from the swords of the prison guards, and he could see magic coming out of their hands.

If this were real, it would be unbelievable.

However, the sensations are too vivid to be a dream.

Dream or Reality.

He still don't which of the two is true, but for now, it's important to survive in this kind situation.

Taking advantage of the confusion, He went back inside the ship.

There were already traces of fighting in the corridor. Bodies are visible everywhere and the cabin rooms and floor is dyed red.

He wrinkled his nose at the thick smell of blood.

It was heartbreaking, but that was it. There was no feeling of trembling or fear.


He adjusted his breathing.

At the very bottom of the ship is a special prison built to transport prisoners. Bahad will still be there.

He found the stairs leading to the bottom area of the ship and went down.

The magic power supply was cut off due to the impact of the explosion, and it became darker as he went down. He took the portable flashlight in the middle.


The atmosphere is like something out of a horror movie, given that the whole area is dark and his only source of light is from the beam of the flashlight.

He walked down calmly. He could hear something squishing or popping everywhere.

Time was running out.

The moment another explosion occurs, the defensive magic installed on the ship will collapse and the interior will be filled with seawater.


'What terrible luck!'

The sound of dozens of iron bars opening and closing.

Looking at the bottom of the stairs, it seems that the sea water has already started to permeate the bottom area of the ship.

With a splash!

He was submerged up to my waist and the chill rose up, but he endured it and walked along the hallway. A barbed wire was visible in the distance.

Here in this area Bahad is somewhere located around here.

-The first bomb exploded and the bars opened. And when the second bomb exploded, He hit his head hard against the bars and passed out.

He remembered Bahad's face and lines based on the game description.

-When Bahad opened his eyes, Bahad heard doors creaking everywhere, and red lights flashed. The moment he saw the sea water rise, he thought he would die.

-But when the third explosion happened, he could see a way out. Bahad thought then he will live.

'It's over when Bahad opens his eyes.' came the thoughts of Redin as he hasten his stride on the half submerge corridor.

He need to find Bahad quickly when his knocked out cold from the second explosion.

"Turn it off!"

Then a moan was heard from inside the hallway.

Criminal Bahad.

That guy is clearly near.

He have to quickly copy and gain Bahad's ability or fail and die. The moment Bahad comes to his senses, the chances of me surviving are zero.

He gritted it and increased his speed.

"Turn off.. ahhh.."

He see a face amidst the dark hallway.

Brown hair and a scar on his cheek. A man who looks much younger than he used to look in the game.

The blood flowing from his head wet his face, and he frowned.

"you… w-what?"

Redin approached Bahad without answering him.

He reached out and grabbed Bahad's collar.


Power: C

Agility: D

Stamina: B

Mana: C

Luck: S

Talent: S

– Possessed Skills: Killing Instinct (A), Twisted Mind (B), Contempt for the Weak (B), Eye of Arrakis (S).

Found it.

[Copy the Eye of Arakis (S).]

[Eye of Arrakis (S)]

-The red color in the field of view represents death, blue represents survival, and green represents chance.

– No mana consumption.

– Passive skill.

Activation was at his disposal.

He blinked his eyes, and his field of vision turned red in an instant. Above all, Bahad has a deep red color.

If left alive, he would be a huge disaster.

"What are you.. doing!"

Gradually starting to come to his senses, Bahad grabbed Redin by the collar. An outstretched a hand reaching for Redin's neck.

Redin looked down at Bahad.

If it were him a few hours ago, He wouldn't have been calm in this sort of situation. No, he couldn't have made it this far and might be swept away by an explosion.

All because of the copied skill Cold Heart (A) earlier.

Because of it he was able to keep his cool rationality even in unfamiliar situations. He was able to rationally look at the information he had and the newly acquired information.

He can't avoid it any longer.

Now is the time to make up his mind. albeit for a short time, It seems to be the reality here and not a vivid dream he conjured up.

To be precise, it should be called the world inside the game.

He'll have to figure out why this happened.

"You!! a little bastard gua-!"

The moment Bahad's hands tried to grab his neck. Leaning back, he clutched a nearby broken barbed wire in his hand.


He aimed at Bahad's neck.

The moment he killed Bahad here and now.

Every future knowdledge he knows will be twisted. But it doesn't matter to Redin. Because there is a future that won't change no matter what he do.

The 10th basement floor of Burning Hell Dungeon.

The door to the demon world opens there.

The moment it opens, this world will change to a level close to destruction. A world ruled by the Demon Baal.

Literally hell is coming.

"H-hey! help me instead."

Redin firmly gripped the barbed wire clutched in his hand.

If he can prevent the destruction of this world, he might be able to return to Earth. Even if that's not the case, to live here peacefully is also the best option.

"Destruction must be prevented."

"W-what?! Are you this crazy?? Bastard"

His status now is a Trainee.

No matter how much he talk about his current position, he won't even pay attention to others or the ones from above.

He'd rather look like a madman instead.

In order to move them and draw the picture he want, he have no choice but to rise to a higher position.

To do that, of course, one need to be strong.

not just strong

He must be incredibly strong.

Enough to deal with the Demon Baal.


He'd never seen a proper ending in the game. But for now, it's worth a try.

The Copy (EX) skill he has.

Along with the information he gathered during the Bern Continental Game remained in his head.

Burning Hell's Hidden Piece.

Items that can be obtained all over the continent.

He can become stronger faster than anyone else.

More than anything.

The special abilities that allowed Bahad to enter the world's most powerful criminal organization, the Darkness Seven.

If he has it, it will be even easier for him to achieve his goal.


Smirking at Bahad.

A barbed wire was thrust through the criminal's heart.

He'd never killed anyone before, but he hated Bahad enough to want to kill.

Or is it because of the Cold Heart (A) Skill effect?

Thinking of every single thing was dumb


The moment he put down Bahad's limp corpse and turned around. A huge explosion exploded as his vision turned red.


* * *

An explosion occurred at the end of the hallway.

Fortunately, it didn't affect where he was.

But the water rose quickly.

He came to his senses quickly due to the urgency of the situation and found a way out using the Eye of Arrakis. In the red-colored world visible to both eyes, blue color began to sway.

Blue line going upstairs.


According to his memory, Bahad went to the end of the corridor and survived alone. After that, he can clearly remember the line that the ship exploded and was not caught in pursuit by the prison guards.

But why?

[Tip: Arrakis Eye presents the optimal direction for the current target.]

A message that suddenly appeared.

His mind cleared with the apperance of the message in front of him.

"Physical condition."

Bahad's physical condition and his severely different. That also meant that the survival paths can be set differently.

The moment his worries disappear.

His feet moved naturally and trudge to the submerged hallway going back up the stairs.

As he climbed the stairs, blue lines split in all directions. When he turned his head, a blue light the size of a fist was shining from the wall.

Stood in front of him

A wall painted white. He stretched out his hand slightly over it. He touched something which felt like a soft cloth.


Redin exclaimed at the sight before him.

When he ripped it apart, the white wall disappeared, revealing a magic bomb hidden beneath the layer of magic.

"Invisibility magic."

That's where the magic bomb was hidden. As he turned his head and looked at the blue lines across the hallway.

He put a lot of thought over his next course of action.

If he can live by dismantling all of the hidden bombs, he have to work diligently. He looked at the magic bomb again.

A blue magic stone.

Magical circuits surrounding it. To stop the bomb, one of the lines must be cut.


It was obvious what color of the lines need to be cut.

"The black line."

He didn't think about anything else. The Eye of Arrakis Skill is suggesting him to cut of the black line among the different colored lines of the magic bomb, and if this is wrong…

Because there is no way to live anyway with his current stats.

Thanks to his cold heart skill, he cut off the black wiring of the magic bomb without hesitation. He cut the line with the sword in his other hand.


No explosion occurred.

It meant he correctly cut off the right line.

Defuse all the bombs on the wall, which are tinged with the color blue in his eyes

Over time.

The blue lines gradually turned red. This is a sign that the bomb is about to explode.



He squeezed all his strength and defuse the bombs as quickly as possible. As he defuse the last bomb like that, his hands tremble.

"Huff.. Heo-eok."

He didn't even have the strength to hold the sword. He threw his sword to the floor and sat down for a moment to catch his breath.

He prevented the ship from sinking.

and survived

"The future will change completely."

The moment he killed Bahad, he expected it to some extent. It's not going to go the way he knew back in the Bern Continental Game History.

But this one is on a different level.

Supposed to be dead prison guards are now alive thanks to him, and many other criminals also survived from his intervention. One can never know what variables this might bring.

"I need to be strong."

Redin muttered to himself.

The strength to overcome whatever obstacles may come his way.


He want to organize his thoughts first, but he's too tired to even think of his next plan after escaping from this ship. He went outside to get some fresh air, and he got up from the floor.

He led his tired body and climbed onto the deck. The ship, which had been stained with the color red, changed back to it's original color once the ordeal has finally subsided.

The battle seems to be over.

Those criminals in prison uniforms were all on their knees, being subdued, and on one side the sailors were moving quickly.

That moment.

Green smoke appeared in front of his eyes. The source of the smoke came to him.

"You did it?"

A cute face full of mischief with short hair.

One of the main NPCs.

The daughter of the leader of one of the 7 major criminal organizations, 'Brussels'.


Why does green smoke appear from her body?

"Are you dumb?"


"what? Can't you speak?"

Seria took a step closer.

As their faces drew closer, the bright voice grew cold.

"The bomb was defuse. Are you the one who did it?"

The green smoke turned into text.

As if to answer like that.



She laughed.

Then she turned her head and cried out in a loud voice.

"Instructor! here. I found a suspicious guy!"

* * *

Bern Continent.

Add kingdom located in the north.

A man was staring out the window at the castle where outsiders would normally stay.

Statues surrounding the palace.

It felt grandeur and momentum as it was modeled after the kings of knights who led the kingdom of Add, which is called the country of knights.

He wonder if he can see this every time.



"Come in."

When the man called Warden turned around, the door opened and a man in a black uniform entered.

A uniform worn by prison guards at Burning Hell Prison.

Looking at his subordinate, the warden opened his mouth.

"What is going on?"

"There was an accident during the meeting. Burning Hell's transport has been attacked."

The warden responded calmly.


"There were three explosions, but no additional explosions occurred after that, so fortunately it did not lead to a major accident."

"What did you find out?"

"According to the opinion of the analysis team, it is a new-style magic bomb made by the Magnes organization. A total of three exploded and 18 were dismantled."

Defused a newly invented bomb by the Magnes Organization?

The warden put on an interesting expression.

"Who defused it?"

"His name is Redin, one of the new prison guards."

He confirmed the personal information given by the subordinate.

Except for names and ages, there were many blank fields.

"Currently, he is suspected of being Magnes' spy and is being held in solitary confinement. Preparations for the interrogation have been completed, and we are only waiting for the director's order."

If a new-style bomb exploded, it wouldn't have been possible to dismantle it right away. It is possible to suspect that he is a member of the Magnes organization.

A show to infiltrate members of Burning Hell Prison.

In fact, He put a lot of effort into it, but he was sure after seeing the face on the back page.

The child is clear.

"Free him."


"He can't be a spy. I guarantee this guy's identity."

"All right."

"He must have been innocently imprisoned, so if he wants something, simply listen to it. Everything that happened today will be kept a secret."


"As for Magnes."

The warden spat indifferently.

"Pay them back as much as they did."

Page 3

Chapter 3

Surviving in Prison (3)

Hidden Pieces.

Special Items or Powers obtained from a hidden location. Every player wants to have one, but it's extremely difficult to find.

Because it is literally hidden.

When the game was at its peak, it was to the extent that each guild had professional expedition members. It also became the main source of money for dark gamers.

He'd also earned quite a bit by selling information regarding Hidden Pieces.

Only one person could obtain the power of the Hidden Piece, so it was highly valued and sought after by countless players.

The rankings of the top rankers can change at once because of it. Everyone frantically searched for them and developed their own characters.

However, that atmosphere also disappeared as the game became ruined.

There were almost no people looking for Hidden Pieces, and after the Burning Hell area update, it was difficult to find even the letter 'i' in information.

In the end, he had to find everything himself.

From simple things one can get on the 1st floor of Burning Hell Dungeon to special things on the 10th floor.

Perhaps, even that is not all of it.

He found a hint of another hidden piece before the end of the game service, but he couldn't find it in the end, and there must be many things that he couldn't even find a trace of at all.


"It was really hard… … ."

"Shut up! you spy bastard!"

When he turned his head, one prison guard was blowing his nose. The way he opens his eyes is exactly like a peacock.

Pretending to be someone important.

"Hehehe. Did you know that there were only one or two guys like you? You're fucked now, you asshole."

All the way down the hallway.

He sputtered out all kinds of curse words that I couldn't bear to put in my mouth. Do you have any grudge against the Magnes organization?

It seems that he knows how to exude a sense of intimidation, whether he has time for his stern face. He wasn't afraid because of his Cold Heart skill.


The guard opened the prison bars.

A small space where you can barely lie down.

If one look at things related to a normal prison, this kind of space is commonly called solitary confinement.

"You trash bastard! Hurry in."

He went inside when he heard a knock behind him. He heard the door close and lock. When he turned around, he saw a prison guard.

"Shut up and be quiet, if you don't want to be beaten."

'This fuck!'

The sound of footsteps went away.

After confirming that he was completely gone, he activated the Eye of Arrakis. he looked up and looked around the room.

It was a prison room he had never seen before when he was playing the game.

There was also a place like this.

However, no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find any blue tinged color. As he looked for it several times just in case, but there was no change.


With the use of the Passive Skill Eye of Arrakis he saw something green in his vision, and moved as he was directed.

'Did I miss something?'

He slowly recollected his memory.


Looking at him who was subdued by the instructor, a cold smile came to mind. Are there any hints in her history?


Seria Baskerban.

The daughter of the leader of the crime syndicate Brussels.

There is only one reason why she came to the Burning Hell Prison. She's trying to save her own father from being imprisoned.

A situation where you have to completely hide one's identity.

From Seria's point of view, when Magnes started the incident, it must have been a headache. It was a plan that took years of planning and shedding blood and sweat.

Is the ship under attack?

Everyone on board has become a potential culprit. If you start an accurate investigation, it's only a matter of time before she gets caught.

So it looks like she has been scratching her head to come up with a solution.

In order to mark him as a dangerous person who defuses the bomb, and to make a new plan out of it to clear any doubts about her.

Thanks to that, He was put in solitary confinement after arriving here.

There was nothing strange about this process.

"Should I wait?"

There are also hidden pieces that can only be found at special times.


Redin lays down on the cold floor

He put his hands on top of his head and crossed one leg. he flicked his toes in a comfortable position and looked up at the ceiling.

He was put in jail

He was not impatient or anxious. If he puts his mind to it, he can leave, and even if he got interrogated, there are plenty of excuses.

More than anything.

In the end, the situation wasn't quite bad.

Because he was able to organize his thoughts alone in a quiet space.

"This isn't a dream."

This is the world in the Bern Chronicle, and he possessed the body of a new trainee named Redin that he created.

Coming to terms that this is now his Reality, and not a Dream

Then the future is important.

The goal has already been set.

To step up to the position of prison warden, the most powerful person in Burning Hell Prison, and block the gates of the demon world. There are things he needs to get there.

A standing committee member who manages Burning Hell.

Those executives were the kings of the six kingdoms on the Bern Chronicle. Only with the consent of four of them can he become the prison warden.

"There is quite a lot to do."

Some of them want power, some want money, some want conviction.

power, money, belief.

He has to get hold of it all.

At the same time, he wants to find out why this happened to him in the first place.

He cleared out various information and plans that complicated his mind, and thought about what he needed right away.


The easiest and fastest thing to get in the current situation is power. Also, he must have strength so that the plans behind his goals can be implemented.

The remaining number of copies of the copy skill is five.

He had roughly drawn in his head what skills he would need to acquire.

S-class skills possessed by giants.

He can't have those skills right now. To get there, he need to use other things in the Bern Continent.

Things like special items or hidden pieces.

'what else'


He now has an outline of some kind for his plan.

Is it because the tension is relieved?

His eyelids become heavy due to adrenaline rush finally subsiding and he closed his eyes.







The sound of the bell awoke him and he opened his eyes.

Looking out the window, it was still dark.

The bell announces its 6 o'clock in the evening.

"Make it stop."

Redin complained out loud.

As he stretched and stood up, He activated Arrakis' eyes. Then, in the blurry vision, a green light bloomed within the peripheral vision.

As he raised his head following the light, letters began to be engraved on the ceiling.

"Waiting here was the correct answer.", Redin muttered while smirking.

He got up from his lying position and stretched out his hand over the writing.

Then, a group of green light wrapped around his hand and flowed into his body.


[You have acquired Harungel's Virtue x1.]


In an instant, goosebumps all over his body.

His heart pounded and his fingertips trembled.

"Fuckin- crazy…"

The one who was called the Sword Saint in the distant past.

He, who was the pinnacle of the continent, wanted stronger power, ran out of control, and confined himself here.

The feeling left by such a swordsman.

Virtue is the same as the experience of the Sword Master.

How to train one's body, how to use mana, how to fight enemies, how to handle weapons, how to move quickly.

These five things were hidden inside Burning Hell. But if you collect them all, you'll get something special.

No matter what he did, He couldn't find the first impression. That's why it was a hidden piece that was excluded from the strategy guide.

"T-this… Why are you here?"

He was so shocked that he couldn't close his wide mouth.

The moment the green light is captured on his body.

[You realized part of Harungel's mind.]

[The swordsman's physical training method is imprinted in your mind.]

Information flooded into his head.

As if he had experienced the life of the Sword Saint, the realization he had gained in the process of training his body was imprinted in his mind.

'Oh my god.'

At the same time with admiration, He remembered another location with a deep interest. Except for one place, these are places you can easily go to.

If he can start getting them all.

It can make a big difference in his current plans for the future in a very favorable way for me.

"Wouldn't it be worth it?"

He clenched his fists with a pleasant trembling.

He guess he got a chance now, he just needs to get out of here.

*clomp clomp*

Just then, A prison guard approached his room.

"Redin, you'll be released now"

* * *

The prison guards in Burning Hell exist from the 7th to the 1st grade.

Vergo belonged to the 6th grade prison guard among them.

It is a position that can be called a real correctional officer who completely removes the apprenticeship ticket and manages the prison in earnest.

For him, today was a lucky day.

It was a historic day when a Magnes's spy, who tried to infiltrate Burning Hell while sinking the ship, was locked in solitary confinement.


After hitting all sorts of curse words, He remembered the image of the spy who couldn't make a sound.

The appearance of quietly going into solitary confinement.

Vergo raised the corner of his mouth, thinking that it was because he was afraid of him.

'Although I didn't catch it myself.'

It doesn't really matter.

It was important that the superior entrusted an important task. Trusting and entrusting this kind of work means that the rope that can go up has come down.

He thought.

No, I should have.



"Bring back the guy you locked up earlier."

"Is there a problem?"

"Release him. It's the warden's order."


"Shi– Are you talking about that warden?"

"Hmm. He said he verified his identity. It must be a person that the warden knows."

Vergo's head turned white at the words of the senior prison guard, who threw it as if it was nothing special.

until confined to solitary confinement.

He remembered the double curses and contempt he had made on the ears of the guy who he called a spy, and the treatment he did as earlier.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and take him out."

"U-uhh? yes!"

After leaving the office, Vergo quickly ran to the solitary cell.

After that, he hid himself against the wall for a while and looked out of the corner of my eye at Redin in the cell.

Short black hair.

A cool atmosphere with a good-looking appearance.

He didn't know because he didn't look at the face properly before, but when he look back now, there was a person that came to mind.

Instructor Rohan Habir.

Vergo also became an official correctional officer while being trained by him during his freshman days. At that time, Instructor Rohan's nickname was 'Ice Prince'.

Cold yet arrogant.

Sometimes like a cruel devil without emotion.

Redin was in just such a mood right now.

The atmosphere is already unusual, but the close relationship with the director. If the actions he did to him reach the warden's ears…

It's over.

"What do I do?"

He chewed his fingernails.

He wants to tear his hair out, but since this has already happened, there is only one answer. Acting like nothing.


Clearing his throat, he stood in front of the solitary cell as if nothing had happened.

"Redin, Get out."

"Are you releasing me?"

"Hmm. Yes, you're free now."

Vergo motioned for him to come out quickly. Redin carefully examined Vergo's expression as he exited her solitary cell.



He began to stutter.

There's definitely something to this.

"What is the reason for my release?"

Redin's cold gaze turned to Vergo. Facing that gaze, Vergo grabbed his head with both of his hands and tore it off.

Then he sighed and fell to his knees.

"I'm sorry for swearing and shouting earlier."

Vergo grabbed the crotch of his trousers toward Redin, who was coldly looking down without answering.

"I'm really sorry. Can you keep this matter a little secret from the director?"

Redin thought to himself.

'It must have been what happened earlier.'

It sounds like he is talking about the things he did like being treated as scum and being sworn and cursed.

When he says warden, He thinks of the mean prison warden.

Looking at the situation, it seems that the warden was deeply involved in his release. Was it a direct order or an acquaintance?

Come to think of it, I don't know anything about Redin's background. He guess he need to know a little bit about this.

"Secretly.. will you do it?"

Vergo looked at Redin with eyes full of anticipation. At that, Redin lowered his stance.

"For free… You mean?"

"w-what… what do you want?"

Hope reflected in Vergo's eyes.

There was a desire to rise above.

The corner of Redin's mouth lifted slightly.

"Please take it out of the declaration ceremony."

Vergo trembled as he saw Redin's smile. When he laughs, it feels like a cruel demon extends his hand.

"That's a bit.."

"Then I'll go straight to the warden."


Vergo urgently grabbed Redin, who was trying to stand up. He bit his lip hard and pondered, then let out a deep sigh.


"I hope we get along well."

Redin reached out.

Vergo shook hands reluctantly and stood up. Now is the time to slowly go back.

"Follow me, I'll tell you where to stay."

Page 4

Chapter 4

The Heart of Harungel (1)

The night sky darkened.

A brightly lit lantern illuminated Burning Hell.


A cool breeze blew across the ground. Redin could hear the waves crashing and smell the salty ocean.

An island surrounded by water on all sides.

It would be impossible to escape from here. Even if he did manage to get out, he'd have to swim for quite some time to reach any land.

Worst of all.

Even jumping into the ocean isn't easy, as the giant towers which surround around the island keep watch over Burning Hell Prison.

"How about seeing the clock towers for myself?"

Twelve watchtowers surround the Burning Hell Prison.

In this world, they're called clock towers.

They aren't.

More like a developer's setup.


"Yeah, Everyone thinks so at first."


A bright beam of light from the top of the tower swept past him. He turned his head quickly, and Vergo frowned.

"Look at that, they know we're here and they're doing that kind of shit, assholes."

He glanced back at the towers.

Each clock tower was painted with numbers and symbols. The symbols represented the six kingdoms that were permanent members of the Council, each in charge of two towers.


The towers are also manned by knights from each kingdom, not prison guards. Just then, I see knights walking out of the tower.

Silver swords on armor.

The kingdom that wears that symbol is the Kingdom of Ad, the land of knights.

"Don't stare, You'll only provoke them."



The sound of footsteps drew nearer, and two knights swept past, smiling mockingly.

"When he said it might provoke them, he didn't know about this enmity betweem the different group."

"Don't look at us. Our faces will rot."

The guards and knights didn't get along well here.

There are many reasons for this.

For one thing, the knights prided themselves on their skills, and they saw the Burning Hell guards as losers who weren't good enough to be in their order.


Those who become Warden of Burning Hell must declare their neutrality and swear an oath to belong to no kingdom.

They have no nationality.

Because of this, patriotic knights tend to look down on wardens as traitors and stateless.


After they were gone, Vergo clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Do they do that often?"

"Don't talk. They'll kill you if you make eye contact with them. You be careful, too. Just because you're friends with the warden doesn't change their attitude."

He guess the relationship is worse than he imagined.

"I'll be careful."

"Whatever, I'm going to have to break their noses in a hellfight."

The Infernal War.

Some sort of dueling tournament involving knights and guards from the six kingdoms.


Vergo sighed.

"Eh, Talking about it will only make me feel worse. Let's get back to our quarters."

He followed Vergo to their quarters outside the prison.

It didn't take long to get there.

"There's our quarters."

A huge mansion appeared where Vergo pointed. There were lights everywhere, and uniformed men at the entrance.


Redin Saluted to Vergo after arriving at the prison guard quarters.

"Yes. Take care."

With a cursory salute, Vergo led the way up the stairs, and they reached the top floor, the fifth.

Everywhere he looked, he saw familiar faces cleaning up.

Teammates she'd seen on the ship.

They passed them and reached a room at the end of the hallway.

"This is where you'll be staying from now on. Introduce yourself to the others, After the roll call, the reporting ceremony begins, so go out last after. I'll take care of getting you out."


As he turned to leave, Vergo came back and whispered in his ear.

"What happened today is…"

"Did anything happen?"


Satisfied with the answer he got from Redin, Vergo's lips twitched upwards and disappeared down the stairs.

What an easy character to deal with.

Thanks to the misunderstanding, Redin think he will be ablt to move comfortably in the future. He's going to have to make the most of the situation.

He smirked and turned around.

He turned the knob in front of him and opened the door.

The interior of the quarters was visible.

Two bunk beds and a desk for each person to use and then he saw three men huddled in a corner.


One was doing a handstand and was shivering from the effort to stay in place, and the other two were looking at Redin.

"W-what?! I thought you said you had this place all to yourself."

"Your face seems familiar… huh, the spy caught on the ship?"

Redin sense the awkward atmosphere inside the room between the four of them.

It seems the two of them were bullying the occupant of the room.


The inside of his mouth is fuzzy.

"Five minutes to go before roll call!"

At the shouts that resonated in the hallway outside, one of them patted the man who was the first who stood up on his cheeks and said,

"See you later, pig."

The two bullies stood up and left the room, looking back at him and raising their eyebrows.

"You stay a while too, and we'll talk later."

One of them winked at Redin and laughed, and he grinned back.

"I think I can do that."


"I'll see you later."

"Let's see if you can still laugh later."

He caught the look on their faces as they walked out of the room.

"Huff… Uuuu"

Blue hair and blonde hair.

I'll have to tell him to kill those two close to death after the declaration ceremony later.


"You can stop now, No… I don't think I'll have to tell this to you again in the future."


The guy who was doing a handstand in the corner fell on the floor, while gasping for breath.


"Do you know those two?"

The guys shook his head.

"I am from the… Crane Kingdom, those two earlier are from the Ravino Kingdom."

'I see'

It is a relationship between hostile countries.

Even now, those two kingdoms are still at war, and their animosity toward each other is through the roof.

They're still new prison guards.

This happened because they still have a sense of belonging to the kingdom. But this will be sorted out soon. That's what initiation ceremonies are for.

It's about getting lingering attachment to ones kingdom removed.

"Get up, it's almost time for the roll call."

Redin walked over to the fallen man from Crane Kingdom and offered a hand. The person hesitated for awhile, before grunting and grabbing his hand, and stood up, while annoucing his name.

"M-my name is Heather."

While still holding Heather's hand, Redin used the Copy skill to check Heather's status.


Strength: E

Agility: F

Stamina: E

Mana: S

Luck: D

Talent: S

-Possessed Skills: Cowardice (A), Gluttony (A), Hatred of Magic (B), Swordsmanship (F), Genius Wizard (S), Fast Casting (S), Great Attributes (S).

An incompetent swordsman who has an aversion with magic.

However, as long as he learns magic, he has tremendous talent who can rise to the pinnacle of wizardy if he were to master it.


At the same time as he admired Heather, he thought to himself.

'I wonder if there are any Talents like this guy who have survived and are comparable to the three main NPCs?'

It wouldn't hurt to look for them.

"I'm Redin. Let's get along well in the future."

"Uh… yeah."

Heather's expression didn't look good.


Redin thinked he was smiling quite broadly.

'Like a cat seeing a canary.'

"One minute to go!"

* * *

"Everyone, gather in the hallway!"

He moved his body following the instructor's voice, As he stepped through the open door, a line of uniformed trainees begin to stand facing forward.

The instructor at the head of the line.

A face he recognized from the ship.

Rohan Havir.

The owner of the skill Cold Heart (A) which he copied on the ship, which allowed him to have a peaceful state of mind amidst the havoc to calmly and logically think things through.


His icy voice.

At Rohan's command, the instructors behind Redin moved. We began to enter the first room.

Something was thrown into the hallway.

As they passed the room, a lot of things piled up in the hallway. Clothes that weren't prison guard uniforms, symbolic crosses and jugs of holy water, sigils and objects symbolizing each kingdom.

"Burn it."

One of the instructors burned the items using magic. Rohan's cold gaze scanned the new trainees.

"For the next month, you will be trained to be Burning Hell's prison guards. And during the training period, all those who are lacking the necessary qualification will be discharged."


"Wake-up time is six in the morning. Lights out is ten o'clock. Training begins tomorrow."

"I have a question."

The redheaded woman in the front raised her hand. A strong leader who led the new prison guards on the ship.

Rebecca, one of the main NPCs.

Rohan nodded, and Rebecca spoke up.

"May I get up and do some personal training before then?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you stay on schedule."


Rebecca lowered her hand, and the instructor continued talking.

"And before training begins tomorrow. You will select your own representative trainees."

Representative trainees.

When the training period is over, he can choose the department he want, and he know that it has a lot of influence on one's promotion.

But that's how hard it is.

It's a position where he have to take reponsibility for everything from managing the new trainees motivations to the things they can't do

"That's it for the day. Take some time for personal maintenance and get to bed at 10:00."

Rohan was about to go down the stairs.

He paused for a moment and turned around.

His eyes locked with mine.



"If you want anything, come to me. I will do everything I can to listen to your request."

A reward for being unjustly imprisoned in solitary confinement.

Not bad.



Then he disappeared along with the other instructors.

There was silence for a moment, then Rebecca turned, and as she stood where Rohan had been, her form came into view.

Red hair and a beautiful appearance as if a goddess of beauty had descended. Her cuteness overflows.

It is exactly as described in the game.

"Representative trainee. I'd like to do it, but is there anyone who wants to do it here?"

He wonder if it's because of the leadership she showed on the ship earlier.

The others seemed to accept, and didn't complain too much.

Neither did I.

"I think you should do it."

"Me too."

"Just do it."

It's better to move freely and collect hidden pieces than to have to clean up after every little incident that happens.

Even if he's not a representative student.

There were plenty of ways to get where he wanted to go.

"Looks like none. Good luck in the future."

Rebecca smiled.

And then.

An unfamiliar voice came from below, accompanied by the sound of many steps.

"Bring the new guys."

"Assemble in the yard. You have ten seconds."

A time-honored Burning Hell tradition.

The initiation ceremony had begun.

Page 5

Chapter 5

The Heart of Harungel (2)

Most gamers hit the skip button when an NPC is about to deliver a line of dialogue.

He used to do the same.

It's not that he didn't care about the story, he just wanted his character to get stronger and stronger, so he wanted to get them stronger faster without wasting time for any cutscene.

He could watch the story later.

But once he was on the path of a raider, he found himself taking notes and reading every little bit of dialogue.

Why the Fairy Kingdom fell.

Who the ancient heroes were.

How this world was created.

It's the little things that add up to make the path. A path to a special dungeon with a hidden piece.

When the Burning Hell Prison area was updated.

For a while, He followed NPCs around, doing quests, talking to them dozens of times, and collecting various conversations.

One of them was about the ceremony.

"A ceremony? It wasn't that hard."

'Aren't those who need that kind of thing not qualified to be prison guards in the first place?'


The responses were different.

But one thing's for sure, the three didn't find the ceremony too hard.




"Let's go!"

A large clearing at the back of the compound. Shielded on all sides by the forest, He could see the new trainees being pep talk.

Around them, a group of first-year correctional officers stood at attention.

"These bastards are playing hit-and-run. Add 200 push-ups."

"Damn it"

"Damn it? 500 more."

Looking at them, Vergo clicked his tongue.

"First year sucks. They're so weak. In my days, the basics were in thousand units."

In Burning Hell, rank is the important.

Top and Bottom

It doesn't matter how high up you are on the outside, if you're a rookie, you're treated worse than a first-year inside Burning Hell.

That's why rapid advancement is a must.

"I'm going to go now."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to do some personal training. I'll be sorry to my coworkers when I get in."

It's going to take another three hours.

The purpose of the debriefing is not just to get new trainees up to speed. It's more of an informal training exercise.

The idea is to push your mind and body to the limit, so that the next day's training is harder.

The reason for this is simple.

To see their virility.

Burning Hell is a place where you have to deal with prisoners, and most of them are vicious and cruel. As a prison guard, you'll need to be tough as nails to deal with them.

It's just as important as your skills.

"That's… right."

"Keep up the good work. When I see the warden… I'll tell him you've been a great help."

A smile broke out on Vergo's face.

"Yeah. Dude. If you need anything, just tell me, because I can cover you for at least the second year."


I moved to the training room at the back of the dorm. There is no risk of being caught because there is a training room exclusively for new recruits.

If we get caught, we can talk to Vergo or use the opportunity Rohan gave us to move on.

If he gets caught, he can talk to Vergo or use the opportunity Rohan gave him to move on.

'heh nice'

Redin opened the door.

It was dark in the training room.

Cold air flowed and moonlight from the window illuminated the interior.

Large spaces.

Redin stood in the center of it and took a breath.


The reason why he was absent from the ceremony was because of Harungel's heart. The sword master's body training method entered into his head.

He have to change his physical body through it.

One need a strong body to withstand what's about to happen. Although not all of the trainees here are physically gifted.

I'm going with the sword.

"Then physical training is essential."

He'd gotten his head around it.

He remembered the first item among the sword master's body training methods.

Phases of the flesh.

Third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, culminating, pinnacle.

These are the heights he can reach as human, and there are heights above that he can climb when he stop being a normal human.

Life and death, Cranial Nerve, and transcendental.

The achievement that the swordsman achieved was life and death. With that level alone, he won the title of the strongest man on the continent.

But time has passed.

There are powerful people out there who are on the edge of life and death, and those on the 10th floor of Burning Hell are on the edge of life and death.

"At the very least, I need to get to life and death."

This would take over a decade to accomplish by normal means, but with the Swordsmanship Training and Hidden Pieces, it can be done in less than three years.

Redin sat down on the floor and get into position.

He closed his eyes and focused his mind. He drew a body in the dark, and marked the locations of important blood vessels on it.

A total of 18 blood vessels.

Six acupuncture points to amplify your senses, six to stimulate your muscles, and six to boost your recovery.

With this, you can rise to the third rank at once.

Opening his eyes again, Redin pressed his index finger to each vein. Quickly, in the right place, applying with the right force.

Then, a change occurred in his body.

Redin's ears were ringing and his vision becamed blurry. There was a ringing in his head, and felt as if his whole body had been stripped naked.


Very slowly.

A small pain started at the tip of his head and spread through his whole body. At the same time, a chill rushed through him that made him shiver.


His neck stiffened and Redin's body shuddered. He clenched his fists tightly and gnashed his teeth, fighting the pain.


Through amplified senses.

He could feel every muscle in his body tearing and reattaching.


But he'll have to put up with it.

Then, a message popped up in front of his eyes.

[???? kinship traits are expressed].

[The effectiveness of the discipline is maximized].

The pain just got a whole lot more intense.


He has a firm grip on his mind. Let us not lose our minds. Let us not lose it. That was all I could think about.

How much time has passed since then.

The pain that had consumed him washed away like water, and he came to, along with his damp uniform.

"Huff.. huuu"

He breathed out.

[You have reached second-class status.]

[You've earned a strong mental strength (B)].


* * *

A large outdoor training area at the back of the trainee quarters.

The sun was beginning to rise over the ocean beyond.

"It's so hard to sleep."

"I didn't get much sleep."

"Damn for one year… Fuckin-"

There were hoots and hollers everywhere.

Most of them have dark circles under their eyes. It's understandable, since they've been up until dawn and haven't gotten much sleep.

The blue and blonde haired, which were said to come at night, were also writhing with a half-dead expression.

On the other hand.

Redin was in great shape, his base stamina was up from yesterday's ascent, and he'd slept with his blood pressure up, which increases resilience.

Even though he haven't slept for hours.

He was in great shape.

"Start your morning walk. 20 laps. The last one to arrive gets 10 demerits."

As far as Redin know, if one accumulate 50 penalty points, you are expelled.


At Rohan's command, the trainees began to run, picking up a moderate pace between them.

"huu… huu...."

He kept a moderate pace and kept an eye on the guys at the front.

The three main NPCs.

Rebecca, Khan, and Seria.

People with crazy talent.

They were in the lead, looking as sane as the lines they spouted in the game.

That's about as expected.

So he didn't even ask about it in the first place. The ones he watch closely are the ones running behind the three main NPCs.

Those who survived the ship.

Just as his roommate, Heather, was gifted with magic, there may be people with exceptional talent.

There are three people who stand out.

He focused on running again with only the face in his head. After completing 20 laps, He sat outside the training ground and took a break.

Rohan standing in the same spot.

When he saw the last trainee enter, he let out a chilly sigh.

"Heather, 10 demerit points."


"After breakfast, we'll meet back here by 8:00."


Rohan disappears with his instructors.

One by one, the trainees rose from their seats and strode toward the dining hall. Behind them, Heather could be seen slumped.

"Heather, it was hard. let's go eat."

"Uh…huh? That's…yeah."

He's too talented to be eliminated.

Redin couldn't say that he should learn magic. He don't know what happened to Heather or why he hates magic.

One step at a time.

He also pressed on the restorative blood pressure points in moderation.

While getting rid of the bullies.

He's going to wait until they've gotten close to each other through training, and hw can take his advice as it is.

Of course

If Heather give up because his not strong enough, Redin's not going to catch him. What he need is a teammate who can move up quickly, not a burden.


He turned at the sound behind him.

Then, with a fresh scent, her short black hair fluttered in the breeze, and Seria, wearing her trademark mischievous expression, stepped forward with a smile.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"


He sent the Heather to the cafeteria first.

It wasn't until he was completely gone that Seria spoke up in a whisper.

"You. You weren't at the ceremony yesterday, were you?"

*sparkling eyes.*

It was obvious what she was thinking of it.


He thought she were just snitching on him to get out of the situation. She seem to think I'm actually part of Magnes.

"I want to skip the ceremony too, but how can I avoid it?"

He don't really have a choice anyway.

He can't kill her or snitch on her because she's essential to the second half of the game.

If so, then.

Use this situation to get what he wants, the S-class skill she possesses.

"That's your problem."