

At Mr. Maverick’s mansion

As he sat down to sip from his hot cup of coffee, a phone call came in and he sat up to see it was a call from Alan’s father.

“The fuck? Isn’t it too early for all these dramas?” he groaned as he stared at his phone blankly, and rolled his eyes. He watched as the phone rang several times but he ignored, “I will not pick this phone call just for you to insult my daughter and I like you son did.” He said lowly as he reached for the Tv remote beside him and turned on the TV.

“A little sport should help start the morning….” He said to himself lowly as he rested his back against his comfy couch.

As he sat still, his mind could only drift back to Becca and he shook his head, “She is fine, stop worrying yourself Maverick.” He said to himself as he sat up and rested his jaw on his intertwined fingers.

“I need to go somewhere where I can get my mind off this for some time and be rest assured that she is doing well.”