
Weird City

Feng Lou flew above a boat, closely following it as it cut through the ocean waves. On the boat were Xiao Meiying, her mother Han Mei, and a few crew members.

Nearly two hours had passed since the divination revealed the portal's location. Feng Lou decided to head directly to the portal, but Han Mei insisted on joining him. Initially, he refused, concerned for their safety, but Han Mei's determination was unwavering, leaving him no choice but to agree. Xiao Meiying also expressed her desire to go, and Feng Lou decided to bring her along, reasoning that the safest place for her was by his side.

Han Mei was initially stunned by the sight of Feng Lou flying. However, she quickly remembered the powerful divination spell he had performed earlier. Realizing that such feats might be normal for a Celestial Martial Artist, her surprise faded.

As the boat moved steadily towards the coordinates, Feng Lou's frustration grew. The boat was painfully slow, and at this pace, it would take them five hours to reach the portal. His impatience mounted with each passing minute, and eventually, his frustration reached its peak.

Deciding he couldn't wait any longer, Feng Lou dived into the water. He swam under the boat and, with a powerful surge, lifted it out of the ocean. The crew members and passengers gasped in surprise as the boat ascended into the air. Feng Lou, now carrying the boat, flew quickly towards the portal.

Soon, Feng Lou was floating above the portal, the boat now settled on the water's surface. The portal below emitted a strange repulsive force, pushing away everything that came near it, even the air seemed to be affected. However, this didn't matter to Feng Lou. As a Witch Adept, he was unaffected by such forces.

Feng Lou landed gracefully on the boat, turning to face Han Mei and Xiao Meiying. "I am going into the portal soon. Get all your necessities ready," he declared, his voice steady and resolute.

Han Mei and Xiao Meiying nodded, quickly gathering their belongings. The crew members, still in awe of Feng Lou's abilities, watched with a mixture of fear and curiosity about what these people were going to do. 

Soon, both Han Mei and Xiao Meiying had packed bags full of necessities. Feng Lou approached them swiftly. Instead of asking them to get on his back, he decided to pick them up by their clothes, just as one might pick up a child. Before either of them could shout a protest, they were going towards the portal at a very high speed.

The wind rushed past them as they zoomed through the air, the portal growing larger and larger. Han Mei and Xiao Meiying clung to their bags, they were a little fearful. 

Feng Lou stood above the portal once more, a wave of hesitation washing over him. he was having second doubts, should he take the risk of going in the portal, or should he stay behind to protect Xiao Meiying and her mother from the impending floods and other natural disasters that would result from the moon's disappearance for the next 20 years. The choice was difficult, but ultimately, the obvious path was clear: he needed to go into the portal.

With a deep breath, Feng Lou steeled himself. Turning to Han Mei and Xiao Meiying, he said firmly, "We're going in. Stay close to me, it would be better if both of you hug me tightly and be ready for anything."

Without further delay, Feng Lou descended into the portal, taking Han Mei and Xiao Meiying with him. The portal's repulsive force seemed to push against them, but Feng Lou didn't care, he cut right through the repulsive force.


With a resounding boom, they passed through the portal, the world around them shifting and warping as they were pulled into the unknown. The intense light and energy enveloped them, and for a moment, everything was a blur. Then, just as suddenly, the chaos subsided, and they found themselves in a weird city. 

This mysterious city looked as if it had been plucked straight from the 1700s in ancient China. The architecture, with its ornate wooden buildings and intricate carvings, was both beautiful and eerie. The entire city was shrouded in a thick, swirling fog that obscured their vision.

Despite the fog, the sound of bustling activity filled the air. It sounded like a busy marketplace, with the hum of voices, the clatter of wooden carts, and the occasional shout of a vendor. However, no one could be seen through the dense mist. Feng Lou strained to understand the voices, but they were just a jumble of indistinct sounds, impossible to decipher.

Han Mei and Xiao Meiying clung to Feng Lou tightly, their eyes were wide from shock, too many shocking things had happened to them these days. The city was alive with unseen activity, and the sense of being watched was palpable. Feng Lou, ever vigilant, remained on high alert, looking around every second.

Feng Lou, feeling the need to gain a better vantage point, decided to take to the air. Without hesitation, he gently picked up both Han Mei and Xiao Meiying by their clothes, just as he had done before, and soared into the sky.

As they ascended, the foggy veil that cloaked the city gradually thinned, revealing more of the surroundings below. From their elevated position, they could see the entirety of the ancient city stretched out before them, Feng Lou's super vision caught sight of a magnificent palace nestled in the heart of the ancient city. It stood tall and grand, its ornate architecture looming above the surrounding buildings.

Curiously, it seemed that the voices they had heard were emanating from the direction of the palace. Feng Lou's instincts told him, this was the place where he could find the secrets of this place and learn more about this place.

Feng Lou adjusted his course, and guided his flight toward the grand palace. The fog parted around them as they descended, revealing the imposing structure in all its splendor. There was an air of power and mystery surrounding the palace like this palace was made for royalty, and Feng Lou couldn't shake the feeling that this palace was dangerous, like a snake lying in an ambush.

I don't know what to say anymore.

Enjoy :)

Samay04creators' thoughts