
Well, Well, Well. How The Turntables

I brought out my phone, activated an... insurance policy and placed it back in my pocket.

It was time to set things straight.

I stepped out into the hallway, hands behind my back as if I was strolling by. I watched them kiss as I approached before I cleared my throat.

Oliver and Margot jolted apart like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They stood there, frozen in place, eyes wide. It would've been a funny scene to have on camera but there was no need to go that far.

"Hey, uh... Nico, right?" Oliver said nervously, his voice cracking a bit. He smiled, a smile so

... brittle that a feather would be able to break it.

"This isn't what it looks like." He said.

"Yes! Olly- I mean, Oliver's right." Margot said frantically, eyes darting between me and Oliver. "It's not what it looks like. You just… you just walked in at a weird time, that's all."