
step by step methods to prevent stage fright

1. Practice, practice, practice- the more you practice the better you get

2. Start by performing in front of family and friends to gain confidence

3. Visualize yourself succeeding and having a great performance

4. Focus on your breathing to calm your nerves

5. Exercise regularly to reduce stress and anxiety

6. Eat a healthy meal before performing to avoid feeling jittery or light-headed

7. Make sure to get adequate sleep the night before the performance

8. Listen to calming music or take a relaxing bath before the performance

9. Wear comfortable clothing to avoid feeling uncomfortable or self-conscious

10. Arrive early to the venue to give yourself ample time to prepare and get comfortable

11. Connect with the audience by introducing yourself and smiling

12. Use positive self-talk to boost your confidence and mindset

13. Focus on the present moment and not on past performances or future expectations

14. Acknowledge the fear of performing and reframe it as excitement

15. Use relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises

16. Visualize yourself successfully performing the piece

17. Practice relaxation techniques and visualization regularly to increase the chances of a successful performance

18. Recite positive affirmations before performing to increase your confidence

19. Join a public speaking or acting group to gain experience and build confidence

20. Record yourself practicing and analyze your performance to improve technique

21. Work with a coach or mentor to identify areas of improvement and receive feedback

22. Take breaks during the day leading up to the performance to recharge

23. Identify the worst-case scenario and create a plan to deal with it to reduce anxiety

24. Use humor to release tension and build rapport with the audience

25. Stay hydrated and avoid caffeine and alcohol before performing

26. Use relaxation breathing techniques to calm your nerves before stepping on stage

27. Visualize the audience clapping or showing appreciation for your performance

28. Identify your strengths and focus on them before performing

29. Take deep breaths and imagine the air flowing smoothly through your body

30. Create a pre-performance ritual that will help you feel grounded and centered

31. Use mental rehearsal to rehearse the performance in your mind beforehand

32. Use positive visualization to achieve a successful performance

33. Learn the art of redirecting your thoughts when you begin to feel overwhelmed

34. Study the environment and space in which you will perform

35. Analyze the audience and think about their interests and preferences

36. Avoid overly critical self-judgments during or after performances

37. Use mindfulness techniques to increase your focus and awareness of the present moment

38. Avoid overthinking and focus on the task at hand

39. Speak loudly and clearly to build confidence and engage the audience

40. Take multivitamins to boost energy and reduce tiredness

41. Keep yourself hydrated to ensure the proper functioning of your brain

42. Train your mind to avoid nervousness by channeling excess energy into motion

43. Don't satiate but keep your tummy full to avoid fatigue

44. Wear something comfortable to avoid distraction from what you should be focusing

45. Immerse yourself into the atmosphere of the setting, Look around, and observe behaviors

46. Avoid interacting with pessimistic people before a performance, as their remarks can affect your mindset

47. Check the performance schedule again and again to avoid last-minute glitches

48. Try to relax by closing your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath, feel the beat of your heart and let your mind relax

49. Stretch and warm up physically to increase your concentration

50. Shake away the butterflies and jitters by shaking your body gently before starting

51. Develop a healthy diet that can increase mental agility

52. Practice in front of the mirror to observe your body posture and eye contact

53. Clap or pat your hand to release adrenaline before entering the stage

54. Practice goofing around to ease tension

55. Get clear instructions before beginning, to build confidence

56. Keep a bottle of water nearby to avoid dryness of the throat

57. Get to know the stage like the back of your hand, walk around it before the performance if possible

58. Try to gain context from the people you're performing to.

59. Research on different techniques to try and understand what works for you

60. Associate with people who can motivate you before the performance

61. Try to remain engaged with everything and everyone in the room

62. Inject some humor and personality into your performance

63. Utilize the fear to produce an adrenaline rush rather than letting it control you

64. Use pre-performance rituals that help to calm your mind and body

65. Practice in different locations to build your confidence in any scenario

66. Try to get a good laugh during your warm-up

67. Familiarize yourself with the equipment that you will be using to avoid awkward setup delays

68. Bring a comfort object that can give you a boost of confidence before your performance

69. Use prompts to remember key talking points or song lyrics

70. Set clear expectations for yourself to avoid disappointing yourself or others

71. Focus on the positive aspects of your performance rather than dwelling on mistakes

72. Make an effort to connect with the audience through your performance or speech

73. Use inspirational quotes to help build confidence before the performance

74. Set realistic goals for yourself and acknowledge your achievements

75. Reward yourself after a successful performance or for completing a difficult performance

76. Listen to music or watch a funny video to lift your spirits before performing

77. Identify any underlying issues that may be causing stage fright, such as anxiety or low self-esteem

78. Create a routine for before and after performances to help you prepare and unwind

79. Avoid negative self-talk and focus on positive affirmations instead

80. Take a moment before the performance to express gratitude and appreciation

81. Utilize sensory distractions such as smells or sounds to calm nerves

82. Remember that mistakes are normal and can be used as opportunities for growth

83. Use progressive muscle relaxation techniques to calm your body and mind

84. Try using visualization techniques to imagine the performance scenario and positive outcomes

85. Utilize learning and memory techniques to help remember key points or songs lyrics

86. Try journaling your thoughts to help process and alleviate anxiety

87. Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on your own progress

88. Use humor to lighten the mood and establish rapport with the audience

89. Use positive self-talk before, during and after the performance

90. Consider multiple perspectives and contemplate the benefits and drawbacks of each

91. Create personalized mantras to help boost confidence

92. Seek professional help if stage fright is interfering with your ability to perform or impacting your life negatively

93. Practice mindfulness to shift your focus away from negative thoughts

94. Break down the performance into smaller chunks to make it more manageable

95. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and acknowledge them as a learning experience

96. Use mindful breathing techniques to help calm your nerves

97. Try to think about what you can learn rather than what you can lose from the experience

98. Build your knowledge on stage skills, techniques, tips, that can help you overcome stage fright bit by bit

99. Try to speak or sing from the heart rather than performing an act

100. Believe in yourself and the power of your unique contribution.