
10 million years apart

5 years old parent died sent to her uncle that abuse her betrayed by the owner she was working a part time job almost got raped in the age of 14 killed the man with a knife in self defense sent to prison for investigation was sent to the orphanage after being interviewed in the prison why. because my uncle run out of my parents money age 16 bullied to age 18 rumors circulate that I have killed someone being an out cast in my school reincarnated as a baby after an eventful day getting happiness for the first time warm parent because I have a cheat ability become the most powerful knight in the whole kingdom at the age of 18 age 36 already have a loving family 37 betrayed by my people by the kingdom and the king I served because they can't kill me they through me the abyss of creations.......

DaoistlrysuG · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs


Kazuha sat at his desk, staring blankly at the textbook in front of him. He had always been an average student, never standing out in a crowd. With his messy brown hair and ordinary looks, Kazuha often felt overshadowed by his more outgoing classmates.

His childhood friend Yuna, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was the class idol, with her bright blue eyes and long, golden hair. Everyone seemed to know her and want to be her friend, while Kazuha was content to blend into the background.

As they walked to school together, Kazuha couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Yuna. She had always been there for him, even when they were kids and she would tease him mercilessly about embarrassing stuff.

When they arrived at their classroom, Kazuha was surprised to see that the door was open. He and Yuna stepped inside and were immediately blinded by a blinding white light. As their eyes adjusted to the light, Kazuha realized that they were no longer in their classroom.

Instead, they found themselves in a clear white room with all 40 of their classmates. There were no windows or doors, and the room seemed to have no end.

"What the hell is going on?" Kazuha heard one of his classmates, a tall, muscular boy with short, spiky hair, say.

"I have no idea," Yuna replied, looking around in confusion.

Kazuha felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had no idea how they had gotten there or what was happening. All he knew was that they were trapped in this strange, endless room.

Just as Kazuha was about to panic, a beautiful goddess appeared in the center of the room. She introduced herself as Ceil, the goddess of light.

"You are the chosen ones," Ceil said, her voice filled with authority. "The fate of the world of Liliana rests on your shoulders. The demon has awoken and threatens to bring destruction to the land. It is up to you to save the world and bring peace once again."

Kazuha's mind reeled at the goddess's words. He had never believed in the supernatural, but he couldn't deny what was happening right in front of him. He exchanged a look with Yuna and saw the same determination in her eyes.

"We will do whatever it takes to save the world," Kazuha said, his voice strong and resolute.

"Then let's begin," Ceil said, a small smile on her lips. "The journey will be difficult, but I believe in you. Together, you can overcome any obstacle."

With a wave of her hand, Ceil transported Kazuha and Yuna to the hall of the king. The king greeted them warmly and explained that the summon had been a success. They had summoned 40 heroes from another world to help save Liliana.

But as Kazuha looked around the room, he realized that there were only 39 heroes present. One student was missing.

"Where is she?" Kazuha asked, his heart racing. "We have to find her and bring her back."

One week had passed since Kazuha and Yuna had been summoned by the goddess Ceil and transported to the world of Liliana. In that time, Kazuha had thrown himself into his training with a single-minded determination.

He spent every waking moment studying tactics, honing his skills, and training his body to its limits. He knew that the stakes were high and that he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment.

But despite his fierce determination, Kazuha couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. He couldn't help but worry about Yuna and what would happen to her if they failed.

As they sparred, Kazuha couldn't help but hesitate when he saw Yuna in danger. He knew he needed to be strong and brave, but the thought of losing her was too much to bear.

"Good work, Kazuha," Yuna said, clapping him on the back as they finished their sparring session. "You're getting better every day."

Kazuha grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his friend. But he couldn't shake the feeling of fear that lingered in his heart.

"Thanks, Yuna," he said, his voice laced with uncertainty. "I just don't want anything to happen to you. I'm not sure if I can do this."

Yuna looked at him with understanding in her bright blue eyes. "I know it's scary, Kazuha. But we have to be strong. We can't let our fear hold us back. We have the power to save the world, and we can't let that go to waste."

Kazuha nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. He knew that Yuna was right. They had been given this incredible opportunity for a reason, and he couldn't let his fear stand in the way.

"You're right," he said, his voice resolute. "We can do this. We'll save the world, no matter what it takes."

As Kazuha and Yuna continued their training, they quickly discovered that the world of Liliana had a game-like system where they could level up and increase their abilities. They threw themselves into the task, determined to become the strongest heroes they could be.

After his training session, Kazuha checked his profile notification to see his progress.

the notification read.

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 15.

Agility: 10.

Wisdom: 15.

Luck: 10.

Mana: 20.

Kazuha grinned, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that he was making progress and that he was becoming the hero he was meant to be.

Just as Kazuha and Yuna were about to head back to their quarters, Levi, one of their classmates, came running up to them in a hurry.

"Kazuha, Yuna, you have to come with me!" Levi panted, out of breath from running. "We found the missing girl! She's in the throne room!"

Kazuha's heart skipped a beat at the news.

"Let's go!" Kazuha said, grabbing Yuna's hand and pulling her along with him as they followed Levi towards the throne room.

As they ran, Kazuha couldn't help but notice that the weather seemed to be changing with a rather fast pace. The sky had grown dark and stormy, and the wind was starting to pick up.

"Do you think it's the demons?" Yuna shouted over the howling wind.

Kazuha shook his head, not wanting to jump to conclusions. "I don't know, but we have to be ready for anything."

Just as they reached the middle of the castle, a large scream echoed through the air. It sounded like it was coming from the direction of the church nearby.

"What was that?" Yuna asked, her eyes wide with fear.

Kazuha's heart raced as he tried to come up with a plan. "We have to go check it out. It could be the missing girl!"

As they entered the church, Kazuha's heart sank at the sight before them. A priest was laying on the ground, his ear bleeding profusely.

"What happened here?" Kazuha asked, rushing to the priest's side.

The priest looked up at them with pain-filled eyes. "Why have you summoned her? Wail, it crawl to the...," he muttered before passing out.

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other, their eyes wide with fear. They were more frightened than ever by what was happening to the priest. Who were they supposed to have summoned, and what was this "wail, it" that was crawling to them?

Despite her normally light-hearted demeanor, Yuna couldn't shake the fear that gripped her heart. "We have to find out what's going on," she said, her voice trembling. "We can't let whatever this is threaten the peace of Liliana."

Kazuha nodded, determination etched on his face. "Let's go. We'll figure this out together."

Just as Kazuha and Yuna were about to set off to uncover the mystery, a sudden light appeared to their right. It was coming from the direction of the castle.

Without a second thought, Kazuha and Yuna rushed towards the castle as fast as their legs could take them. They had to find out what was happening and protect the peace of Liliana at all costs.

As they arrived at the castle, Kazuha's heart raced at the sight before him. His classmates were standing in a circle, surrounding a girl who was bound by chains on her arms.

Kazuha's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the girl looked to be about 14 years old. Why was she tied up like this? What was going on?

Just as Kazuha was about to ask his classmates for an explanation, a sudden voice caught his attention. It was the voice of a beautiful girl with raven-like wings and white hair like silk.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice low and uncertain.

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other, their eyes wide with shock. Who was this girl, and how had she ended up in the castle?

They knew they had to find out the truth, no matter what it took.

Just as they were about to speak to the girl, a sudden guard appeared and shouted, "I must kill that monster in the name of the goddess!"

With a fierce determination, the guard rushed at the girl with his spear ready to pierce her. But to Kazuha and Yuna's surprise, the girl didn't move. She simply raised one finger towards the spear as it came closer.

With a sickening thud, the spear pierced the girl's finger and blood began to flow and drip to the floor. Kazuha and Yuna looked on in horror, not sure what to do.

"Why are you doing this?" Yuna shouted at the guard. "She's just a girl!"

The guard looked at them with a cold, hard gaze. "She's a monster, and it's my duty to protect the goddess and the kingdom by eliminating all threats."

Kazuha's heart raced as he tried to think of a way to stop the guard. He couldn't let him hurt the girl, no matter what she was.

"We have to do something," Kazuha said to Yuna, his voice low and urgent. "We can't

Kazuha and Yuna looked on in horror, not sure what to do.

"We have to do something," Kazuha said to Yuna, his voice low and urgent. "We can't just stand here and watch this happen."

Just as Kazuha was about to act, the girl's wound healed instantly, much to the shock of everyone present. The blood that had dripped to the floor then changed into a magic circle, covering the entire throne room.

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other in amazement, not sure what to make of this turn of events. What was going on, and what did this magic circle mean?

Just as they were trying to make sense of the situation, a sudden notification rang out in the throne room. "System: Hostile enemy detected. Must eliminate," it said in a robotic voice.

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other in confusion, not sure what to make of this strange message.

After a moment, the notification continued. "20,438 hostile enemies detected. Using 0.000000000027380 power to terminate command."

As the notification finished speaking, Kazuha and Yuna could hear the sound of soldiers running towards them, only to fall to the ground and stop moving.

"What's happening?" Kazuha asked, his voice filled with fear. "Is this some kind of attack?"

Yuna shook her head, her eyes wide with confusion. "I don't know. But we have to find out what's going on and protect ourselves."


while other solder trying to enter the castle

It was a peaceful day in the castle courtyard, the sun shining down on the rows of soldiers standing at attention. Suddenly, without warning, one of the soldiers crumpled to the ground, his body going limp as he fell. Panic set in as more and more soldiers began to fall, their bodies hitting the ground with a thud as they lay there motionless. The cause of the strange and sudden deaths was unknown, and the surviving soldiers looked on in horror as their comrades fell one by one, their lives snuffed out in an instant. It was a devastating and inexplicable loss, and the castle was plunged into grief and confusion as they tried to understand what had caused so many of their own to fall.

As they made their way through the throne room, they could see that all of the people in the room were starting to panic. Some were screaming and running in circles, while others were huddled in corners, sobbing in fear.

Kazuha and Yuna were scared, too. They couldn't understand why the soldiers were not moving, and the thought of them being dead sent chills down their spines.

"I know what's it because there dead right?" asked one of Kazuha's classmates, his voice trembling with fear.

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other, not wanting to find the truth but knowing that they had to.

"We have to find out what's happening," Kazuha said, his voice determined. "We can't let fear control us."

Yuna nodded, her own fear melting away as she stood by Kazuha's side. "We're the heroes that were summoned to save the world. We can't give up now."

As they made their way through the chaos of the throne room, Kazuha and Yuna couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the fear and confusion that surrounded them.

But in the middle of all this confusion, the girl who had been bound by chains remained sitting in her position, a grin spreading across her face. Soon, she was laughing loudly, forcing everyone in the room to turn and look at her.

Kazuha and Yuna were taken aback by the girl's strange behavior. What could possibly be so funny in a situation like this?

"Who are you?" Kazuha asked the girl, his voice wary. "Why are you laughing like that?"

The girl looked at Kazuha and Yuna, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm the one who summoned all of you," she said, her laughter subsiding. "I'm the one who brought you all to this world, and I'm the one who will guide you on your journey to save it."

Kazuha and Yuna looked at each other, their eyes wide with shock. Could this girl really be responsible for their arrival in Liliana? They knew they had to find out the truth, no matter what it took.

Kazuha and Yuna couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over them. The girl's words and actions had been strange and unsettling, and they couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about her.

"I'm afraid our time is up," the girl had said, her voice taking on an eerie tone as she spoke. "I must leave you now, but know that I will always be with you, guiding you on your journey."

With that, the girl spoke an unknown word and all of reality began to shatter and destroy itself. Kazuha and Yuna watched in horror as the place where the girl had been sitting shattered like a glass mirror, leaving them even more confused and frightened.

As reality slowly began to reform, Kazuha and Yuna searched the room for any sign of the girl. But she was nowhere to be found.

"What's happening?" Kazuha asked, his voice filled with fear. "Where did she go?"

Yuna shook her head, her own fear and confusion mounting. "I don't know. But we have to find out what's going on and stop it before it's too late."

Together, Kazuha and Yuna set off to uncover the truth and save the world of Liliana from whatever dangers lay ahead. But as they walked, Kazuha couldn't help but feel afraid and start to rethink his goal.

"Maybe I should be the one to take on this burden," Kazuha said to Yuna, his voice filled with determination. "I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want to see you suffer. I should be the one to bear the weight of saving the world."

Yuna looked at Kazuha, her eyes filled with concern. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "We're in this together, Kazuha. We're a team, and we have to rely on each other to get through this."

But Kazuha was stubborn, convinced that he should be the one to take on the responsibility of saving the world. He couldn't bear the thought of Yuna getting hurt, and he was determined to protect her at all costs.

"I'm sorry, Yuna," Kazuha said, his voice firm. "I can't let you take on this burden with me. I have to do this alone."

Yuna looked at Kazuha, her heart heavy with sadness. She knew that Kazuha was only trying to protect her, but she also knew that they couldn't take on this journey alone. They were a team, and they needed each other to survive.

"Kazuha, please," Yuna pleaded. "We can't do this without each other. We have to trust in each other and work together to save the world."

Kazuha looked at Yuna, his heart torn. He knew that she was right, but he couldn't shake the fear that he felt for her safety. In the end, he knew that he had to trust in Yuna and rely on her strength and bravery to get through this together.

"You're right

Together, Kazuha and Yuna set off to uncover the truth and save the world of Liliana from whatever dangers lay ahead. But as they walked, Yuna couldn't help but feel uncertain about herself.

She had always been confident and sure of herself, but this journey had thrown her off balance. She was starting to develop feelings for Kazuha, and she wasn't sure how to deal with them.

"I don't know what to do," Yuna said to Kazuha, her voice filled with frustration. "I've never felt this way before, and I don't know how to handle it."

Kazuha looked at Yuna, his heart filled with concern. He knew that she was struggling, and he wanted to help her any way he could.

"It's okay, Yuna," Kazuha said, his voice soft and reassuring. "I'm here for you. We'll figure it out together."

Yuna looked at Kazuha, her heart filled with gratitude. She knew that he was always there for her, and she was grateful for his support and friendship.

"Thank you, Kazuha," Yuna said, a small smile on her face. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Kazuha smiled back, his own heart filled with warmth. He knew that Yuna was an important part of his life, and he was grateful to have her by his side on this journey.

Together, Kazuha and Yuna set off to uncover the truth and save the world of Liliana from whatever dangers lay ahead. As they walked, Yuna couldn't help but feel uncertain about herself and her feelings for Kazuha.

But despite her own worries, Yuna knew that they needed to keep their spirits up if they were going to make it through this journey. So, she decided to try and lighten the mood by teasing Kazuha.

"Hey Kazuha," Yuna said, a mischievous grin on her face. "I can't believe you were so worried about me earlier. You're supposed to be the strong one, remember?"

Kazuha looked at Yuna, his eyes narrowed playfully. "Hey, I'm always strong," he said, his voice mock-serious. "I can handle anything that comes our way."

Yuna chuckled, her heart filled with warmth. She knew that Kazuha was always there for her, no matter what. And she was grateful to have him by her side on this journey.

"I know you can," Yuna said, her voice sincere. "That's why I'm so glad you're here with me."

Kazuha smiled at Yuna, his own heart filled with gratitude. He knew that he could always count on Yuna to lift his spirits and keep him going.

Together, Kazuha and Yuna set off to uncover the truth and save the world of Liliana, their bond growing stronger with each step they took.

a...updating the following chapts so read at your own risk

i know now how to write better so wait for re update

current prologue and 1 is acceptable

2 to 10 steel re updating

DaoistlrysuGcreators' thoughts