
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Maybe skating?

"Maybe this is not a good idea. Let's go staking." She suggested.

Kristine looked at her friend as she held her hand.

"Bella, it is 100 degrees outside." She said with a smile.

Bella pulled Kristine to her and held her by her waist.

"Maybe Lewis could teach us how to roast a bush rat or a ram or antelope.' Bella said with a big smile on her face making Kristine come out of her moodiness.

Richard saw Kristine's smile. It was his cue to come in.

"Maybe we can go to town. Eat in some room. We will skip camping and spend the night in the fine Polignano a Mare hotel." Richard said as he winked.

Bella and Kristine smiled.

Kristine looked at her friends. She didn't w I'mant to ruin their anticipation for these three days. She was happy they wanted to carry her along with everything they did but sometimes, it was okay to let her be. She was okay with that. But they were not. Since they did this much to lighten her mood.


"Don't worry, Richy. It is fine. It will be fun."

Richard moved closer to them. He stood by the tent.

"Come on, Kris. How much more would it cost, it will be fine. Besides it will not be up to a fortune for a night or two nights." He said with a weird look that said he didn't mind but he mind.

It made her want to laugh. But she smiled.

"What if I want a hot tub and a massage."

Bella looked at her about to say something but Richard beat her to it.

"Done, we could enjoy the pool and other excited stuff they have. Besides it is the first time we are enjoying a place this beautiful."

Kristine laughed. He could go extra mile for Bella's friend if Bella just told him to.

"Thanks Richy." She was fine. She could enjure it for three more days. How hard could it be.

"It is fine. I can take it. I will be fine." She assured them.

"You're sure." Richard and Bella asked at the same time.

She looked at her friends and repeated with a reassuring smile.

"Yes, I am sure."

"Phew!" Richard used his finger to wipe an invisible sweat from his forehead.

Bella and Kristine smiled. They both knew he could afford it but he would spend a lot than he budgeted.

"I was beginning to think about how to take from the funds for my wedding."

Kristine laughed.

"Are you kidding!" Bella threw it at him with a big smile on her face as she moved to him, not leaving Kristine's hand.

Kristine would not let him touch that money and even if he did, she would ensure to pay him back without Bella knowing of course.

He moved back trying to get away from his fiance's reach when he unintentionally used his leg to push one of Kristine's rod that held the tent in place.

Kristine watched the rod fall and the rest that were not in place fell as well. Making the whole tent a disaster as it collasped on the floor.

People began to look at them. Lewis; who was helping a couple stopped what he was doing and looked at them.

Kristine looked at Richard who had a sorry look on his face. She felt her best friend's hand on her arm. She blinked, moved away from her hold and bent down to pick a rod. They watched as she looked at it carefully, before she finally looked at Richard and Bella's sorry faces.

She dropped the rod and looked at them.

"I am not doing it again." She said and walked away from them to their own perfectly fitted tent. She stood besides it and looked at her friends.

"I am taking this tent." She said, entered into the tent and sat down.

Richard and Bella exchange look and smiled.

Lewis smiled at the funny trio before he continued on what he was doing.

Kristine smiled at Bella and Richard as she picked up her phone and rolled her eyes when she saw no service.
