
New World Origins

Who knew life could change so drastically in a snap.

A grey haired boy, sat in the slight shade of his classroom. The nauseating summer heat, the screeches of cicadas, the chatter of students, forming groups, rambling on. In the midst of this the grey-haired boy looked alone.

The classroom moved, then it shook.

"An earthquake?" Pandemonium began, as their faces grew pale.

"Calm down, get in you-" the Teacher couldn't get words to slip out of his mouth. He and many students saw what could only be described as 'black'. A black-void that 10 students fell prey to, falling into it's abyss. Pandemonium set once again. Where could they be?


"Damn. Where is this?" the grey haired boy spoke, confused. He noticed another 7, 8, 9 people around him. And it didn't hurt. "How?"

"Welcome, dear Children. You must be wondering how you came here, let me explain." All attention was turned onto the goddess like figure, she spoke with a heavenly tone. "You have been brought here by the gods to create a kingdom to defeat the Demon Lord. Each of you have been given tremendous power and a special skill."

"Who are you?"

"Where are my manners, my name Estel, God of Life." And she immediately dissappeared, no hints, nothing. This was going to be tough.

3 days into the expedition, and the grey haired boy walked behind the pack, alone. He was still, a loner. He took one look at his stat sheet, that he still couldn't believe.


§Power§ 1000x

§Magic§ 10000x

§Melee§ 1000x

Skill: Crystalline Slasher

He looked back, and was shocked. A high-orc. His classmates had abandoned him, using him as bait. It's disgusting skin, and it's air of violence almost made him vomit.


The high-orc had ravaged him. Despite his strength, he felt powerless. "Is this all I get. Heh."

He awoke, alive, somehow. And on someone's lap? He got up to see a pale, white girl, who wore a blue cloak. "So you're awake."

"Who are you?"

"Quite rude to the person who saved your life. Well, I'm Issabella, call me Iss. Wait here, I'll get some medication."


Ethan glanced at the back of the girl who saved him, before taking a look at his surroundings. It was beautiful. Waterfalls adorned the grassy surrounding, tall trees. He knew that this would be the start of his kingdom.

"System, set colony."



And out popped a bag, filled with a crown, gold, a map of different kingdoms.

"This crown looks kiddy but, haha, this is cool!"

"Why are you laughing like an idiot." Issabella was back, to a rather weird scene.

"Oh, want this crown?"


"I'm a king now!"


He had to explain the story, or he'd look like a mad man.

It was hard to intake for Iss. "So you're telling me that you are from another world, and are now a king, after being betrayed."


"Eh. Don't really care."

That was rather easy, Ethan was puzzled too. "Why so quick to agree?"

She replied quickly and concisely, much like her personality. "I don't like wasting time, secondly I'm bored. 30 years and no human blood."


"Didn't I tell you. I am a vampire." And she took a bite on Ethans wrist,

"Man, human blood is really tha best!" She replied slowly and almost drunkenly, much unlike her personality.

But this was going to be life from now on. Growth, Gain power, respect. Life, begins now.