
012 [Stranger things X Male Oc]

"Down, Lev. They're on our side." In which 010, 011 & 012 find themselves in the company of three boys after they escaped from Hawkins lab, meeting a bunch of new friends and a lot of old foes. (Mike Wheeler x Male!OC) (Lucas & Max x Male!OC) (Will Byers x Male!Oc) [Season's 1-4] [Possibly 5]

Shyphoenix_1130 · TV
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22 Chs

The Plan [Ep.2] [Edited]


The siblings were silent, concentrating. On what, only the trio of siblings knew. They had closed their eyes, focused solely on the D&D map their hands laid on. Mike was standing next to El's left side, "El? Lev?" But they didn't answer him. 

There was a second pause before Eleven and Twelve raised their heads and opened their eyes. They were calm as El picked up a wizard minifigure from the map, El brought it closer to her face as she looked at it with Twelve leaning over slightly to look at it too. 

They both then opened their mouths and said at the same time "Will." 

The three boys behind them were stunned, "Superpowers." Dustin whispered with wide eyes. Lucas looked over at him and rolled his eyes with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Mike carefully walked up to the siblings seated at the table, He sat down next to El on her left side. 

He faced El and Lev, asking them "Did you see him? On mirkwood? What about Maverick? Do you know where they are?" El just looked at him before sweeping the rest of the figurines off the map in front of them until it was empty. 

Lev then leaned down and picked another figurine off the floor. 

The Rogue. 

 He held the figurine in his hand as well as Will's, watching his sister flip the D&D board upside down until the black underside of it was showing. The boys were confused and slightly worried. El and Lev looked at each other for a few seconds, glancing at Ten every once in a while. 

El then took Will's and Maverick's figurines from Lev before slamming them down in the middle of the black board. She left them there, taking her hand back, Only just now realizing that she and Lev had separated their hands. 

"I don't understand." Mike said, his brow furrowed slightly as he stared at the board, "Hiding." Lev told them, Making the boys even more confused. "Will and Rick are hiding?" Mike questioned them, wanting to make sure he heard them right. Lucas and Dustin leaned in closer, their worry and confusion rising with each action the siblings made. 

El nodded her head to his question. "From the bad men?" El shook her head, "Not . . .  Not them." Ten verbally answered for her, knowing what a touchy subject this was for her and Lev. Mike and the boys looked over at Ten, "Then from who?" 

It was Lev who moved this time, he leaned down to the ground and picked up another figurine. He handed it over to El, who carefully took it in her hands before setting it down on the black board, right next to Will's and Rick's figurines. 

It was the Demogorgon. 

Mike's eyes widened with fear, he slowly looked up from the table and over to Lucas, who then turned to Dustin. Each boy's eyes wide and fearful, with worry mixed in. Dustin brought his hands up behind his hat, sighing. 

The sibling trio looked over at Mike, not saying anything but they could see the severity in their eyes. 

This wasn't good. 

. . . . . . 

It was the next day. Everyone left yesterday because it was getting dark out and they all wanted to think over what had happened just before. It was pretty strange but now, the next day everyone was gathered in Mike's basement with their backpacks. 

Eleven was sitting on the couch a few inches away from them with her legs pulled close to her as she messed around with Mike's super comm again. Next to her on the couch was Ten, he was sitting with his back pushed against the back pillows with Twelve seated on his lap. Ten was snuggling against Twelve, he was still a bit tired because he had a night plagued with nightmares ranging from various things but he only fell asleep when the sun started coming out then Mike came and woke them up, telling them that Lucas and Dustin were arriving soon. So he was trying his hardest to not fall asleep, just in case anyone needed him but he was finding that increasingly difficult because Twelve was so warm and comfy. 

While Twelve, he was just listening and watching the three boys discuss amongst themselves. He couldn't really understand what they were talking about but he knew that it was probably related to the boys friends and their situation with the demogorgon. Twelve was worried, he didn't want to lead these boys to their deaths, which is essentially what they were doing right now. He knew the boys wanted to help their other friends, the ones that got lost in the Upside down but he didn't want to risk anyone else's lives. That thing, The Demogorgon was extremely dangerous. Although they couldn't be certain as of now, it was only a matter of time before the two young boys that were trapped in the upside down were gonna be targeted by the monster terrorizing the other world. 

Twelve sighed lightly, snuggling back against Ten's chest. He could hear Ten's heartbeat against his back, it was calming and soothing to him. Twelve started dozing off, vaguely feeling Ten's head fall limply onto his shoulder. He was probably asleep too, oh well. Ten didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so it should be fine for a little while. Twelve then ended up falling asleep too, both brothers sleeping snuggly against each other. 

Eleven, not hearing anymore shuffling coming from her brothers, looked over at them and after seeing them sleeping soundly, gave a little smile. She scooted over a bit so she was leaning against Ten's arm as she continued to mess around with the super comm in her hand. None of them were paying any attention to the three boys planning out their day a few feet away from them. The three boys were surrounding the D&D table, figuring out how they were going to go about their plan without getting in trouble. 

"That'll give us at least a few hours for Operation Mirkwood." Mike told his friends, after proposing that the three tell their parents they have to go to their club after school. Lucas wasn't so sure about thighs plan though, he had some doubts about the 'Weirdo's'. "You seriously think the weirdo's know where Will and Rick are?" He asked Mike, shuffling slightly on his feet as he, Dustin and Mike leaned their hands on the edge of the table. 

"Just trust me on this, okay?" Mike said, knowing that the siblings might be their best and only chance of finding Will and Rick. He was sure that Lucas knew that too, he was just reluctant to accept that, "Okay." Lucas sighed, standing up straighter as his back started to hurt him from keeping the position he was, "Did you get the supplies?" Mike inquired, "Yeah." Lucas then grabbed his bag from the food and opened it up. 

He began pulling things out from it, "Binoculars . . . From 'Nam." He set the dark colored binoculars on the table, grabbing something else, "Army knife . . . Also from 'Nam." He set down an equally dark colored sheathed knife onto the table next to the binoculars, "Hammer, Camouflage bandana. . ." He set these things down on the table, before pulling out the last item he brought, "And the wrist rocket 

Dustin found it kinda funny, "You're gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot?" He doubted, 

"First of all, It's a wrist rocket." Lucas was starting to get a little upset now, "And second of all, The Demogorgon is not real, It's made up." He said, over pronouncing his words to them across to Dustin, 

"But if there is something out there, I'm gonna shoot it in the eye . . ." He quickly pulled back the rubbed on the slingshot before letting it go, making Dustin and Mike flinch from the sudden scare, 

"And blind it." He finished his sentence, lowering the wrist rocket. 

Mike sighed, looking over at Dustin. "Dustin, What did you get?" Dustin lit up slightly, grabbing his bag from the ground and opening it. He flipped his bag upside down and dumped everything on the table. A bunch of snacks fell out of the bag. "Well, Alrighty. So we've got . . . Nutty bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla wafers, apple, banana and Trail mix." Dustin pointed them out, grabbing a few before setting them abc down and looking back up at Mike and Lucas. 

"Seriously?" Lucas raised his brows, "We need energy for our travels. For stamina. And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have them." Dustin defended himself, waving his arm over at the siblings on the couch. El was suddenly aware that they were talking about her and her brothers, so she looked up at them as Dustin and Lucas continued to shout back and forth, "She shut one door and he heated up the door handle! The other one didn't even do anything!" 

"With their minds!" Dustin shouted back, obviously in awe of what his new 'friends' could do, "Are you kidding me? That's insane! Imagine all the other cool stuff they could do." Dustin then started looking around the room, "Like. . ." An idea suddenly popped into his head as he turned away from the table and rushed over to another smaller table that had stuff piled onto it. He moved one of the blankets and picked up a star wars toy, one of the spaceships (I don't watch Star wars.). 

"I bet . . . that they could make this fly!" He brought the spaceship over to where El and the sleeping brothers were sitting on the couch, "Hey, Hey." Once Eleven looked up at Dustin, he held the spaceship out to her, "Okay, Concentrate. Okay?" Dustin then let go of the spaceship, hoping Eleven would make it fly or float with her mind powers but all the spaceship did was fall to the floor with a clattering noise. 

Dustin faltered for a split second before quickly crouching down and picking the spaceship up again, 

"Okay, one more time. Okay." He held the spaceship in front of Eleven again, ignoring the sigh and shake of head he heard/saw coming from Lucas's mouth as he watched them. "Use your powers, Okay?" He told El, who was not impressed as he stared at Dustin's face. The spaceship once again clattered to the floor after being let go. "Idiot." Lucas muttered, rolling his eyes. Mike walked over to them while sighing, He reached down and picked up the spaceship on the ground, "She's not a dog!" He exclaimed just before His mom shouted from upstairs, "Boys! Time for school!" All three boys rushed around the room, grabbing their bags and jackets in a hurry. Dustin and Lucas hurried up the stairs, while Mike stayed behind. 

He knelt in front of El, "Just stay down here, Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, Okay?" Mike pointed to the table where the pile of snacks was still laid, "Michael!!" Karen yelled for her son, "Coming!!" He shouted back after her before turning back to El, and the now stirring brothers, "You know the power lines?" He asked them, mostly El, "Power lines?" El furrowed her brows, "Yeah, The ones behind my house?" Mike elaborated, ". . Yes." They both heard Ten answer, turning to him in slight shock. Mike quickly nodded his head, turning back to El. 

"Meet us there, after school." He informed them, "After school?" Neither of the three kids knew what 'After school' meant, as they had never been to school. Mike nodded, "Yeah, 3:15." El and Ten went quiet, They didn't know what 3:15 meant or what it looked like. Mike seemed to have realized that too, "Ah." He looked down at his wrist and took off his watch. He held it out for El, who gave him her wrist. He set it on her left wrist. "When the numbers read three-one-five, meet us there." 

El looked down at the watch, "Three-one-five." She repeated, "Three-one-five." Mike confirmed with a smile, Which El and Ten reciprocated with their own small smiles. El and Mike stared at each other for a few seconds before Mike quickly got up and rushed to grab his things before running up the stairs, before disappearing behind the basement door. 

El, Ten and a half-asleep Twelve were left alone in that basement, that was seeming bigger and bigger with each passing moment. They huddled close together, feeling themselves once again doze off but tis time El did too. They all wished one thing before they fell into their dreamland, plagued with nightmares and flashbacks and bitter memories. 

Please come back soon. 

. . . .