
012 [Stranger things X Male Oc]

"Down, Lev. They're on our side." In which 010, 011 & 012 find themselves in the company of three boys after they escaped from Hawkins lab, meeting a bunch of new friends and a lot of old foes. (Mike Wheeler x Male!OC) (Lucas & Max x Male!OC) (Will Byers x Male!Oc) [Season's 1-4] [Possibly 5]

Shyphoenix_1130 · TV
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22 Chs

Act 13: The dark room [Ep3]

At Hawkins High school, Front of school. Time: Afternoon . . . . 

Nancy was in the phone booth, the line on the other end was ringing continuously as Nancy began tapping her foot on the concrete ground. "Come on, Come on, Come on  . . ." She whispered to herself as the line finally connected, "Hello?" Ms. Holland spoke softly into the phone. Nancy sighed with relief, "Hi. Hi, uh, Ms. Holland, It's Nancy". 

"Oh, Nancy. How are you?" 

"Good. I'm good. Um, I was just wondering, uh, is barb there?"

"Mmm . . . No, she hasn't come yet"

"But she did come home, right? After the Vigil?" 

"No, She said she was staying with you last night"

"Right, yes. She did, sorry. I meant, did she come home this coming? I think she left some textbooks and she was gonna go pick them up" 

"Oh, Um, No, I haven't seen her"

"Do- - -do you know what? I just remembered. . . She's at the library" 

"Nancy, will you please have her call me as soon as you find her?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I will. Sorry to bother you" Nancy sighed, hanging up the phone. 

At Hawkins high school, Parking lot. Time: Afternoon. . . . 

Steve, Tommy and Carol, {Along with the girl from the red room, that saw Jonathan's pictures when he was developing them} walked over to Jonathan, "Hey Man" Tommy smiled at him. Jonathan was baffled, he felt like something was wrong, These people would ever talk to him if they didn't want something or know something. 

"What's going on?" He cautiously glanced at them, his hand tightening on his backpack strap. Steve was leaning against a car when he spoke up, "Nicole here was, uh, telling us about your work" Carol chuckled, "We've heard great things", Tommy finished, "Yeah, Sounds cool" Steve stepped forward a bit towards Jonathan- - - Who took a half-step back- - - "And we'd just love to take a look. You know, as . . . . connoisseurs of art" 

Jonathan sighed, narrowing his eyes at the four teens in front of him, "I don't know what you're talking about" He hid his backpack behind his back a bit more, cursing himself inside his head for taking those pictures. He just knew it would come back to bite him in the ass, "Oh no? Oh . . ." Steve snatched Jonathan's backpack from his shoulder. Jonathan panicked, like really panicked. Though mostly on the inside. 

"Hey. Please, give me my bag. . . " Jonathan pleaded, reaching for his bag just before Steve pulled it out of his reach. Jonathan gritted his teeth, trembling slightly at the sight, "Man, He is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide" Tommy snickered, Steve tipped the bag upside down on the hood of the car they were leaning against, "Here we go" they watched the books, pencils and pictures fall out. 

"Oh man" Carol breathed, picking up one of the photos from the hood, Tommy squeezed himself in between Carol and Nicole. He picked up one of the photo's, "Dude!" He exclaimed. Carol turned to Jonathan, who had his head facing the ground, "Yeah, this isn't creepy at all" She rolled her eyes, chewing on her gum as she blew a small bubble. 

"I-I was looking for my brother" Jonathan tried to refute but Steve shot his down instantly, "No. No, this is called stalking", Tommy hummed in response, "Mmm-Hmm" He nodded his head as Nancy walked over. She saw from the front of the school Steve and his friends surrounding Jonathan in the parking lot, So she hurried over. 

"What's going on?" She inquired, walking over to Steve. Tommy chuckled "Here's the starring lady". Nancy tilted her head to the side, "What?" Steve put his arm over her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him, "This creep was spying on us last night" Carol popped her bubble, as Tommy finishing her sentence as he handed Nancy on of the black-and-white photos, "He was probably gonna save this one for later" He chuckled. 

Nancy looked up at Jonathan, who had his head turned to the side. He hated this. So much. Steve clicked his tongue, "See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong but . . .  Man, thats the thing about perverts. . .  It's hardwired into 'em. You know, they just can't help themselves" Steve continued to Humiliate Jonathan, who was fuming yet beet red. Tommy cackled at what Steve said, "So. . . " Steve began again, "We'll just have to take away his toy" Tommy finished for Steve, he had already taken Jonathan's camera from him. He was jokingly tossing it around, Making Jonathan jump each time. 

"No, please, not the camera. No, no, wait, wait . . ." Jonathan fretted, concerned that they were going to break his camera. Then All of sudden, Steve got serious, "Tommy, Tommy" He called, successfully gaining the male's attention. Tommy chuckled, "It's okay, Here you go, man" He held JOnathan's camera out for him. Jonathan sighed, He reached out for the camera but Tommy suddenly let it go before he could take it back. 

It crashed to the floor, the glass shattering, and a few other parts breaking off of it. Tommy, Carol and Nicole were laughing as they started waling away with Steve, "Come on, lets go. The game's about to start" Tommy got in Jonathan's face, "Boo" before Carol ripped up the pictures, smiling Before catching up to The rest. However, Nancy lingered a bit. She saw a picture of Barb. It was ripped up but she still quickly gathered up the pieces of film before Steve called out to her. She glanced back at Jonathan, who had his head down before leaning on Steve. 

Twelve and Eleven were waiting by the powerlines, Eleven was pacing back and forwarth, The grass and leaves crunching underneath her shoes. She was getting worried, she had begun bitting her fingernails- - – - - Muttering the numbers Mike told them in the basement. 

Meanwhile Twelve was leaning against the silver metal fence with Rory in his hands. He absolutely refused to put the Dinosaur down for some reason. He was making the toy dance in the air, humming lowly to himself as he swayed on her feet. 


"Three-one-five" Twelve repeated, giggling softly to himself. 

Eleven abruptly stopped pacing, She turned to Twelve and walked over to him. She gently grabbed his wrist, looking at them time on the watch but groaned when she saw it wasn't 3:15 yet. Twelve tilted his head at her, smiling gently at her. "Almost" He whispered, patting her hand with his own, smaller hand. 

Eleven smiled weakly at him, Nodding her head slightly. However, they both froze when they heard a cat meow coming from the bushes. They turned to look at the bushes, tensing slightly when they saw an orange cat walk out of the bush. 

Their shoulders were trembling slightly, they were once again getting lost in their memoires: 


Eleven sat at a silver table, the wires once again attached to her head as she stared at te cat in the cage on the table in front of her. She had fear clouding her eyes as she glanced up at Papa- - - Who was once again behind the (Repaired) glass screen. Papa nodded his head, signalling for her to continue. She looked back down at the white, fluffy, angry cat. The cat was growling at Eleven, She narrowed her eyes at the feline- - - Who started hissing as the pressure that was being put on it began increasing bit by bit until it started becoming more and more unbearable. The cat's growling had started getting louder and louder, the brain monitor's beeping was growing louder and louder with each passing beat. The cat started whimpering, curling itself into a corner. The pressure only got worse by the second until. . .  the pressure suddenly disappeared. Eleven was crying as she looked up at Papa, shaking her head in protest. Papa sighed, nodding her head towards the guards. 

Eleven was being dragged down a hallway by the guards- - -  Who were dressed in white- - - She was screaming and kicking the air, trying to get out their hold, "No! No! Papa! Papa! Papa!" She started screaming as tears ran down her face and hit the ground. As they started getting closer to the dark room, She began shrieking, 

"NO!!" She then abruptly tilted her head sharply, snapping the guards necks as soon as she was put down into the dark room. She was weak after theat, she leaned against the wall, continuously sobbing as Papa walked into the small, dark closet-like-area.  

"Incredible" Papa breathed, walking closer to Eleven- - -Who had blood dripping from her nose. He put his arms under her legs and under her armpits, picking her up and carrying her away with him. Leaving the guards dead bodys on the white tile ground. 

Meanwhile, Twelve remembered something similar. He was in the same room El was previously in but he wasn't sitting down and there was no table. There was a similar white fluffy cat in front of Twelve but this cat wasn't in a cage. It was backed into a corner in the room. Twelve was sitting against the white, padded walls as he stared at the cat opposite of him. 

"Twelev, You know what to do. Do it, or you'll be going in the dark room again" Papa once agains threatened Twelve, who trembled in fear at the mention of the dark room- - -He, like El, feared the dark room tremendously. He stood up on his wobbling legs and walked over to the cat. He stood in front of it, hesitantly glancing back at Papa, who nodded his head stubbornly. Twelve rested his gaze back on the cat- - -  That was hissing at him with their teeth bared. 

Twelve parted his lips, ready to use his power but hesitated as he fell into a daze. He curled his hands into fists by his sides, glaring at the floor. He turned back to Papa, shaking his head with a heated gare directed towards him. Papa was slightly shocked by the way Twelve was acting as he doesn't normally act this way when it comes to his tasks. Papa sighed, nodding to another pair of guards. They entered the room, grabbing Twelve by his arms as they started dragging him out the room and down the white hallway. Twelve was squirming around in their hold, whining as they got closer and closer to the dark room that he so very hated with a passion. 

One of the guards opened the door, letting go of Twelve's arm- - -  Which was a bit mistake on his part- - - Twelve quickly took the opportunity, snapping the neck of the guard who still had a grip on him before pushing The other guard against the wall with his psionic powers before screaming, making the guards brain and intestines burst- - - Killing him. Twelve was panting heavily, falling to his knees. He had blood dripping down his nose all the way to his chin as he heard footsteps coming from behind him at a hurried pace. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed into someone's arms. Papa stared at Twelve, then looking at what he did to the guards. "Extraordinary" He whispered, picking Twelve up in his arms and carrying him down the wall, similar to when he carried Eleven. 

The pair were pulled out their memories when they heard bikes coming from the road to the side of them. They both were sobbing as Mike, Dustin and Lucas came closer to them. Mike noticed that they were crying as he approached them on his bike. He stopped in front of them, "You guys okay?" He asked them, they nodded their head as they wiped away their tears on their sleeves. 

Mike was that convinced but they didn't have much time left, "El can ride with Dustin and Lev can ride with me. We only have a few hours" Mike informed them, they nodded their heads before hopping on to the bikes. The five kids then took off on their bikes. 

[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I went out with my mother, Sister and grandmother today. So I'm a bit tired and My mind is slowly shutting down. I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow or the next day. Sorry and Enjoy!]