
Chapter 1: Meet the World

In the delivery room...


Several women and a man in green coats darted around the beautiful woman. Only now you can't call her a woman, you can only say that she is a girl. The girl who will now give life to another little angel.


- Sir, everything is normal. -  Said one of the assistants.

- How's the pressure? - 

- Within normal limits. - she reported

- So soon ... -  He said. 

- Sir, will my son be all right? - Asked the girl lying on the couch.

"  Of course, miss, you don't have to worry. If we do something wrong, I think your husband will leave us nothing. - 

- Well, do not slander my husband-ah ... It has begun! she  screamed.

- All for business! -

- Push, miss, push! -


Assistants on both sides held the girl by the hands and supported her, while the obstetrician pulled out a small baby. Within minutes, all basic procedures were done. Surprisingly, for all the time the baby cried only when he was born.


"Here is your son, ma'am. - As carefully as possible, the obstetrician's assistant handed the girl her child. The same, in turn, immediately prepared the breast for feeding. The child lying in her arms and sucking her breast caused tenderness.

- What a sweetheart you are, my son ...  - The tired girl said with love and tenderness in her voice:  - He is handsome, isn't he? -

- Yes! Future seducer!  - Squeaked one of the girls.

- But, but, I don't need such a son, he himself will seek girls, and not they. Just like my husband wanted me. - In the girl's voice, you could hear a little coldness mixed with love and desire for the best for her son.

By the way, where is my husband? Was he so scared that he decided to run away? -

- No, he was standing outside the door all the time. I can call him. - Said the obstetrician.

- Please... -


The obstetrician left, and a minute later a man two meters tall with short cropped gray hair entered the ward. A soft smile accompanied him as he gazed at his now two angels.


 Ryota, I did it  ! - The expression of tenderness on the face of the newly-made mother was replaced by happiness.

- I see. You're smart, Mana. - Approached Ryota kissed Manu on the forehead, and then his son.

- Dear, what shall we call you? - 

- I think the name "Jin" suits him. Takagi Jin. -

- I like. Then now our baby's name is Jin Takagi. -




I can't say that my appearance in the new world was pleasant. Someone's rough hands pulled me out of a warm place into the cold. Of course, I quickly got used to it, but it was unpleasant.


Then they began to constantly carry me somewhere. Since I could not see very well, I could not understand what was happening at all. Only when I was given to my mother in the hands, I, on some instincts, dug into her chest. At this distance, I began to see the face of this girl more clearly.


How do I know it's my mom? Yes, I don't know myself, it's just that her softness and attempts not to hurt me or unpleasantly warm me. And not only that, I myself instinctively reach for her.


While eating, I did not notice how someone approached me and kissed me. It is unpleasant to realize that some man is kissing you, but for some reason all my hostility quickly passed, as if my mind itself adjusted to everything new.


- I like. Then now our baby's name is Jin Takagi. -  This is the last thing I heard before I failed.




In a dream...


[Welcome user]

- Who is there? - I immediately reacted.

[I am your helper in this world]

- If you are my assistant, then... What kind of world is this that I ended up in through the fault of fate?  - I immediately decided to figure it out.

[World from your world anime "Kuroko's Basketball"]

- Yes, what are you? It seems that fate was not mistaken in defining me here. -

[Fate is never wrong]

- Listen, isn't this world supposed to be fictional? -

[User, you are stupid. The world cannot be fictional. All the worlds that were invented in your world exist]

- Wow, it turns out that everything that was said in the books is true. -

[Yes, this truth was revealed by the same reincarnation, only in your world]

- Can there be several reincarnations in the world?  - The most exciting question for me.