
anybody still here...

Are there still any people waiting for me to continue this story....?

If yes then I have 2 news for you all!

1) I am back!!! (I lost count of how many times I have said this in this app:)

2) I have completely lost motivation to write this.

So I propose a proposition!

I am going to open a Patreon and if u join it! U will get the special benifit of *drum rolls*


This Patreon is only for those people (if they exist) who want to see how this story will progress and end. A fan if u may say.

Ofc I am not expecting someone like that to exist but my point is, by adding a Patreon, Even if only one person joins it, the next time when I am drinking that one 5$ coffee per month, I will remember AH... That guy help me paid for this and i will be motivated to write for him/her/non binary/they/ ur mom.

I know it's unrealistic that even a single person will join it as y'all are as broke as me 💀 but if such a person exist then pls consider it.

So that's the end of my yapping? What if nobody join my Patreon then? Worry not my readers (if u r still here)

I will still keep on writing since I have said I am back but for how long? Idk?Till my interest in writing this story last I guess Maybe for a year or I will stop writing after some days, who knows?

In summery, I will continue writing it but if u want to make sure I write longer then join Patreon even if it's 1 person since I will be compelled to write it since u provided me monetary value.

Ya peace