
*Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block* Naruto - A Cursed System

Tags: Naruto, System, Jujutsu Kaisen Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block? === I do not own Naruto, JJK, and any other similar aspects that are seen throughout the story. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message. WARNING! This fan-fiction is being written by a noob writer who has a soft heart! Will be basing the timeline off of this Tumblr post: https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe WARNING!! There will be Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers! Beware!

Nubbeh · Cómic
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63 Chs

Fourth Voice

"Sensei! We're outnumbered! And Mina's too injured to fight." A young genin called out. His and the person he called out to wore forehead protectors that had the Sunagakure symbol engraved on them.

"There's five of them and four of us. I'll take on two! Yoru, since you're the only chunin, can you stall two while I deal with mine?" The sensei responded and asked another one of their teammates. "Sora, make sure you fight away from Mina. Mina, try to provide support, but don't draw too much attention to yourself!"

"Understood!" x4

Nora is a jonin from Sunagakure. She was currently on a mission near Amegakure with her team; two genins and a chunin. In fact, having a chunin on their team was one of the reasons why they were sent on a mission near a war-torn area.

Unfortunately, the four of them encountered a group of five shinobi from Konohagakure. Immediately after the encounter, one of the genin - Mina - suffered several attacks and was too injured to participate in the fight. She became a liability for her team.

After Nora gave out her orders, the Konoha shinobi made their move. Nora went off to intercept two while Yoru did the same. The one who originally called out defended Mina and fought against them. Despite being a liability, Mina would occasionally throw out shurikens.

While Nora was fending off two Konoha shinobi, she tried to look at the rest of the battlefield. She recalled hearing four distinct voices acknowledging her commands. There should have been only three voices, not four.

To no avail, she didn't notice a fourth unknown figure, 'Perhaps I misheard.'


Hearing the familiar scream, Nora performed a jutsu and pushed her two opponents away. She looked for the origin of the scream and noticed that Sora and the leaf ninja he was fighting were injured from shurikens.

"Mina! What did you do?!" Nora yelled as she noticed Mina was the one that threw shurikens. She was able to hit Sora's enemy, but she also accidentally attacked Sora.

"T-That wasn't-"

Before she could finish her statement, three of the Konoha ninjas cast a large-range cooperative fire release ninjutsu towards Sora and Mina.

Without hesitation, Nora went to go grab Sora. She chose to prioritize the one closer to her. She got to him in the nick of time as the flaming attack grazed her arm.

As she retreated towards Yoru, she knew that deep inside, there was another reason why she chose to save Sora over Mina; talent.

Sora had more talent than Mina and was expected to become a chunin in the next chunin exam. However, she so-heartedly believed that Mina would stay as a genin for the rest of her life.

Mina's eyes became lifeless as she saw the flames quickly approach and devour her. Her screams of agony became quieter and quieter until she was burnt to a crisp.

Nora and Sora's hearts dropped as they heard her pain, but they quickly steeled their hearts. While Yoru was fending off, Nora appeared near him while carrying Sora on her back. She threw several kunai at one of Yoru's opponents with her good arm.

"Yoru! Retreat!"

Abandoning his other opponent, Yoru sped towards his sensei. He had heard Mina's final moments but he was slightly indifferent to it. He wasn't close to Mina like Sora was.

Understanding that the situation was getting worse by the minute, Nora decided it was best to retreat.

One of her students had been killed. One could barely stand as he suffered terrible shuriken wounds on one of his legs. Leaving only two to fight.

Unfortunately for them, even Sora's opponent was still standing after enduring Mina's shurikens. At this moment, it was going to be a two versus six battle.

"I have smoke bombs we can use. You take Sora while I distract them long enough for you guys to escape. I'll use another smoke bomb and catch up to you. Understand?"

Yoru nodded, but Sora reached his hand out towards Mina's corpse and mumbled, "S-Sensei, what about M-Mina?"

"What about her? Leave her corpse behind! She died (somewhat) honorably in battle. Let's go!" As she said that, Nora felt her body become sluggish and heavy. She found it difficult to continue carrying Sora any longer and passed him to Yoru.

She threw down the smoke bomb and left the smokescreen to cast one last jutsu at the six ninjas before deploying another smoke bomb.

When the smoke cleared up, the Konoha-nin decided not to chase after them. They had another mission to attend and swiftly went the opposite direction.


Nora sighed in relief when she noticed that the enemies weren't following after them. She started to look for her students. After a couple of minutes, she eventually found Sora lying down on a tree trunk.

Her brows furrowed and she carefully made her way to Sora. When she got there, her gaze sharpened. She was looking at the kunai puncture wounds on his chest.

Sora was killed.

'Did Yoru kill him?' She wondered as she quietly looked for traces of Yoru.

The suspicion that Yoru killed Sora disappeared when she found Yoru's corpse. Like Sora, he also had kunai puncture wounds. However, it looked like he was able to put up a fight, unlike Sora.

'Same as Sora, all his weapons are gone... Why am I so tired?' She thought as she inspected his body.

"Don't be angry. He really did try his best." A voice called out from behind her.

With wide eyes, she turned around to see a boy in black with a happy smile on his face. In his right hand was a bloody kunai. Interestingly enough, the kunai he was holding was shiny despite its dirty appearance.

She didn't notice the boy's presence until he spoke. As a jonin, she should have noticed a boy creeping up behind her, yet she failed to sense him. Without waiting for the boy to speak any further, she rushed up to attack him.

Although she felt a bit weaker than usual, she was confident that she could overpower him. As for how the boy killed her students, she believed that he had simply assassinated them. She believed her best course of action was to attack him directly.

Seeing her come near him, Yukio smirked. He dropped his kunai and took out his sword while it was still in its scabbard. He lowered his head and focused his concentration on the incoming strike.

While he was doing that, he felt his cursed energy encompass a small circular area with him as the center. He was also infusing his blade with his cursed energy. When she reached the border of the circle, he took one step and drew his sword. With a clean swing, he cut off her head.

"Hex, don't eat too much. You might ruin dinner." He said as he began looting the headless corpse.

When he first came across the battle between the two village teams, he was contemplating whether or not he should also participate. In the end, he participated while he remained hiding.

The first thing he did was throw shurikens at the young Suna genin and made it look like his teammate had accidentally attacked him. He then had Hex go wrap around the Suna team leader to weaken her.

He watched the girl burn in agony as her teammates abandoned her and used a smokescreen to retreat. He noticed that the younger pair left first and decided to chase after and kill them. He could have gone for the Konoha team, but he refrained from doing so.

They completely outnumbered him. He wasn't sure if he could beat them all if he remained hiding. He had seen the large-ranged fire release jutsu that they used and he didn't if they would repeat it if they discovered their teammates dying out of nowhere.

After he killed the young pair of Suna shinobi, he quickly looted them and watched as their team leader came right after. He decided to stop hiding since she was weakened and alone to test out his current strength.

In the end, he used one of the techniques he had learned from his time as Satoru's servant; Batto Sword Drawing.

Batto Sword Drawing was a New Shadow Style technique that allowed him to strike with his sword at incredibly high speeds. It was an iai sword-drawing technique best used for striking opponents directly in front of him. By covering the blade with cursed energy, the drawing speed would greatly increase.

When he finished looting, he picked up his shiny kunai and started to 'clean' his hands, his sword, and his clothing which had some drops of blood on them.

During the trial, he discovered how unique the cursed tool's cleaning ability was. The ability wasn't solely limited to the kunai itself. It also affected where it touches. By carefully placing it on his blood-stained clothing, it would absorb the blood from the fabric. Of course, he needs to be very careful less he wants to cut things accidentally.

He also learned that it could somehow clean away scent, though it would take much longer than removing the actual substance.

When he finished cleaning, he murmured, "That was a bit too easy. I think I can take on a grade three cursed dungeon now. No... I can easily take on a grade three cursed dungeon."

He looked at the three missions that he had seen right before he participated.

The battle allowed him to begin two kill missions. Each required him to kill 10 Suna genins and 10 Suna jonins. There was also the letter 'I' at the end of each kill mission's title, which suggested that it was a chain mission like those in RPGs.

He was also given the option to begin a mission to kill 10 Konoha chunins, but it disappeared when he chose to go after the Suna team.

Now that he was finished, Yukio went to go find his siblings and return home. He didn't want to worry them any longer with his absence.

"Let's go Hex. I hope Nagato won't discover the blood."

Sorry for the long wait. While I was revising the chapter, I accidentally added 500-600 words.

Nubbehcreators' thoughts